HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 16, 1995 AGENDA 6-6-95 3{, I�, n Item III A MINUIES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 16, 1995 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. Pastor Frank Thompson, Apostolic Worship Church, Wofford Road, delivered the prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Glass, Gleason, and Johnson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative Services Director Beamer, Recreation Director Beech, Planning Director Wagner, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Fire Chief Strosnider, PPTD Supervisor Elmore, Solid Waste/Fleet Maintenance Supervisor Dees, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: Commissioner Foster PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS There were no presentations or proclamations at this time. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, and F. Staff pulled item E to add verbage. Mayor Vandergrift asked several questions for clarification on items C, D, and F, to which staff responded as follows: C. Will we get enough miles to make refurbishing worth-while? Chief Strosnider responded that the refurbishing is being done to make more room, not because it is old. D. Wants to not close the whole boat dock during reconstruction and suggested putting an L shape at the end for fishing. City Engineer Shira responded that the L shape would require a dredge and fill permit from DEP, the cost of which would exceed the amount requested. Closing one-half of the dock at a time will double the cost of the project. The plan is to have the work done during the off season. F. Asked if CETA funds are available. No. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Gleason, moved to accept and ap'rove the consent agenda as presented with the exception of item E. Motion carried 4-0. (Clerk's note: Although it was not mentioned for the record, the listing of those present and absent was omitted from the minutes of May 2, 1995. The record should show as follows: Present: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Foster, Glass, Gleason, and Johnson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Recreation Director Beech, Concurrency Analyst Resnik, and City Clerk Grafton. Absent: None) A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 2, 1995. B. Acceptance and Approval of Request for Special Exception Application Fee Waiver - Christian Service Center of Central Florida, Inc. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 16, 1995 Lv C. Acceptance and Approval to Transfer $882.54 Fire Department Funds to Capital Improvement Account to Refurbish Rescue 26. D. Acceptance and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Tri-Party Development Project Grant Agreement with Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Orange County for Florida Boater Improvement Fund-Starke Lake Boat Ramp Repair. F. Acceptance and Approval of Recreation Department Request for Two Part-Time Summer Temporary Positions. E. Acceptance and Approval of Lake Olympia Square - Final Plat. This item was considered later in the meeting following citizen comments, but for clarity and continuity of the agenda, the action taken will be recorded here. City Attorney Rosenthal said certain inspections were expected to have been made by this date but were delayed. It is anticipated that the inspections will have been completed well before the next Commission meeting date, but in order for Winn Dixie to open the Certificate of Occupancy must be issued. Before the Certificate of Occupancy may be issued there are several conditions which must be met: (1) The property must be replatted. (This particluar agenda item with the fmal inspection and acceptance of the improvements by the City satisfies that condition.) (2) All public and private improvements must have been completed as required by the approved preliminary plan and the approved final subdivision plan, including the construction of the brick walls as identified on those plans. Mr. Rosenthal recommended the staff recommendation be modified that the plat be approved subject to fmal inspection and acceptance of all improvements by the City. Mr. Shapiro added that the plat would not be presented for execution until all the requirements have been met. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to a I I rove Lake 01 m I is Square Final Plat, subject to final inspection and acceptance of all improvements by the City. Motion carried 4-0. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mrs. Ann Whittle, 715 E. Lakeshore Drive, expressed concerns regarding several issues: 1) The lake is being pumped out and is as low as it would be in drought conditions. She asked what is being done, what is planned, and why it happened. City Engineer Shira explained that there is no pumping at the drain well. In 1986 the SJRWMD issued a permit to Orange County (which the City subsequently took over) which has conditions regarding the high level at which the lakes may be kept, and a pipe was installed at that time at that level to permit the water above that level to drain off. At the time that device was installed a connecting pipe with a gate valve was put in between Starke Lake and Lake Olympia in order to provide a way to replenish Lake Olympia water supply when it became low, because that lake's connection with the aquifer was more porous 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting �o May 16, 1995 J J U L! J causing it to drain faster than Starke Lake. The permit provides that at elevation 96 the gate at the culvert is to be closed and the drain wells are to be opened. The elevation of the lake today is no lower than the control wells that have been in place for at least nine years. The southernmost drain well has been plugged up until it can be repaired so that it drains at the proper level. The northernmost drainwell still has water at about 98.8, but the level has caused problems with homeowners with docks so he has contacted St. Johns and will meet with them to get more history about why that level was chosen and see if something can be done to raise the elevation of the overflow structure so that the high level of Starke Lake is higher than it is today. A pump was put in place today at the eastern edge of the large retention pond on the south side of Olympia Cove Subdivision to start moving water from Lake Olympia to Starke Lake. Mr. Shapiro added that the plan is to start pumping Wednesday and the pump will run for at least a week. There will be sound barriers in place but they will not buffer all the sound. Mayor Vandergrift asked if lake level gauges could be placed in the lake so that the level could be monitored by citizens. Mr. Shira said that it had been done several times and vandals removed them. Later in the meeting Mr. Harold Switzer, 609 E. Lakeshore Drive, commended the city staff for responding to the citizens' concern regarding the lake level and offered his dock for the measuring device. 2) Homeowners Association wants to clean up the shoreline on Lot 1 while the lake is down and asked about getting that started. Administrative Services Director Beamer said that she will be sending in a schedule for the planting and other information, and that the City's permit will have to be extended for any areas other than City owned. Mr. Shapiro asked that Mr. Thomas be contacted to meet with the Homeowners. 3) Said that the Sleepy Harbour Yard Sale did not do very well this year and they discovered after it was over that the signs had been removed by someone and they assumed it was Code Enforcement. She compared that with the fact that there are still signs up that should have been removed weeks and months ago by either the owner or the City: Vern Combs' campaign sign on Maguire Road since November, Arts & Crafts Show signs nailed on poles everywhere were not picked up until Monday, WalkAmerica sign across from the entrance to Sleepy Harbour left in place until Thursday and was taken down by a resident, Friday's Friendly Fish Fry signs covering the right-of-way on Clarke Road and White Road were still up on Sunday. Mr. Shapiro said that the fish fry signs around the event area were for health and safety to direct the hundreds of people expected to the right area for parking. He did not know why the signs were on Clarke Road, but signs for non-profit occasions or for health/safety were generally accepted. Mayor Vandergrift said that staff should be directed to look especially at special event signs/garage sale signs while they are working on the ordinance expected to be presented in July. 3 11 D 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting f Jr� May 16, 1995 4) Expressed her opinion again on the money being spent on the Senior Program, saying she was appalled that Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioners Foster and Johnson would blatantly disregard the Constitution. She asked that those Commissioners act upon the matter before it is acted upon for them. Harold Switzer made the remarks noted above at this point in the meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None OTHER BUSINESS DISCUSSION RE: DECLARATION OF OLD RECREATION Bus AS SURPLUS EQUIPMENT. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to declare the old recreation bus to be surplus equipment. Motion carried 4-0. City Manager Shapiro pointed out that the purpose of announcing it on TV is to advertise its availability as a free item. APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER TO SELECTION COMMITTEE TO CHOOSE DESIGN-BUILDING, YOUTH MULTI-PURPOSE RECREATION CENTER. Recreation Director Beech explained that the Committee needs one City Commissioner to complete its membership and asked that Commission appoint one at this time. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to appoint Commissioner Gleason to serve on the Selection Committee. Motion carried 4-0. RECESS 8:20 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M. DISCUSSION RE:AUTHORIZATION TO EXPEND$1,950 FROM GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCY FOR LYNX BUS STOP - TRASH CONTAINERS. After discussion regarding the possibility of recovering the funds from Lynx (not likely as they ordinarily use a different style), and placing the containers on a regular route for service, Mayor Vandergrift moved to authorize the expenditure. Motion died for lack of a second. Discussion continued and included possibly conducting a slogan contest regarding litter. Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved (1) to authorize the expenditure of $1 950 from General Fund Contingency for Lynx bus stop trash containers, (2) to advise the schools in the Ocoee area that the City is conducting a contest for a "no litter" slogan, and (3) to authorize $250 in prize money with prize cate'ories. Motion carried 4-0. DISCUSSION RE: STATUS OF WOFFORD ROAD - SPECIAL EXCEPTION/CHURCH. City Manager Shapiro gave the background and advised that with Florida Auto Auction providing an emergency vehicle easement through their public parking lot to a gate directly across Wofford Road from the Apostolic Worship Center (formerly the Winter Garden Seventh Day Adventist Church), an improved paved surface could be accomplished for an estimated cost of under $10,000. The church is committed to $10,000 for the project and has asked that any 4 MOcoee City Commission Regular Meeting t' May 16, 1995 funds not used for the easement be put toward improving Wofford Road. Mr. Shapiro asked for direction before proceeding with any legal expense toward acquiring the easement. After discussion, Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Gleason. moved to approve the direction taken by staff. Motion carried 4-0. Pastor Frank Thompson, Apostolic Worship Center, expressed his appreciation to Commission and staff for their efforts. STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports at this time. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONER GLEASON: 1) Commended and thanked Jim Beech for the Big Orange Games. 2) Thanked the West Orange Chamber of Commerce (especially Sherry DeWeese), and the many volunteers for the very successful Friday's Friendly Fish Fry held May 12. With the exception of the signs being left up as mentioned earlier in the meeting, the whole occasion was well done. 3) Expressed appreciation to Jim Beech and the employee committee for the well organized employee picnic on May 13 at Camp Ithiel. COMMISSIONER GLASS: No comment at this time. COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: 1) Said he had to work Saturday and could not attend employee picnic. 2) Talked about the letter circulated by Post Office regarding their offer to install free of charge curbside mail boxes for those residents who volunteer to change from door delivery. Mayor Vandergrift asked why the City was not notified and why residents were not given a choice of N.D.C.B. Units. Commissioner Johnson responded that the Post Office could not offer those units free. R. P. Mohnacky asked for clarification as he had missed part of the opening statement. 3) Raised a question regarding signs being moved and asked what a citizen must do when a sign has been moved from somewhere else in front of his house. 4) Said he understood Lynx was considering changing some of the routes. Mayor Vandergrift responded that he had requested a change so that Route 27 and Route 25 could connect and Commissioner Gleason had requested that it happen before the summer months, but it did not appear likely to happen until after summer. Mayor Vandergrift added that he had discovered that over 3,000 Ocoee, Winter Garden, and Oakland residents had to go to Apopka to report to agencies rather than to the agency located on Silver Star Road, and he had initiated correspondence regarding that, requesting an Apopka route from Lynx. 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting J U LiA u May 16, 1995 5) The Post Office food donation drive yielded 6 tons which are being delivered to the Christian Service Center. MAYOR VANDERGRIFT: 1) Asked for "No Rock Throwing" signs at the Little League Ballfield and RR track. 2) Reported that a citizen had complained that Homart was being allowed to burn the trees and the citizen had not been allowed to burn leaves. City Manager Shapiro responded that the commercial burn involves permits requiring available water, fans, insurance, etc., but any permit must be applied for at the Fire Department. 3) Asked if SHIP Funds could be used for the trailer parks. Mr. Shapiro responded that they could not, but that the funds are currently being used by the County on our behalf in the City, as we are a part of the urban county. 4) Ruts in the park are being made by the cars unloading ski machines and they should be made to use the regular ramp. By doing this the users would be aware of the "No Wake" sign also. 5) Thanked the West Orange Jaycees for manning the telephone during the meeting. 6) Thanked the picnic committee for Saturday's picnic. 7) Reported that he had attended the 5th grade essay contest on "What I Can Do for My Community" at the Woman's Club and was very impressed by the essays. He has invited the winner from each school to the June 6 meeting to read their essays. 8) Read a telephone message from Esther Seadeek expressing appreciation for the City's Senior Program and the Police Department's program of calling elderly people who live alone. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 6