HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-09-1997 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEETING HELD JULY 9, 1997 CALL TO ORDER This meeting was held in the office of Senior Mapping Supervisor Willis in the Orange County Supervisor of Elections Building, Orlando. This location was chosen to facilitate the redrawing of the district lines, as Mrs. Willis had prepared her computer with the current estimated population figures in the census blocks as provided by Owen Beitsch, Real Estate Research Consultants. Vice Chair Williams called the meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Vice Chair Williams, Members Grafton, Hager, and Lopez-Anderson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Senior Planner Horne, Orange County SOE Senior Mapping Supervisor Willis, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: Chair Holmes APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 1997 MEETING Member Hager, seconded by Member Grafton, moved to approve the minutes of the June 18, 1997 meeting as presented, Motion carried 4-0. Chair Holmes was not present. REPORT AND PRESENTATION SHOWING THE OPTIONS FOR DISTRICTING LINES USING CRITERIA SET BY DISTRICTING COMMISSION - SENIOR MAPPING SUPERVISOR WILLIS Mrs. Willis discussed the population estimates provided by the consultant and displayed 5 maps she had prepared using the criteria discussed at the previous meeting. Those were (1) current, (2) major roads, (3) north/south orientation, (4) least change, and (5) Federal/State Districts. Each map was given careful consideration, and after discussing the merits of each design the Commission chose to work with the map showing the least change (4). After the areas of potential growth were identified by City Manager Shapiro and Senior Planner Horne, the map was taken into the computer room and the Commission directed the change of some of the lines. Care was given to balance the population figures. Districts with greater potential for imminent growth were given areas with smaller population figures. Although it was not the prime concern at the time of the redrawing of the lines, the resulting map defined 4 districts with each of the seated City Commissioners in the district he/she currently represents. DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: CHOICE OF MAPS TO PRESENT TO CITY COMMISSION Consensus was reached to present only the current map and map (4) as revised during this meeting for the public hearing scheduled for July 21. Districting Commission Meeting July 9, 1997 DIRECTION TO STAFF/ATTORNEY Consensus was reached that a total of 15 maps each (current and map (4) revised) would be needed for the public hearing as well as a clean map (4) for the City Clerk's file. The maps will include the population in each district as well as the number of registered voters. All of these Mrs. Willis agreed to prepare by July 17. Senior Planner Horne will prepare a map showing the districting lines as proposed by this Commission to be included in the ad which will be published in the West Orange Times for the public hearing scheduled for July 21. SET NEXT MEETING DATE Consensus was reached that the meeting scheduled for July 16 was not needed, therefore canceled. ADJOURNMENT Member Hager, seconded by Member Grafton, moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 p.m. Motion carried 4-0. APPROVED Districting Commission i.n Grafton, 47 Clerk Bruce Holmes, Chair Page 2 of 2