HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout04-05-16 Agenda04-05-16 Proclamations - Child Abuse Prevention Month04-05-16 Proclamations - Water Conservation MonthItem #01 Approval of March 1, 2016 MinutesItem #02 Approval of March 15, 2016 Special Session MinutesItem #03 Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission (3-year terms)Item #04 Reappointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission (3-year terms)Item #05 Reappointments to the Community Grant Review Board (2-year terms)Item #06 Approval to Modify the Program Fees for the Parks and Recreation DepartmentItem #07 Approval to Modify the Pricing Structure Used for Renting City-Owned FacilitiesItem #08 Approval of Resolution and Railroad Reimbursement Agreement for Municipal Grade Crossing Traffic Control Devices – Spring AvenueItem #09 Approval of Resolution and Memorandum of Agreement – FDOT Right of Way MaintenanceItem #10 Approval of Contract with Genuine Parts Company, doing business as NAPA and Assigned to Glenn Joiner & Sons, Inc., Providing On-Site Management of the Fleet Parts SupplyItem #11 Approval to Modify an Agreement with Vermont Systems, Inc., to Add the Purchase and Installation of an Additional RecTec Module for the Parks & Recreation DepartmentItem #12 Approval for Authorization to Enter into an Agreement with Net Assets, Inc.Item #13 Replacement of the Headworks Structure’s Grit Turntable #1 at the Wastewater Treatment PlantItem #14 Approval of Project Funding Increase to Finalize the Lift Station #62 ProjectItem #15 Commission Notification of Emergency Fuel Tank Replacement at Lift Station #17 and Approval of Funding ReallocationItem #16 Request for Variance – Frank Hodge VR-16-01 - 23 Cedar Key CourtItem #17 First Reading of Ordinance Proposed Amendment to Chapter 1-14, Lien Search Fees, in the Code of Ordinance of the City of OcoeeItem #18 Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance for Passilla – 531 Ocoee Apopka RoadItem #19 Most Valuable Partnership Grants – Cycle 2015/2016Item #20 Community Grant Program – January 2016 CycleItem #21 Election of Mayor Pro TemItem #22 Appointment of Commission Liaisons to Various BoardsItem #23 Founders’ Day Revenue ExpendituresItem #24 Authorization to Purchase an ArcGIS Editor Software License at a Price of $6,400