HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regualr Meeting held May 2, 1995 AGENDA 5-16-95
Mayor Vandergrift introduced Mayor of the Moment Kessy Ogubi, W.O.H.S., who then took
the gavel and conducted the first portion of the meeting. Commissioner Foster led in the prayer
and Crime Watch Commander Mary Myers led the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called
and a quorum declared present.
M.O.M. Ogubi read proclamations proclaiming National Day of Prayer - May 4, 1995, and
Recognition of Charter Day - May 13, 1995.
The consent agenda consisted of items A and B. Mayor Vandergrift noted for the record that
on page 7 of the minutes in item A the reference to his coaching was an error, as he was not
a coach at that time. Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to
approve the consent agenda with the correction noted. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 18, 1995.
B. Acceptance and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Annexation
Agreement with C. Kevin Gilliam for 307 Wurst Road.
There were no citizen comments at this time.
This ordinance was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing.
Administrative Services Director Beamer gave an overview of the ordinance and pointed out
that, due to the size of the fund and the number of usable lots left to be sold in the cemetery,
the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund would never become large enough to truly support perpetual
care. She noted also that, anticipating approval of the ordinance, $20,000 has been set aside in
the budget for cemetery care and for preparing unusable lots to be usable. City Manager
Shapiro said that he is planning to assign one-half person to the cemetery for next fiscal year.
The public hearing was opened. Former Commissioner Sam Woodson, 814 Chicago Avenue,
spoke against closing the perpetual care fund and suggested instead transferring enough money
from the general fund to that fund in order to make it large enough for the interest to ensure the
care of the cemetery.
Mayor Vandergrift spoke as a citizen against the action, as he felt it would essentially close the
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 2, 1995
Former Commissioner Betty Hager, 511 Orange Avenue, told about the unsuccessful efforts
of the cemetery committee to purchase land adjacent to the cemetery when the committee was
active. She noted that as long as the cemetery is taken care of, it doesn't matter what fund pays
for the care.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Gleason said that the cemetery should be run by people in the business rather
than by government.
Commissioner Foster said that this Commission is committed to the care of the cemetery, but
there was no guarantee that future generations would feel the same. He was opposed to
transferring the funds even though it would be necessary to subsidize the fund.
Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt Ordinance No.
95-15, terminating the cemetery perpetual care fund. Motion carried 3-2 with Mayor
Vandergrift and Commissioner Foster voting no.
This ordinance was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing. City
Manager Shapiro advised that staff was present to answer questions and that the changes
requested had been made.
The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
M.O.M. Ogubi turned the gavel over to Mayor Vandergrift who thanked her for running the
meeting so well and then called a recess.
RECESS 8:12 - 8:20 P.M.
Administrative Services Director Beamer reviewed the FY95 MidYear Budget Amendment
Book and responded to questions from Commission. There were no changes requested to the
amendment as presented.
Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 95-
16, amending the City Budget adopted by Resolution No. 94-24, as presented. Motion carried
The Finance Staff was commended for their improved method of reporting finances.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 2, 1995
Resolution No. 95-03, Closing of Floral Street Alleyway.
This resolution was presented by title only. City Manager Shapiro advised that this closing
was requested by Mr. Benaglio who resides on Floral Street next to the alley.
When the floor was opened for public comments the following citizens spoke:
Ike Cool, Esq., 709 Broadway Drive, representing Ocoee Christian Church, requested more
time to analyze the issue as the Church Board had not had an opportunity to review the matter.
Mr. Jim Sills, 205 S. Lakeshore Drive, spoke against the closing due to safety issues.
Dr. Edwin Pounds, 101 E. McKey Street, property owner of land adjacent to alley, spoke
against the closing.
Commissioner Glass, seconded by Conunissioner Foster, moved to not adopt Resolution No.
95-03. Motion carried 5-0.
Recreation Director Jim Beech presented the staff report showing the merits of four (4)
possible locations for the proposed recreation center site. Those locations were (1) Central Park,
Flewelling Drive, (2) John Vignetti Park, off Adair Street, (3) Wastewater Plant, A.D. Mims
Road, and (4) Tiger Minor Park, off Geneva Street.
After discussion regarding the problems of parking and the safety of the children Commissioner
Foster, seconded by Conunissioner Johnson, moved to designate Central Park as the site for
the new recreation center and to authorize staff to begin the design-construction process. Motion
carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift voting no.
Mayor Vandergrift asked for comments from the audience.
Mrs. Betty Hager, 511 Center Street, spoke in favor of the location.
Capital Projects/Concurrency Analyst Resnik presented the staff report indicating that, as
Cablevision Industries Corporation has reached an agreement to merge with Time Warner, this
would be an appropriate time to revisit the franchise agreement, and she requested direction for
staff to work with special counsel and Time Warner representatives to prepare a draft revised
franchise agreement to bring to City Commission for review in conjunction with the formal
review of the transfer.
11Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 2, 1995
Ms. Resnik introduced Mr. Rich Gunter, director of government relations, who said he was
present to answer questions.
There were several questions called in by telephone and then a discussion regarding the rate
Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to direct staff to prepare
a draft franchise agreement as recommended. Motion carried 5-0,
APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS: Board of Adjustment - Genevieve Foster and Kenneth A. Hale -
terms expire May 1995.
Commissioner Foster declared that he would abstain from participation in the discussion and
voting on this item as a possible conflict of interest exists with this appointment and he filed his
statement with the City Clerk.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to appoint Genevieve Foster
to serve another term on the Board of Adjustment. Motion carried 3-1 with Commissioner
Gleason voting no.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that Mr. Hale had indicated a desire to serve on a board but no
desire to be reappointed to this board, and he asked that volunteers contact the City Clerk for
applications to serve.
There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Gleason:
1) Announced Friday's Friendly Fish Fry on May 12, 4-8 p.m. at the community center.
2) Announced that Orange County School System has contracted with an agency to evaluate
the schools and citizens may be informed by attending meetings at the following
locations: Ocoee Elementary Wednesday on May 3, Ocoee Middle School on May 12,
and Spring Lake on May 4, with all meetings to be at 7:00 p.m.
3) Announced Big Orange Games at Ocoee Middle School track on May 6, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m..
4) Announced ground breaking for the Mall May 3 beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Clarke Road.
5) Reported a question from April Fox regarding the need for the sidewalk on A.D. Mims
road to continue on near Victory Baptist Church beyond the railroad tracks. City
Manager Shapiro responded that the area in question is county right-of-way and the City
has communicated the need to them but the City cannot put in a sidewalk there.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 2, 1995
Commissioner Glass:
1) Will be out of town for the fish fry, but needs someone with a good throwing arm to
stand in for him at the dunk tank.
2) Thanked Bruce Dunsford for the diagram of the recreation building which Jim Beech
used in his presentation.
3) Commended Don Flippen and the code enforcement staff for the good job they are doing.
4) Has had positive comments from Pioneer Key II citizens on the new trash cans as they
have been effective in keeping litter off the streets.
Commissioner Foster:
1) Reported a call-in citizen comment regarding cablevision rates cautioning commission and
staff to remember that charges to franchise holders are passed on to the user citizens.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Said he thought the new trash cans were to be automatically emptied by the garbage
trucks, but they were still being emptied manually. City Manager Shapiro said that not
all the trucks are equipped with the arm to operate automatically but would be soon.
2) Asked about putting the Northside Study out to bid or RFP prior to budget meetings.
City Manager Shapiro said that would not include engineering and legal.
3) Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to give staff
direction to do the downtown overlay district. Motion carried 5-0.
4) Announced he has a grandchild due in December.
Mayor Vandergrift:
1) Asked again about the lights in the police station parking lot. City Manager Shapiro said
it was not a part of the contract for the building and it has been added to the list of things
for Florida Power to do, and that it is not just an electrical problem but rather it has to
be trenched.
2) Asked if the lake clean-up permit is running out. Administrative Services Director
Beamer responded that it would have run out May 13 but she has applied for a one year
3) Asked if the Golf Course brought any money to the City at the end of their year.
Administrative Services Director Beamer responded that they had brought a leasing check
in the amount of $1,500 and that was all that was due, as during the first ten years it
would start out small and there would be a gradual increase.
4) Commended the Sanitation Department on the distribution of the garbage cans. The
early complaints about the size/depth/inconvenience have turned into complaints that
some citizens were not included in the initial distribution.
*Commissioner Johnson interjected here a thanks to the Sanitation Department for the
massive cleanup all over town.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 2, 1995
5) Announced a Conference of Mayors in Miami June 16-20 and another, Florida
Redevelopment Association 5th Annual Joint Conference June 7-9 at West Palm Beach
Ramada - on Changing the Rules for Redevelopment, and suggested that the Planning &
Zoning Commission may be interested in attending. City Manager Shapiro pointed out
that such conferences should be budgeted for and Commissioner Glass noted that P & Z
might be interested in attending the Central Florida Planners monthly meetings.
6) Thanked the West Orange Jaycees for covering the telephones for this meeting.
*Commissioner Johnson read 2 call-in questions:
When will Winn Dixie open? Mr. Shapiro said probably June or July.
Is a swimming pool going in the recreation center? No.
*Commissioner Gleason read a call-in comment about their trash not being picked up and he
advised the caller to leave their trash out for next day service and announced the phone number
to call during regular office hours.
The meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor