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Item 13 BP Amoco/Twistee Treat
A She Center of Good Li;, AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: June 21, 2005 Item # 13 a. 6 Reviewed By: Contact Name: Thomas Grimms, AICP Department Director: Senior Planner Contact Number: Ext. 1044 City Manager: Subject: Waiver Requests for BP Retail Facility and Twistee Treat Small Scale Site Plans Issue: For B P Retail Facility Should the Mayor and City Commission grant eleven (11) waivers to the Land Development Code to release the developer from various Code standards [see attached Waiver Table for B P Retail Facility] For Twistee Treat: Should the Mayor and City Commission grant three (3) waivers from the Land Development Code to release the developer from three Code standards [see attached Waiver Table for Twistee Treat] Background / Discussion: Redevelopment of the northwest area of Village Marketplace Shopping Center involves the removal of the old BP-Amoco gas station and development of a new enlarged gas station and quick food mart facility, along with the construction of an identical appearance Twistee Treat building 240 feet to the southwest, facing Maguire Road at the parking lot area behind BP. When finished, the old Twistee Treat building facing State Road 50 will be removed. In order to proceed with the current site plan, the developer has requested a number of waivers (14 total) from City Code requirements, giving various reasons for the requests. Recommendation: With respect to BP Retail Facility, Staff recommends approval of requested waivers # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9, as requested, but modify waiver #7 to allow for a fifty (50) square foot maximum sign. Staff does not support waivers #10, and 11. With respect to Twistee Treat, Staff recommends approval of requested waivers # 1, 2, 3. Attachment: Waiver Table for B P Retail Facility Waiver Table for Twistee Treat Site Plan — (selected Sheets) Staff Reports Financial Impact: None. Type of Item: ❑ Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: ❑ Ordinance First Reading ® Consent Agenda ❑ Ordinance First Reading ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution 0 Regular Agenda ❑ Commission Approval ❑ Discussion& Direction ❑ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk 0 Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney ® N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. ® N/A Reviewed by ( ) ® N/A Mayor type center of Good zip Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrift ,0..4 Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 City Manager :.- - _ Rusty Johnson, District 3 Robert Frank - Nancy J. Parker, District 4 STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Thomas Grimms, AICP, Senior Planner THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Community Development Director DATE: June 15, 2005 RE: Waiver Request for B P Retail Facility and Twistee Treat Small Scale Site Plans; Project SS-2004-19 and Project SS-2004-20 ISSUE Should the Mayor and City Commissioners grant eleven (11) waivers to the Land Development Code to release the developer from various Code standards for the B P Retail Facility project and grant three (3) waivers to the Land Development Code to release the developer from various Code standards for the Twistee Treat project ? [see attached Waiver Table for B P Retail Facility and attached Waiver Table for Twistee Treat for code citation, code standard, requested standard, and justification] BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION B P Retail Facility: The property is located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Maguire Road and State Road 50. The B P Retail Facility project proposes a one-story building with 4,224 square feet and 16 gasoline service bays. The construction of the B P Retail Facility will require the demolition of the existing Amoco Station and will extend into that area where the existing Twistee Treat building and parking area are located. As part of the overall stormwater management system, there will be a vaulted retention pond and an underground infiltration system. There will be an entrance into the BP site from Maguire Road and from State Road 50. In order to proceed with the current site plan, the developer has requested eleven (11) waivers from City Code requirements [see attached Waiver Table for B P Retail Facility]. As an offsetting public benefit, the developer is providing the dedication of right-of-way and paving of a northbound right turn lane on Maguire Road. Staff is in support of waivers # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 as requested for the BP Retail Facility, but recommends modifying waiver #7 to allow for a fifty (50) square foot maximum sign. Staff does not support waivers #10, and 11. Waiver# 7 The land Development code requires that free standing ground signs shall be limited to a height of 12 feet and contain maximum copy area of 36 square feet. Based on previous conversations with the applicant, staff has agreed to support a waiver request to allow for the height to be increased to 15 feet and the maximum copy area to be increased to 50 square feet. Staff has supported this increase because it is recognized that State Road 50 is a major thoroughfare and visibility is important. Previous waiver tables supplied to staff throughout the site plan review process have reflected this staff supported increase. However, with the last submittal, the sign design and the waiver table was revised to reflect an increased copy area from 50 square feet to 65 square feet, while the sign was decreased to 12 feet in height with the base enlarged to 9'-4". Staff does not support this level of increase in sign area and only supports 50 square feet with a conventional sign and no decorative surround. There are previsions in the Land Development Code that allow for increases in the maximum copy area of a free standing ground sign, however this is when there are multiple outparcels sharing a single sign(two outparcels allows 70 square feet and three outparcels allows 100 square feet). In the case of the BP Retail Facility, it is a single user and staff believes that requesting 65 square feet is excessive. It appears that the reason the copy area is requested to be this large is to accommodate four items: (1) The Wild Bean Café; (2) gas price; (3) brand of gas — Amoco Ultimate, and, (4) BP name and logo. The Wild Bean Café logo is already proposed to be on the front of the building and the brand of gas is superfluous. Reconfiguring the ground sign to be 15 feet in height instead of the 12 feet, narrowing the width of the base and allowing the copy area to be reduced to 50 square feet instead of the requested 65 square feet will accommodate the BP name/logo, the gas price and possible other items. This would be proportionate to other signs in this vicinity. Waiver# 10 Masonry dumpster enclosure perimeters are required to be screened with a 3 foot height planted sweet viburnum hedge. In the case of the BP Retail Facility, the area behind the dumpster enclosure is a 5 foot concrete area backing up to the above ground stormwater management system. Around the system is proposed a 42" high black decorative metal fence planted with jasmine. While the applicant has stated that the jasmine will provide adequate screening of the dumpster and satellite dish enclosure, staff does not support the request. There is no true purpose for the 5 foot concrete area behind the dumpster enclosure; sidewalks and pedestrian connections are provided in front of the dumpster enclosure. If the applicant would incorporate staff's suggestion on the landscape design with sweet viburnum hedging alternating with jasmine on the fencing, this waiver would not be necessary. Waiver# 11 The Land Development Code requires parking lot areas to be landscaped with one tree per four parking spaces and that at least fifty percent of the parking lot trees shall be shade trees. The applicant has requested the ability to use five understory trees in lieu of the required canopy trees. In the case of the BP Retail Facility, seven trees are required total; four of which are canopy trees. The reason cited for the request is that the narrow limited greenspace does not make the planting of some shade trees feasible. Staff does not understand the need for this waiver request. Previous conversations with the applicant have directed them to distribute the required trees throughout the entire site to meet the requirements. Staff believes that there is enough greenspace to accomplish this requirement and that the waiver request is not necessary. Twistee Treat: The property is located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Maguire Road and State Road 50. A new identical Twistee Treat building is proposed to be built 240 feet southwest of its existing location behind the new B P gas station. The size of the building will be approximately 700 square feet and have an outdoor patio area with 5 tables and 18 seats. Entrance into the Twistee Treat site will be from the internal shopping center drive aisles off Maguire Road. In order to proceed with the current site plan, the developer has requested three (3) waivers from City Code requirements [see attached Waiver Table for Twistee Treat]. As an offsetting public benefit, the developer is providing the dedication of right-of-way and paving of a northbound right turn lane on Maguire Road. Staff supports the three (3) waivers requested by Twistee Treat. CRITERIA The City Commission has sole discretion to approve waivers from Code requirements based upon four criteria: • If the project is part of an integrated and master planned development; • If the project is compatible with surrounding developments; • If the project imposes no impacts on City infrastructure greater than that generated by other uses normally permitted in the underlying zoning district; and/or, • If the project provides an off-setting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable. PROCESS Because a Small Scale Site Plan is administratively reviewed (less than 25,000 square feet of a building), the City Commission will not be acting on the site plan for approval. The City Commission will be reviewing the waiver requests only. After the City Commission takes action on the waiver requests, Staff will complete its review process on the site plan, making sure that it is consistent with all Code requirements except for any waivers that may be approved by the City Commission. Remaining Staff items are attached. RECOMMENDATIONS For the BP Retail Facility: Staff is recommends approval of requested waivers # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 for the BP Retail Facility, and recommends modifying waiver #7 to allow for a fifty (50) square foot maximum sign, subject to approval of the Small Scale Site Plan, Development Agreement, and Plat. Staff does not support waivers #10, and 11, For Twistee Treat: Staff recommends approval of requested waivers # 1, 2, 3, subject to approval of the Small Scale Site Plan, Development Agreement, and Plat. ATTACHMENTS Waiver Request Table for B P Retail Facility Waiver Request Table for Twistee Treat Site Plans—(Selected Sheets) Staff Reports 4 m0 m w = z --o0 mp >-02_,0 m0 Qw mm ooz *NW m F-N= W-U C =wQ Nw CC o� m= 1-WV Wm W Wm .-Z W; w�mams WC �Z�W�j� OBC WW wC 0Z2 c= W zril = og z1 oww0,,f_.t {cgm QZc>mQzz z= �m WMQ oNZ ¢2 0 a2 Ol' �c12,- Z ZD wuj=1. 003 QZ 2z.--UO cA aZ 6Z aw� =z NU' = QW �3 pNWC�F..w WO Q Wlrw=J i-r0 ZS loel o—i0 _0 _ W zQ Or zQ "o z� `J JpY — Za mm, z< foo z< owo mi ZXw m31 00 m� �zo° °d' iW m3 E=zWwm m3 w000 m3 J�2 �oj NW OOj =a O� td QW wm 70j _Www0iQ Z (3O z.. 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Scott Vandergrift �� .t s JI . , „� ;; , Danny Howell, District 1 C1` Scott Anderson, District 2 City Manager ORE3 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Robert Frank __ �__ Nancy J. Parker, District 4 May 27, 2005 Mr. David S. McDougall, P.E. Progressive Development Group, Inc, 4929 Bayshore Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33611 RE: BP Retail Facility -#60028 SS-2004-019 Fourth Staff Review Dear Mr. McDougall: Thank you for your submittal regarding the above referenced project. We have attached staff comments that are in response to this submittal along with the plat review comments Please contact our office, at your convenience, to schedule a Technical Staff Review Committee (RSRC) Meeting. During this meeting the appropriate staff members will go over any of their comments to facilitate the re-submittal. In your written response, we ask that you indicate how each comment has been addressed. If you have any questions, please call me at 407-905-3100, extension 9/1021. Sincerely, Carolyn S. Alexander Carolyn S. Alexander Development Review Coordinator— Planning Division Community Development Department Attachments cc: Paul Rosenthal, City Attorney Edward A. Storey,Assistant City Attorney Russ Wagner, Community Development Director Catherine Armstrong, Planning Manager Engineering Department Julie Salvo, Renaissance Planning Group Project File No.SS-2004-019 H:\DRC\DRC 2005\DRC05106.doc City of Ocoee• 150 N Lakeshore Drive■Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407)905-3100•fax: (407)656-8504•www.ci.ocoee.fl.us ' FOLEY FOLEY& LA RDNER LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW MEMORANDUM CLIENT-MATTER NUMBER 020377-0675 TO: Carolyn Alexander, Development Review Coordinator FROM: Paul E. Rosenthal, City Attorney DATE: May 20, 2005 RE: BP Retail Facility#60028 - Small Scale Site Plan Project No. SS-2204-019 (Fourth Round Comments) In connection with the above-referenced matter, we have reviewed the following documents: 1. Letter of Transmittal from Progressive Development Group, Inc. dated April 28, 2005 and stamped received by the City of Ocoee on April 29, 2005; 2. Letter of Transmittal from Progressive Development Group, Inc. dated May 12, 2005 and stamped received by the City of Ocoee on May 13, 2005; 3. Response letter from Progressive Development Group, Inc. dated April 28, 2005 and stamped received by the City of Ocoee on April 29, 2005; 4. Response letter from Progressive Development Group, Inc. dated May 6, 2005and May 9, 2005 (collectively, the "Response Letter"); 5. Chicago Title Insurance Company Limited Title Search for the Proposed Plat of Village Marketplace ("Title Report"); 6. Best Management Practices (SWPPP) — Sheet SWPPP-1 stamped received by the City of Ocoee on February 17, 2005; and 7. Plan for BP Retail Facility #60028 stamped received by the City of Ocoee on May 9, 2005 (the "Plan"). This memorandum supercedes our previous memorandum dated March 19, 2004, September 2, 2004 and April 5, 2005. Based on our review of the documents noted above and pursuant to the Ocoee Land Development Code, we have the following comments: FOLEY&LARDNER LLP FOLEY 1. [Repeat Comment] Please provide an additional sheet which overlays the site plan with Lots 1 and 2 as shown on the Plat. This is necessary to confirm that the Plan is located wholly within Lots 1 and 2 of the Plat. If alternative information accomplishes the same, please present alternative information. Comment 4 of the April 28 Response Letter indicates that an additional "Sheet 18A" was to be provided. However, this Sheet was not included in the Plan, nor was it referenced in the Sheet Index located on the Cover Sheet of the Plan. Please provide this Sheet with your next submittal. 2. Sheet 5 of the Plan appears to have a mathematical error as it relates to the parking calculations for "Total Parking Spaces Provided" located under Site Data No. 9. Please revise the Plan to correct this error. 3. We have no further comments as it relates to this project. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions related to this matter. 2 FOLEY&LARDNER LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW e Center of Good z. Mayor Commissioners S.Scott Vandergrift Danny Howell,District 1 � ' Scott Anderson,District 2 City Manager ` `— Rusty Johnson,District 3 Robert Franks Nancy J.Parker,,Distri ct4 BP Retail Facility Small Scale Site Plan—4th Staff Review Engineering Department Comments May 20,2005 The following are the results of your fourth submittal for the above referenced project. If you have any questions pertaining to the quested information,please contact our office. Comments 1-4 are from Public Works Department: 1. Please connect the sidewalk and construct a handicapped ramp. • 2. Does the signal pole needs to be moved? Signal cabinet is only few feet from the curb. 3. Please check to see where the power pole (service)to the signal is located. 4. Does the signal head display need to be modified? Engineering comments: 5. Sheet 11 (Details) indicates that the SHW (seasonal high water) at 122.0 ft-NGVD. The pond bottom elevation is set at 122.5 and the infiltrator bottom elevation is set at 122.0 ft- NGVD, same elevation as SHW. Please note that at least 2 feet of separation is required by the City between dry bottom ponds and the average wet season water table. Please address. 6. Why is the existing sidewalk still shown in the Final Site Plan adjacent to the proposed sidewalk? The existing sidewalk only needs to be shown in the demolition plan sheet and the existing condition plan. 7. Will the gas line and the overhead wire (OHW) on Maguire be relocated? Please address. 8. The water main on State Road 50 that should be removed or abandoned should not be shown on the Final Site Plan, Drainage Plan and Utility Plan. You may only show that on the existing condition plan and on the Demolition Plan. Please address. Engineering Department Alex Z.Nasser, P.E. Staff Engineer City of Ocoee•150 N Lakeshore Drive•Ocoee,Florida 34761 Phone:(407)905-3100•Fax:(407)656-8504•www.ci.ocoee.fl.us May 20, 2005 Mr. Russ Wagner,AICP Community Development Director City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Subject: BP Retail Facility(SR 50) - Fourth Round Staff Review Comments Ocoee Project No. SS-2004-019 Dear Mr. Wagner: At your request, Renaissance Planning Group has reviewed the referenced site plan, dated May 6, 2005, regarding traffic operations impacts. Both the traffic analysis and site plan are acceptable pending the traffic analysis of adjacent roadway segments by Luke engineering, as indicated in the comment response letter dated April 29, 2005. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this submittal. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, J�C. ,S&ivo- Julie C Salvo,AICP Senior Planner Renaissance Planning Group w:\Projects\Ocoee\Reviews\BP_Colonial\Sprev4.doc 1e Center of Good Li Mayor �1 tit/2 Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrift ,✓ e Danny Howell, District 1 ig Scott Anderson, District 2 E. City Manager s Rusty Johnson, District 3 Robert Frank - ---' - Nancy J. Parker, District 4 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 25, 2005 TO: Carolyn Alexander, Development Review Coordinator FROM: Thomas Grimms, AICP, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Planning Comments BP Retail Facility at S.R. 50 & Maguire Road—4th Staff Review Small Scale Site Plan, Received May 9, 2005 These comments list the concerns of the Planning Division related to the current plan submittal. However, it is possible that when changes are made to the drawings in response to these comments, that additional comments may be generated after further review of the revised plan. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS A24. There must be landscaping around the dumpster enclosure in accordance with the Code. Add a note to dumpster detail on Sheet 13, that the exterior will be stucco and painted color of building exterior, landscaped on all sides (except at gate) with 3-foot high 30-inch on center Sweet Viburnum hedge. This applies for the satellite enclosure. The satellite enclosure must also have a black decorative metal gate. Please include a detail on this. On Sheet 8, it appears that all along the north sides and much of the east sides of the vaulted retention pond, only jasmine is used. No shrubs or trees are proposed to be intermixed with the jasmine plantings. Please include some trees and 3" high shrub plantings in that area. Staff believes that planting some 30" high shrubs to break up the uniform appearance of the jasmine is doable and therefore waiver request # 10 is not necessary. A29. [Repeat Comment] Chain-link fence around the retention pond is not permitted by Code. Indicate a 42-inch black decorative metal fence around the pond with landscaping and jasmine vines. Provide detailed elevations. On Sheet 5, there is indicated an "8" double chain link gate" and on Sheets 8 and 9, "a 42" black metal fence". Please indicate a 42" decorative metal fence painted "black". City of Ocoee• 150 N Lakeshore Drive •Ocoee,Florida 34761 phone: (407)905-3100 •fax: (407)656-8504•www.ci.ocoee.fl.us May 20, 2005 Carolyn Alexander, Development Review Coordinator Page 2 A35. [Repeat Comment] On Sheet 2A, in the Waiver Table, under Requested Standard, delete "76.30" sq. ft. and replace with "50" sq. ft. as was agreed previously with Staff. Applicant has indicated 65 sq. ft. rather than the 50 sq. ft. Staff advised. It also needs to be noted that the sign has been reconfigured, as now shown, Staff does not support the new base configuration. Please reconfigure The sign to 15-feet maximum height, 50 square feet signage, reduce the width of the base to make it more streamlined and not as bulky. Staff does not support Waiver#7, #10 and #11 in view of the following: Waiver#7 The land Development code requires that free standing ground signs shall be limited to a height of 12 feet and contain maximum copy area of 36 square feet Based on previous conversations with the applicant, staff has agreed to support a waiver request to allow for the height to be increased to 15 feet and the maximum copy area to be increased to 50 square feet Staff has supported this increase because it is recognized that State Road 50 is a major thoroughfare and visibility is important Previous waiver tables supplied to staff throughout the site plan review process have reflected this staff supported increase. However, with the last submittal, the sign design and the waiver table was revised to reflect an increased copy area from 50 square feet to 65 square feet, while the sign was decreased to 12 feet in height with the base enlarged to 9'-4". Staff does not support this increase or th changes to the height or width of the ground sign. There are previsions in the Land Development Code that allow for increases in the maximum copy area of a free standing ground sign, however this is when there are multiple outparcels sharing a single sign(two outparcels allows 70 square feet and three outparcels allows 100 square feet). In the case of the BP Retail Facility, it is a single user and staff believes that requesting 65 square feet is in extreme excess. It appears that the reason the copy area is requested to be this large is to accommodate four items: (1) The Wild Bean Café; (2) gas price; (3) brand of gas— Amoco Ultimate, and, (4) BP name and logo. The Wild Bean Cafe logo is already proposed to be on the front of the building and the brand of gas is superfluous. Reconfiguring the ground sign to be 15 feet in height instead of the 12 feet, narrowing the width of the base and allowing the copy area to be reduced to 50 square feet instead of the requested 65 square feet will accommodate the BP name/logo, the gas price and possible on of the other items. Waiver# 10 Masonry dumpster enclosure perimeters are required to be screened with a 3 foot height planted sweet viburnum hedge. In to case of the BP Retail Facility, the area behind the dumpster enclosure is a 5 foot concrete area backing up to the above ground stormwater management system. Around the system is proposed a 42" high black decorative metal fence planted with jasmine. While the applicant has stated that the jasmine will provide adequate screening of the dumpster and satellite dish enclosure, staff does not support the request There is no true purpose for the 5 foot concrete area behind the dumpster enclosure; sidewalks and pedestrian connections are provided in front of the dumpster enclosure. If the applicant would incorporate staffs suggestion on the landscape design with • • - May 20, 2005 Carolyn Alexander, Development Review Coordinator Page 3 sweet viburnum hedging alternating with jasmine of the fencing, the waiver would - riot be necessary. Waiver# 11 The Land Development Code requires parking lot areas to be landscaped with one tree per four parking spaces and that at least fifty percent of the parking lot trees shall be shade trees. The applicant has requested the ability to use five understory trees in lieu of the required canopy trees. In the case of the BP Retail Facility, seven trees are required total; four of which are canopy trees. The reason cited for the request is that the narrow limited greenspace does not make the planting of some shade trees feasible. Staff does not understand the need for this waiver request. Previous conversations with the applicant have directed them to distribute the required trees throughout the entire site to meet the requirements. Staff believes that there is enough greenspace to accomplish this requirement and that the waiver request is not necessary. ADDITIONAL COMMENT A44. Why is existing sidewalk and the existing light pole shown in the northbound right turn lane ? Please show separately. Because of the existing sidewalk being shown on the Site Plan, it is difficult to read some of the lines that are shown. Please simplify and verify that all lines are represented correctly. The Site Plan should only show the new construction with the existing sidewalk shown with other existing items on a separate "Existing / Current Conditions" Sheet. A45. Why is Crepe Myrtle shown for all understory trees ? Please use some trees that add up to 50% evergreen. Please consider using Ligustrum trees. A46. On Sheet 5, the 40' sign site triangle are should be indicated as part of Tract"A" and that will be dedicated to the City. A47. Overhead wire lines along Maguire Road are to be placed underground. A48. The proposed curb at the "Right in Only" from Maguire Road stops at the sidewalk. Is this tying into existing curbing or are the lines shown incorrectly ? A49. How is the new sidewalk going to connect to the curb ? The existing curb is shown but not the new one. Some of the poles may need to be relocated to provide for connection. A50. On Sheet 9, above ground equipment must be painted black (backflow preventer and control valve). A51. On Sheet 12, the backflow preventer is to be screened with Sweet Viburnum. A52. The measurements of the stormwater management system is incorrect - 53.2'; 29'. Ensure the dimensions on the Plant are correct. A53. What is the height of the Challenger fixture head, 9" or 12" ? In addition, are the poles round or square ? Please provide cut sheets of both. A54. Include more explanatory notes regarding proposed northbound left turn lane installation and dedication. A55. Need some disbursement of the Oaks on the northside landscape buffer. A56. The trash can and bench should be black and decorative. May 20, 2005 Carolyn Alexander, Development Review Coordinator Page 4 A57. On Sheet 18, the area behind the sidewalk at intersection to be included in right-of-way. H:\TG Review of BP Retail Facility at SR 50&Maguire-3rd Review.doc Center of Good Llv Mayor X11 lig Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrift =�`��� ��� � y Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 City Manager;�OE Rusty Johnson, District 3 Robert Frank tit :__ = Nancy J. Parker, District 4 __• May 27, 2005 Mr. David S. McDougall, P.E. Progressive Development Group, Inc, 4929 Bayshore Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33611 RE: Twistee Treat SS-2004-020 Fourth Staff Review Dear Mr. McDougall: Thank you for your submittal regarding the above referenced project. We have attached staff comments that are in response to this submittal. Please contact our office, at your convenience, to schedule a Technical Staff Review Committee (TSRC) Meeting. During this meeting the appropriate staff members will go over any of their comments to facilitate the re-submittal. In your written response, we ask that you indicate how each comment has been addressed. If you have any questions, please call me at 407-905-3100, extension 9/1021. Sincerely, Carolyn S. Alexander Carolyn S. Alexander Development Review Coordinator— Planning Division Community Development Department Attachments cc: Paul Rosenthal, City Attorney Edward A.Storey,Assistant City Attorney Russ Wagner, Community Development Director Catherine Armstrong, Planning Manager Engineering Department Julie Salvo, Renaissance Planning Group Project File No.SS-2004-020 H:\DRC\DRC 2005\DRC05104.doc City of Ocoee• 150 N Lakeshore Drive•Ocoee,Florida 34761 phone: (407)905-3100•fax: (407)656-8504 •www.ci.ocoee.fl.us FOLEY FOLEY& LARDNER LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW MEMORANDUM CLIENT-MATTER NUMBER 020377-0673 TO: Carolyn Alexander, Development Review Coordinator FROM: Paul E. Rosenthal, City Attorney DATE: May 18, 2005 RE: Twistee Treat- Small Scale Site Plan Project No. SS-2204-020 (Fourth Round Comments) In connection with the above referenced matter, we have reviewed the following documents: 1. Letter of Transmittal from Progressive Development Group, Inc. dated April 28, 2005 and stamped received by the City of Ocoee on April 29, 2005; 2. Response letter from Progressive Development Group, Inc. dated April 28, 2005 and stamped received by the City of Ocoee on April 29, 2005 (the "Response Letter"); 3. Chicago Title Insurance Company Limited Title Search for the Proposed Plat of Village Marketplace ("Title Report"); and 4. Final Site Plan for Twistee Treat and a portion of Village Marketplace Shopping Center stamped received by the City of Ocoee on May 9, 2005 (the "Plan"). This memorandum supercedes our memoranda dated March 19, 2004, September 7, 2004 and April 5, 2005. Based on our review of the documents noted above and pursuant to the Ocoee Land Development Code, we have the following comments: 1. We have not further comments for this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. FOLEY&LARDNER LLP 006.373507.1 e Center of Good Li Mayor �� ;=- rto 'Z Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrift +� Danny Howell, District 1 C Scott Anderson, District 2 City Manager �' 0 E Rusty Johnson, District 3 Robert Frank NancyJ. Parker,e r, District 4 Twistee Treat Small Scale Site Plan—4th Staff Review Engineering Department Comments May 23,2005 The following are the results of your fourth submittal for the above referenced project. If you have any questions pertaining to the requested information,please contact our office. 1. (Repeat comment) It seems that sanitary and storm water discharge are going into BP Retail Facility systems. That will require an easement and written agreement between the BP Retail and Twistee Treat. Please provide the City a copy of that agreement. 2. (Repeat comment) On Sheet 2, Water System Notes, Note 10, please add that all water mains <=3"which are owned and maintained by the City of Ocoee shall be polytubing. 3. Please note that all existing structures and objects (sidewalks, pipes, etc.) to be removed have to be shown only on the existing conditions and the demolition sheets. They may not be shown on the Final Site Plan and all other proposed sheets (drainage, utility, etc.). Please address. 4. Sheet 11 (Details) indicates that the SHW (seasonal high water) at 122.0 ft-NGVD. The infiltrator bottom elevation is set at 122.16 ft-NGVD. Please note that at least 2 feet of separation is required by the City between dry bottom systems and the average wet season water table. Please address. Engineering Department Alex Z.Nasser, P.E. Staff Engineer City of Ocoee•150 N Lakeshore Drive•Ocoee,Florida 34761 Phone:(407)905-3100•Fax:(407)656-8504•www.ci.ocoee.fl.us ► tie Centex of Good Llv Mayor �� 117ao Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrift lac a •,o ,; Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 City Manager Rusty Johnson, District 3 Robert Frank COE( � % Nancy 4- \ J. Parker, District 4 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 24, 2005 TO: Carolyn Alexander, Development Review Coordinator FROM: Thomas Grimms, AICP, Senior Planner SUBJ: Twistee Treat, 4th Staff Review (Revised) Small Scale Site Plan, Received May 9, 2005 These comments list the concerns of the Planning Division related to the current plan submittal. However, it is possible that when changes are made to the drawings in response to these comments, that additional comments may be generated after further review of the revised plan. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: A15. [Modified Comment] Include in the plan set the black and white (full size) elevation drawings. The black and white elevation drawings need to be an integral part of the whole plan set. A21. [Modified Repeat Comment] In the Site Data Table, include setbacks and landscape buffer information. A review of Sheet 5 shows that no change in the Site Data Table, as requested, has been made. Please make these changes. A25. [Modified Repeat Comment] Add a note on Sheet 15 that the pole is to be metal. This note was not included on Sheet 15. A33. Place all overhead wires underground. A34. Install more landscaping on the north side (landscape island) and on the south (landscape island) and on the west landscape islands. In addition, the landscape island added at the entrance off Maguire Road closest to the strip center buildings should contain a tree such as Ligustrum or Crepe Myrtle. Ensure that the mix of plantings are 50% evergreen. 35. Need some trees at the landscape islands on either side of the sidewalk on the northside of the vaulted stormwater retention system. Only R1 is provided. City of Ocoee• 150 N Lakeshore Drive■Ocoee,Florida 34761 phone: (407)905-3100•fax: (407)656-8504•www.ci.ocoee.fl.us May 24, 2005 Carolyn Alexander, Development Review Coordinator Page 2 A36. On Sheet 9, in the drawing "Backflow Preventer", put note stating that the backflow preventer and any other above ground equipment will be painted black and be screened with Sweet Viburnum. A37. On Sheet 15, the cut sheets are not legible; cannot distinguish head height or pole information (rounded or square). A38. Include more explanatory notes about the proposed northbound right turn lane installation and dedication. A39. On Sheet 10, the bench and trash can need to be decorative and black. A40. The existing sign needs to be placed 10 feet back from the new right-of-way line and 3 feet from the sidewalk. H:\TG Review of Twistee Treat-4th Review.doc