HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 4, 1995 AGENDA 4-18-95
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission
chambers. Ms. Betty Goble led in the prayer and Ms. Betty Ervine led the pledge of
allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Foster, Glass, Gleason, and Johnson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative
Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Public Works
Director Brenner, Police Chief Mark, Planning Director Wagner, Planner Dow,
and City Clerk Grafton.
Vision West Orange - Jim Hayes, Chairman.
Mr. Jim Hayes introduced Mr. Rob Nordin, executive director of West Orange Chamber of
Commerce, and discussed the material he presented in a handout to Commission which described
the scope of concern for Vision West Orange. Mr. Hayes said that he was asking for support,
not dollars, and mentioned a resolution they had provided for Commission consideration. Mr.
Shapiro advised that the resolution will be on the next agenda.
Girls' Club-Request for Funds.
There was no one present to represent the Girl's Club.
There were two proclamations presented and they are located on page 3.
The consent agenda consisted of items A and B. Mayor Vandergrift pulled item B and
Commissioner Gleason pulled item A.
Commissioner Gleason initiated a discussion about the OV 65 Program as it had been one of
the topics in his meeting with Commissioner Glass on March 14, but when it was determined
that he had no corrections to that portion of the minutes Commission agreed to discuss the
subject at another time. Commissioner Glass corrected the minutes of the March 14 meeting
on page 1, second paragraph from the bottom, ". . . rebating ad valorem taxes is violating the
Florida Constitution . . .", saying that he "thinks it probably may be violated." He said that he
is very concerned regarding a potential lawsuit as residency requirements are against the
Constitution, and he asked City Attorney Rosenthal to research and give an opinion if this is
violative of the Constitution.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 4, 1995
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to approve all minutes as
corrected. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 21, 1995
and Meeting between Commissioners Glass and Gleason held March 14, 1995.
B. Acceptance and Approval of Use of $4,500 of Forfeiture Money for the Purchase of
One In-Car Video.
After inquiring of Chief Mark about this item, Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner
Gleason, moved to approve item B of the consent agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Betty Goble, 1118 Caballero Road, addressed Commission regarding a letter dated
March 25, 1995, which she had sent to Commission relating to a conversation she had with
Commissioner Johnson at a recent commission meeting and during which she felt he had
expressed uncalled-for anger as he made comments about Mr. Duquette's campaign.
Commissioner Johnson responded by reading his letter to her, in which he stated he had not
been belligerent at the time of their conversation. Mrs. Goble asked for an apology and when
none was made, she asked for a copy of the tape of this portion of the meeting.
Mrs. Mary Myers, coordinator for the Crime Watch in Pioneer Key Park I, thanked city
officials for attending their meeting and supporting their crime watch. Commissioner Glass
thanked Mrs. Myers for her concern and efforts.
Former Commissioner Woodson, 814 Chicago Ave., as representative of the City on the
Citizens' Advisory Committee of the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study, reported that
the committee has determined that there will be no money for the next 20 years and is
considering recommending raising tolls in order to widen key roads. He asked for direction
from Commission. Although no formal consensus was established, several commissioners spoke
against increasing tolls and no commissioner spoke in favor of increasing tolls.
Public Works Director Brenner introduced Mike Keller and Cary Bertling who displayed
delineators they had devised from scrap PVC and scraps of reflecting material instead of using
the traditional galvanized post and reflectors. Mr. Brenner explained that the savings to the
City by the use of this innovative idea would amount to $8,245 for the 500 delineators needed.
Commissioner Glass asked if the idea should be patented. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by
Commissioner Glass, moved to award Mr. Keller and Mr. Bertling each a check in the amount
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 4, 1995
of $412.25 for their innovative idea, with funds to come from General Fund Contingency.
Motion carried 5-0.
RECESS 8:30 P.M. TO 8:40 P.M.
Commissioner Gleason called Public Works Director Brenner to the podium and commended
him for arranging the paving of an area for the Ocoee Middle School without involving City
funds or employees. He then presented his framed letter of appreciation.
Mayor Vandergrift presented two proclamations at this time, proclaiming April to be
Confederate History Month and Great Florida Clean Up and Beautify Ocoee Month. He
then noted that there were Sea World tickets available with $3.00 reduced from the regular rate.
Commissioner Glass read a memo from Public Works regarding Spring Clean-up scheduled for
April 22 and April 29.
Commissioner Foster read a letter from Magi Moody to Personnel Director Psaledakis
expressing appreciation for Commission's giving permission to display her art at City Hall.
Commissioner Glass read the announcement from West Orange Senior Citizens inviting
Commission to their picnic on April 20 at the community center.
Mayor Vandergrift read a letter from Sandy Fisher regarding Lakewatch.
Public Works Director Brenner announced that all the 95 gallon garbage carts have been
distributed but that not all the trucks are prepared to handle them. He asked that residents not
use the carts until the scheduled April 10 when the trucks would be able to empty them.
First Reading of Ordinances. Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for April
18, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Vandergrift announced the time and place of the second reading
and public hearing for all of the ordinances presented for first reading at this time. Each of the
following ordinances was presented by title only for the first reading.
• Ordinance No. 95-10, Case No, 94-08-06:Lewis - Annexation.
• Ordinance No. 95-11, Case No.94-08-06:Lewis - Initial Zoning.
• Ordinance No. 95-12, Case No.94-07-02:Kenjen, Ltd. - Rezoning.
• Ordinance No. 95-13, Case No. 94-08-07:Crampton - Annexation.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 4, 1995
• Ordinance No. 95-14, Case No. 94-08-07:Crampton - Initial Zoning.
Innovative Idea - Mike Keller and Cary Bertling, constructing road delineators.
This item was considered earlier in the meeting and is located on page 2.
Lake Bennet Centre Developer's Agreement (Zom Lake Bennet, Ltd.).
Planning Director Wagner distributed copies of a plan showing the proposed development
phases of Lake Bennet Centre and explained that the Developer's Agreement presented at this
time is to replace the one from 1986. He pointed out that the plan shows the changes that are
outlined in the staff report. The report shows those changes to be:
• A detailed phasing plan is identified and correlated with definitions of various
improvements to be constructed within each phase.
• Phase 1A provides for the paving of Blackwood Avenue 780' north of S.R. 50,
improvements to the existing traffic signal at S.R. 50, and the paving of internal
roadways within the project.
• Phase 1B includes the connection of a single right-in/right-out entry onto S.R. 50 and the
construction of a median separator.
• Phase 2 provides for the paving of Maine Street over to the western boundary of the
• Rights-of-way for S.R. 50, Blackwood Avenue and Maine Street will be dedicated to the
City upon 90 days written notice or at platting.
• The Tract "A" lift station site, to be conveyed to the City, is proposed to be relocated
to a parcel north-east of Blackwood Avenue.
• The Tract "B" retention pond and conservation area which accommodates the roadway
drainage from Blackwood Avenue and Maine Street will be dedicated to the City.
• The provisions within the original Agreement pertaining to impact fee credits for the
paving of Blackwood Avenue (California) and Maine Street have been clarified.
• Water main extension pay-back provisions have been clarified.
• Setbacks from Lake Bennet and Maine Street are specified per the PSP, and landscape
buffers along Lake Bennet may be constructed at the time of individual lot development.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 4, 1995
• Lot 8 would be incorporated within Phase One and could be split to form another lot(Lot
• Various concurrency provisions are included to acknowledge the purchase of a
Transportation Capacity Reservation Certificate by the developer without guarantee of
a Final Certificate of Concurrency for individual lots.
• The developer would be permitted to submit Final Subdivision Plans for the entire
development and could plat the entire project ahead of issuance of the Final Certificate
of Concurrency since individual Certificates will be issued at Final Site Plan approval for
each lot within the development.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to a. 'rove the new Lake
Bennet Centre Developer's Agreement by and between Zom Lake Bennet, LTD. and the City
of Ocoee and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement on behalf of the
City. Motion carried 5-0.
City Attorney Rosenthal called attention to his memo dated April 3, 1995: Annexation Policy:
Requirement for Right-of-Way Dedications which he had distributed before the meeting. City
Manager Shapiro suggested that Commissioners review the document and call if they wished
to discuss the issue at the April 18 meeting.
Commissioner Gleason: Said he had intended asking for a discussion on the Senior Program
(OV 65) but thought that Commissioner Glass's request for the City Attorney's opinion was an
excellent idea and will wait until that is received. Mayor Vandergrift said that it possibly
should be an agenda item on April 18.
Commissioner Glass:
1) Thanked Don Flippen and his staff (especially Shelly Simon) for their efforts in Code
Enforcement, particularly in Pioneer Key Park.
2) Was pleased that the Bruins won.
Commissioner Foster: Said that he was ready to handle the hot potato (Senior Program).
Mayor Vandergrift:
1) Asked why the fire hydrants are turned backwards at the Oaks. Mr. Shira responded that
the contractor turns the hydrants the right direction before the resident moves in.
2) Asked about the clay road base. Mr. Shira responded that it is soil cement.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 4, 1995
30 Announced that he will be attending Legislative Action Day in Tallahassee April 5 and
asked for citizen input for lobbying interests.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Reported a problem with trash and litter at Silver Star Road and Ocoee Hills Road at the
bus stop, and he asked if Lynx should be contacted to pick up the trash. Staff will
follow up.
2) Announced that Mayor Vandergrift's birthday was March 22 and Commissioner
Gleason's birthday was April 1 (Commissioner Gleason corrected him that his birthday
was April 6) and the Ocoee Rent-a-Choir sang to both.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor