HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout01-06-2004 AgendaV(A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Session of December 2, 2003 and December 16, 2003V(B) Approval and Authorization to Renew Contract with Louis Rotundo and Associates for Political Consulting Services for 2004V(C) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Change Order No. 8 with Ryan, Inc., Eastern for Maguire Road Improvements – Segments 1 and 2V(D) Approval and Authorization to Waive the Formal Bid Process and Accept the Lowest Quote for the Purchase of a New TractorV(E) Approval and Authorization of $10,000 from the General Fund Contingency, Commissioner Discretionary Funds, for the Re-Landscaping of the Medians on Maguire Road, from Turnpike Overpass South to the End of MedianV(F) Approval and Authorization for a Line Item Budget Transfer within the Human Resources Budget in the Amount of $2415.00 for the Purchase of an Identification Badge SystemV(G) Approval and Authorization of Purchase of Laptop Computer for the Community Development Department Building Division Using Funds Budgeted in the Capital Outlay FundV(H) Approval and Authorization to Expend and/or Donate Forfeiture Funds to Law Enforcement Related Uses/CharitiesVI (A)Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Interlocal Agreement with Orange County for Collection and Disposal of Residential Solid WastesVII (A) Resolution No. 2004-01 - Professional Parkway/Old Winter Garden Road Improvement Project (Parcel 126)VII (B) Renewal of City Manager’s Annual ContractVII (C) Approval and Authorization of a New Job Description for the Position of Multimedia/Community Events ManagerVII (D) Discussion Re: Doss Property Purchase AgreementVII (E) Approval and Authorization of $200,000 from Stormwater Improvement Funds (312) and R & R Funds (105), for Improvement of the Stormwater System on McKey Street in Conjunction with the Revitalization ProjectVII (F) Discussion Re: Regulation of Solicitors and PeddlersVII (G) Discussion Re: Late Fee/Turn Off/Turn On Fee for Utilities