JANUARY 23, 1992
Chairman Stebbins called the meeting to order in the training room at 7:05 p.m.
and introduced City Manager Shapiro, who had asked for an opportunity to address
this Commission. After Mr. Shapiro spoke, the roll was called and a quorum
declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Stebbins, Vice-Chairman Breeze, Members Doss, Dunnaway,
Pauline and City Clerk Grafton
City Manager Shapiro said that he had asked the Mayor and Board of City
Commissioners if he should be here and had received the go-ahead from them. Mr.
Shapiro gave the background of the political climate at the time the Charter
Revision Committee met in 1988 and said also that, at that time, the City had a
new attorney with no experience in charter revision. He said the theory of
districting is good but that this came about in the wrong way for the City of
Ocoee. The result was that the scheduling for districting was premature or ill-
advised, as the anticipated growth has not yet materialized. Mr. Shapiro
suggested that the Committee's recommendation should reflect: 1) the least
obnoxious districting for right now and 2) consideration of looking at the
Charter again as regards three year terms and districting.
Mr. Breeze asked if it would be possible to undo what the Charter Revision
Committee did and Mr. Shapiro said that it was not likely.
Chairman Stebbins asked why someone did not have the foresight to review the
needs before the money was spent on this project. Mr. Shapiro said it was more
appropriate for this committee to examine the situation and make a recommendation
than for the elected officials to do so. Chairman Stebbins said that this
Committee has not yet reviewed the maps, but that the one which most nearly meets
the Charter requirements would be the one recommended by this Committee. Mr.
Shapiro pointed out that if none of the maps met the requirements, possibly a
recommendation to go to referendum would be in order. Mr. Shapiro expressed
appreciation for the opportunity to address this Commission and left the meeting.
At this point in the meeting the roll was called.
Mr. Breeze moved, and there was consensus, to dispense with the reading of the
minutes of the December 17, 1991 meeting.
Chairman Stebbins read into the record the charge of the City Commission to this
Commission to prepare a report to the City Commission with a recommendation of
district boundaries as well as numbering the districts by February 26, 1992,
which duties include holding a public hearing. For the benefit of the members
certain facts were clarified regarding the assignment of commission seat numbers
as district numbers.
Dr. Serow introduced Dr. Terry who is the expert on redistricting from their
office. Beverly Minor-Willis, Orange County elections office districting expert,
was present also and was invited to join in the discussion. Dr. Serow explained
that they had used the census blocks to create the maps and he had provided three
coe 2
Ocoee Districting Commission Meeting
January 23, 1992
plans rather than just the one he had promised. He displayed the maps,
explaining that all the maps do a good job of equalizing population size. Given
the size of the city, each district should contain 3,194 1/2 people, and only one
plan has a deviation of distribution greater than 1% and that one has 1.35%
deviation. Dr. Serow said that the plans differ in most other respects: Plan
#1 does the best in terms of keeping the voting precincts as intact as possible,
and, in his opinion has the most compact and contiguous boundaries. The
disadvantage of this one is -.:at two of the existing districts have two
Commissioners living in them. Plan #2 has a largely north/south orientation, is
relatively compact, and also has two districts with two Commissioners living in
them. Plan #3 is least compact of the three, however, the districts are
contiguous and do follow major streets or lakefront. The one feature that could
be construed as a weakness is that the resident Commissioner lives in the corner
of the district rather than being centrally located.
Ms. Doss said the determination will be 1) whether to do something that is
politically popular, 2) to draw the lines so that it looks like everybody in your
precinct is going to vote in your precinct, or 3) so that there are four
precincts in one section. Ms. Willis said that the issue of conforming to
precinct boundaries is not a critical issue, as the precinct lines will be
redrawn based on the work of this Commission. As long as a physical feature (a
recognized block boundary) is followed they will be satisfied and able to do
their job. Chairman Stebbins raised a question about crossing over County
Commissioner/district lines and Ms. Willis advised that there is no way for us
to avoid it.
Chairman Stebbins read from Attorney Rosenthal's letter of direction to this
Commission regarding the requirements: . . .Each district shall be formed of
compact contiguous territory and shall be as retangular as possible, and to the
extent possible the boundary line shall follow the center line of streets; shall
be based upon the principle of equal and effective representation as required by
the United States Constitution, and the boundaries of each district shall, to the
extent possible, align to the boundaries of the County precincts within the City
and with the boundaries of the City. Mr. Stebbins said further that the members
of this Commission had agreed at the last meeting that they do not have anyone
that they specifically represent other than the citizens of Ocoee.
Mr. Breeze said that even if the simplest map is chosen, there is distinct
inequity, as one of the districts is in a potentially high growth area while
several districts are built out.
Dr. Terry said that it is not possible to leave a district short simply because
we know it is going to grow. The requirement is to use the figures provided by
the 1990 census.
Mr. Breeze asked Dr. Serow if any other cities our size have voluntarily gone to
districts and Dr. Serow said he felt it was rare.
After lengthy discussion regarding the merits of each map, the following chart
was prepared by Chairman Stebbins showing the consensus of the Commission:
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Ocoee City Districting Commission Meeting
January 23, 1992
PLAN #1:
1) Most compact
2) Uses major road for boundaries
3) Meets voter precincts for County
PLAN #2:
1) Not feasible
PLAN #3:
1) Potential growth for all districts
2) Equal population in all districts
3) No interruption in City Commissioners
4) More rectangular
5) Not breaking up homeowner associations
6) Divides commercial concentration
As the maps provided by Dr. Serow were colored green, orange, blue and yellow the
Commission identified districts 1 through 4 by color on each plan. The maps
attached to these minutes to be distributed to City Commission members and
Districting Commission members were reproduced by our engineering department and
the technician used A, B, C, and D to designate the districts. All of this
information is combined in the following list:
PLAN #1:
District #1 - Green - C
District #2 - Orange - B
District #3 - Blue - D
District #4 - Yellow - A
PLAN #2:
District #1 - Yellow - D
District #2 - Blue - C
District #3 - Green - A
District #4 - Orange - B
PLAN #3:
District #1 - Orange - B
District #2 - Yellow - D
District #3 - Blue - C
District #4 - Green - A
The public hearing was scheduled for February 18, 1992 at 6:30 p.m. immediately
prior to the regular City Commission meeting and directions were given to City
Clerk Grafton to place the appropriate advertising.
As it was felt that the report to City Commission should include the feelings
expressed at the public hearing, this Commission will present its recommendation
to City Commission on March 3, 1992.
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Ocoee Districting Commission Meeting
January 23, 1992
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted ,
Je; Grafton, City j Jerk