HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-12-2002 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 12,2002 CALL TO ORDER City Clerk Grafton called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers,then led in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT Members Sherry DeWeese, Gary Hood, Martha Lopez-Anderson, Dan Matthys, and Rosemary Wilsen. Also present were City Attorney Paul Rosenthal, Orange County Supervisor of Elections Mapping Supervisor Beverly Willis, Staff GIS Technician Michael O'Halloran, and Administrative Assistant II Brenda Maxwell. Present in the audience were Commissioner Scott Anderson, City Manager Jim Gleason, City Clerk Jean Grafton, Deputy City Clerk Marian Green, and Deputy City Clerk Sally Whitford. ABSENT None ELECTION OF OFFICERS Dan Matthys nominated Martha Lopez-Anderson to serve as Chairman. Mrs. Lopez-Anderson accepted the nomination,then nominated Dan Matthys as Vice-Chairman. Mr. Matthys accepted the nomination. A vote was taken with the results of 5-0 in favor of the nominations. REPORT ON LEGAL ISSUES City Attorney Rosenthal discussed the Florida Sunshine Law in detail and informed the commission they may talk to staff, general public, and elected officials in or outside meetings but cautioned them that another Districting Commission Member could not be present during the discussion. Mr. Rosenthal discussed the Florida Public Records Law in detail and asked the Districting Commission to turn over any correspondence and e-mails to the City of Ocoee which will then be maintained by the City Clerk Department in accordance with the Records Retention laws. Mr. Rosenthal presented copies of the City of Ocoee Charter and discussed in detail the responsibilities of the Districting Commission as an advisory group to the Ocoee City Commission. Mr. Rosenthal advised the Districting Commission that the Charter calls for the districts to be compact, contiguous, and as rectangular as possible and that the boundary lines should follow the center lines of streets. There must also be equal and effective representation based on population, not on registered voters. The population according to the Census is 24,391 which would give each district 6,097 people. Each district does not have to have exactly 6,097 but there can only be a 10% deviation, which is 5%up or down and that figure would bring the population range in each district from 6,402 to 5,702. Mr. Rosenthal also stated it is L City of Ocoee Districting Commission Meeting February 12, 2002 permissible to maintain the existing districts without much disruption but there must be at least one public hearing held. BRIEFING ON CURRENT STATUS OF DISTRICTS Orange County Supervisor of Elections Mapping Supervisor Willis introduced herself, presented hand-outs and gave a detailed overview of redistricting guidelines, district profiles, voter data, dot density maps, and city district maps. Ms. Willis advised the Districting Commission to stay away from non-physical features such as streams, to try to keep neighborhoods together and to anticipate future growth. Ms. Willis also asked that the Districting Commission be done with the re-districting by July. GIS Technician O'Halloran introduced himself,presented handouts and said he would be working with the Districting Commission regarding maps and the statistics of the redistricting project. Mr. O'Halloran presented data regarding current district lines and stated new district lines should be drawn to equalize the districts. He proposed bringing four or five map options for the next meeting to show various ways to redistrict the City of Ocoee. Member Hood asked Mr. O'Halloran if it would be possible to move his computer into the Commission Chambers to have the benefit of the mapping software. Mr. O'Halloran said there are some technical issues regarding moving his computer to the Commission Chambers but he will try to resolve those issues before the next meeting. Mr. O'Halloran advised the Districting Commission that he would be available to meet each member on an individual basis to discuss the different redistricting options. DIRECTIONS TO STAFF Chairman Lopez-Anderson asked the members of the Districting Commission if they had any directions to give Mr. O'Halloran regarding mapping. Member Hood stated he felt it was important to know voter registration in each district and directed Mr. O'Halloran to keep in mind not only the subdivisions but also the pod areas. Vice-Chairman Matthys directed Mr. O'Halloran to put the incumbents' names and addresses on the maps. City Attorney Rosenthal asked the Districting Commission if they would like subdivision plans or data base information from the Planning Department. Chairman Lopez-Anderson stated having information from the Planning Department could be pertinent to the decisions made by the Districting Commission. City Attorney Rosenthal asked that the City Clerk check with the incumbents to see if they would like their current residence to be included in the redistricting lines and to report back to the Districting Commission. Vice-Chairman Matthys directed Mr. O'Halloran to move Census Blocks 1071, 1092, and 1094 from District 2 to District 4, to see how that would work. 2 City of Ocoee Districting Commission Meeting February 12, 2002 .► SCHEDULE MEETING DATES It was decided to hold the next meeting for the Districting Commission on March 6 at 7:00 p.m., the Public Hearing on March 20 at 7:00 p.m. and a tentative Districting Commission Meeting on April 3 at 7:00 p.m. City Clerk Grafton stated she would advertise the March Districting Commission Meeting dates in the Orlando Sentinel and the West Orange Times. Orange County SOE Mapping Supervisor Willis stated she will attend all of the City of Ocoee Districting Commission Meetings and will be available to answer any questions that may arise. Chairman Lopez-Anderson, seconded by Member Hood, moved to adjourn the Districting Commission Meeting. Motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. /aKet13 Ok() 1\i I (1(ki ,, Brenda Maxwell, dministrative Assistant M. . L •ez-Ane -rson, Chairman 3