HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 3, 1995 AGENDA 1-17-95 s (k n Item III A , �, LCA' , ' �' MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING HELD January 3, 1995 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. Mrs. Betty Goble led in the prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Glass, Gleason, and Johnson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, Assistant City Attorney Zelkowitz, Administrative Services Director Beamer, Planning Director Wagner, Recreation Director Beech, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: Commissioner Foster. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - None CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of item A. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to accept and a. @ rove the consent a enda as @ resented. Motion carried 4-0. A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 20, 1994. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. Cannon Hamby, 789 Pine Street, addressed Commission requesting sidewalks on Palm Drive, consideration of the drainage problem on Pine Street and also that something be done about the high grass/weeds at 455 Palm Drive where there is an abandoned house, and Ocoee's holding pond in that area. City Manager Shapiro will check out the house as it may be in the County. Mayor Vandergrift introduced Assistant City Attorney Zelkowitz and welcomed him to the meeting. Mrs. Frances Watts, speaking on behalf of the Ocoee Seniors, thanked Sysco for the dinners and the invitations to both Mayor Vandergrift's and Commissioner Gleason's open house. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None OTHER BUSINESS DISCUSSION OF DATES FOR MEETINGS RE: LAKE LOTTA MALL AND LAKE LOTTA CENTER FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, DRI, PUD. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to set the public hearings for the Lake Lotta Mall and Lake Lotta Center before the Planning and Zoning Commission for r n A Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting January 3, 1995 January 12, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. and before the City Commission on January 26, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 4-0. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Shapiro asked that an out-of-the-sunshine meeting be scheduled to discuss collective bargaining negotiations. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Conunissioner Gleason, moved to schedule an out-of-the-sunshine meeting to discuss collective bargaining negotiations with the labor attorney at 6:00 p.m. on January 17, 1995. Motion carried 4-0. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Gleason: Wished all a Happy New Year. Commissioner Glass: Wished all a Happy New Year. Commissioner Johnson: 1) The Amber Ridge meeting will be held January 11 at a place to be announced and those interested in Crime Watch should attend. 2) Said that there will be a problem with traffic at 671/2 Sand Dollar Key when the park is opened and he asked if the driveway can be fenced. Mr. Shapiro will evaluate the situation and give a written response. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Proposed scheduling town meetings as he has some suggestions he wishes to present. Commissioner Gleason said that there are already two meetings scheduled (on the first and third Tuesday of each month) for public input. Commissioner Johnson said more participation is needed in the meetings already scheduled, and possibly one of those meetings should be designated as especially open for public input. Commissioner Glass said he was open to any ideas to promote citizen participation. Mayor Vandergrift tabled this suggestion for this month. 2) Moved to open Lakeshore Drive. City Manager Shapiro recalled that the engineers had recommended waiting until the road bed would have an opportunity to dry out before using it. Mayor Vandergrift reiterated his suggestions regarding the rerouting of the water from City Hall roof into the retention pond and the construction of swales to keep the water from the road, then announced that his motion died for lack of a second. 3) Asked about the PKP II slab. Administrative Services Director Beamer reported that she had found the money for the slab, sand and sod; Recreation Director Beech reported that the forms for the slab were put in place today for pouring concrete on Thursday, sand will be delivered next week and the sod will be in place the third week this month. 4) Asked about the Coventry/Prairie Lake bids. Mr. Shapiro responded that the bids have come in and he will submit a written report shortly. 2 UL A:.1 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting January 3, 1995 5) Wants to form a committee to design/build a float for the Citrus Bowl parade next year as the City was invited this year, but was unprepared. He suggested also inviting businesses to help sponsor the float. Commissioner Gleason said he had no objection to that but wanted to be sure the Commission could have input. Mr. Shapiro said he planned to include this at mid-year budget time. 6) Asked if the drainage well #2 will be open soon. Yes. 7) Asked again that a program to recognize employees for service in 5 year increments be established and that this program include presentation at Commission meetings. Mr. Shapiro responded that employees are now presented a city watch for 5 years of service. 8) Asked what department stores are going into the Winn Dixie complex. This information not yet revealed by builder, but a meeting is scheduled with staff. 9) The crime watch signs are still needed at Ocoee Garden Villas. 10) Noted the termite problem all over town and said that only state qualified entomologists are authorized to test to be sure termite inspectors/exterminators are using the correct formula for extermination. Asked for Commission action to invite those entomologists to Ocoee as that is the only way they will come. 11) Advised that the resident at 306 or 308 Center Street reported that the City owned block wall in front of her house needs to be painted. 12) Asked why the horticulturist cannot be the Arbor person. Mr. Shapiro advised that she was hired to be a working supervisor and she is needed in that capacity. He stated for the record that Mr. Wagner had checked the area at issue in the last meeting. 13) Reminded citizens that Christmas trees will be picked up by City crews Wednesdays and Thursdays through January, and he asked that consideration be given by all to use live trees next year and plant them after Christmas. 14) Wants funeral escort service reinstated as City has mutual aid agreement with the County and so should be able to cover both emergencies and this type of service. There was discussion regarding the fact that, with 48 hours notice required, the County provides this service county wide Monday through Friday but charge $18 per hour per vehicle on weekends. Conunissioner Johnson suggested putting notification out when cemetery lots are sold or reserved that Orange County provides the service and citizens should ask funeral home director to request it. 15) Wants Cemetery Advisory Committee reactivated to review expanding Cemetery and/or perpetual care. Commissioner Gleason asked that the committee represent new comers also. Mr. Shapiro will provide information regarding the committee. He then reported that the Sons of Confederacy have requested permission to clean up some cemetery lots and he asked for direction from Commission. Consensus was that there would be no problem with granting permission. 16) Offered to video tape his State of the City address to be viewed either before or after the next Commission meeting. This offer met with approval. 17) Wants to have work sessions at least once each month. 3 rTh -Thr it Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting `J L January 3, 1995 18) Thanked Sysco for their contributions of meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas to the needy and elderly. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 4