HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-06-07 Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION February 6, 2007, at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Pastor Frank E. Thompson, Worship Center, gave the Invocation and Commissioner Hood led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation - Firefighter of the Quarter Award (4th Quarter of 2006) - Firefighter James Kelley. (Fire Chief Firstner) Presentation - Firefighter of the Year Award for 2006 - Battalion Chief George Ledford and Battalion Chief Amy Fulmer. (Fire Chief Firstner) Presentation of Awards for the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade - Dorcas Dillard said that she is proud to be part of the City of Ocoee and proud of the success of the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade. She thanked the members of the HRDB Board for their hard work and invited the three members present to the podium. Trophies were presented to the following parade participants: 3 rd Place - The Worship Center 2nd Place - B & L Stables I st Place - Citrus Elementary Martha Lopez Anderson, Chair of the HRDB Board, presented Dorcas Dillard with a gift certificate and flowers for her hard work and success as Chair of the MLK Parade. I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Rosemary Wilsen - said that during the Charter Review Workshop there was discussion regarding the formation of a Charter Review Board after the first of the year. She said she feels very strongly about it and if the Commission decides not to do it she would like interested residents to contact her at 407-760-4591. Commissioner Hood. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to form a Charter Review Board and have each Commissioner appoint a member from their district. Discussion followed. City Manager Frank said he thought the City Attorney determined that according to the Charter the Charter Review Board was not required until 2009 or 2010. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that he doesn't recall the exact motion, but thought that the discussion of whether or not to form a Charter Review Board was postponed until after the first City Commission Regular February 6, 2007 of the year, and two Commissioners are not here tonight to discuss it. Commissioner Anderson said that would rescind his second on the motion. Mayor Vandergrift advised there is no reason to rescind, there is a motion on the floor and if it is unanimously voted on, it passes. Vote was taken after the discussion. Motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller absent. City Clerk Eikenberry requested that this board does not begin until after the Districting Commission has concluded; the Consensus of the Commission was to wait until the Districtina Commission was finished with their work. but to move forward with appointments to the Charter Review Board. Commissioner Anderson asked if the Workshop minutes can be brought back to the Commission for their review. Commissioner Hood advised that he thinks the new board should review those minutes and determine the issues; the committee will bring them back before the Commission. City Attorney Rosenthal said he thinks it should be determined if it is an open- ended Charter Review, or if there were specific areas of concern that the Board would be directed to review. Bob Godek, said he is here on behalf of the Lion's Club, and is asking the Commission to support their application to have a Beer Garden at the Boat Races in March. The application has been submitted to the City and they are in the process of getting signatures from the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, a branch of the Department of Business and Professional Regulations. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bY Commissioner Hood. moved to approve the Special Event Application allowina that alcoholic beveraaes. beer only for this event. be served at the Boat Races on Starke Lake in March 2007. Motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller absent. R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., asked about getting tornado sirens or weather radios for the residents of Ocoee, and asked if the City could cut the power during thunder storms to reduce the damage? Commissioner Hood said he had been thinking about this and he has some literature on it. He said he was planning to get with the City Manager with this information, along with information for a similar service from another vendor, and bring back to the Commission later this month. Commissioner Hood said as far as reducing the electric power during storms, there are people with medical needs that could be affected. Mr. Monacky said they would have to have backup power. Mayor Vandergrift said that we had air raid sirens at one time that were fired by telephone wires. He would like to see our emergency management team review this, as well as a combination of other options such as reverse 911, because he heard that this service can now call up to 1000 people per minute. Mayor Vanderarift said he would like to form a staff committee with Commissioner Hood to look into options. Consensus of the Commission. w/o obiection. Page 2 of 10 City Commission Regular February 6, 2007 I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Hood 1) said Ocoee Girls Basketball Team, came in runner up, lost to Edgewater in the Championship, the will move forward in the state tournament. Big accomplishment for a second year school, 2) said the Boys team is playing tonight in their first district game against Apopka 3) said Varsity baseball is starting their season, their pre-season is tomorrow against Gateway at West Orange, 4) said JV starts Monday against Lake Brantley at 4pm 5) advised the Lacrosse team is starting up as well as Girls Softball, who already had pre-season game and will start the regular season this week, 6) said that Little league is having opening day ceremonies on March 24, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. Parade at 8:00 a.m.; he will have more information at the next Commission Meeting. 7) he offered prayers and condolences to family of Kenny Anderson, the viewing is tomorrow, and funeral services are on Thursday. Mayor Vandergrift also offered condolences to Jean Grafton on the death of her sister Marie Grafton. Commissioner Anderson said that Kathy Starns was contacted by a Pastor in Lady Lakes and residents hit by the tornadoes are in need of dry goods, and asked if you can contribute to call 407-905-3112, or bring goods to City Hall, and designate that they are for the Lady Lakes area. Commissioner Hood said there was a luncheon planned to raise money for tornado victims, and was cancelled because of Kenny Anderson's funeral, but they will try to reorganize it for next week. Mayor Vandergrift thanked everyone for all the emai1 good wishes he received while he was in the hospital, 2) said the law suit has been filed against the Orange County School Board regarding the 250 students moved out of Ocoee High School and into the Apopka relief School; he added there will be a meeting with neighbors with the attorney on Saturday at 2:00 pm, and hopefully, we will be able to get the money back that the City put in the legal fund. Public Comments (cont.): Greg Murphy, Dean of Students at Citrus Elementary, asked about vehicles parking on the sidewalks near the school, which cause the children to have to walk on a busy street. He said he would like to see the city to enforce codes that are already in place. Chief Reffett said that warnings are issued first, and then tickets are issued, and he encouraged residents to report these parking violations, 2) asked about cell phone use for drivers on school property, which are also causing safety issues for children. City Attorney Rosenthal said that he doesn't think the City has authority to regulate cell phone use on private property. Mayor Vandergrift said the School System generally regulates these things and does not want municipalities to try to enforce things on their property unless asked by them. Mr. Murphy stated he will check into that. 3) asked if the City can look into having a Veteran's Board that would address issues for Veterans. He said we have American Legion in Ocoee, but thinks the City should consider a board. Commissioner Anderson said he would like to direct staff to see if other cities have a veteran's board or something similar to that. Mayor Vandergrift inquired as to what the objective of the Board would be. He asked if it was for information exchange, or for listing names? Commissioner Anderson said the Board may look into creating various monuments. He said the Commission has talked about a Vietnam Memorial, but have not made any motions toward doing anything yet. He said he would like to direct staff to see if other cities have a veteran's board or something similar to that. Page 3 of 10 City Commission Regular February 6, 2007 Mayor Vandergrift said that Post 109 or any veteran's group outside of city staff should look into it and propose something more concrete at a future meeting. I E. CONSENT AGENDA Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0. Members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board serve two-year terms. Member John Grogan submitted a letter of resignation, therefore, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board currently has eight (8) members and their ordinance allows no more than thirteen (13) members. One application was received from Mr. Lindsey B. Asay with an interest in serving on the board. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0. Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve two-year terms. Currently, the Human Relations Diversity Board has thirteen (13) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15) members. Two applications were received from Mr. William E. Maxwell and Louis A. Fazio, Jr. with an interest in serving on the board. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0. The term of Member Louis Torres has expired, and he has indicated an interest in being considered for reappointment. Mr. Torres has been a member of the CACOPD since December 2003, and since that time has attended 25 of 31 meetings. Currently, there are no applications on file. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0. The City of Ocoee is currently purchasing bulk sodium hypochlorite from Odyssey Manufacturing piggybacking its contract with the City of Mulberry which was renewed from $.65 per gallon to $.75 per gallon. Odyssey has been awarded a new contract with Hernando County at $.70 per gallon whereas the pricing is fixed through June 19,2008. There are no other conditional changes between the two contracts. Staff recommends approval to piggyback on the Hernando County contract (#G06-081/KC) with Odyssey Manufacturing for the bulk purchase of sodium hypochlorite for as long as the contract is valid, to include any renewals, and up to the budgeted amount for each fiscal year. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0. The current being utilized for monthly meter are phased out, effective June 2007. Utilities staff would like to begin trading in and upgrading to the new Sensus RadioReadâ„¢ 5002 series units, which can be utilized for manual, touch read and radio read meters. The 5002 units are able to withstand inclement weather and temperatures varying between _220 F and 1300 F. Due to our current meter reading system and the number of meters currently being used, staff would recommend replacing the handheld meter reading devices presently in use with three (3) Sensus 5002 series handheld RadioReadâ„¢ models. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0. after brief discussion. Page 4 of 10 City Commission Regular February 6, 2007 On April 4, 2006, the Mayor and City Commissioners approved the Large Scale PreliminarylFinal Site Plan for Hudson Furniture in which the applicant was requesting a two-story building expansion of 20,524 square feet to the existing furniture store consisting of only 15,615 square feet. The two-story commercial building will ultimately consist of a total of 36,139 square feet of floor area with a 45+/- feet high tower design. The subject property is located in the Lake Bennet Centre Subdivision, comprises 1.67 acres in size and is situated at the northwest corner of Kelton Avenue and State Road 50. Staff is in receipt ofa letter, date received January 25, 2007, from Fred Hudson, requesting an extension to the current site plan approval due to unforeseen delays in construction based on the downward turn in the economy which has impacted sales at all Hudson's furniture store locations. In accordance with the Land Development Code, staff is requesting the Mayor and City Commissioners to grant this extension for a one (1) year period. The site plans have been determined to be consistent with the current regulations. Item #7 was oulled from the aflenda and voted on seoaratelv Commissioner Anderson asked about extending this project for a year, due to economic factors. City Attorney Rosenthal explained the procedure if they had to start over rather than extending. Community Development Director Wagner said this was done quite regularly a few years back before the building boom. This would require no additional approval; the Commission would just be extending deadlines for what they already approved. This is for a second story parking garage. Commissioner Anderson said if a one-year extension is granted and things change in the meantime, such as CRA area, he feels they should be made to comply with the newer regulations/requirements. He asked City Attorney Rosenthal to assist in formulating the motion to ensure that this would happen. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to approve the one-year extension request for Hudson Furniture Preliminary/Final Larae Scale Site Plan. per staff recommendations. and subiect to a staff review for compliance with all current code provisions prior to the applicant beina authorized by staff to proceed based on the Preliminary/Final Larae Scale Site Plan. Motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller absent. City Attorney Rosenthal clarified that if the plan doesn't comply with current codes, staff is not authorized to let them move forward, and staff also would not be authorized to make them revise their plans because it is a Large Scale Site Plan; it would have to cycle its way back through the approval process. The existing contract between the Florida Department of Transportation and City of Ocoee for the routine maintenance of the State rights-of-way will expire on April 30, 2007. FDOT is requesting renewal of this contract at $34,479.00. This amount represents a 3% increase from previous contract period. They are also requesting that the renewal of the agreement period begin on May 1,2007, and end on April 30th, 2008. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0. Page 5 of 10 City Commission Regular February 6, 2007 Last year the City budgeted $20,000 for landscaping improvements and enhancements to Clarke Road. That funding was utilized to make improvements to the first three medians along Clarke Road from Highway 50 towards White Road. Valley Crest, one of the city's contractual landscape service vendors has submitted a proposal to complete the remaining four medians to complete the section between Highway 50 and White Road. The cost for these enhancements is $36,242.00, with an additional irrigation repair/replacement proposal for the area of $2,193.60. The Fiscal Year Budget for 06/07 has $40,000 programmed in Capital Improvements for landscaping and irrigation upgrades to Clarke Road. Approved on Consent, Motion carried 3-0. MI Ranchito commercial development is located on the south side of Silver Star Road bounded by Taylor Street to the west, the railroad tracks to the east, and Lee Street to the south. This plat is for a 4.59 acre commercial development. All neighboring lots are residential with the exception of the Tricor Shopping Plaza to the east of the railroad tracks. All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this development has been reviewed and approved by City staff. Approved on Consent, Motion carried 3-0. after brief discussion. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved approve Items 1-8 on the Consent Aaenda. as presented. with Item #7 beina pulled and heard separately. Motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller absent. Commissioner Anderson said he forgot to bring something up under Commission Announcements and asked the Mayor ifhe could add it now. Mayor Vandergrift gave consent. Commissioner Anderson said the Safety Spring Fling is short on donations this year. The City budgeted $2000 for the event, but the committee feels they will need more to expand the event. He feels that this was such a well attended event, the Commission should consider giving them more money for this year's event. Rosemary Wilsen- said donations are not as good as last year, but if more donations come in they will not use the extra funds. They are planning to have Radio Disney this year and to bring back the Fire Engine Ride which they need funding for. This event is free to residents, and 500 people attended last year when this event was done by the CPRC. The event will be on March 24,2007 this year. There will be a poster contest Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to add t1QQQ to the budaet for the Safety Sprina Flina. to be used if no further donations come in. Motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller absent. Commissioner Anderson asked that notice of the Safety Spring Fling be put on the website and OGTV, and include that they are seeking donations of money, food, prizes, etc. Page 6 of 10 City Commission Regular February 6, 2007 I F. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no public hearings. I G. REGULAR AGENDA On September 5, 2006, the City of Ocoee adopted Ordinance 2006-015 which prohibited sexual offenders and sexual predators from residing within 2,500 feet of any school, designated school bus stop, daycare center, park, playground, place of worship, or other place designed or intended for minors to regularly congregate. The City of Ocoee Police Department is now implementing this Ordinance and has suggested that certain minor modifications be made to address issues that have arisen since the adoption of the Ordinance. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced the second reading and Public Hearing will be held on February 20, 2007, at 7: 15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard. City Manager Frank advised that he spoke to Commissioner Johnson and he wanted the Commission to consider granting $1000 to the Elks Club again this year to support their annual Charity Ball. Commissioner Anderson said he does not recall doing this in the past and would like to wait until Commissioner Johnson returns to vote on this because the event is still far enough away. Commissioner Anderson noted that this event is coming up too soon to defer the vote until after a policy is formed. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved arant $250 to the Ocoee Women's Club 83rd Annual Birthday Luncheon and Fashion Show Sponsorship. Motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller absent. Commissioner Anderson has requested a discussion related to a policy or procedure addressing cash gifts to organizations and civic groups. Possible actions could include an expanded review process using citizens to review process using citizens to review funding requests in conjunction with our community merit award program (and possibility expanding the award process to monthly or quarterly). Commissioner Anderson said he brouaht UP this discussion and he would like to defer it until the entire Commission is here. Page 7 of 10 City Commission Regular February 6, 2007 I H. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Frank informed the Commission that the City applied for and received a grant from FDOT to continue our Aggressive Driver Program. He said we will receive approximately $55,000 which will pay for an officer's salary and benefits. I I. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS 15. Eagle Scout L Vandergrift) Mayor Vandergrift said wanted to inform the Commission that his grandson is working on a butterfly project on Starke Lake under the Eagle Scout Leadership, with the assistance of Public Works and Recreation Departments Department Directors. 1) asked about getting a Fire Station in the Northwest section of the City. City Manager Frank said that they will be addressing this issue in the next few years, however he wanted to be sure residents understand the First Responder (Automatic Aide) program. Residents may see fire or rescue trucks from another city responding to their area regularly, and that does not mean that we are too busy or cannot handle the call, it is a result of the agreement with Orange County to send the nearest available unit with the lowest response time. Our fire units also respond to calls outside of Ocoee city limits as part of this program. Chief Firstner said that with the growth in that area it won't be long before another station is needed, but in the last year there were only approximately 70 calls generated from that area, which is only 2% of the total calls. Westyn Bay, Forest Brooke, and Ocoee High School, who generate the most calls in that area, are seeing Winter Garden Units responding to many calls that only require one unit, so there is a perception of not getting the same service as other residents, even though the are getting equal service under the Automatic Aide program with the County. Commissioner Hood asked about Winter Garden responding with ALS vehicles now that we are becoming an ALS responder and Chief Firstner advised Winter Garden is implementing an ALS program at the same time we are, so they will be providing the same capabilities that we would. City Manager Frank said within the next few years they will probably come up with a temporary station with an engine or rescue truck, the Rogers property is a possible site for that, but they are keeping their eye on the response times to see when that becomes necessary. He said it may be possible to move a fire station to a new location, and convert the old station into a city facility and still operate efficiently with three stations vs. four. He said we are looking at the City as a whole to determine where the stations are needed and how many are needed. Commissioner Anderson asked about plans for a joint venture with Winter Garden or Apopka? Chief Firstner said the option of a joint training facility with many cities is still a viable option and Central Florida Fire Academy is interested in pursuing that, however, the option of combining Fire Stations with other cities has not proven to be a good option; other cities have tried it with poor results. 2) Commissioner Hood asked about the resurfacing of several roads in our City. Public Works Director Krug said the contractor has submitted a contract for Clarke Road which will be Page 8 of 10 City Commission Regular February 6, 2007 presented at the next Commission Meeting, and they are working on a package for repaving the rest of the roads that were chosen; that contract should come back before the Commission in March. 3) said there was discussion of placing reflectors on Adair Street but that has not been done yet; Public Works Director Krug said they will get that done. Commissioner Anderson said he would like us to consider speed tables in the areas that are being repaved because it would save money if it was done simultaneously. Public Works Director Krug said they are working through the request list for traffic calming of approximately ten locations and should have them completed by March; he said they have time to place counters in these other areas that are designated for repaving to see if any traffic calming devices are needed. 4) Commissioner Hood said he would like to revisit the issue with granting $40,000 to the West Orange Airport Authority because we did not place any conditions allowing us to receive tax money or any benefit back from this and because the seat on the Metro Orlando Planning Board was not guaranteed. City Clerk Eikenberry read an excerpt from the January 16, 2007, minutes which stated "Mr. Haggard stated that Airport Authority is entitled to a seat on the Metro Orlando Planning Board, and that seat will be given to Ocoee and Winter Garden to alternate." City Manager Frank said he would also like the minutes to clarify that Metro Orlando Planning Board is the MetroP1an and explained that that this board is a cooperative effort between elected officials from Orange County, Osceola County and Seminole County, and it determines which roadway projects will be placed on a priority list to be done in the future. He said he feels that it would be important for the City to hold a seat on that board and have a vote. He further advised that, in response to a concern expressed previously by the Mayor about getting the vote back from the Sanford Airport, he has spoken with the Executive Director of Sanford Airport, and as soon as West Orange Airport Authority has an airport, it will be pretty much automatic that Sanford loses it. City Manager Frank said that because of all the conditions that the Commission has placed on this, it will be brought back before the Commission for final approval before the check is cut. City Attorney Rosenthal said the previous approval of the January 16, 2007, minutes be conditioned upon revising the motion under the West Orange Airport Authority item to reword the motion consistent with the Mayor's statements that Winter Garden's participation is also condition of the City ofOcoee's participation and funding of this project. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Mayor Vanderarift. moved to revise the minutes of January 16. 2007. to reword the motion on the West Oranae Airport Authority item so that it is consistent with the Mayor's statements as conditions for approval. Motion carried 2-1. with Commissioner Hood opposed. COMMISSION COMMENTS CONTINUED Commissioner Anderson asked for and received the consensus of the Commission to have the map showina future commercial development placed on Page 9 of 10 City Commission Regular February 6, 2007 the website because he thinks residents would be interested in seeina what is happenina in the City. 1) asked if the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner could be done at the Ison Center instead of Tanner Hall in Winter Garden. City Manager Frank said he did not think the Ison Center was big enough to accommodate the number of people who would attend the event. 2) asked the Mayor to advise what was happening with his Valentine's Day wedding ceremonies. Mayor Vandergrift said that he had three couples sign up so far to be married by the Mayor at the gazebo, and he informed the public that he does not charge for his services. He said any donations could be made to the Christian Service Center, 4) Commissioner Anderson said he is glad the Mayor is back and feeling well after being in the hospital over the weekend with heart issues. Mayor Vandergrift thanked the ambulance and hospital staff, and Fire Department and Health Central ALS for the quick response; he said was transported between two hospitals and had a Cardiac Catheter procedure completed all within 4 1/2 hours. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee //;t -So Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 10 of 10