HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-20-2002 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE
HELD MARCH 20,2002
Chairman Lopez-Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
Chairman Martha Lopez-Anderson, Vice-Chairman Dan Matthys, Members Sherry DeWeese,
Gary Hood, and Rosemary Wilsen. Also present were City Attorney Paul Rosenthal, Orange
County Supervisor of Elections Mapping Supervisor Beverly Willis, City Clerk Jean Grafton,
Staff GIS Technician Mike O'Halloran, and Administrative Assistant II Brenda Maxwell.
As this meeting was televised and only one citizen was present in the audience, Chairman
Lopez-Anderson announced to the viewing public that this commission serves as an advisory
body to the City Commission. The duties are to review geographic boundaries of the four
districts using the current census data and other data that is relevant to this process. Any
recommended changes should meet the following criteria: Districts should be compact,
contiguous, and as rectangular as possible. The districts should be based on the principle of
equal and effective representation in population, not in registered voters. The boundaries should
to the extent possible be aligned with the boundaries of the county precincts within the city.
Chairman Lopez-Anderson stated the recommendation of this Commission would be presented
to the City Commission on or before May 21, 2002. She emphasized this process has no effect
on the Orange County school attendance zones. She then invited Mr. O'Halloran to review the
options that had been discussed at the previous meetings.
GIS Technician O'Halloran reported the four maps discussed at the last meeting had been
placed on Ocoee's web page, as requested by this Commission. He then presented, in addition to
the existing district map, seven maps showing options in moving census blocks from one district
to another in order to equalize the population deviations listed on each map. Mr. O'Halloran had
arrived at a figure for the total population for the City of Ocoee by adding the population listed in
all of the census blocks within the City limits according to the 2000 Census. That total was
24,372 and, if all four districts were to be equal, he calculated the population in each district
would be 6,093. Listed below are the titles of the maps showing the population in each district,
the deviations from the ideal population for the largest and smallest districts, and a description of
the subdivisions or areas proposed for each change. One of the goals of the Districting
Commission was to find a way to have the smallest deviation between the largest and smallest
City of Ocoee Districting Commission Meeting
March 20, 2002
Cor Title Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 4 %Deviation
From Ideal
1. Existing District Map 5970 6453 6301 5648 5.91 to—7.30
This map is different from the one displayed at the last meeting in that a correction has
been made to change the boundary line between District 3 and District 2 from the center line of
Sleepy Harbour Drive to the center line of Chicago Avenue. This caused a small change in the
numbers and the correct numbers are reflected above.
2. Staff Plan 4 5970 6090 6282 6030 3.10 to—2.02
Move Bel-Aire West, Lakeview Village, and Peach Lake Manor Units 1 and 2 (bordered
on the north by the railway line along Rewis Street/A.D. Mims Road, south by Flewelling
Avenue and east by the east side of the lots bordering the east side of Sandy Cove) from District
2 to District 4; ALSO move those lots on the west side of Chicago Avenue from District 3 to
District 2.
3. Staff Plan 4a 6080 6090 6172 6030 1.30 to—1.03
Move Bel-Aire West, Lakeview Village, and Peach Lake Manor Units 1 and 2 (bordered
on the north by the railway line along Rewis Street/A.D. Mims Road, south by Flewelling
Avenue and east by the east side of the lots bordering the east side of Sandy Cove) from District
2 to District 4; ALSO move those lots on the west side of Chicago Avenue from District 3 to
District 2; ALSO move Seegar Subdivision(bordered on the west by an extension of North
Bluford Avenue to North Lee Street, then west to an extension of North Cumberland Avenue to
its intersection with Lyman Street and includes the lots bordering the north side of Lyman Street
as the north border, bordered on the east by North Lakewood Avenue) from District 3 to District
4. Staff Plan 4b 5970 6153 6219 6030 2.07 to—2.02
Move Bel-Aire West, Lakeview Village, and Peach Lake Manor Units 1 and 2 (bordered
on the north by the railway line along Rewis Street/A.D. Mims Road, south by Flewelling
Avenue and east by the east side of the lots bordering the east side of Sandy Cove) from District
2 to District 4; ALSO move the rest of Harbour Highlands—Two (bordered on the west by the
west property line of those lots on the west side of Sleepy Harbour Drive, on the north by
Orlando Avenue, on the east by Chicago Avenue and the south by Butterfly Creek Drive) from
District 3 to District 2.
5. Staff Plan 4c 6080 6153 6109 6030 0.98 to—1.03
Move Seegar Subdivision(bordered on the west by an extension of North Bluford
Avenue to North Lee Street,then west to an extension of North Cumberland Avenue to its
intersection with Lyman Street which is the north border, bordered on the east by North
Lakewood Avenue) from District 3 to District 1; ALSO move Bel-Aire West, Lakeview Village,
and Peach Lake Manor Units 1 and 2 (bordered on the north by the railway line along Rewis
Street/A.D. Mims Road, south by Flewelling Avenue and east by the east side of the lots
bordering the east side of Sandy Cove) from District 2 to District 4; ALSO move the rest of
Harbour Highlands—Two (bordered on the west by the west property line of those lots on the
City of Ocoee Districting Commission Meeting
March 20, 2002
west side of Sleepy Harbour Drive, on the north by Orlando Avenue, on the east by Chicago
Avenue and the south by Butterfly Creek Drive) from District 3 to District 2.
6. Committee Plan 1 5070 6146 6301 5945 3.41 to—2.26
(Rosemary Wilsen)
Move Sandy Cove, Lakeview Village, and all those lots in Brentwood Subdivision on the
east side of Ridgefield Avenue and all of Sullivan Avenue, bordered on the south by Silver Star
Road from District 2 to District 4.
7. Staff Plan 5 6286 6136 5827 6123 3.17 to—4.37
Move Bel-Aire West, Lakeview Village, Peach Lake Units One and Two from District 2
to District 1 (That portion bordered on the north by Rewis Street/A. D. Mims Road, south by
Flewelling Avenue and east on the east side of the lots bordering the east side of Sandy Cove.)
ALSO move that portion bounded on the west by North Lakewood Avenue, north by Mack
Street, east by Christine Street, and south by Rewis Street from District 1 to District 3; ALSO
move Prima Vista,the rest of Harbour Highlands-Two and unnamed areas from District 3 to
District 2. (That portion bordered by Orlando Avenue on the north, Bluford Avenue on the west,
Maine Street on the south, and Blackwood Avenue on the east.) ALSO move Brentwood Heights
—1, 2, 3, and 4 and Boitnott-Dunning Pine estates from District 2 to District 4 (that portion
bordered on the west by Ocoee Hills Road, north by Flewelling Drive, east by the easternmost lot
lines of those lots bordering the east side of Ridgefield Avenue and Sullivan Avenue, and south
by Silver Star Road.); ALSO move all of that portion lying south of Highway 50 and east of the
East-West Expressway from District 2 to District 3.
8. Public Plan 1 5970 6086 6219 6097 2.07 to—2.02
Silver Star Road divides District 2 from District 4 beginning at Sullivan Avenue. Extend
the line beginning at the south curve of the S curve on Silver Star Road heading east to separate
Silver Bend from Temple Grove and include Temple Grove in District 4; ALSO extend District
2 to include that portion bounded by Chicago Avenue on the east, Butterfly Creek Drive on the
south, White Road on the north and extend the west line to the west side of those lots on the west
side of Sleepy Harbour Drive.
Mr. O'Halloran began his presentation by stating the district map presented at the first meeting
was found to be incorrectly drawn in one area between Districts 2 and 3. The lines were drawn
along a census block line instead of being split down a block line. The line should have been
drawn down the center of Chicago Avenue but it was drawn down Sleepy Harbour Drive, which
changed the population numbers.
Mr. O'Halloran stated in order to keep neighborhoods together certain census blocks would
need to be split; i.e., option 1 would draw the boundary line down the property line in between
Sleepy Harbour Drive and Chicago Avenue; option 2 would draw the property line to include
those lots bordering the west side of Sleepy Harbour Drive.
Vice-Chairman Matthys asked who designed Public Plan 1. Mr. O'Halloran stated
Commissioner Anderson met with him and he designed the map according to Commissioner
,, Anderson's directions.
City of Ocoee Districting Commission Meeting
March 20, 2002
The public hearing was opened.
As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Vice-Chairman Matthys, seconded by Member Wilsen, moved to present to the Ocoee City
Commission for approval Staff Plan 4c, Staff Plan 4b, and Committee Plan 1, ranked in that
order. After lengthy discussion the motion failed 0-5.
Member Hood stated the maps chosen impact all the districts with the exception of Public Plan
1, which only impacts two districts. It makes District 4 more rectangular in shape as well as
causing less confusion.
Vice-Chairman Matthys stated he has a problem with Public Plan 1 because a commissioner
recommended it. He said he felt it was unethical for a commissioner to add a plan at this stage
because the commission will have the final say. The City Commission should let the advisory
body make the recommendation to the City Commission.
Member Hood said he understood how Vice-Chairman Matthys felt but input should be used
regardless whom it is from.
Vice-Chairman Matthys asked if the commissioners recommended the plans, what is the point
of the Districting Commission. He said he felt the purpose of an advisory committee is to
separate the commission from the general public and come forward with recommendations to the
Member Wilsen asked if the residents in the area of the changes of Public Plan 1 were notified.
Chairman Lopez-Anderson stated the City Clerk had no advance notice of the plan in order to
notify the residents affected. City Attorney Rosenthal stated the City of Ocoee has no legal
responsibility to notify the affected residents but the City of Ocoee does advertisements,postings,
and will inform residents at future City Commission meetings.
Due to a misunderstanding regarding whether the line was drawn on Chicago Avenue or Sleepy
Harbour Drive, City Clerk Grafton asked that if Public Plan 1 is recommended to please draw
the boundary line on the west side of the lots bordering the west side of Sleepy Harbour Drive
which would enable the whole neighborhood to be in the same district. This was option 2
presented by Mr. O'Halloran earlier in the meeting.
Member Hood directed Mr. O'Halloran to make the necessary changes requested by City Clerk
Grafton and to label the changed plan Plan 1 a.
Member Hood, seconded by Member DeWeese, moved to present to the Ocoee City Commission
for approval, in order, Public Plan la, Public Plan 1, and Staff Plan 4c. Motion carried 5-0.
City of Ocoee Districting Commission Meeting
March 20, 2002
cuy City Attorney Rosenthal stated the Ocoee City Commission will receive the Minutes of this
meeting and also all plans so they may choose or recommend any of the plans they received.
Chairman Lopez-Anderson directed City Clerk Grafton to transmit the minutes of this meeting
with the motion included as the official report of the Districting Commission and to post these
recommended plans on the City of Ocoee Website.
Chairman Lopez-Anderson stated she felt it was important that when the Ocoee City
Commission directs any given body to give a recommendation, it would be the best to allow that
body to make those recommendations.
Mrs. Lopez-Anderson corrected the minutes asking that they reflect the changes that had been
requested by the City Clerk in the Chicago Avenue/Sleepy Harbour Drive area district lines.
This request was the same as the one made at this meeting and is reflected in Plans 4b and 4c.
Member Hood, seconded by Member Vice-Chairman Matthys, moved to approve the March 6,
2002, Districting Commission Minutes as corrected. Motion carried 5-0.
The Commission agreed without objection to cancel the meeting tentatively set for April 6.
The meeting adjourned briefly at 8:02 p.m. and reconvened at 8:08 p.m. when it was discovered
that recommended Plan 1 a and Plan 1 are identical.
Member Hood, seconded by Member DeWeese, moved to rescind the motion made
recommending to the Ocoee City Commission approval of in order, Plan la, Plan 1, and Staff
Plan 4c. Motion carried 5-0.
Member Hood, seconded by Member Wilsen, moved to present to the Ocoee City Commission
for approval, in order, Plan 1, Staff Plan 4c, and Staff Plan 4b. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Lopez-Anderson adjourned the meeting at 8:09 p.m.
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renda Maxwell, A inistrative Assistant M. . . Lo.ez-Ande, on, Chairman