HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes 02/20/07 MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION February 20, 2007, at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the Invocation and Commissioner Hood led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation - Black History Month - February 2007. (Mayor Vandergrift) I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Ria Mixon, 512 Withers Court, described her involvement in the City and community. She owns her own business as a professional fundraiser. Mayor Vandergrift said she has also agreed to help with fundraising for the lawsuit against the school board. Joanne Zeiss, resident of Prairie Lakes Subdivision, thanked the City for their generous contribution regarding the school board law suit; she said it has bought us time to come together as a community because there were only a handful of people who knew anything about this. At this time 120 families are participating in weekly email updates and other neighbors are still calling and asking what is happening. She advised that Sawmill has donated $5000 and the Lyons Club donated $1000. She said the HOA's were going through elections as all this was happening, so the newly elected board members need to figure out their finances before they contribute. She said they are planning a Community Bikeathon on the West Orange Trail to raise money for the legal fund. She said residents wishing to upsize to a larger home who are considering moving to Prairie Lake subdivision are concerned about this school issue. Residents moved to this City because they liked this school district and want to stay here. She gave an update on what is happening with the School Board, stating they voted unanimously to advertise rescinding their rezoning; the court date is set for March 8, 2007, but Mr. Gustino, the attorney, may change that because the School Board appears to be backpedaling quickly. The School Board's own attorney suggested 21 changes to the rezoning plan. She said the School Board is still saying it is the parent's duty to stay informed and not their responsibility to go out of their way to do so. She said she doesn't think the board truly understands how they are affecting the community and students when they do this. John Finger, 1513 Acropolis Circle, 1) said he would like the City's permit application to add a section for HOA approval because they may otherwise approve something that is not allowed in a specific subdivision. Discussion ensued regarding this issue being brought up many times in the past and the Commission felt they would like to see this placed on the permit application. City Commission Regular February 20, 2007 City Attorney Rosenthal said he will revisit it with staff, but from a legal standpoint we cannot condition the approval of the permit based on the HOA approval, the City must approve something if it is allowed by our Code and the County Building Code, even if the HOA rules expressly prohibit it. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like for us to look into this because it is in the best interest of the City and a courtesy to the residents. 2) asked when the street resurfacing for Lake Olympia Club is scheduled. Commissioner Anderson said they have a unique situation there because of the constant underground drainage issues. Public Works Director Krug said he has been in touch with Mr. Finger regarding the traffic and drainage issues, but the repaving was not addressed and is not scheduled at this time. City Manager Frank said that all of the streets are evaluated annually, and a priority list is set for the year. Commissioner Johnson said there are many other places that need repaving in the City ahead of Lake Olympia Club such as Pioneer Key. R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd. asked why there is no stop sign on Lakeshore Drive at the road that goes through the City Hall complex. He said it is hard to see the painted sign on the road. City Manager Frank said the way the road is situated; a stop sign would interfere with vehicles trying to back boats onto the boat ramp. Martha Lopez Anderson, 2438 Alclobe Circle, 1) said that staff needs to make sure that things don't disappear from the CIP Plan once they are on there, because that is what happened to the resurfacing for Silver Bend, 2) said the Human Relations Diversity board received 152 essays for their contest for Black History Month, and tomorrow awards will be given. She thanked the schools for being so supportive, 3) announced the 2nd Annual Safety Spring Fling on March 24, 2007; this year they will have the Radio Disney Fun Squad, McGruff, Mix 105.1 with their Safety Safari, and many other activities and demonstrations throughout the day. I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Vandergrift recognized Doctor Katherine Clark, Principal of Ocoee Middle School, and Sheila Johnson, Principal of Ocoee Elementary in the audience. Commissioner KeUer- reminded everyone about the Nights for Nurses Fundraiser on March 31, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., at Ocoee High School with entertainment from Disney and Cirque Du Soliel. Commissioner Johnson - none Commissioner Anderson - none Commissioner Hood -none Mayor Vandergrift - 1) said he has information from Durham County Council of Durham County England, regarding encouraging kids to walk to school. It is available if anyone would like to look at it, 2) thanked Orange County Office of Management and Budget for the Get Well card. I E. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner KeUer said his wife is one of the applicants for the Ocoee School Board under agenda Item #2 and asked the City Attorney if he should pull that item from the Consent Agenda so that he can vote on the rest. City Attorney Rosenthal said that the item should be pulled and voted on separately and Commissioner Keller should abstain from voting on Item #2. He advised Commissioner Keller to fill out the appropriate form with the Clerk's Office. Page 2 of 12 City Commission Regular February 20, 2007 1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of February 6, 2007. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. 2. Appointment to the Ocoee School Advisory Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the Ocoee School Advisory Board serve two-year terms. Currently the Ocoee School Advisory Board has six (6) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15) members. Two applications were received from Mrs. Laura Keller and Lynn Ritner with interest in serving on the board. Item was pulled and voted on separately in order for Commissioner Keller to abstain from voting on an item involving his spouse. Commissioner Keller filed a voter conflict form with the City Clerk's Office regarding this item, and it is attached hereto. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve the appointments of Laura Keller and Lynn Ritner to the Ocoee School Advisory Board, as recommended by staff. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson out of the room and Commissioner Keller abstainina. 3. Approval for Purchase of FirelRescue Boat and Thermal Imaging Camera. (Fire Chief Firstner) The rescue boat currently in the Fire Department has exceeded its service life, and is un-repairable. The thermal imaging camera in question is out of service due to component breakdown, and the repair estimate exceeds the original cost of the camera. The cost of a new rescue boat is $19,715.00 and the thermal imaging camera is $11,067.07. Finance Department advises as of December 2006 the Windermere Repair & Replacement account is $40,882. Staff recommends the approval to purchase a replacement rescue boat that is suitable for water rescue that will also complement the other water rescue equipment of the surrounding fIre departments. It is also recommended that approval for a thermal imaging camera to replace the non-functional unit that will be the same as other units in the fIre department inventory. Approved on Consent 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. 4. Approval for Purchase of Two Dodge Caravans for Police Department CSA's to Replace the Originally Approved Ford Freestars. (Public Works Director Krug) At the City Commission Meeting on December 5, 2006, the Purchasing Division brought the vehicle purchases for FY 06/07 to the City Commission for approval. The list included (2) Ford Freestar vans for use by the CSA positions within the Police Department. However, Ford informed us that they have discontinued the Ford Freestar and we will not be able to purchase these vehicles. After careful consideration with the Police Department and staff in the City's Fleet Division it was decided that the best replacement option is the Dodge Caravan. The Budgeted cost in FY 06/07 for the Ford Freestars was in the Police Department's Impact Fee line item in the amount of $36,000. With the addition of an LED light bar package and graphics the total cost for both vehicles is $36,279.00. In an effort to ensure this can be expedited quickly we are asking the Commission approve an amount not to exceed $38,000.00 for the purchase of these 2 vehicles. There are suffIcient funds in Police Impact Fees to cover this additional cost. As with the Ford Freestars, the Dodge Caravans will be purchased off of the Sherriffs Bid list. Approved on Consent 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. 5. Approval of Clarke Road Speed Limit Change. (public Works Director Krug) At the October 7, 2003, regular meeting of the City Commission, the speed limit on Clarke Road from A. D. Mims Road to Clarcona Ocoee Road was lowered to 35 MPH. This was done to facilitate safe pedestrian and non-motorized wheeled vehicle use on the road alongside motorized vehicles prior to the installation of sidewalks. Per the Commission's request, Public Works collected speed data at six (6) locations. The majority of vehicles are traveling between 44 and 46 MPH on this section of Clarke Road. Based on the development in Page 3 of 12 City Commission Regular February 20, 2007 this area with sidewalk extending the entire length on the east side of the road and the speed data collected, Public Works is requesting that the speed limit be raised to the original design speed limit of 45 MPH. Approved on Consent 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. 6. Approval of Clarke Road Resurfacing Project from SR 50 to Orlando Avenue. (Public Works Director Krug) Public Works carried forward $385,084.70 in funds from the 2005/06 fiscal year to the current year for the Clarke Road resurfacing project from SR 50 to Orlando A venue. Due to the increases in asphalt pavement production, the total cost for the project will be $598,404.70, utilizing the existing Orange County Pushbutton Contract for Furnishing Asphalt Products effective October I, 2006. This price includes all maintenance of traffic, milling, resurfacing, striping and signalization traffic detection loops. Public Works is requesting the Commission approve the Clarke Road resurfacing proposal with Orlando Paving Company in the amount of $598,404.70. The additional $213,320.00 required is available from the Street's Division Capital Line for the Clarke Road resurfacing project from Silver Star Road to A. D. Mims Road. Approved on Consent 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. Consent Aaenda Vote Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to approve Consent Aaenda Items 1. 3. 4. 5. and 6. as presented by staff. Item #2 was voted on separately. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson away from the ~ I F. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. Ocoee Crown Point PUD - Approval of Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Residential Land by Centex Homes. (Advertised as Public Hearing in the Orlando Sentinel Orange Extra on Thursday, February 8, 2007). (City Attorney Rosenthal and Community Development Director Wagner) Community Development Director Wagner introduced Vern Priest, Project Manager from Centex; Brian Cirillo, Marketing Director; and Geoffrey Mouen, employed by Centex to design this project. They have been negotiating extensively; the price of $12.5 million for 75 acres of land still stands. He said the City has invested $6 million in this project, and this will give the city the opportunity to pay back the loan and make other improvements to the Crown Point area. Centex has been very cooperative, and he is very happy with the progress that was made in negotiations. He said this is truly a next generation, new urbanist design project, and will get national attention when it is built. Geoffrey Mouen gave an overview of the project with a PowerPoint presentation. He reviewed the road system layout, which he described as very unique and picturesque; he also talked about the rear alley for garages; driveways; garbage pickup; how streetscape only shows home frontage but allows for on street parking along the curb; the variety of home elevations and lot sizes; private courtyards in back of most residents; and an abundance of greenspace and lush landscaping. Commissioner Keller asked how the bike path would lead to the school and the trail and informed the developers they should be aware they will be looking at 8 foot sidewalks to allow kids to ride to school. Mr. Mouen showed how the sidewalks and trails will be connected. He said there can be a sidewalk on the side of the school so kids would not have to cross the street. City Attorney Rosenthal reminded them that the School Board will be involved in how accessible the access to the school is. Commissioner Anderson asked if the rear parking would cause many residents to park on the main roads. Mr. Mouen said they encourage people to park Page 4 of 12 City Commission Regular February 20, 2007 on the public roads to protect the pedestrians on the sidewalk. Community Development Director Wagner said the City required four offstreet parking spaces for every home. Because there are no driveways in front of the homes, the entire curb is available for parking. He also confirmed there would still be room to get a vehicle through if cars are parked on both sides of the road. City Attorney Rosenthal said Centex included in the contract that getting approval on the conceptual plan would allow them to move forward with their process without further conditions imposed on them by the City, since the City is wearing two hats in this case. He said the Closing that was scheduled for December of last year did not occur and much has happened with the market since that time. Staff has worked with Centex to help deliver an end product that is unique and not available anywhere else in the County, and one that will probably receive some national attention. The City has had to show some flexibility with Centex to be sure they are going to hang in there, we stuck to basic purchase price of$12.5 million, but we did accommodate them on timing and some phasing; it is now a two phase closing, with the second closing occurring one year after the first one. The split is enough to get money to payoff the loan from the first phase, so the bonds can be retired and the City will be debt free. While the closing is occurring on a two phase basis, the construction of the infrastructure is a single phase Final Subdivision Plan. If Centex closed on Phase 1, but not Phase 2, the City would have a Final Subdivision Plan and have bonds to assure the completion of all the final subdivision improvements, so the City would have finished lots that they would be in a position to sell. Mr. Rosenthal continued and said we originally contemplated a deposit of $1.1 million, we now have $110,000, and he has a check on the desk now for $100,000 that is an at-risk and nonrefundable for good faith statement. They will then have a feasibility period until September 28, 2007, to make final decisions; they may decide to walk away and forfeit the deposit or they may decide to try to negotiate further. Centex is excited about the project and committed to the project, but they need to make sure the market is there and they are not putting an infrastructure in for a product that they can't sell. Closing will occur on the later of 290 days after the feasibility period or 45 days after the Final Subdivision Plan approval. The outside closing date for Phase One would be September 28, 2008. The conceptual plan is part of the contract, there are some conditions that the Commission should be aware exist, but he does not think they will pose a problem. There is more to this project than just the purchase price; Centex is obligated to make infrastructure improvements that are over and above the norm, such as the loop roadway which has a cost estimate of $2,293,000, the community meeting room, and public bike paths. We do have some restrictions because we were originally worried about investors buying up all the lots, but that is not likely in today's market. Centex also has to pay the normal impact fees, building fees, etc. The City will realize revenue from the actual development of this project, and ultimately realize the ad valorem tax revenue on an ongoing basis. Commissioner Anderson asked about the payment timeline. City Attorney Rosenthal said if we get to the end of the Feasibility Period on September 28,2007, Centex will have to make an additional deposit of $1,040,000, which will be at risk, for a total of$1,250,000 at that point. He said this is not money in escrow; it can be used to pay down the debt and reduce the interest between that date and the closing. At the first closing, we would receive $6,250,000 with part of the deposits being applied toward the first closing. Commissioner Anderson said he would like to see a spread sheet with the dates and dollar amounts. City Attorney Rosenthal said a critical date list will be prepared, but it is a moving target at this time and one factor can move the whole schedule. Page 5 of 12 City Commission Regular February 20, 2007 Commissioner Anderson expressed concern that they would not be obligated to bring the design up to any new codes or requirements that may be adopted during this two-three year period. City Attorney Rosenthal said the contract allows for any changes to the Florida Building Code to apply at the time the building permits are applied for. The current conceptual plans are very specific as to types of materials, etc. being used and new codes could not apply to this project. Staff has reviewed the plans extensively and believes the plans exceed anything else we are seeing in Ocoee at this time. He also stated, that based on discussions with Centex, they have committed money, and they want to know that the conceptual plan that they budgeted for, the one Commission is seeing tonight, will not be imposed with new requirements and increased costs. He also added that if the City chose not to move forward with Centex, and went back into the market today, we would probably not realize the $12.5 million offers. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. R. P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd, asked if we are buying a PUD, asked about on street parking, and inquired as to the size of the lots. City Attorney Rosenthal said the land was purchased a few years ago. He was also advised on street parking was allowed. Mr. Monacky asked to know the square footage of the lots. Commissioner Anderson said the size of the lots will vary and we don't have square footage information to cite at this time. He gave Mr. Monacky a copy of the plans to look over the lot sizes and said he could talk with staff tomorrow if he had further questions. Mr. Monacky persisted on asking about getting an answer on the size of the lots right now, and Mayor Vandergrift advised him that his question had been answered and he needed to move away from the podium. Fred Wilsen, 1019 Shady Maple Circle, asked the appraisal value of the property being sold. City Attorney Rosenthal said there was no appraisal; the market set the appraisal at the time. Mr. Wilsen asked if it wasn't possible the property could increase, and not just decrease? Commissioner Johnson explained we need to sell it now because we also owe money on this property, and the market has gone down and will not go back up for a while, and we cannot wait. City Attorney Rosenthal said when city went out for the RFP; the competitive process set the market, which exceeded what the current market values were at that time. There was no appraisal required by anyone. This commission could have rejected the proposals, but elected to move forward with the sale. Mr. Wilsen said he does not believe they can make an intelligent decision without appraisal. Jose Iglasias, 400 Misty Meadow Drive, wanted to clarify when the site preparation and infrastructure was going to start. City Attorney Rosenthal said that there is no specific schedule for site preparation, but it could not start earlier than closing, and the outside closing date is 9/28/2008. He added that the Final Subdivision plans will be approved prior to closing. Mr. Iglasias said he worries that if the City makes changes after the designs were already approved, Centex may back out because of increased costs. He congratulated the City on the concept; he added that he likes it. Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Anderson noted that the City will have to pay interest for two additional years at approximately $230,000 per year, which puts us in the same area as the Number 2 bid. City Attorney Rosenthal said that he does not believe Ryland Homes and KB homes would not have reacted to the market much differently than Centex Homes. Commissioner Keller asked if the RFQ's for charter schools would affect this contract. City Attorney Rosenthal said we are obligated to convey the land to the school board that they paid for two years ago. We convinced them to give us their money and wait until we have a real Page 6 of 12 City Commission Regular February 20, 2007 subdivision plan and property description before conveying it, and in discussions with Centex, they may accelerate the description of the property because they want school board approval. That site is currently zoned for an elementary school site. Commissioner Anderson asked if any other Commissioners had an issue with approving the plan and not requiring Centex to make revisions should codes change prior to closing. Commissioner Keller said he understands Commissioner Anderson's point, but does not feel they can approve the plan and then place those types of conditions on it. Community Development Director Wagner reiterated that if there is a requirement in the contract that if Florida Building Codes change; Centex will be obligated to make changes that comply with the new Code. Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to approve the aareement for Sale and Purchase between the City of Ocoee and Centex Homes as recommended by staff and authorize the execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. SECOND READING 8. Approval of Ordinance Amending Sexual Offender/Sexual Predator Ordinance No. 2006-015. (Advertised as Public Hearing in the Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on Sunday, February 11, 2007). (City Attorney Rosenthal) On September 5, 2006, the City ofOcoee adopted Ordinance 2006-015 which prohibited sexual offenders and sexual predators from residing within 2,500 feet of any school, designated school bus stop, daycare center, park, playground, place of worship, or other place designed or intended for minors to regularly congregate. The City of Ocoee Police Department is now implementing this Ordinance and has suggested that certain minor modifications be made to address issues that have arisen since the adoption of the Ordinance. This item was heard after Items #9 and #10. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bY Commissioner Hood. moved to adopt, on second readina. Ordinance No. 2007-003. amendina Sexual Offender/Sexual Predator Ordinance No. 2006-015. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 2007-003 adopted on second reading carries the following title: ORDINANCE 2007-003 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AMENDING SECTION 3 OF CHAPTER 136 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS; AMENDING SECTION 3(a) OF CHAPTER 136 TO DELETE THE REFERENCE TO SECTION 825.1025, FLORIDA STATUTES, IN ORDER TO PROVIDE THAT PERSONS CONVICTED OF COMMITTING OR ATTEMPTING, SOLICITING, OR CONSPIRING TO COMMIT ANY OFFENSE AGAINST OR IN THE PRESENCE OF ELDERLY OR DISABLED PERSONS PROSCRIBED BY SECTION 825.1025, FLORIDA STATUTES, SHALL NOT, BY VIRTUE OF SUCH CONVICTION ALONE, BE PROHIBITED FROM ESTABLISIDNG A PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY RESIDENCE WITHIN 2,500 FEET OF CERTAIN LOCATIONS SET FORTH THEREIN; AMENDING SECTION 3(b)(i) OF CHAPTER 136 TO PROVIDE THAT A PERSON WHO FAILS TO MAINTAIN A PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY RESIDENCE THAT WAS ESTABLISHED AND APPROPRIATELY REGISTERED PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING 14 DAYS SHALL NOT BE EXEMPT FROM THE PROHIBITION AGAINST RESIDING WITHIN 2,500 FEET OF CERTAIN LOCATIONS AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 3(a) OF CHAPTER 136; Page 7 of 12 City Commission Regular February 20, 2007 AMENDING SECTION 3(b)(iv) OF CHAPTER 136 TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I G. REGULAR AGENDA 9. Approval of Most Valuable Partnership Neighborhood Matching Grants. (Community Relations Manager Wright) The City of Ocoee has $20,000 budgeted for its Most Valuable Partnership Matching Grants for this fiscal year. There are a total of 12 projects which represent $27,920 in grant monies requested. Staff recommends that $19,820 be granted as submitted in the attached spreadsheet. Grant applications are available for review in the Community Relations Office. Commissioner Anderson said in the future he would like explanations of how they arrived at the decisions on the spread sheet. Assistant City Manager Croteau said she is here to explain that at this time. She stated the total of all requests received was $27,920, which is over the $20,000 budgeted. She advised that the Commission could move $7,920 from the contingency fund to fund all of the applications, follow staff recommendations on lowering the amounts to stay within the budget, or come up with a third option. She explained how staff arrived at the recommended amounts for the various organizations based on those who had received funding in the past and she read the amounts that had been recommended by staff. Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to approve the arants for $19.820 per staff recommendations. No vote was taken at this time due to subseQuent amendment. Discussion followed regarding past practices and how to handle these grants in the future since we have had so many organizations asking for money throughout the year. Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner Keller stated they would like to transfer money from contingency and cover all of the grant applications. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to amend the motion to transfer $7.920 from the Commission Continaency fund and approve all of the applications for the full amounts reQuested. City Manager Frank added that in the next few meetings they would see items coming to the Commission regarding funding for two organizations that applied late last year and were awarded the funds, but they did not fill out paper work in time to fund it out oflast year's budget. He wanted the Commission to be informed that, if approved, there will be another $5000 coming out of the contingency fund for MVP award grants. Nancy Cox, 509 Nicole Blvd., said in the past MVP grants have been funded in advance by the organizations and then received reimbursement from the City. She said because they are a small Pack and don't have funds, they would like to get the money from the City in advance, and then she would take responsibility for refunding the City any part of the $2500 that was not used for the project. Mayor Vandergrift said he doesn't think the staff should have any problem with that and directed staff to work with the Scouts. Page 8 of 12 City Commission Regular February 20, 2007 Steve Elder, Admiral's Point HOA, said he would like the Commissioner to consider fully funding the grant applications; they are in need of a deep well and have to hire someone from outside to do the job at a cost $6550. John Finger said he would like to see all of the projects funded, or prioritized on a different basis, by importance, not by whether or not they received funds in prior years. Randy Freeman, 513 East Lake Shore Drive, Pres. Ocoee Lyons Club said they were fully funded under staff recommendations and thanks them, but still thinks the City should fully fund all of the projects. Projects should be decided on their merit, not because they asked for the money before. Don't penalize people for doing good work over and over. Mike Crabb, 711 East Lakeshore Drive, Sleepy Harbor, said he is here for the MVP for Sleepy Harbor and a CMA grant for Ocoee Baseball; he thinks that all organizations should be funded by grant programs in the future instead of just coming before the Commission asking for money. He thinks the Commission should stick with the Community Merit Award system on funding decisions. Vote Taken on the Amendment. Motion carried 5-0. Vote Taken on Oriainal Motion, as amended. Motion carried 5-0. 10. Approval of Community Merit Awards Grant. (Community Relations Manager Wright) The Community Merit Awards (CMA) Board met on December 20, 2006, to discuss the 21 applications received during the November 2006 grant application cycle. The CMA Board expressed that they would like to award various amounts to 19 organizations. Two organizations were denied grant funds. The amounts total the $5,000 allocated for the Community Merit Awards. Assistant City Manager Croteau introduced the item. She said the Community Merit Awards board denied two of the 21 grant applications, and reduced some of the other grants to stay within the budgeted $5000. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to fund all 19 oraanizations in the amount they reauested, UP to $500, and take additional funds needed from the continaency account. Discussion ensued regarding the applications and how the Board arrived at their decisions. Delores Holmberg said she was here that night and watched as the board did the best they could to decide where to make cuts because they had only $5,000 to cover all of the grant requests. Vote was taken. Motion carried 5-0. Chesta Hembrooke, 2188 A1clobe Circle, said she does not understand why the Commission has a volunteer board hear the applicants speak and struggle to make those decisions, and then override everything that they do. She said she appreciates what they are trying to do, but she is speaking from the perspective of volunteers ofthe City. Commissioner Anderson said that they have taken money out of contingency in the past to fund some of the MVP awards based on the merit of their applications. He also would like to include Minutes of the CMA Board in the future so they can understand why decisions were made. Page 9 of 12 City Commission Regular February 20, 2007 Butch Forgis??, President of the Rotary Club, thanked the City for the funding. 11. Elks Annual Charity Ball Sponsorship. (Commissioner Johnson) Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve the purchase of a $1,000 sponsorship to the Elks Annual Charity Ball, to be paid from the continaency fund. Motion carried 5-0. 12. Discussion Regarding Policy for Granting Funds to Outside Entities. (Commissioner Anderson) Commissioner Anderson has requested a discussion related to a policy or procedure addressing cash gifts to organizations and civic groups. Possible actions could include an expanded review process using citizens to review funding requests in conjunction with our community merit award program (and possibility expanding the award process to monthly or quarterly). Commissioner Anderson said we should use the CMA board to grant money on a quarterly or bimonthly basis so that most groups needing money can do it that way rather than coming straight to the Commission. He also said that items that are approved on an annual basis should be part of the budget process, to be voted on at budget time. City Manager Frank asked if the Commission would like the staff to come up with a policy that they can review and revise, if needed. Commissioner Anderson asked the commission how often they think we should grant money, and Commissioner Johnson said quarterly. Mayor Vandergrift said there should be an inkind contribution from those we grant money to, as brought up by Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner Johnson in the past, such as volunteering to assist at City events, etc. Commissioner Anderson said if we write a policy, we should include inkind contributions from the recipients and have them sign some type of agreement. Consensus of the Commission was to create a policy for contributions to outside entities, which would include inkind contributions, and brina it back for the Commission's consideration in the next month. 13. Appointment to the Planning & Zoning Commission. (City Clerk Eikenberry) On February 9, 1999, Ordinance No. 99-09 was adopted requiring nine (9) members that must be City residents for the Planning and Zoning Commission and five members are needed to meet the quorum requirement. The term of Member Frank Morris has expired, and he has indicated an interest in being considered for reappointment. Mr. Morris has been a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission since June 2004, and since that time has attended 19 of21 meetings. Currently, one (1) application is on file for this board. Ocoee Resident Michael Elliott has also indicated an interest in being a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Mr. Elliott lives in District 4 and his resume shows extensive knowledge of construction development. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to reappoint Frank Morris to the Plannina and Zonina Board. Motion carried 4-0, with Mayor Vanderarift away from the dais. Page 10 of 12 City Commission Regular February 20, 2007 I H. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Frank said we received the CO for the new Public Works Administration Building, so we will need to move forward with the direction from Commission last year to demolish the old Fire Station. Police Lt. Charlie Brown advised that he and Officer Maroney went to Russia last year and now Russian Police Academy Students will be here to study abroad and learn about our municipal government. They will be here on Monday, February 26,2007, and will begin at 10:00 a.m. with some classroom work, and they will do ride alongs and participate in training and demonstrations. They will return to City Hall at 6:30 for the Mayor's play. There will be a camera person filming, and the news will be doing ride along photos. I I. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Hood 1) said Ocoee Little League, opening day ceremonies are this Saturday at 9:00 am, and parade starts at 8:00 am. 2) Can we get a three way stop at Phyllis and RR track? He said drivers have a hard time getting off of Phyllis. City Manager Frank will check into it. Mayor Vandergrift received a call from Alice Armstrong thanking us for the funding to West Orange Elks; the Mayor added that they always assist with funding for the Big Orange Games. Commissioner Anderson 1) said the stop sign at Russell and RR tracks at Flewelling and asked if we can look at that? 2) said we are getting calls from HaAs because their meeting room has become an EOC room and they don't have as many options for places to meet. We need to try to provide meeting rooms. City Manager Frank said we have Community Center and Ison Center now; we don't like to use the fire department because of the computer set up that is now semi- permanent and used for computer training when not being used as EOC. He said residents can call his office if they have a problem finding a place to meet, and we will find one for them. Mayor Vandergrift said Gary Bryant called and asked 1) When will we discuss the residential parking issues and 2) said web site calendar does not show commission meetings Commissioner Johnson offered condolences to family of Kenny Anderson, who has been a big part of the City's little league teams for many years, and to John Klinger who also participated heavily in the City. Commissioner Keller reminded everyone about the Nights for Nurses Fundraiser on March 31, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., at Ocoee High School with entertainment from Disney and Cirque DuSoliel. Mayor Vandergrift apologized for having to be a little forceful with Mr. Monacky earlier this evemng. Page 11 of 12 City Commission Regular February 20, 2007 I ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 12 of 12