HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout02-06-2001 AgendaII (A) Proclamation - National Public Works WeekII (B) Proclamation - National Engineers WeekII (C) Presentation - Charlers "Buzz" Matthews, Execute Director of the West Orange YMCA will present a plaque for the City's continued support of the West Orange YMCAIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of Commission Work Session of January 12, 2001III (B) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Forest Ridge PUD, Final Subdivision Plan, Project No. LS-99-004III (C) Approvala and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Florida Department of Transportation Highway Maintence Contract Renewal #AG997 FIN Project #244298-1-72-04III (D) Approval and Authorization for Parameters for Ocoee Boxing ClubIII (E) Approval and Authorization to Transfer $6,300.00 from City Clerk's CIP to Small Equipment account for Printers in City Clerk's DepartmentVI (A) West Oaks United Methodist Church, Preliminary Site Plan/ Master Plan Project No. LS-99-017VII (A) Resolution No. 2001-02, declaring a Water Shortage Emergency and Providing for Implementation of Water Shortage Plan of the St. Johns River Water Management DistrictVII (B) Appointments to various BoardsVII (C) Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project: Proposed Settlement with Frank CasserinoVII (D) Pioneer Key Drainage Improvement Project: Proposed Settlement regarding Parcel 1VII (E) Approval of Bid #B01-04 Purchase of Rubber Tired Backhoe Loader for the Uilities DepartmentVII (F) Resolution No. 2001-01, adopting the new Master Lease Agreement with SunTrust Bank approving Equipment Schedule 1 and designating it as a Qualified Tax Exempt ObligationVII (G) Request to adopt Amendments to Ocoee/Orange County Utility Service Area AgreementsVII (H) Maguire Road Widening Project: Phase 5 Design Proposal PEC addendum 005 for $345,825VII (I) Approval amd Authorization to Grant $400.00 to Bahia Shrine Circus FundVII (J) Approval and Authorization to Grant $1,000.00 to West Orange High School CheerleadersVII (K) Approval to Waive Various the RFP Grant for Budgeted Television Equipment and Authorize Approval of the Proposal from Prefessional Communications Systems