HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout02-06-18 Agenda02-06-18 Proclamation - Black History Month - February 2018Item #01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held January 16, 2018Item #02 Approval of Reappointments to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police DepartmentItem #03 Approval of Reappointment to the Planning and Zoning CommissionItem #04 Approval of the Ocoee Crown Point Planned Unit Development (PUD) Use AgreementItem #05 Approval of Educational Affiliation AgreementsItem #06 Approval of First Amendment to Agreement for City Wide Towing ServicesItem #07 Approval of Spectrum Bluford Avenue Overhead to Underground ConversionItem #08 Approval of Emergency Notification Pursuant to Section 21.6, Chapter 21 of Code of Ordinance City of Ocoee; Emergency Gravity Sewer Main Repair on Olympia Park CircleItem #09 Approval of Emergency Notification Pursuant to Section 21.6, Chapter 21 of Code of Ordinance City of Ocoee; Emergency Backup Generator Repair Ocoee Wastewater Treatment FacilityItem #10 Approval of Resolution Relating to Property Acquisition for the Lift Station No. 66 ProjectItem #11 Approval of Settlement Agreement - Alexander Joseph Antolic Irrevocable Special Needs TrustItem #12 First Reading of Ordinance Amending Section 5-12 of the City Code Governing Absentee Voting to Designate such Absentee Voting as “Vote-by-Mail,” as is Consistent with Recent Changes to the Election StatutesItem #13 Appointment of Members for the 2018 Canvassing BoardItem #14 Discussion Regarding the Broadcasting and Use of the City Commission Chambers for the Political Forum Hosted by the GFWC Woman’s Club