HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (D - F) D)2nd Reading & Public Hearing: Ordin No 95-02, rezoning certain lands to PUD and approving a Land Use Plan for the Lake Lotta Mall PUD E) Dev. Agreement F) Public Hearing: Lake Lotta Mall PUD Preliminary Sub Plan/Site Plan Proj No 94-011 AGENDA 1-26-95
Item III D&F
DATE: January 20 , 1995
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Russ Wagner, Director of Planning
SUBJ : Lake Lotta Mall PUD
Ordinance No. 95-02
PUD Land Use Plan & Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site Plan
Plans Date Stamped by the City January 20 , 1995
Development Agreement
Project No. 94-011
1) Should the Mayor and City Commissioners adopt Ordinance No . 95-
02 which repeals the existing Planned Unit Development Zoning
and Land Use Plan for the Lake Lotta PUD and rezones the
property which is the subject of the application in Project No .
94-011 to Planned Unit Development , and in connection therewith,
approve the new Lake Lotta Mall PUD Land Use Plan including the
Conditions of Approval and waivers set forth therein?
2 ) Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve a Development
Agreement in connection with the Lake Lotta Mall PUD?
3 ) Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Lake Lotta
Mail PUD Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site Plan?
The Lake Lotta Mall PUD is located north of S .R. 50 and south of White
Road east of Clarke Road. The PUD Land Use Plan was initially
submitted for City review on October 8 , 1993 . In order to conform the
Plan to all DRI and City Land Development Code requirements , the
developer submitted a number of sufficiency responses and attended
numerous meetings with the City Staff and its consultants to resolve
all issues raised . The Land Use Plan presented for consideration
reflects and is compatible with the proposed Development Order for the
Lake Lotta Mall DRI bearing print date January 20 , 1995 . The PUD is
also consistent with the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment Future
Lake Lotta Mall , PUD Land Use Plan & PSP/SP
January 20 , 1995
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Land Use Map change proposed for this site in connection with
Ordinance No. 95-01 and Case No . CPA-1-9-93 . Approval of Ordinance
No . 95-02 and the Lake Lotta Mall PUD Land Use Plan constitutes a
rezoning of the property and would replace the existing Lake Lotta PUD
Land Use Plan which currently regulates the development of the
property. Except for the title on Sheet 1 of 1 of the PUD Land Use
Plan, the Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site Plan is exactly the same
set of drawings as the PUD Land Use Plan. These Plans are being
submitted concurrently to expedite the review process .
This is a combined staff report which addresses three separate agenda
items as set forth in the listing of issues to be considered .
Separate action is required on each item. A public hearing is not
required in connection with the proposed Development Agreement , but
the City Commission should receive public comment .
The Lake Lotta Mall PUD provides for the development of a retail mall
and peripheral retail uses constituting a total Gross Leasable Area
of 1 , 500 ,000 square feet . The project is planned to be developed in
two phases on a site encompassing 130 . 0 acres . Phase I incorporates
1 . 1 million square foot of mall space and 100 , 000 square feet of
outlot development . Phase II of the project will involve up to
150 , 000 square feet of mall expansion and another 150 , 000 square feet
of peripheral development . The mall itself incorporates space for up
to five anchor stores , a theater complex, food court , and future
parking garage in addition to space for approximately 140 retail
shops . Uses permitted within the project are consistent with the
proposed DRI Development Order . Specific development standards
pertaining to the entire project are also called out on the Plan, and
an extensive list of Conditions of Approval will also regulate the
future development of the site .
Major features of the proposed Land Use Plan and Preliminary
Subdivision Plan/Site Plan are summarized below :
• An extensive number of roadway improvements are proposed to
accommodate mall traffic including three new signalized
intersections and upgrades to two existing intersections .
• Additional rights-of-way are to be dedicated for future
improvements to S .R. 50 and Clarke Road.
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January 20 , 1995
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• The developer will provide a $250 , 000 cash contribution to
assist the City in reducing the existing curvature of White Road
just west of Clarke Road .
• An extensive traffic monitoring and modeling program will be
required prior to development of Phase II of the project to
identify roadway and intersection improvements necessary to
mitigate impacts generated.
• The proposed stormwater retention ponds are positioned along the
site perimeter to form a buffer between the mall and the
Rosehill neighborhood as well as the proposed single family
neighborhood north of the project .
• The multi-family portion of the Lake Lotta Center DRI is
accessible through the Lake Lotta Mall project , and there will
be no access to Good Homes Road.
• All building setbacks along roadways and adjoining residential
areas are consistent with City Land Development Code standards ,
and special setback provisions contained within the original
Lake Lotta PUD are maintained to protect the Rosehill
• Extensive landscape buffers are provided along Clarke Road and
S .R. 50 , and screening walls are specified to be constructed
ahead of development where the site abuts existing/proposed
single family subdivisions .
• Tree preservation areas have been set aside near the two project
entrances on Clarke Road, and significant landscaped buffers and
planting areas have been planned along roadways , within the
parking lots and adjoining the mall building perimeter .
• Lighting within retail areas will be limited to 40 ' in height ,
and all lighting emanating from the site will be shielded from
adjoining single family developments .
• An initial bus transit center is proposed adjoining the ring
road, and a space is reserved within an outlot for a possible
"superstop" location.
• An unfinished police substation area as well as a public
community meeting room will be provided within the mall at no
cost to the Cite .
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January 20 , 1995
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A number of waivers have been requested by the developer as part of
the PUD Land Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site Plan
approval . These include 1) a request to slightly reduce the size of
parking spaces; 2) a request to provide zero setbacks for buildings
on individual lots within the mall ; 3) a request to increase the
allowable distance from the entrance to parking; 4) a request to
slightly reduce travel lane width on internal driveways ; 5) a request
to slightly reduce the required number of parking spaces ; 6) a request
to waive tree survey requirements outside protection areas; 7) a
request to waive the 4 to 1 tree replacement requirement ; 8) a request
to waive detailed specifications for landscaping in parking lots ; 9)
a request to provide hedges for screening instead of berms ; 10) a
request to increase the permitted height of screening walls; 11) a
request to provide alternative landscaping along screening walls ; 12)
a request to reduce the requirements for large shade trees in parking
lots; 13) a request to compute open space including retention ponds ;
and 14) a request to reduce maintenance berm widths around retention
ponds .
The proposed PUD Land Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site
Plan are consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, as amended by
Ordinance No. 95-01, and the proposed Development Order for the Lake
Lotta Mall DRI . Also, any approval of the proposed PUD Land Use Plan
and Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site Plan will become effective only
if the proposed Development Order for the Lake Lotta Mall DRI becomes
The Ocoee Land Development Code requires that a development agreement
be executed in connection with the granting of PUD zoning . The
development agreement must incorporate all plans and conditions of
approval . This provides a mechanism to place in the public records
the conditions of approval required by the City . The various local
agreements between the City and the developer have been incorporated
into the conditions of approval which are set forth in the PUD Land
Use Plan, the proposed Development Agreement , and the Preliminary
Subdivision Plan/Site Plan. Attached hereto is a proposed Development
Agreement which complies with the requirements of the Land Development
Code. Lake Lotta, Ltd. is also executing the proposed Development
Agreement as owner of the property at the time of approval .
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January 20 , 1995
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The Planning and Zoning Commission held a Special Meeting January 12 ,
1995 to conduct an advertised Public Hearing on the Lake Lotta Mall
PUD Land Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site Plan (see
attached draft minutes) . After receiving input from the developer,
staff , and a variety of citizens , the Planning and Zoning Commission
voted unanimously to find the Lake Lotta Mall PUD Land Use Plan and
Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site Plan to be consistent with the Ocoee
Comprehensive Plan as proposed for amendment in Case No . 1-9-93 and
the proposed Lake Lotta mall DRI Development Order, and recommended
that the City Commission approve the request to repeal the existing
Planned Unit Development Zoning and Land Use Plan for the Lake Lotta
PUD and rezone the property which is the subject of the application
in Project No. 94-011 to Planned Unit Development , and in connection
therewith, approve the new Lake Lotta Mall PUD Land Use Plan,
including the Conditions of Approval and waivers set-forth therein,
and further approve the Lake Lotta Mall PUD Preliminary Subdivision
Plan/Site Plan, all subject to the adoption of the proposed amendment
to the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan in Case No . 1-9-93 and approval of a
DRI Development Order for the Lake Lotta Mall DRI , and approval of the
Lake Lotta Mall PUD Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site Plan being
subject to approval of the Lake Lotta Mall PUD Land Use Plan.
In prior action on December 22 , 1994 , the DRC also approved the
proposed Lake Lotta Mall PUD Land Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision
Plan/Site Plan as submitted on that date, subject to a number of final
changes which have been incorporated . In response to the changes
recommended by the DRC and Planning and Zoning Commission, the
developer has modified the proposed Plans to conform to these
approvals . Accordingly, staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor
and City Commissioners :
1) Adopt Ordinance No. 95-02 , authorizing execution thereof by the
Mayor and City Clerk .
2 ) Approve the proposed Development Agreement (Lake Lotta Mall PUD)
between Homart Development Co . , Lake Lotta, Ltd. and the City,
subject to Ordinance No . 95-01 , the Development Order for the
Lake Lotta Mall DRI and Ordinance No . 95-02 all becoming
effective .
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January 20 , 1995
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3) Find the Lake Lotta Mall PUD Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site
Plan date stamped by the City on January 20 , 1995 to be
consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan as proposed for
amendment in Case No . 1-9-93 and the Lake Lotta Mall DRI
Development Order, and approve the Lake Lotta Mall PUD
Preliminary Subdivision Plan/ Site Plan (date stamped as
received by the City of Ocoee on January 20 , 1995) , all subject
to Ordinance No . 95-01 , the Development Order, Ordinance No . 95-
02 and the Development Agreement (Lake Lotta Mall PUD) becoming
effective .