HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout12-21-1999 AgendaEmergency Item - Ocoee Middle SChoolII (A) Presentation of Years of Service Awards: 5 Years; 10 Years; 15 YearsIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meetings of November 16, 1999 and December 7, 1999III (B) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Non-Exclusive Temporary Easement Agreement with Lee A. Peyton and Rebecca B. Peyton and Authorization for Payment of $250.00III (C) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Non-Exclusive Temporary Easement Agreement with Normandale Financial Corporation and Authorization for Payment of $250.00III (D) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Non-Exclusive Temporary Easement and Non-Exclusive Perpetual Slope Easement Agreement with Jeannette Ferran Stone and Debra Diane Stone and Authorization for Payment of $250.00III (E) Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closing of Woodgrain Court for New Year's Eve Party on December 31, 1999 from 4:00 p.m to 1:00 a.mIII (F) Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closing of Jimson Avenue, Satin Leaf Circle and Penny Lane in Amber Ridge for New Year's Eve Party on December 31, 1999 from 10 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.VI (A1) Second Reading of Ordinance No. 99-39, Lake Johio Annexation, Case No. AR-98-11-13VI (A2) Second Reading of Ordinance No. 99-40, Lake Johio Rezoning, Case No. AR-98-11-13VI (B) Resolution No. 99-21, Dostorian Property, Vacation of Right-of-Way, Case No. VAC-99-001VI (C1 & 2) West Oaks Towne Center, Project No. LS-99-013: Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan; Preliminary/ Final Site PlanVI (D) Resolution No. 99-22, Azalea Ranch Lane and Lake Johio Road, Vacation of Right-of-Way, Case No. VAC-99-002VI (E) Lake Johio Subdivision, Preliminary Subdivision Plan: Project No LS-99-012VI (F 1 & 2) Silver Crossing, Project No. LS-99-002: Preliminary/ Final Subdivision Plan; Preliminary/Final Site PlanVI (G) Variance - Case No. 03VR-99: Christiansen FamilyVII (A 1 & 2) Professional Road Design Contract Professional Engineering Consultants: PEC Addendum No. 99-19, Part "A" Roadway Design Plus Maguire Road Utility Deisgn; PEC Addendum No. 99-11, Part "B" Roadway DesignVII (B) Purchase and Sale Agreement with Heller Bros. GrovesVII (C) Channel 9 - Community Bulletin BoardVII (D) Selection of Design Firm for Beech Recreation Center's Family Aquatic CenterVII (E) Change Order No. 1 to CleanNet USA Janitorial Contract to include Fire Department Administration BuildingVII (F) Request for $6,700.00 from Contigency for Emergency Air Conditioning RepairsVII (G) Authorization to File Suit on Ocoee Fire StationsVII (H 1 & 2) Main Fire and Administration Station: Architectural and Planning Services Agreement with Architects Design Group, Inc. (RFQ #99-02); Services Authorization No. 99-02-1 (f)VII (I) Resolution No. 99-23 re: Policy Statement Concerning the Lynx Bus SystemVII (J) Transfer of Funds from the Utilities Renewal & Replacement Account for Dissolved Oxygen ControllersVII (K) Change Order No. 2 with Wharton Smith, Inc. for Water Distribution Mains - Phase 1 ProjectVII (L) Change Order No. 3 with Wharton-Smith, Inc. for Water Distribution Mains - Phase 1 ProjectVII (M) Wastewater Treatment Plant and South Water Treatment Plant - Authorization to Purchase EquipmentVII (N) Utility Relocation Agreement with Florida Department of Transportation for Silver Star Road (SR 438) Turnlane at Ocoee Hills Road Project