HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout03-07-00 AgendaII (A) Presentation: Certified Municipal Clerk Certificate to Deputy City Clerk Fran GosnellII (B) Proclamation: Caribbean Community Day - April 22, 2000III (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Work Shop of Febuary 15, 2000 and of City Commission Regular Meeting of Febuary 15, 2000III (B) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Non-Exclusive Temporary Easement, Drainage and Access Easement, and Non-Perpetual Slope Easement Agreements with Annette Waldon and Authorization for Payment of $250.00III (C) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clekr to Execute Florida Department of Transportation Maintenance Contract Renewal - Contract No. AG997, State Job. No. 244298-1-72-04III (D) Approval of Grant Application by City Employees for American Cancer Society Relay for Life Sponsorship in the Amount of $500.00 and Authorization for the Funds from Community Pormotions AccountIII (E) Approval and Authorization to Use Remaning Funds from the Capital Outlay for the Vignetti Recreation Center Floor Tile for Purchase of a Toshiba Copier #1560 for the Recreation Department's Beech CenterIII (F) Approval and Authorization Ratifying Execution of Disaster Relief Funding Agreement with State of F.L. , Department of Community Affairs for Federal and Sate Assitance for Hurricane Floyd, FEMA-1300-DR-FLVI (A) Variance - Case No. 02VR-99: GarlandVI (B) Red Roof Inn, Preliminary/ Final Site Plan (Project No. LS-99-11)VI (C1) First Reading of Ordinances: Ordinance No. 2000-16, Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Intergovernmental Coordination Element - Transmittal (Case No. CPA-99-002VI (C2) First Reading Ordinances: Ordinance No. 2000-17, Design Standards for Site Lighting, Land Development Code AmendmentVI (D) Saturn of Ocoee, Site Lighting Waiver Request (Project No. SS-99-006)VI (E1a) Second Reading of Ordinances: Forest Ridge; Ordinances No. 2000-04, Forest Ridge Annexation (Case No. SS-99-03-03)VI (E1b&c) Second Reading of Ordinances: Forest Ridge; Ordinace No. 2000-05, Forest Ridge Rezoning to PUD with Land Use Plan (Project No.LS-99-4) ; Forest Ridge PUD, Preliminary Subdivision Plan (Project No. LS-99-04)VI (E1d) Second Reading of Ordinances: Forest Ridge; Development Agreement (Forest Ridge PUD)VI (E2a) Second Reading of Ordinances: Worsham/Cambridge Village; Ordinance No. 2000-06, Worsham Annexation (Case No. AP-99-05-04)VI (E2b) Second Reading of Ordinances: Worshaw/Cambridge Village; Ordinances No. 2000-07, Cambridge Village Intitial Zoning to PUD with Land Use Plan (Project No. AP-99-05-04)VI (E2c) Second Reading of Ordinances: Worsham/Cambridge Village; Development Agreement (Cambridge Village)VI (E3a) Second Reading of Ordinances: Wood; Ordinance No. 2000-08, Wood Annexation (Case No. AR-99-11-02)VI (E3b) Second Reading of Ordinances: Wood; Ordinance No. 2000-09, Wood Small Scale Compregensive Plan Amendment (Case No. SSCPA-00-003)VI (E3c) Second Reading of Ordinances: Wood; Ordinance No. 2000-09, Wood Initial Zoning Case (Case No. AR-00-11-0)VI (E3d) Second Reading of Ordinances: Wood; Annexation AgreementVI (E4a) Second Reading of Ordinances: Scott; Ordinance No. 2000-11, Scott Annexation (Case No. AR-99-11-03)VI (E4b) Second Reading of Ordinances: Scott; Ordinance No. 2000-12, Scott Initial Zoning (Case No. AR-11-03)VI (E5a) Second Reading of Ordinances: Wellington Place; Ordinance No. 2000-12, Wellington Place Annexation (Case No. AR-99-11-01)VI (E5b) Second Reading of Ordinances: Wellington Place; Ordinance No. 2000-14, Wellington Place Initial Zoning (Case No. AR-99-11-01)VI (E5c) Second Reading of Ordinances: Wellington Place; Annexation AgreementVI (E6) Heidrich Ranch, Ordinance No. 2000-15, Heidrich Rach Rezoning (Case No. RZ-99-09-01)VI (F) Resolution No. 2000-02, Cable Television Franchise with Time WarnerVII (A) Selection of Transportation Planning Consultants - RFQ #0002VII (B) Discussion: Use of City Funds to Construct Starke Lake Boat Ramp RestroomsVII (C) Approve Purchase of Heavy Duty Mobile Lifting System for Buses and Trucks (B-00-03) from Interstate Life and Equipment CompanyVII (D) Discussion: Purchase of Gettiings PropertyVII (E) Discussion: Land Swap Involving Lot and Mobile Home in Pioneer KeyVII (F1&2) Appointments to Boards: Planning & Zoning Commission; Education Commission