Chair Grafton called the meeting to order at 6:17 p.m. in the Commission Chambers.
Chair Grafton then led in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called and
a quorum declared present.
Chair Grafton, Vice Chair Blankenship, Members Garland, McKey and Morganto. Also
present were City Attorney Paul Rosenthal, GIS Analyst O'Halloran, Orange County
Supervisor of Elections Mapping Supervisor Beverly Willis, City Clerk Eikenberry and
Records Coordinator Moseley.
Member Garland, seconded by Member McKey, moved to approve the regular minutes
of January 18, 2007, and March 15, 2007. Motion carried 5-0.
REVIEW OF REDISTRICTING OPTIONS — Including Board Plan 1, Board Plan
2, and New Options (GIS Analyst O'Halloran)
GIS Analyst O'Halloran summarized the last meeting and presented the new plans the
board came up with, now titled Board Plan 1, Board Plan 2, and Rob Plan 1. He
explained the two methods he had come up with at the last meeting, (1)revising build-out
analysis data and (2) revising the census data from the year 2000. They decided to use
the population numbers from method 2. The results presented for method 2 made the
total population in the city 34,273. He read the total deviations created by each plan as
Board Plan 1 Board Plan 2 Rob Plan 1
District 1: -1.70 District 1: -1.70 District 1: -1.70
District 2: 1.76 District 2: 9.31 District 2: -4.78
District 3: 1.39 District 3: -6.17 District 3: -6.17
District 4: -1.45 District 4: -1.45 District 4: 12.64
GIS Analyst O'Halloran discussed the different changes that were made to create those
plans. He said the criteria used for an acceptable district change is that each district be
within 5%deviation from the ideal.
Vice-Chair Blankenship inquired about Board Plan 1 and if that was only existing
homes. GIS Analyst O'Halloran said the maps he has up only include the existing
population as of Dec. 31, 2006, and he did not take into account the future development.
Districting Commission Minutes
April 19, 2007
GIS Analyst O'Halloran said, based on the Projected Development Projects map, he
took some of the numbers of upcoming development by district and determined the
District 1 would add 1,305 people within the next 12 months and 3,831 people within the
next 36 months.
District 2 would add 192 people within the next 12 months and the same within the next
36 months.
District 3 would add 1,566 within the next 12 months and 8,713 within the next 36
District 4 would add 1,148 within the next 12 months and 4,718 within the next 36
Therefore, in the next three years District 2 will have the least number of people and
District 3 would have the most, because it is affected by the Maine Street Project. City
Attorney Rosenthal stated the Maine Street Project will not show any residential
population being added before the next three years because there is still so much going on
with that. He estimated that the projected population from that project would not even hit
the 2010 census.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran showed a power point presentation of the different maps he
had created, which are basically constrained by the census block boundaries. Member
Morganto commented on the two troubled Districts of 2 and 4 and asked if they could
concentrate on moving around areas that would only affect those two districts. The board
decided that Board Plan 1 was the closest to the ideal deviation. GIS Analyst
O'Halloran stated the population in District 3 would grow the most within the next 36
months. The board used the map of Board Plan 1 and played around with moving census
blocks back and forth to see which would make the best plan for now and the future.
The board modified the map by moving a census block from District 3 to the west of
Bluford Avenue over to District 2. They moved the Chevron Property project and
Lakewood Estates project into District 1, rather than District 3. The deviation that
resulted seemed to be acceptable. The board decided to save these changes and name the
modified map Board Plan 3.
Consensus of the board was to call the modified plan, as detailed above, as Board Plan
GIS Analyst O'Halloran brought up the map for Board Plan 2 and the board made some
changes by moving census blocks. They discussed splitting up the Prima Vista
subdivision, but decided against it. Orange County Supervisor of Elections Mapping
Supervisor Beverly Willis said they could split certain census blocks where there are not
many people, such as the corner of Geneva Street and Bluford Avenue. They titled this
new plan as Board Plan 4.
Districting Commission Minutes
April 19, 2007
Consensus of the board was to present Board Plan 1, Board Plan 3, Board Plan 4 at the
public hearing.
Orange County Supervisor of Elections Mapping Supervisor Beverly Willis stated
that GIS Analyst O'Halloran could work on the proposed changes and split the necessary
census block to bring the corrected plans to the public hearing.
Vice-Chair Blankenship said he would be traveling out of town during the time of the
next meeting and would not be present. Chair Grafton inquired if they take opinions at
the public hearing and are they required to act on those. City Clerk Eikenberry said in
the past they created public plans from the public hearing. City Attorney Rosenthal
said the board could pick a plan and recommend one to the City Commission. Chair
Grafton asked if the board should have another meeting after the public hearing, before
they take a recommendation to the City Commission. Orange County Supervisor of
Elections Mapping Supervisor Beverly Willis stated the public hearing should just be
for them to take information for consideration, not to make a decision at that time.
Next meeting is a public hearing on May 17, 2007, at 6:00 p.m.
City Attorney Rosenthal said the maps of board plans should be available for review in
City Hall. He said the public hearing does not need to be advertised in the Sentinel and
can be put in the West Orange Times. Chair Grafton said the West Orange Times can
run a story of public interest without charge notifying the public that it is available online.
It was also decided that it should be advertised on OGTV, on the City website, on the
bulletin board, and in the West Orange Times.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
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Ho ly osele ecords Coord. for J r-an Grafton, Chai