HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout11-16-93 AgendaItem II (A) Innovative Idea Awards to Dennis Curey and Steve EdmondsonItem II (B) Proclamation - Community Affairs Week - November 15-20, 1993Item II (B) Proclamation - Family Focus Weekend - November 19-21, 1993Item II (C) Proclamation - National Bible Week - November 21-28, 1993Item III (A) Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Regular Commission MeetingItem III (B) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Interlocal Agreement betwee Orange County Fire/Rescue and Ocoee Fire DepartmentItem III (C) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Addendum to Voluntary Cooperation and Operational Assistance - Mutual Aid Agreement (Authorizing Ocoee Police Officers to React to Certain Crimes Within Orange County's JurisdiItem III (D) Approval and Authorization to Purchase a SCADA System for Wastewater Treatment Plant from I.Kriiger, Inc. as Sole Source in the Amount of $41,175Item III (E) Christmas Food Certificates for EmployeesItem V (A) Special Exception Case No. l-SSE-93:St. Paul's application for a School in an R-3 Zone (continued from November 2 meeting)Item V (B) Shoal Creek, Preliminary Subdivision PlansItem VI (A)1. Fisrt Reading of Ordinance - Second Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled for Dec 7, 1993 Ordinance No 93-20, adopting a City of Ocoee Travel PolicyItem VI (A)2. Fisrt Reading of Ordinance - Second Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled for Dec 7, 1993 Ordinance No. 93-21, relating to the Management and Collection of Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials, Amending Chapter 143 of the Code of OrdinancesItem VI (B) 1,2,3,4 - Lease Purchase of One 1993 LODAL EVO-MAG-20-C215Item VI (C) Election of New Mayor Pro TemItem VI (D) Appointements to Boards: 1. Police Dept Advisory Council 2. Board of Adjustment 3. Recreation Board $. Citizens Advisory Committee of the Orlando Area Transportation Study