HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout01-18-00 AgendaII (B) Grant Application for West Orange High School FFA - $500 for Raising Steer for State Fair - Kindra HarringtonIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meetings of January 4, 2000 and December 21, 1999III (B) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Brookstone Unit 1 Subdivision Final PlatIII (C) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Two Non-Exclusive Temporary Easement, a Drainage and Access Easement, and Non-Exclusive Perpetual Slope AgreementsVI (A1) Ordinance No. 00-01, Clarke Road Pond Annexation (Case No. AR-99-09-01)VI (A2) Ordinance No. 00-02, Clarke Road Pond Rezoning (Case No. AR-00-01)VI (B1& 2) Preliminary/ Final Subdivision Plan; Preliminary/ Final Site PlanVI (C) Hess Service Station - Amendment to Social Exception (Plantation Grove) Case #1-3SE-98VII (A) Discus Hiring of Golder & Associates to Complete Risk Management Plan for Process Safety ManagementVII (B) Change Order No. 1 with Wharton-Smith, Inc. for CIP Projects 4, 20, 21, 26 & 27VII (C) Discuss Addendum to Contract with PEC Additional Design Services - Maguire Road ProjectVII (D) Discuss Annual Volunteer Appreciation DinnerVII (E) Canvassing Board/Ballot Review Criteria for March 14, 2000 ElectionVII (F) Set Polling Place(s) for Run-off Election on April 11, 2000VII (G) Appointments to Boards: Citizens Advisory Council for Police Department