HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #09 Award of RFQ#0701 for New Utilities Admin. Office Bldg. AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 6, 2007 Item # ~ Reviewed By: Contact Name: Joyce Tolbert Department Director: Char: Contact Number: 1516 City Manager: Robert Fr Subject: Award of RFQ #0701 Professional Architectural & Engineering Services for a New Utilities Administrative office Building Background Summary: The City of Ocoee's Utilities Department has programmed this fiscal year a new Utilities Administrative Office Building and associated improvement. To complete the design of the building the professional services of an architect is require. Per State of Florida CCNA Act Statute 287.055, staff has sought professional qualification from interested firms, has ranked the firms and is recommending the selection of KZF Design, LLC as the top firm. The ranking previously brought to the City Commission for consideration was delayed until additional information could be provided. Attached is the requested additional information. Staff and Joseph Morgan the Architect for KZF Design shall be available to answer questions. Attached is the additional information as requested. Issue: Award of Architectural & Engineering Services for the new Utilities Administrative Building to the top- ranked firm recommended by the City of Ocoee's Selection Committee. Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission Motion to award the design of the Utilities Administrative Office Building, (Contract for RFQ #0701) to KZF Design, LLC; and authorize Staff to proceed with contract negotiations with KZF and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute all necessary contract documents. Attachments: Current Attachments: Memo to Mayor and Commission for additional information, Diagram 1- Overall Campus of Sewer Plant, Diagram 2 -Schematic Soccer Field Layout and Diagram 3 - Schematic Baseball Field Layout Previously provided attachments were RFQ #0701, KZF Letter of Interest, Stottler Staqq Letter of Interest, Bentlev Letter of Interest, RFQ Checklist and RFQ Evaluation Totals. Financial Impact: The budget includes $550,000.00 for the entire project from design through construction. This item is for the design portion only. Type of Item: (please marl< with an "x'? Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerl<'s DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ~ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by () N/A N/A N/A City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel Keller, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent DATE: November 13, 2006 RE: Award ofRFQ #0701 Professional Architectural & Engineering Services for a New Utilitie~ Administrative Office Building ISSUE Award of Architectural & Engineering Services for the new Utilities Administrative Building to the top-ra firm recommended by the Selection Committee. BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION In compliance with State Statute Section 287.055 (CCNA Act) and policies and procedures of the City of l Purchasing Code Chapter 21, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was advertised with the intention to awa contract to one (1) qualified professional architectural and engineering firm to assist the City in designing building a new Utilities Administrative Office Building which shall include miscellaneous offices, break/tJ room, conference area, bathrooms and reception area. In addition, the project shall include site improveffil such as parking, sidewalks, drainage, landscaping, and utilities extension. The planned new building will t located west side of the entrance road at the entrance gate to the City ofOcoee Reclamation Facility at 18( A.D. Mims Road, Ocoee Florida. The proposed building is intended to be of similar architectural style as t Beech Center (recreational facility) located opposite the proposed new building. The Finance Department reviewed the qualification packages and all were considered responsive. Comple copies of all qualification packages are available in the Finance Department for your review. The qualifica packages were evaluated by the RFQ Selection Committee, which consisted of four (4) members: Charles Utilities Director; Jamie Croteau, Assistant City Manager; David Wheeler, City Engineer; and Steve Krug Public Works Director. The public RFP Selection Committee meeting was held on November 8, 2006 to evaluate the three (3) responses. The Selection Committee evaluated and ranked the firms from 0-400 points on specific evaluat: criteria. The Selection Committee recommends contracting with the top-ranked firm. The Respondents an( rankings are as follows: 1. KZF Design, LLC 2. Stottler Stagg & Assoc. 3. Bentley Architects & Engineers 281 Points 247 Points 245 Points Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift center of Good L' . '\.~e It'l~ Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel Keller, District 4 City Manager Robert Frank MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mavor and City Commissioners FROM: Charles K. Smith, P.E., Utilities Director DATE: February 27, 2007 RE: Award ofRFQ #0701 Professional Architectural & Engineering Services for New Utilities Administrative Office Building At the November 21, 2006 City Commission meeting, Staff brought forward a recommendation for the selection of an architect to design the new Utilities Administrative Building. Staff s recommendation was KZF Design, LLC. While deliberating the selection, City Commission sought input regarding the building's plan(s), budget and any impact it would have on the enhancement of recreational amenities at the sewer facility. The following summarizes a review of those issues: OJ lfl .f lfl ~ . ii~~ [00 uu ~ _n~~' I ~DD L J CSISJ ~ ~..." ______fl. E~--=3 - i[S[SJC \J" ,.~, LUUJ [}:> ~O --c ~ fl ![S[SJ-e ~~~< ,~~ I}>]O It -S f$;!~:~ ~ n. ",. ~ .[b;"\JU - 1- tH=: ~ 8 ~i j 1. Plan(s): The plan seen to the right is a preliminary layout based on projected needs for the building. The layout provides for nine work spaces/offices, conference room, break room, work area and a plan/record storage area. The projected building size is 3,006 square feet. Included with the building will be two handicapped and six regular parking spaces, plus a sidewalk and covered area. The project will also need to have water, sewer, electrical and phone/data utilities extended to the building. =; :=F"j ~ 'F" F \ 0\ 01\ 0 0 --. ---- - [j 60,65' j City ofOcoee. 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 . fax: (407) 656-8504. www.ci.ocoee.f1.us 2. Budget: Table 1 - Projected Budget identifies the anticipated project expenses. The proposed budget is based on City staff/crews providing in-kind service for the design and permitting of civil improvements, water and sewer. It is also planned that City crews will undertake earthwork preparation, retention improvements and observe the construction daily. The project was approved in this year's CIP fiscal budget with $550,000 coming directly from a building fund and $22,000 earmarked from Utilities Homeland Security funds. Table 1 - Proiect BudQet Item No. Description Cost 1 Planning $3,000 2 Design/Proiect Manaaement $49,200 3 Land Survey for desian & campus $15,000 4 Buildina Construction $390,000 5 Homeland Security $20,000 6 Water/Sewer Utilities $10,000 7 Phone & Data Utilities $8,000 8 Electrical Utilities $2,500 9 Earthwork $2,500 10 Paving/Curbina/Pavement Markinas $10,800 11 Sidewalk $1 ,750 12 Building Furnishinas $30,000 13 SJRWMD Permit $1,000 14 FDEP Permits $2,000 Subtotal $545,750 15 Continaencv $21,830 ./ ,i, ."", ,....,. ., ..... ,..'. " ',',."""..; Project Total $567,580 3. Impact to Enhancement of Recreational Amenities: The existing sewer plant grounds also house the Parks and Recreations offices, gymnasium, aquatic facility and miscellaneous fields (see Diagram 1- Overall Campus). An important concern to be addressed in planning the building is its likely impact on future needs by the City to provide additional baseball and/or soccer fields. These additional fields could be located on the existing open field (west of the gym) and perk pond "A". As future demands increase for reclaimed water the perk pond's need will diminish. Staff completed two studies to assess the overall impact of adding the new building in the area of the existing field and perk pond. The first study, Diagram 2, demonstrated that five soccer fields could be accommodated and the second study demonstrated two senior and one minor league baseball field could be accommodated. Both studies clearly depict that the addition of the building does not inhibit the increase of any type of field. Note: Both studies provide parking increase, but do not address other amenities needed such as restroom or concession facilities. If it is desired to explore either scenario more in depth, a modified topographical and horizontal control survey of the affected area is needed. .. '~. ,1l' ,~~ ' ..," ~.- '}, " ,. ,~~..", ~ ," , ,~~ ~.' .;;.;. ~ ' ~. "'F ~ ,.' ,~ '.' . . '." f,/!;' " 'iJ.1.> "~,'fIit, Ali<.-, ~ '... ~':l.l.i^' ~ 'i'I .,.~. J '. I.. ~ ~-r'~ t~orrce~, . ~ ", Shootl~9 .9 . .~, ><~ it .~ 1r:,.,+~.,ii'~"'F- :.t.::! i( '-'i' ~ ,,' Property Line Existing Field $ ?; t" '","J" .'!P': ~v j; )ff ',ljo~~ ~~ ~ri_",.,. ~ ',,-;~'t '~." ~ ,,,;<" -"t. ..." "M "T' ," ( .~'" ~ ". "r:'f'~~,,-, -~ :~. :;" ',r :..'~;;.~ ..,.~ f. i..... ... ,~ ~;;.. -~t)- .~, '-l; '~i ""'l. . '" 't> ~. 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