HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout07-18-2000 AgendaII (A) Years of Services Awards: 5 Years; 10 YearsIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of Commission Regular Meeting of June 20, 2000 and Special Session of June 26, 2000III (B) Approval and Authorization to Award Bid B00-05, Purchase of Standby Generator and Transfer Switch for Lift Station #1 to Emergency Power Systems, Ltd., in the Amount of $29, 471.00III (C) Approval of the Purchase Agreement with Ralph and Shirley Mocny, as Co-Trustees of the Ralph Mocny Revocable Living Trust for the Maguire Roaed Widening ProjectIII (D) Approval and Authorization to Award Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Donald Smith $728.00 of Innovative IdeaIII (E) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Willows on the Lake - Final SubdivisionIII (F) Approval and Authorization to Award Bid B00-06, Construct Concrete Sidewalks at Various Locations Throughout the City to Gibbs & Register, IncVI (A) Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance No. 2000-21, relating to Fire Impact FeesVII (A1) Budget: Set Tentative Millage RateVII (A2) Budget: Budget Hearing DatesVII (B) Approval of Emergency Purchase of Gearbox for Wastewater Treatment PlantVII (C) Authorization and Approval for PEC to proceed with the Water System Master Plan Update dated May 1, 2000 for a fee of $79,600, funded from the proceeds of thhe 1997 Utility Bond IssueVII (D) Reclaimed Water Retrofit Design Fees to Hartman & Associates, Inc. in the amount of $7,500 for Waterside and Silver Glen SubdivisionVII (E) Work Order #21 for PEC in amount of $15,655 plus $500 for reimbursable expenses - Reflections Subdivision - Goundwater Seepage ImprovementsVII (F) Discussion re Main Fire Station Including PreliminaryVII (G1) Appointment to Boards: Education CommissionVII (G2) Appointment to Boards: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board