HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 13 City of Ocoee vs. Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners: Proposed Settlement of Certain Experts’ Fees and Costs for Parcels 110A, 110B, 708A, and 708B : FOLEY AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: August 16, 2005 Item # 13 Contact Name: Contact Number: Daniel N. Gasti, Assistant City Attorney 407 -244-3223 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Paul E. Rosenthal, Cit~ttornE;./,, , ~~/It ;' Subject: Settlement of certain expert fees and costs claimed by Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners in connection with eminent domain proceedings relating to the Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project Background Summary: As part of the Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project, the City acquired Parcels 110A, 110B, 708A, and 708B through condemnation. The property falls within Part A of the Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project. Thus, the City is responsible for 54% of the project costs under an Interlocal Agreement with Orange County. Pursuant to Florida Statutes, the City is responsible for the reasonable expert fees and costs incurred by Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners in the eminent domain proceedings. The City Attorney has concluded that it is in the best interests of the City to settle Oak Forest Partners' and Westlake Partners' claim for expert services rendered by Buchheit Associates, Inc. and W.D. Richardi, Inc.. Issue: Should the City settle certain expert fees and costs claimed by Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners in connection with the eminent domain acquisition of Parcels 110A, 110B, 708A, and 708B for the Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project? Recommendations: The City Attorney recommends that the City Commission approve settlement of certain expert fees and costs in connection with the acquisition of Parcels 110A, 110B, 708A, and 708B by payment of $4,725.00 for Buchheit Associates Inc.'s services and $1,500.00 for W.D. Richardi, Inc.'s services and authorizing the City Attorney or Assistant City Attorney to execute a final judgment for these amounts. Attach ments: Staff report, including applicable Buchheit Associates, Inc. and W.D. Richardi, Inc. invoices. 006.382014.2 Financial Impact: Some additional expenses will be incurred by the City for legal services associated with securing the final judgment applicable to these particular expert fees and costs. Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution xxD Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Dept Use: o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Paul E. Rosenthal Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) D N/A D N/A D N/A 006.382014.2 :FOLEY FOLEY & LARDNER LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW MEMORANDUM ClIENT.MATTER NUMBER 020377-0547 FROM: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of the City ofOcoee Daniel N. Gasti, Assistant City Attorne~ TO: THROUGH: Paul E. Rosenthal, City Attorney DATE: August 8, 2005 RE: City of Ocoee VS. Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners: Proposed Settlement of Certain Experts' Fees and Costs for Parcels II0A, 110B, 708A, and 708B Staff Re~ ISSUE Should the City settle certain expert fees and costs claimed by Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners in the referenced eminent domain litigation? BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION As part of the Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project, the City acquired Parcels 110A, 110B, 708A, and 708B through condemnation. Parcels 110A and 708A were owned by Westlake Partners. Parcels 110B and 708B were owned by Oak Forest Partners. Parcels 110A and 110B were right-of-way takings. Parcels 708A and 708B were temporary construction easements. The property falls within Part A of the Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project which means that the City of Ocoee pays 54% of the project costs pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement with Orange County. . The case was mediated on October 22, 2004. David Wheeler and Mary Doty Solik attended on behalf of the City. The mediation resulted in an impasse. After service of offers of judgments by the City and further negotiations with Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners, the parties proffered and the court entered a Stipulated Final Judgment as to Parcels 110A, 110B, 708A, and 708B on January 13, 2005, reserving jurisdiction as to a determination of experts' fees and costs. Pursuant to Florida Statutes, the City is responsible for the reasonable expert fees and costs incurred on behalf of Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners in the eminent domain proceedings. Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners utilized the services of the same five :xperts: Buchheit Associates, Inc. (surveyor), WD Richardi, Inc. (contractor), Morris Engineering, Inc. (engineer), Samnik & Associates, LLC (arborist), and The Spivey Group (appraiser). All totaled, Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners has submitted experts' fees and costs in the amount of$46,756.76. 006.382014.2 After review of the invoices, Buchheit Associates, Inc.'s fee of $4,725.00 appears reasonable under the circumstances. A copy of its invoices is attached as Exhibit "A." On the other hand, WD Richardi, Inc.'s fee of $2,193.01 appears high. Thus, Mrs. Solik negotiated a reduction to $1,500.00 with regard to this fee. A copy of this invoice is attached as Exhibit "B." Negotiations are on-going with Oak Forest Partners and Westlake Partners concerning reasonable fee amounts for the remaining experts. RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve settlement of certain expert fees and costs for Parcels 110A, 110B, 708A, and 708B by payment of $4,725.00 for Buchheit Associates, Inc.'s services and $1,500.00 for WD Richardi, Inc.'s services and authorizing the City Attorney or Assistant City Attorney to execute a final judgment for these amounts. cc: Robert Frank, City Manager 006.382014.2 006.382014.2 '. pERSONNt:~ '" 'I:iOURS , RATe...... AMOU~T'. .' . . 2 Man .cr~. . '~4..00 "$. '. 1 O$.l)O .- ,$ . '2.520.00. '. .. .' S.Man'Crew. .. .. . <O~OQ ..$.. '1.15.;00' $,' " .. : , .' ; ... - ' . .' .. Project ManaClei' .' '. .' ~oo. ',$ '. '95~00'- '$ . .' 190.{)O:. '. .. . ~: - .' " . '. : P.ro.fessior.ial. (arid' SlJ~~YOr. .. ,.4~OO $ -'. 8500' .$ '340~OQ. . . . . .. . ,,' . .. '. , Sitr:Vev ~T eQhr'Jician:' ..~ n .. 1S.00: '$' 65~OO :. $ 84~eO, : .' -. : ,. $U'Sro-T AL ' .. ~ .. \ '. .. .. '. :,$ :.3,.a95j)O.~ .: : , .... '. : .. .. 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Invoice QA'M INVO!Ca, SJ211200C 1922 PAOJECT OakFQnR~ QlY RAte AMOUNT Q.5 91(.,.'W 49,t? 2 91.34 1,"* 2 504.64 109.21 il 9U4 ~'t1O.12 2 3'." 6'1.16 $2.193.01