HomeMy WebLinkAboutII (A) Resolution - Vision West Orange ► F AGENDA 4-4-95 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING -PRIDE OF WEST ORANGL��3a Item II A Ocoee 5.SLL)11 VAIVUCnl,niri COMMISSIONERS %ad CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON • PAUL W.FOSTER 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVESCOTT A.GLASS OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 JIM GLEASON (407)656-2322 CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO March 20, 1995 Rob Nordin, Executive Director West Orange Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 770522 Winter Garden, FL 34777 RE: BOARD AGENDA ITEMNISION WEST ORANGE Dear Rob: I am in receipt of your letter dated March 16, 1995 requesting to be placed on an upcoming City Commission Agenda. By copy of this letter to our City Clerk, Jean Grafton, I am advising her to place Jim Hayes, Chairman of the Vision West Orange Committee on the April 4, 1995 City Commission Agenda under Presentations. If you have any questions, please contact Jean at 407-656-2322, extension 147. Sincerely, ..i"apiro City Manager ES3:fdg:78 cc: Jean Grafton, City Clerk • • WAST ORANGE M111111.1P1 • March 16, 1995 Ellis Shapiro City Manager City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Dear Ellis: I may be guilty of a breech of etiquette and if that is the case I apologize. Yesterday I called your City Clerk, Jean Grafton, and asked if a representative of Vision West Orange could appear before the Ocoee City Council the evening of April 4, 1995 to make a brief presentation. Our intention is to bring Council current with the activities of Vision West Orange and ask formal support by passage of a resolution, a copy of which you will have well in advance of the meeting date. I understand, however, that you require a written request to appear before Council, and I would respectfully ask for that privilege by this letter. Jim Hayes, Chairman of the `vision West Orange Committee will make the presentation on our behalf. If that is agreeable I will look forward to seeing you the evening of April 4, but if not please let me know at your first convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully, �cS�. ni2De.J Rob Nordin Executive Director WEST ORANGE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE P.O. BOX 770522/WINTER GARDEN, FLA. 34777/407-656-1304 MEMBER OF FLORIDA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE UNITED STATES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE THE WEST ORANGE COUNTY VISION SION WEST ORANGE COUNTY WILL BE a diverse, vital community that enables its citizens to achieve the highest quality of life by providing...: * a diverse economy * infrastructure capacity adequate for existing and new development * a full range of housing opportunities and social services * excellent educational opportunites * a variety of parks suited to the needs of the population * a dean, healthy natural environment * an attractive community image through a coordinated and cooperative resident, business, and government effort WEST ORANGE COUNTY._a place of community involvement and community pride, upholding the highest quality 4'1iJe in Central Florida 16,:c:Lat. 62 IVY/Pr-ft • VISION WEST ORANGE A BRIEF REPORT TO THE OCOEE CITY COUNCIL The scope of concern for Vision West Orange involves five primary issues: The economy of the region; Present and anticipated infrastructure needs; The concerns of housing, education, and social services; Parks and recreation; and Image, involving aesthetics and perception. Five task forces will be formed to study each area, with profiles established for existing conditions and a needs and resolutions list created for future considerations. The task forces will work with and through the appropriate agencies as cooperating partners to bring to fruition the various elements described in the Committee's Mission Statement. The West Orange Chamber of Commerce will continue in its role as facilitator for the overall project. ISSUE A: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT There is a need to attract businesses which pay high wages and are environmentally desirable. Typically, higher wage jobs are in the manufacturing sector rather than retail and tourism. Responsibilities suggested by the Steering Committee for the Economic Development Task Force are as follows: 1. Identify and inventory resources, needs, and deficiencies regarding industrial sites, businesses, civic groups, vacant buildings, under-utilized human resources, etc. 2. Recommend goals, objectives, policies, programs, and investments to address the needs and deficiencies. In accordance with the Vision Statement of Vision West Orange to have a diverse economy, emphasis could be given, but is not limited, to the following: * Adaptive reuse of marginal agricultural resources. * Employment opportunities for professional, skilled, and semi-skilled residents of West Orange. * Appropriateness of available vocational training and facilities in West Orange. * Locational appeal of West Orange to new and existing industry and businesses. * The government, business community, and general public need to become more aware of economic development issues and the importance of recruiting and retaining clean industry. * Determine alternate land space options. * Attract and/or grow the types of businesses which increase the average income of the labor force. * Identify a realistic list of industries to target for development. * Identify which of those businesses can fit with existing assets and liabilities (i.e. labor force, existing infrastructure, etc. ) of the area. 1 * Identify local companies with strong growth potential and assist in their continuing growth. * Identify and train a group of individuals to work with future prospects. * Improve the ability of existing and new business to access business financing. * Improve community awareness of economic development issues and develop community assets essential for economic prosperity. * Improve and develop the ability of government to support the economic development process. * Develop the information base needed to support existing industry. * Review the municipal approval processes for customer friendliness, efficiency, and effectiveness (i.e. permits, impact fees, etc. ) * Review the Land Use Element, the Traffic Circulation Element, and the Future Land Use Map in the respective Comprehensive Plans to logistically package commercial/industrial sites. * Work with the Infrastructure/Transportation Task Force to do the following: --Identify areas where infrastructure capacity is currently available or adaptable in the cities' Comprehensive Plans. --Analyze existing and proposed road systems and identify what additional improvements will be needed to promote economic development. --Establish desirable design standards for roadway related drainage, landscaping, streetlighting, etc. 2 ISSUE B: INFRASTRUCTURE Each of the four West Orange communities face unique infrastructure problems that must be addressed if the area is to enjoy orderly growth and expansion in the incorporated as well as unincorporated portions of the County. There is a need to plan for and coordinate future infrastructure needs among the different government entities and to develop a combined, effective support system for all of the cities anticipated future growth. This is needed to prepare for new residents, businesses, educational facilities, etc. Responsibilities suggested by the Steering Committee for the Infrastructure Task Force are as follows: 1. Identify and inventory resources, needs, and deficiencies regarding infrastructure and transportation. 2 . Recommend goals, objectives, policies, programs, and investments to address 'the needs and deficiencies. In accordance with the Vision Statement of Vision West Orange to have "infrastructure capacity for existing and new development, " emphasis could be given, but is not limited, to the following: * ROADS - Identify those key existing roads in West Orange which serve to interlink the communities and which require improvement/upgrade to deal with future growth. Examine the need for new roadway networks to interconnect anticipated new growth areas. Road needs should identify typical sections and right-of-way needs. This is essential in order to insure the capacity and continuity of these roadways. Define future responsibility for major roadways in order to alleviate the unexpected transfer of roads from the county to the cities/town as a result of annexation. 4 • • • • * DRAINAGE - Identify primary drainage facilities which serve multi-jurisdictions and define potential maintenance and capacity problems. * WATER - Develop a coordinated plan for the provision of high quality potable water to incorporated and unincorporated areas in West Orange not presently served by public water supplies. * WASTEWATER TREATMENT - Develop a coordinated plan for the provision of sewerage treatment facilities for all incorporated or unincorporated areas not presently served by such facilities. * ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION - Develop community consensus regarding the most desired mode of public transportation. * OTHER UTILITIES (Cable, Electric, Gas, Etc. ) * PUBLIC SECURITY Infrastructure (noun) 1. An underlying base or foundation. 2 . The basic facilities needed for the functioning of a system. 5 ISSUE C: HOUSING, EDUCATION, AND SOCIAL SERVICES Responsibilities suggested by the Steering Committee for the Housing, Education, and Social Services Task Force are as follows: 1. Identify and inventory resources, needs, and deficiencies regarding housing, education, and social services. 2 . Recommend goals, objectives, policies, programs, and investments to address the needs and deficiencies. In accordance with the Vision Statement of Vision West Orange to have excellent educational opportunities and a full range of housing opportunities and social services, " emphasis could be given, but is not limited, to the following: * HOUSING * Improve the access to affordable housing opportunities within West Orange County. * Complete a demographic study statistically and visually showing diversity and location of housing types for very low, low, middle and high income groups. * Visit all low income housing sites checking for maintenance, services, aesthetics, and quality of life for residents noting needed improvements. * Use population statistics to identify clustering of low-income groups and compare to current housing available. * Complete a report on findings to present to business and city representatives. * Contact owners of current low-income housing needing improvement. * Address the problem with absentee landlords in the region; many rental properties are deteriorating. 6 • * EDUCATION * Create a consortium of educational leaders and support services representing public and private preschools through grades 12 in West Orange County. * Focus on student populations needing special study for identification of opportunities to improve attendance, performance, and enrichment. * Study job opportunities for the future, compare to local area needs, and identify training, skills development needing to be implemented for high school and post-high school students. * Create a plan to present to OCPS, Valencia College, Westside Vo- Tech, Family Services, police, and social services. * SOCIAL SERVICES * Compile a list of services available currently in West Orange County. * Compare to population needs of children, elderly, single-parents, handicapped, etc. * Use Family Service Centers of Vo-Tech, Life Center of Christian Service Center, Health Central, etc. to coordinate bringing needed services to area. * Educate public as to availability. Housing (noun) 1. Shelter; lodging. 2. Dwelling provided for people. 3 . Something that covers or protects. Educate (verb) 1. . To provide schooling for. 2 . To develop mentally or morally by instruction. Education (noun) 1. The knowledge and development resulting from an educational process. Social Service (noun) 1. An activity designed to promote social welfare. 2 . Organized philanl.hropic assistance of the sick, destitute, or unfortunate. 7 ISSUE D: PARRS & RECREATION Responsibilities suggested by the Steering Committee for the Parks & Recreation, Task Force are as follows: 1. Identify and inventory resources, needs, and deficiencies regarding facilities, schedules, safety, variety, quantity and quality. 2. Recommend goals, objectives, policies, programs, and investments to address the needs and deficiencies. In accordance with the Vision Statement of Vision West Orange to have a variety of parks suited to the needs of the population, emphasis could be given, but is not limited, to the following: * Encourage participation in outdoor activities for both groups and individuals of all ages (including leagues, tournaments, multiple sports, and casual) . * Improve the availability of quality, family-oriented leisure activities in West Orange County. * Restore, preserve, and make available the natural resources of the region to the community. * Special note should be given to usage and completion of the new Rails to Trails, restoration of Lake Apopka, the YMCA, and use and preservation of the Butler Chain of Lakes. Parks (noun) 1. A piece of ground in or near a city or town kept for ornament and recreation. 2 . An area maintained in its natural state as a public property. Recreation (noun) 1. To create anew; restore; refresh. 2 . A means of refreshment or diversion. Natural Resources (noun) 1. Industrial materials and capacities (as mineral deposits and waterpower) supplied by nature. 8 ISSUE E: IMAGE - AESTHETICS AND PERCEPTION Responsibilities suggested by the Steering Committee for the Image Task Force are as follows: 1. Identify and inventory resources, needs, and deficiencies regarding the image of West Orange County. The "image" incorporates two general areas: Aesthetics and Perceptions. 2. Recommend goals, objectives, policies, programs, and II� investments to address the needs and deficiencies. h� /,� In accordance with the Vision Statement of Vision West Orange to "have ikiL attractive environment, " emphasis could be given, but is not limited, to the following: * Identify the positives and negatives of the West Orange image/perception. * Formulate a desired image of West Orange that is consistent with the Vision Statement. * Develop a strategy to change the perception of West Orange to reflect the desired image. * Establish programs which improve the physical appearance of West Orange County. * Aesthetics - The Highway 50 corridor from Ocoee through Oakland is a primary concern; insure that an appealing appearance is achieved and maintained. * Actively promote community pride of ownership of West Orange County. * Public Relations (ie. Perception) - Improve the perception of the area with the media and the general public ; keep them informed of items we are pursuing, problems we may be facing, solutions and progress we are making. 9 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Vision West Orange was conceived at the initiation of the West Orange Chamber of Commerce as a regional citizen, business and government based resource to work in support and cooperation for the betterment of the communities of Oakland, Ocoee, Windermere, Winter Garden, and related unincorporated areas, and; W1EREAS, the Mission of Vision West Orange is the creation and perpetuation of a "diverse vital community that enables its citizens to achieve the highest quality of life," and; WHEREAS, Vision West Orange is dedicated to working collectively with the elected officials and staffs of the cities and towns in West Orange County, and with the Orange County Board of Commissioners, and; WHEREAS, the Vision West Orange Steering Committee and members of its various Task Forces provide broad representation for the communities of Oakland, Ocoee, Windermere, Winter Garden and related unincorporated areas, and; WHEREAS, the Vision West Orange Task Forces will, through careful study, thorough evaluation, and thoughtful recommendation, provide valuable insights into community needs and methods of resolution both of an immediate and future nature, and; WHEREAS, city and county participation and support for Vision West Orange is necessary to attain comprehensive community involvement and pride, and to achieve and maintain the highest quality of life in Central Florida; NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA endorses the concept of Vision West Orange and supports its leadership in bringing resident, business, and government efforts together for the enhancement of all elements that will result in a positive and prosperous future for all citizens of the West Orange community. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 1995 ATTEST: APPROVED CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor