HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 14 Appointment to Planning and Zoning Commission AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: August 16, 2005 Item # i4- Contact Name: Contact Number: Brenda Brasher x 1026 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: h(t Background Summary: The Planning & Zoning Commission was created by Ordinance No. 516 on September 15, 1970. The purpose of this commission is to guide actions affecting development in the City. It also determines whether proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code, and acts in advisory capacity to the City Commission. The board consists of nine (9) regular members, who serve three (3) year terms. The three (3) year term of James Golden (attended 22 of 25 meetings) and Camille Riffe (attended 11 of 25, tardy x2 meetings) ends September 2005. They have indicated they are willing to serve another three-year term, if reappointed. In addition, four (4) residents have expressed willingness to be appointed to the board. Issue: Two (2) vacancies exist on the Planning & Zoning Commission and two (2) appointments are necessary. Recommendations: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission fill the two (2) vacancies on the board from the following: 1. James Golden - District 2 (Reappointment) 2. Camille Riffe - District 3 (Reappointment) 3. Nathan Conkling - District 3 (New Appointment) 4. James Morton - District 2 (New Appointment) 5. Conrad Taylor - District 3 (New Appointment) 6. Phyllis Neal-Wilson - District 4 (New Appointment) Attachments: Attendance Lists, Board Applications, and Board List. Financial Impact: N/A Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution o Commission Approval ~ Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDf Use: o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing ~ Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ATTENDANCE 2005 Board Member ',,- Bradley Campbell P p P 5of5 --,-,-',:." <' ~< ," u, i'~"- James Golden P AlE P 40f5 ,-h d ' "~;- '" 'r>" p p AlUE C 30f5 L". " """'i' P C 50f5 Frank Morris P P P C 50f5 .' " .- Darlene Rhodus P C 3 of 5 Camille Riffe 3 of 5 ',,,d Jim Sills 5 of 5 "",],';,': n,"'''''' Milton West 5 of5 s . '," " un ,-< " :", .-; , A-: , ",'I Planning & Zoning Commission 2004 Member Term Expir Appointed Jan Feb Mar April May June July Oct Nov Dec Ratio Bradley Campbell Feb-08 Apr-03 P C P P 7:50 P P P P C P 8of8 James Golden Sep-05 Jul-98 P C P P P P P P C P 8 of 8 Joel Keller Jul-05 Dec-99 P C P P P P P P C P 7:10 8 of 8 Robert McKey Feb-08 Feb-93 P C P P P P AlE P C P 80f8 Frank Morris Jun-07 Jun-04 N/A C N/A N/A N/A P P P C P 40f4 Darlene Rhodus Feb-06 Dec-89 AlE C P AlE AlE P P AlE C P 40f8 Camille Riffe Sep-05 Aug-02 AlE C AlUE P P AlUE P P C AlUE 40f8 Jim Sills Aug-06 Sep-03 P C P P P P P P C AlE 80f8 Milton West Feb-08 Aug-OO P C P P P P P P C P 80f8 Planning and Zoning Commission 2003 Member Term Expir Appointed Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Ratio Bradley Campbell Feb-05 Apr -03 N/ A P P C P P P P P P P P 10 of 1 0 James Golden Sep-05 Jul-98 P P P C P P P P AlE P P P 1 0 of 11 Joel Keller Jul-05 Dec-99 P P P C P P P P P P P P 11 of 11 Robert McKey Feb-05 Feb-93 P P P C P7:07 P P P P P P P 11 of 11 Frank Morris Jun-07 Jun-04 N/A N/A N/A C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 Darlene Rhodus Feb-06 Dec-89 A AlE AlE C P AlUE P P AlE P P P 6 of 11 Camille Riffe Sep-05 Aug-02 A AlE AlUE C P AlUE P 7:12 AlE P P 7:08 AlE AlE 4 of 11 Jim Sills Aug-06 Sep-03 N/A N/A N/A C N/A N/A N/A N/A P AlE P P 30f4 Milton West Feb-05 Aug-OO P P P C P P P P P P P P 11 of 11 tl5FillG 8 1:130: 1. 2. CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (please Print Legibly) E-mail Address-;., /tf,DII/CIt:', (! ePt. f'r. (oM. Home Phone: c..tC7. r76 o()'l-'!z, 3. 4. 5. 6. Are you a U.S. citizen? No Are you a registered voter? Yes V No Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by the City? Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. District # Yes v"" No Yes No ----;;r Yes No ~ Yes No V d f' fir h' #1 d h' #2 Indicate our egree 0 mterest as st c Olce- l secon c Olce- . etc. · General Employees' Retirement · Board of Adiustment Trust Fund Board of Trustees Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Department Human RelationslDiversitv Board Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Department Board · Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board Community Merit Awards / Review Board · Planninl! & Zonin!! Commission * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Construction Board of Retirement Trust Fund Board of Adjustment and Appeals Trustees **Education Commission * ** FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT What school does your child attend? (Only for Education Commission) IV" I K 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? J'a- ~ . 13. Please attach resume and/or other information to assist Commission in making appointments. D DATE: 8--lf'o~ SIGNATURE Note: (1) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date completion. (2) If you have any questions, please call the City C erk's office at (407) 905-3105. 0:BOARDLISTSlBdApplJune2004.doc NATHAN D. CONKLING TO: CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS FROM: NATIlAN D CONKUNG SUBJECT: QUALIFICATIONS FOR PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DATE: 8/4/2005 FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION I offer my name for consideration of a position on the City of Ocoee's Planning & Zoning Commission. As a Florida native of 44 years, bom and raised in Umatilla, FL, I have seen the growth and transformation of Central Florida from sprawling acres of orange groves to today's sprawling suburbs. I'm married; Darlene, wife of 21 years and two children, Amanda (17) and Christopher (12). For the past 23 years I have worked in retail management for Walgreen's, moving from Ocala to Ocoee in 1994. Our first Ocoee home was in Wesmere, where I served on the board of directors for 7 years and as association president for two years. In the fall of 2004, we moved into a new home in the Windsor Landing subdivision. I consider my community involvement a privilege and would be honored to serve on the Planning & Zoning Commission. Through my time as the association president of Wesmere, I developed my skills in working for the best interest of my community. I have no doubt that I could provide useful insight and vision into the future plans of our fine growing City. With an eye on our past, I look forward to the City of Ocoee's future. 00:q to! ;~Ii.JH ~\.j l. 2. CITY OJ' OCOEE APPLlCAnON FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS <"-- Pft.t1Atlw,) -108 E. Lo.U3h ~-(12 DR . N_:;r 14- 11 ef 1-II!JA--tD IJ E-auilAddIaa: e:..~s k<if.:y.l.. ~*"'fI U... 4,,""',e f ~~:7"" Surj(F"i;,&-At iJA HamcPhoDc:1.I~..1-6r.b "''''9'''''' City. s.e. Z.: Pc" ~ E r ~ t 1 1.(' ,>J; r . ~-~ If,4.tH..,..'i c..c....,,.,~...~., a...PItcae: 1~)f .::a?1r" eo ';l~ I .....Addraa: ~~,,; ~tt~J/ ~ # l' ~ ~ If; -~ ~t-~ ~ ~~ iet ~ Brief ,. 1 oCEchr~ Dd ~~: ,..+ .. v C' of ; f. ~ I 69') .. ~.-4} ...~ ~ ~~~~ ; "t~ ~ ..~- "-1.....r""w;~ 'II 6, r r ". -F t. ... ~.... J.:....~,. __ le..... ~800~ ~~ I'" AN,...U.S._ ,- Y..+ No ~ Neyouan:ai*ndwWI y.._ No== DiIIrict. .$~~~ IairJIlal 01'.. City fi1r 611lO111b1 or loa"" Yea ~ No _ Do you bold JIIlIbIic omco'! YOI No ..zf- Arc YOII tIIIpIoyed by Ibo Cky? Yet _ No ~ 00 ,au IIDW ~ OIl. City BoInl Cll'C~~? YeI_ No ~ PU!ASE CHECK THE BOAltDS WHICH INTEJlEST YOU : 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. d( lDdK:IIII at..... _line cbDice - '1 __ cIIoice . . .. · GIMnl~'....... · ..rei., ...... 1'nA I'ud ......,,....... ac-. ......'Y C.... fer II.. ...... ....~ .....d c-... ..,..., C.... ...... ............ .....,. ........ .... ., '" '1:> 2-. · eM. &.furr..' JIea1d ea.-"'lIIaJ Mutt..... ...... ...t I ....... -...n ...../ 'f..... /'f ., ~ ....~.r · II C-...... · p.-.~' _lilt. I~n' ........, T..... .... ",rd., 'l'rMIIiI ... ..... . J'IllIANCIAL DIICLOIlJU JOJUI8 AD UQVIUD JOLLOWJlIfG.AI'PODI'I'IGIn .. WbIt ICbool cIoa YOIR clliNlIIeIId? (Oaly tar F""''''~) ..,..-:L~ ~ t- II!:...,. ~ I~} &--l.o .....1_ ;/'" J 1= .. L __ ... ~ r t- 0.. ~ - j '*' 12. WIly do yau dIiK fau 8e quIificd lilt line (8 .... boIId1 ~..,..~. ~ 4'~ =-~ 7.~"''-:I ~::i A-~~+.'--" _: ..}; ~ ; .. 1-: ~c: ~ p.... "r~""J'n ~-; 1-~ \' r.....t- ~c.L'~ ~I'~flr" 13. PIeaIe lDdIor ocbIr iafonIIIIiora 10 ... CaauniIIicm. makiq ~. SIGNAroRE ~ DATE: 3 - 1).... 0- ~ NoE ) ~.........". iIr ONE YE.U fIoa "of~ (2) If,......-.y...... ....CIIIIlbeCityCllll't'....<<<m90S.3105. ()O.80~ CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (Please Print Legibly) 1. 2. Name: C o Nt<. AP E-mail Address:~ ftrfTll'l LoR ~f) Q () /, C(J~ Home Phone: Lt 0 1- 8 1-' (.,.3 q 7- 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. Indicate yo d ur egree 0 mteres as lrst c Olce- , secon c Olce- , etc. * General Employees' Retirement * Board of Adjustment Trust Fund Board of Trustees Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Denartment Human Re1ations/Diversitv Board Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Department Board ,~ Code Enforcement Board J t Personnel Board Community Merit Review % A wards Board * Planning & Zoning Commission * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Construction Board of Retirement Trust Fund Board of Adjustment and Appeals Trustees **Education Commission f' fi h' #1 d h' #2 05 JUN E. 9:39 fi * ** FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT What school does your child attend? (Only for Education Commission) 12. 13. Note: ~ONRAD W. TAYLOR 3309 Beazer Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone (407) 876-6347 Cell (407) 864-6577 conrad. taylor@sloan.mit.edu Diversified leadership experience spanning several industries in large and small companies. Extensive expertise in general management, strategic planning, business development and operations. Transferable insights solving profit- draining problems of Fortune 500 multinationals and startups. Turned around two businesses, selling one at over 63% higher valuation than initial offer. Recently grew sales at compounded annual growth rate of over 20%. INDUSTRY EXPERTISE , Industrial - Flexible packaging at Diversapack; Industrial Products at Baxter International. Healthcare Products - Hospital products at Baxter International; Medical devices at Devices For Vascular Intervention and American Cyanamid; Pharmaceuticals and Nutrition supplements at Bookers B.D.H. Consumer Products - Equipment deodorizer at SCl; Photographic film at Polaroid. FUNCTIONAL EXPERTISE General Management - Held profit and loss business responsibilities as CEO, Vice President & General Manager and Business Manager. Strategic Planning - Assessed strategic investment opportunities and growth plans as Vice President & General Manager and Director of Strategic Planning. Marketing - Created marketing programs to drive sales of flexible packaging, consumer goods, industrial and hospital products. Operations Management - Employed total quality management tools to drive continuous improvement in safety, quality, productivity and waste, achieving operational excellence for Film Fabricators, Diversapack and Devices For Vascular Intervention. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE DIVERSAPACK LLCIFILM FABRICATORS, Atlanta, GA 1998 - 2005 Flexible packaging and contract manufacturing supplier to Fortune 100s such as Procter & Gamble, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Sara Lee, Kellogg's and Kraft. VP & General Manaeer/CEO - Recruited as CEO in 1998 to turn around Film Fabricators. Retained as VP & General Manager in 2002 when Diversapack acquired Film Fabricators, integrating it with other acquisitions to form larger, vertically integrated enterprise. · Led turnaround of Film Fabricators, realizing valuation of 63% above expectations. . Cut costs and won new sales at Film Fabricators, increasing EBlTDA cash flow over 350% in first 2 years. · Improved product quality and service reliability, earning awards for excellence in innovation and customer service for both Film Fabricators and Diversapack. . Grew revenues 75% last 3 years, while improving profitability. Conrad W. Taylor Page 2 SCI Marketing Inc., HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL Small consumer packaged goods innovator. 1989 - 1998 Chief Executive Officer - Founded start up to commercialize odor-removal technology. · Gained entry into sports medicine and infection control category in consumer and healthcare markets. · Won distribution through catalogs, distributors and retail channels. · Earned strong testimonials from Head Trainers of Chicago Bulls and Chicago Blackhawks. BAXTER INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, DEERFIELD, IL $ 9 billion international medical products company. 1987 - 1989 , , Director of Corporate Plan nine - Reviewed business unit strategies and advised on implementation. · Made business case for new opportunity that added revenues of $47 million in fIrst year. · Oversaw successful roll out of new corporate planning process. DEVICES FOR VASCULAR INTERVENTION, REDWOOD CITY, CA Medical device startup. 1986 - 1987 Vice President of Operations - Created manufacturing infrastructure for rapid growth. · Gained FDA approval for commercial manufacture of atherectomy devices, on fIrst submission. · Scaled up production from 2 to 50 employees in less than six months. · Acquired by Eli Lilly in 1989 at $200 million valuation. BAXTER INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, DEERFIELD, IL $ 9 billion international medical products company. 1981 - 1986 Industrial Products Division: 1985 - 1986 Business Unit Mana2er - Turned around leading distributor of medical products to non-medical markets, and guided into merger with American Hospital Supply's Industrial unit. Corporate Marketing and Sales: 1984 - 1985 Corporate Account Mana2er - One of six selected to start business partnership program targeted at cEOs. Corporate Manufacturing: 1981 - 1984 Manufacturine Strate2V Mana2er - Led global teams in formulating strategy for 35 plants in 15 countries. OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1973 - 1981 Production Manager, Production Control Planner, Technical Supervisor and Military Officer. EDUCATION Goizueta Business School, Goizueta Executive Program, Emory University, Atlanta GA 2005 2004 - SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, MIT, CAMBRIDGE, MA 1980 - 1981 Master's Degree in Management. Accelerated Master's Program. Dual Major in Planning and Control, and Operations Management. Thesis: "Managing Manufacturing Strategy: A Competitive Weapon or an Albatross?" UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY, WEST POINT, NY Bachelor's Degree in Applied Science and Engineering. Dean's list. 1969 - 1973 Iab/1::I6/~5 ~ (: ~b H 1l:.N ~C~ ~ 41::1' (~~. (~~ NO. 326 (;101 3. 4. 5. CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SER.VING ON CITY BOARDS (Please Print Legibly) Name~~~ ~&.~-~Iso ~ E-mail AddreSS;~\l....Y\f.;.-Ml.~~~q:s..tJ~i1~ HomcAdd :" ~ Ie. lI~J\ cJ.... Home Phone: . 5"?8. ~4:J- City, State. Zip: tZ. '&=1 3 Business: tdb . usmcs! Ph nc: ANJ'/- ~31.. #-;a._J Business Address: . . Brief S~~~'ndExptrie~r ~~~;;:r, ?:f:"'71>? ~r'SPdi ~ Ad,. lOt drL1.j.;r d .. 1. 2. 6. Are you a U.S, citizen" Yes ~ Are you a regj~tered voter? Yes-Z" 7. Resident oftbe City for 6 months or longer? 8. Do you hold. public office? 9. Are you employed by the City? 10. Do )lO~ now serve on a City Board or Committee'? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WI-IICH INTEREST YOU: No _ J.J No _ District # ~ Yes.L.: ' Yes_ Yes_ Yes_ No No ".,- No .,,/ No--;;::;' u. lndieate yo d f' f1 l\' #1 d h' #2 ur el!rec 0 Inferest as Il'st cOlee - . seton COlee - , eu:. d. · General Employees' Retirement · Board of Adiumnent Trust Fund Board of Trustees Citizen Advi~ry Council ,J- for Fire Deollrtmem H\\Inan Rclations/OlvcrSirv Board Citizen Advisory Council 3 Parks and ~ecreation Advisory for Police DeMnment Board '.' . - '""''etJdtr'Enforcm1cllt~. ....-.. .. - .. -Pmonn.,I'B'o'l'I'l'd .-.-. ..-.: .. ..... . Conununity Merit Review t Awards Board · Plllnninll &. ZoniTl~ Commission ., Police Officers' and Firefighters' ConsttUchon Board of Retirement TI1Jsr Fund Board of Adiustment iIJ1(\ ADDeals Trustees "Education Commissian ..:...;..- . . .. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIR.ED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT What school does your child attell.d? (Only for Education Commission) A-ll a." "d",/k 12. :J ll:6 9 II Please attach resume and/or other infonnation to wist Commission in making appointments. SIGNATURE r ~~I.J~ ~...W~ DATE: 4/3/ ~S' NOIC: (I) Ap:Ii~lllion effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. I { (2) [fyou have any questions, please call the City ClGrk's offi~e at (407) 90S.310S. 06/El6/2005 0'7 : 56 Employment: July 1988- November 1999 January 1997- July 1998 August 1991- December 1997 1986-1991 Education ATEN SCPS ~ 4075565725 NO. 325 1702 Phyllis O. Neal- Wilson 1672 Glen Haven Circle Ocoee_ FL 34761-4028 407 -688-220 1 November 1999-Prescnt Seminole County Public:: Schools Sanford, FL Administrator-Alsiltive Techpology Educ:atioaaJ Network (ATEN) Project Osceola County School District Kissimmee, FL District Compliance Program Specialist PreK-5 . Screening Speechllanguage therapist . Facilitate monthly meetings with therapist . Served as a resource for occupational therapist and physical therapist . Served a s resource for assistive technology team . Met with parents to address parental concerns and compliance issues . Worked closely with Early Intervention Program to provide scrvicca for all Prc-K children Osceola County School District Kissimmee, FL SpeechlLuguage Prolram Specialist . Coordinated Speech/Language services . Organized SpeechILanguage department and identified qualified therapist to work in the district . . Implement training and staff development . Served as resource to SpeechILanguage Therapist Orange County Public Schools Orla.ndo, FL SpeeehlLaDguage Therapist . Provided direct Speech/Language services Zack's Famous Yogurt Apopka, FL Owner/Operator . Hired and trained staff . Organized work schedules . Maintained the stores budget and finances Stetson University Deland, FL . Certific:atlon Educa.tional Leadership University of Central Florida . Masters in Communicative Disorders Orlando, FL Southern University Baton Rou.ge, LA . Bachelors in Arts in Speech Pathology and Audiology PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Members must be City residents per S 3-2.A, Land Development Code (Must have 9 members) 3 year terms Member District Phone Number Term Ends 1. Bradley Campbell 2706 Springfield Drive Ocoee,FL 34761 4 407-521-0622 H June 2008 407-254-9151 W 407 -352-4378 F BRADLEY.CAMPBELL@CO.ORANGE.FL.U5 2. James E. Golden (Chairman) 1022 Feather Stone Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 2 407-291-4307 H 407-649-6458 W jgolden@hsgolden com . September 2005 3. Joel F. Keller 5021 Lighterwood Court Ocoee, FL 34761 4 407578-5191 H 407 841-4755 +2337 W February 2008 4. Robert M. McKey (Vice Chairman) 2 1110 Wineberry Court Ocoee,FL 34761 407 -292-2586 H 407 -292-2586 W 407 -294-2773 Fax RobMckey@Lycos com February 2008 6. Darlene Rhodus 704 Spring Lake Cr. Ocoee,FL 34761 2 407-877-3626 (H) 321-299-3425 (C) FBM1202@CS.COM 1 407 -656-8594 H 407 -822-0742 W darlene .rhodus@wamu.net June 2007 5. Frank Morris 1205 Kimball Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 February 2006 7. Camille Riffe 237 Laurenburg Lane Ocoee, FL 34761 3 407 -656-5884 H crr11902@cfl.rr.com September 2005 8. Jim Sills 205 S. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 2 407 -656-0644 H 407 -656-3700 W SILLS9570@AOL.COM August 2006 9. T. Milton West 3975 Ocoee-Apopka Road P. O. Box 1028 Ocoee, FL 34761 RESIGNED 1/2004 Vincent Sikora 1 407-880-0782 H 407880-0235 Fax February 2008 Updated/bb/ March 16,2005