HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout06-18-13 AgendaEmergency Item - Authorization to Enter Into Agreement W/ Florida Department of Agriculture and Sonsumer Services of Energy Efficient Lighting ProgramItem #01 Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held May 21, 2013 and June 4, 2013Item #02 Reappointments to the Code Enforcement BoardItem #03 Appointment to the Human Relations Diversity BoardItem #04 Approval of Award of Bid #B13-07 Truck Mounted Air Vacuum Excavation SystemItem #05 Approval of Banking Services and Purchasing Card Services ContractsItem #06 a.b. Approval of Sensus FlexNet Metering Data Hosting and Aquahawk Web PortalItem #07 Resolution Approving State Highway Lighting, Maintenance, and Compensation AgreementItem #08 Approval of Use of Federal Forfeiture Funds to Offset Costs of Surveillance Camera Pilot ProgramItem #09 Second Reading of Ordinance - Amendment to Article III of Chapter 168 Relating to Red-Light Traffic InfractionsItem #10 Stevens Variance (VR-13-03) - 913 Grovesmere LoopItem #11 Consideration of Issuance by the City of its Senior Living Facilities Revenue BondsItem #13 Selection of Voting Delegate for FLC ConferenceItem #14 Approval of Code Enforcement Reduction of Fines/ Liens for Patricia Breeze of the Thomas R. Ison, Sr. Estate and 6 E. Delaware StItem #15 Approval of Code Enforcement Reduction of Fines/Liens - Case #12-234 for Beverly Bellinger, and Christopher Jones: 844 Patriots Point DriveItem #16 Approval to Request Authorization to Solicit Letters of Intent for Purchase of 105 acres of the Crown Point Property