HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout09-02-2003 AgendaII(A) Presentation of Certification Award and Pin to Deputy City Clerk Brenda Maxwell, CMCV(A) Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes for various meetings.V(B) Approval and Authorization to Implement the Policy Regarding Public Comments ProcessV(C) Approval and Acceptance of Quarterly Financial Report – Third Quarter.V(D) Award of Bid #B03-06 Networked Copier/Scanner Devices to Zeno Office Solutions.V(E) Approval and Authorization to proceed with the Bidding Process and Utilize $25,000 from Contingency for the Police Department Air Conditioning System.V(F) Approval and Authorization to Use Contingency Funds to Purchase a Personal WatercraftV(G) Approval and Authorization to Use Saved Server Monies to Purchase Laptop ComputersV(H) Approval and Authorization for the Acquisition of 350 Radio-Read Transmitters and 180 5/8” Potable Water Meters at a Cost of $60,300 from INVENSYS.V(I) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Interlocal Agreement with Orange County for Emergency Medical ServicesV(J) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Purchase Agreement with Dr. Charles N. Young for Parcel 801 for Old Winter Garden Road Widening ProjectV(K) Approval and Authorization to Declare Equipment as SurplusV(L) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft for Server Software and LicensesV(M) Approval and Authorization for Staff to Advertise a Request for Qualifications for the Finding of Necessity and Community Redevelopment PlanVI (A5) Exemption of proposed Ocoee Crown Point PUD from requirement to construct reclaimed water mainsVI(A) Proposed Ocoee Crown Point PUD - Presentation of Ocoee Crown Point Master Plan/PUD Land Use Plan, Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Phase I Final Subdivision PlanVI(A2) Approval of Ocoee Crown Point Master Plan. (A3) Authorization for the location of public buildings within the Ocoee Crown Point property as shown on Ocoee Crown Point Master Plan/PUD Land Use PlanVI(A4) Exemption of proposed Ocoee Crown Point PUD from locational requirements for certain businesses to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages within 1,000 feet of a school or churchVI(A6) Authorize the conveyance of Tract 5 as shown on the Ocoee Crown Point Master Plan to The School Board of Orange CountyVI(B1abc) Second Reading of Ordinanaces: Adair Pointe & Richard Doss PropertyVII(A) Reduction of Fines Imposed by the Code Enforcement Board and Release of Code Enforcement Board Liens. City Attorney Report and RecommendationVII(B) NW Sector Plan Scope of Services – Authorization for Staff to Negotiate Work OrderVII(C) Set Christmas Holidays for 2004 Community CalendarVII(D) Appointments to BoardsVII(E) Emergency Ordinanace No 2003-35, Amending Chapter 173 with Respect to the Timing of the Payment of Water and Sewer Capital Charges