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VI (A) First Reading of Ordinance No. 95-19, approving revised Land Use Plan for Lake Lotta Mall, PUD. Second Reading/Public Hearing Scheduled for July 18, 1995
} AGENDA 7-05-95 ITem VI A "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" 0 C ee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFI CIS egiT. COMMISSION'KS _ • .. CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON 1... 40 a. PAUL W.FOSTER v p SCOTT A.GLASS 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE 0 �V OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 JIM GLEASON `.�� (407)656-2322 Ciro b1 ANAGLR Of GOOD ELLIS SHAPIRO SRP-501 STAFF REPORT DATE: June 29, 1995 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Russ Wagner, Director of Planning SUBJ: Lake Lotta Mall PUD / Substantial Amendments Ordinance No. 95-19 ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve substantial amendments to the Lake Lotta Mall PUD Land Use Plan pertaining to building heights, parking lot size, and project name? BACKGROUND: The attached letter , together with supplementary data from Jim Grant of Homart , constitutes a request for three changes to the PUD to accommodate the West Oaks Mall project . In his letter , Mr. Grant has acknowledged that these amendments are "substantial " based upon criteria in the Ocoee Land Development Code (LDC) . The change request is therefore being processed accordingly, and if approved, will be effectuated by the adoption of Ordinance 95-19 (attached) . DISCUSSION: With respect to proposed changes to Condition of Approval #6 of the PUD pertaining to maximum building heights; Mr. Grant has presented an extensive justification for the requested modification. As pointed out , the Ocoee LDC never anticipated the development of a regional mall within the community on such a large site. Based upon the mass and scale of the facility and the extensive setbacks provided, the waiver of strict building height limitations is warranted to ensure that the architecture of the complex is appropriately proportioned. Further relaxation of standard parking lot sizes adjoining linear landscape planters is justified in order to accommodate the provision of adequate open space within the site and to acknowledge the trend toward smaller vehicles . Labeling of the reduced spaces for compact vehicles is believed to create police enforcement problems , however, and the DRC is not in favor of this aspect of the proposal . t The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners June 29, 1995 Page 2 The proposed change of the project name from "Lake Lotta Mall PUD" to "West Oaks Mall PUD" is definitely justified to avoid confusion and to promote consistency in all future plan submittals . This change would pertain to the PUD and all local plan submittals; however, the project would retain the Lake Lotta Mall DRI designation. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: At their meeting on June 28 , 1995 , the P&Z held a Public Hearing on the proposed amendments and reviewed each change in detail after receiving public comments . By unanimous vote, the P&Z recommended approval of the amendments per the Staff Recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the unanimous vote of the DRC and P&Z , Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve substantial amendments to the Lake Lotta Mall PUD Land Use Plan as specified below by adoption of Ordinance 95-19 . 1 . Condition of Approval #6 to be amended to read as follows : "Building Heights - Building Heights will not exceed forty- five feet for structures constructed on any outparcel ; provided, however, that structures within the mall building itself may reach a maximum height of 1) 52 feet for any portion of the building used for human occupancy and 2 ) 72 feet for any portion of the building not used for human occupancy. Any light emanating from building projections exceeding 52 feet in height shall be designed to prevent adverse glare from affecting surrounding properties . " 2 . Waiver No. 1 of the list of "Waivers from Land Development Code Requested by the Developer" to be amended by adding the following: "Parking spaces adjoining linear landscaped islands may be reduced in size to 9' x 14 ' where a 2 ' bumper overhang is provided. These spaces will not be labeled in any way to restrict their use to compact cars only. " 3 . The project name "Lake Lotta Mall PUD" shall be amended to be "West Oaks Mall PUD" , and all project plans and documents submitted hereafter to the City shall utilize this name; provided, however, that this name change will not apply to the Lake Lotta Mall DRI or any documents pertaining thereto. The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners June 29, 1995 Page 3 Further, it is recommended that in connection with the proposed amendments to the PUD, the developer be required to provide all administrative documentation determined to be necessary by the City Attorney to legally effectuate these changes within the PUD Land Use Plan, the Preliminary Subdivision/Site Plan, the Development Agreement , the Final Subdivision/Site Plan Processing Agreement and any other plan or document affecting the project . RBW/emk Attachment cc: Jim Grant , Homart Development Company ILJ 01.17177C-Ijai7-777 r7 1 a:-CST - 111 Homart .�„ , j Securities Centre,Suite 529 Y OF OCOEE 3500 Piedmont Road,N.E. Atlanta.Georgia 30305 June 1995 (4041 231-0126 7, (4041 239-9832 Fax Mr. Russell Wagner Director of Planning CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 RE: Proposed Amendments to PUD, West Oaks Mall Dear Mr. Wagner: As you know, the currently-named West Oaks Mall project was formerly called the Lake Lotta Mall. As such the City of Ocoee officially approved the Lake Lotta Mall PUD, including Land Use Plans and Conditions of Approval, under City Ordinance No. 95-02, effective April 7, 1995. The city also approved concurrently the Lake Lotta Mall PUD Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site Plan, Project No. 94-011. This letter is to serve as our request to seek three (3) amendments to the previously approved PUD as follows: Building Height Limitation - Condition of Approval #6 of the PUD states that "building heights will not exceed 45'." We propose to amend such height limitation to 72' maximum. We acknowledge that this request constitutes a substantial amendment to the PUD condition. Since the public hearings were held on the PUD in January of this year, it has been determined that a single architectural feature of the mall building itself(a non-habitable architectural projection up to 72'), as well as several projections on the Gayfers, Sears, and Dillard's store buildings are all designed to exceed 45'. Unfortunately, it was a misunderstanding on the developer's part as to how architectural features were to be handled under the code that resulted in the need to now seek this amendment. The Gayfer store is designed with a mezzanine parapet wall which will reach a maximum height of 52' in several places. That also equals the highest architectural projection on their store as well. All projections above 52' maximum on any building within the West Oaks Mall project will be non-habitable. A partial copy of the Gayfer's store elevation blueprint is enclosed for clarification on their store. James Grant Sr.Development Director Regional Mall Development Colored renderings of each building in question are enclosed which illustrate exactly where the projections above 45' will occur. The PUD Condition of Approval is also consistent with Section 5.5 and Table 5-2, Minimum Zoning Descriptions on Permitted Uses (Commercial Uses, C-1) of the city's Land Development Code. The design elevations of the new West Oaks Mall are consistent, however, with those of most regional shopping malls, including Altamonte Mall, Fashion Square, Florida Mall, and the new Seminole Town Centre in Sanford. Each has several projections which clearly exceed the 45' height limitation in effect in Ocoee. Other Homart malls, which recently won design awards through the international shopping center industry, also exceed such height. North Point Mall in Alpharetta, GA and Pembroke Lakes Mall in Pembroke Pines, FL are two good examples. Homart has made a commitment to develop the West Oaks Mall as the finest state of the art shopping center in central Florida and among those in the entire southeastern United States. We are focused on distinguishing our project as being unique in quality and architecture from strip malls, neighborhood centers, and especially other regional malls. Although the department store building designs are reflective of their own corporate identity and image, we also believe they blend well with the architecture planned for the mall building. I would respectively point out to the city that, as would be expected, the city codes were not written with a regional mall in mind. Section 5.5(B), page 18107, of the city's Land Code states that exceptions to the height requirement may be recommended "if the minimum depth of front and rear yards and the minimum width of side yards required in the district are increased one (1) foot for each two (2) feet by which the height of such structure exceeds the prescribed height limit, and the increased height will otherwise have no adverse effect on adjacent development and is in keeping with the overall character of the area." We prepared the enclosed chart to illustrate that the front and back yard requirement is quite easy to meet for our project, and thusly, confirms our contention that the code was not written with a regional mall in mind. We therefore request approval of our proposed amendment of building height limitations to 52' maximum for building habitation and up to 72' for architectural features (non-habitable). Parking Stall Size - A waiver on parking stall size was also granted under the PUD (Waiver#1). It granted a reduction in each parking space of 9' x 20' under the Land Development Code to a minimum size of 9' x 18'. A substantial amendment is hereby requested to the PUD which now reduces some stall sizes to 9' x 14' plus a 2' bumper overhang (9' x 16' total) in a number of selected areas of the parking lot to accommodate the introduction of linear landscape planters. These planters will be located on the centerline of numerous striped parking bays. Those reduced in length parking stalls will be labeled for the use of compact cars. A parking stall detail of the above is also enclosed which reflects a typical 9' x 18' stall as well as the proposed 9' x 16' stall (including bumper overhang). This detail works quite successfully at a number of Homart malls and provides for an efficient use of the parking field without sacrificing the aesthetics of attractive landscape groupings spaced more frequently throughout the parking field. We recommend that the city approve the amendment to PUD Waiver#1 to allow the use of such reduced parking stall sizes where they are shown on the project's landscape plan. Proiect Name Change - The PUD approval referenced the project's official name as "Lake Lotta Mall." We formally now request an amendment to the PUD changing the project name to "West Oaks Mall." To avoid confusion, all future references will refer to the project by it's amended name if this request is approved by the City of Ocoee. Thank you for you consideration of our above requests. We continue to look forward to developing a project which meets the high expectations of both the City of Ocoee and of Homart. Sincerely, im Grant JG/bh encl. ;,F_ Z „ T (3 EL I z � • CL ,•s•-: 9Alt i..nr[tn..i _ 11 I 1 I 1111 / I T/.MYET 1 • 0 EL ,.!'-..* r/►AurCT / • CL ur-: sO.q Mae* I CL R 120'-d 1 s/CTU•M[)1 t —_—_— EL ,Ir-. 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WHEREAS, the owner of certain real property located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, as hereinafter described, has petitioned the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida ("the Ocoee City Commission") to approve revisions ("Land Use Plan Revisions") to the Land Use Plan for the Lake Lotta Mall PUD, as adopted by the City of Ocoee in Ordinance No. 95-02 ("the Land Use Plan"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida ("the Ocoee City Code"), the Planning Director has reviewed said petition and determined that the Land Use Plan Revisions are consistent with the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan ("the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Land Use Plan Revisions were scheduled for study and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida ("the Planning and Zoning Commission"); and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the Land Use Plan Revisions for consistency with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and determined that the Land Use Plan Revisions are consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and are in the best interest of the City and has recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that the Land Use Plan Revisions be approved and that the Ocoee City Commission find the Land Use Plan Revisions to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has held a de novo public hearing with official notice thereof with respect to the proposed Land Use Plan Revisions; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has determined that the Land Use Plan Revisions are consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been considered by the Ocoee City Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 166.041(3)(c), Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Revision to Ordinance 95-02. The Land Use Plan, as adopted by Ordinance No. 95-02 of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended as follows: A. Condition of Approval #6 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Building Heights - Building Heights will not exceed forty-five feet for structures constructed on any outparcel; provided, however, that structures within the mall building itself may reach a maximum height of(1) fifty-two (52) feet for any portion of the building used for human occupancy, and (2) seventy-two (72) feet for any portion of the building not used for human occupancy. Any light emanating from building projections exceeding fifty-two 2 (52) feet in height shall be designed to prevent adverse glare from affecting surrounding properties." B. Waiver No. 1 of the list of "Waivers from Land Development Code Requested by the Developer" set forth in the Land Use Plan is hereby amended to add the following: "Parking spaces adjoining linear landscaped islands may be reduced in size to 9' x 14' where a 2' bumper overhang is provided. The spaces will not be labeled in any way to restrict their use to compact cars only." C. The project name "Lake Lotta Mall PUD" shall be and is hereby amended to be "West Oaks Mall PUD", and all project plans and documents now or hereafter submitted to and adopted by the City shall utilize this name; provided, however, that this name change will not apply to the Lake Lotta Mall DRI or any documents pertaining thereto. SECTION 3. Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. That the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, hereby fmds the Land Use Plan Revisions to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. 3 SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1995. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) ADVERTISED July 6 , 1995 READ FIRST TIME July 5 , 1995 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED , 1995, UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 1995. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney C:\WP51\DOCS\ORDINANC.FRM\DOCSIORDINANC.FRMI6/26/95118W010 I DPB:Jh 4 to t.1VUA /-UJ-7) ITem VI A "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" \i/Ocoee. 5. SCOTT VANDERGRIFI �F • � C1111�11titi CITY OF OCOEE RUST'-'OHN1(1NLKSON a PAUL W. FOSTER O 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS ('.% yV OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 JI1`t GLEASON )6 AN (107)656-2322 CITY M ANAC,1 R OF 0000 ELLIS SHAPIRO SRP-501 STAFF REPORT DATE: June 29, 1995 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Russ Wagner, Director of Planning SUBJ: Lake Lotta Mall PUD / Substantial Amendments Ordinance No . 95-19 ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve substantial amendments to the Lake Lotta Mall PUD Land Use Plan pertaining to building heights , parking lot size, and project name? BACKGROUND: The attached letter, together with supplementary data from Jim Grant of Homart , constitutes a request for three changes to the PUD to accommodate the West Oaks Mall project . In his letter, Mr. Grant has acknowledged that these amendments are "substantial" based upon criteria in the Ocoee Land Development Code (LDC) . The change request is therefore being processed accordingly, and if approved, will be effectuated by the adoption of Ordinance 95-19 (attached) . DISCUSSION: With respect to proposed changes to Condition of Approval #6 of the PUD pertaining to maximum building heights; Mr . Grant has presented an extensive justification for the requested modification. As pointed out , the Ocoee LDC never anticipated the development of a regional mall within the community on such a large site. Based upon the mass and scale of the facility and the extensive setbacks provided, the waiver of strict building height limitations is warranted to ensure that the architecture of the complex is appropriately proportioned. Further relaxation of standard parking lot sizes adjoining linear landscape planters is justified in order to accommodate the provision of adequate open space within the site and to acknowledge the trend toward smaller vehicles . Labeling of the reduced spaces for compact vehicles is believed to create police enforcement problems , however , and the DRC is not in favor of this aspect of the proposal . The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners June 29, 1995 Page 2 The proposed change of the project name from "Lake Lotta Mall PUD" to "West Oaks Mall PUD" is definitely justified to avoid confusion and to promote consistency in all future plan submittals . This change would pertain to the PUD and all local plan submittals; however, the project would retain the Lake Lotta Mall DRI designation. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: At their meeting on June 28 , 1995 , the P&Z held a Public Hearing on the proposed amendments and reviewed each change in detail after receiving public comments . By unanimous vote, the P&Z recommended approval of the amendments per the Staff Recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the unanimous vote of the DRC and P&Z , Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve substantial amendments to the Lake Lotta Mall PUD Land Use Plan as specified below by adoption of Ordinance 95-19 . 1 . Condition of Approval #6 to be amended to read as follows : "Building Heights - Building Heights will not exceed forty- five feet for structures constructed on any outparcel ; provided, however, that structures within the mall building itself may reach a maximum height of 1) 52 feet for any portion of the building used for human occupancy and 2 ) 72 feet for any portion of the building not used for human occupancy. Any light emanating from building projections exceeding 52 feet in height shall be designed to prevent adverse glare from affecting surrounding properties . " 2 . Waiver No . 1 of the list of "Waivers from Land Development Code Requested by the Developer" to be amended by adding the following: "Parking spaces adjoining linear landscaped islands may be reduced in size to 9 ' x 14 ' where a 2 ' bumper overhang is provided. These spaces will not be labeled in any way to restrict their use to compact cars only. " 3 . The project name "Lake Lotta Mall PUD" shall be amended to be "West Oaks Mall PUD" , and all project plans and documents submitted hereafter to the City shall utilize this name; provided, however, that this name change will not apply to the Lake Lotta Mall DRI or any documents pertaining thereto . The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners June 29, 1995 Page 3 Further, it is recommended that in connection with the proposed amendments to the PUD, the developer be required to provide all administrative documentation determined to be necessary by the City Attorney to legally effectuate these changes within the PUD Land Use Plan, the Preliminary Subdivision/Site Plan, the Development Agreement , the Final Subdivision/Site Plan Processing Agreement and any other plan or document affecting the project . RBW/emk Attachment cc : Jim Grant , Homart Development Company LJ iOlM ,rC'.:77 .;-!7 : ;f Homart , _. ; ui Securities Centre.Suite 529 r•TJ OF O �`A 3500 Piedmont Road.N.E. t F D �� Attanta.Georgia 30305 V (404)231.0128 June 7, 1995 1404t 239-9832 Fax Mr. Russell Wagner Director of Planning CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 RE: Proposed Amendments to PUD, West Oaks Mall Dear Mr. Wagner: As you know, the currently-named West Oaks Mall project was formerly called the Lake Lotta Mall. As such the City of Ocoee officially approved the Lake Lotta Mall PUD, including Land Use Plans and Conditions of Approval, under City Ordinance No. 95-02, effective April 7, 1995. The city also approved concurrently the Lake Lotta Mall PUD Preliminary Subdivision Plan/Site Plan, Project No. 94-011. This letter is to serve as our request to seek three (3) amendments to the previously approved PUD as follows: Building Height Limitation - Condition of Approval #6 of the PUD states that "building heights will not exceed 45'." We propose to amend such height limitation to 72' maximum. We acknowledge that this request constitutes a substantial amendment to the PUD condition. Since the public hearings were held on the PUD in January of this year, it has been determined that a single architectural feature of the mall building itself(a non-habitable architectural projection up to 72'), as well as several projections on the Gayfers, Sears, and Dillard's store buildings are all designed to exceed 45'. Unfortunately, it was a misunderstanding on the developer's part as to how architectural features were to be handled under the code that resulted in the need to now seek this amendment. The Gayfer store is designed with a mezzanine parapet wall which will reach a maximum height of 52' in several places. That also equals the highest architectural projection on their store as well. All projections above 52' maximum on any building within the West Oaks Mall project will be non-habitable. A partial copy of the Gayfers store elevation blueprint is enclosed for clarification on their store. James Grant Sr.Deveiooment Director Regional.Mail Ceveiooment Colored renderings of each building in question are enclosed which illustrate exactly where the projections above 45' will occur. The PUD Condition of Approval is also consistent with Section 5.5 and Table 5-2, Minimum Zoning Descriptions on Permitted Uses (Commercial Uses, C-1) of the city's Land Development Code. The design elevations of the new West Oaks Mall are consistent, however, with those of most regional shopping malls, including Altamonte Mall, Fashion Square, Florida Mall, and the new Seminole Town Centre in Sanford. Each has several projections which clearly exceed the 45' height limitation in effect in Ocoee. Other Homart malls, which recently won design awards through the international shopping center industry, also exceed such height. North Point Mall in Alpharetta, GA and Pembroke Lakes Mall in Pembroke Pines, FL are two good examples. Homart has made a commitment to develop the West Oaks Mall as the finest state of the art shopping center in central Florida and among those in the entire southeastern United States. We are focused on distinguishing our project as being unique in quality and architecture from strip mails, neighborhood centers, and especially other regional malls. Although the department store building designs are reflective of their own corporate identity and image, we also believe they blend well with the architecture planned for the mall building. I would respectively point out to the city that, as would be expected, the city codes were not written with a regional mall in mind. Section 5.5(8), page 18107, of the city's Land Code states that exceptions to the height requirement may be recommended "if the minimum depth of front and rear yards and the minimum width of side yards required in the district are increased one (1) foot for each two (2) feet by which the height of such structure exceeds the prescribed height limit, and the increased height will otherwise have no adverse effect on adjacent development and is in keeping with the overall character of the area." We prepared the enclosed chart to illustrate that the front and back yard requirement is quite easy to meet for our project, and thusly, confirms our contention that the code was not written with a regional mall in mind. We therefore request approval of our proposed amendment of building height limitations to 52' maximum for building habitation and up to 72' for architectural features (non-habitable). Parking Stall Size - A waiver on parking stall size was also granted under the PUD (Waiver#1). It granted a reduction in each parking space of 9' x 20' under the Land Development Code to a minimum size of 9' x 18'. A substantial amendment is hereby requested to the PUD which now reduces some stall sizes to 9' x 14' plus a 2' bumper overhang (9' x 16' total) in a number of selected areas of the parking lot to accommodate the introduction of linear landscape planters. These planters will be located on the centerline of numerous striped parking bays. Those reduced in length parking stalls will be labeled for the use of compact cars. A parking stall detail of the above is also enclosed which reflects a typical 9' x 18' stall as well as the proposed 9' x 16' stall (including bumper overhang). This detail works quite successfully at a number of Homart malls and provides for an efficient use of the parking field without sacrificing the aesthetics of attractive landscape groupings spaced more frequently throughout the parking field. We recommend that the city approve the amendment to PUD Waiver#1 to allow the use of such reduced parking stall sizes where they are shown on the project's landscape plan. Project Name Change - The PUD approval referenced the project's official name as "Lake Lotta Mall." We formally now request an amendment to the PUD changing the project name to 'West Oaks Mall." To avoid confusion, all future references will refer to the project by it's amended name if this request is approved by the City of Ocoee. Thank you for you consideration of our above requests. We continue to look forward to developing a project which meets the high expectations of both the City of Ocoee and of Homart. Sincerely, 5e..a>-‘71-/S( im Grant JGibh end. /9'9.) ,.. -7 G.) (i'/‘4.=•••••rt I it n. 1.1•-e I i I 7 - 4 I • •/C.-93,9 S' _ _._....._.-_..... ._,,,..,__,,- _— .-.......-. --. Cl. •..-. ( a,...•••TT 1 ....... / I 1 ! ••/.94/.99, / I I Cl I•3*-** , SC14190.1.4t49 ' I ' n. 3/Crt.9.90139 1111111111 .09 na'S9/Loll ' 11717771 ----.--9—. (..-.. EAST Ci =VATIC> \:._.... t 5-...• 19•99.anamas.mmaa...• 9/ 9.4 I T 0 ... 1 1 9.9/9097 s'i —...- CL I 72-4- ; --•. I !W..' MOM'.CalaSS -....—..-.-..—...—.....----.... .. !1 ITT .2 I !I 19, I 1 I ---._/* Et. s as-a.' scer.v..o n-ea IIt -------------------------- CL •14....t ; 9/:71.....1)C• . ...1.. ...... . : :I 4 ! ''' .... ........ ...... . .. ............. ...... ....... 1 I .. , I — • r—trriti!I NI ill!1 I n•sr n.vo• s.' ;I (..j 17 1 I 1 ! I . 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"5- ., --'' •.'-- . ..-..-- ..- .". ill - . - n . q---' . S . riq _ 3 ;'.. 0 __ , . , ... 3 -...C, - -.. ° , •I'lli*: , 1: • 0 ' 10) . 1 - ----' - 1---- r0 , Gd r - ',- .i. -c--. - 1----:----: 1 Z •-- M ZJ -:*,- --- --t ---•` : ... S . ro i r r 1--1-• - - ---1 . „. -,- _ - . . • _ _ . . - ..•... .. .-. - - .. . , • . -- -...... _ ,, _ ., , _.. . _ (.. Z4 --t k--IZ r-4 • ro O O r-. 0 ro Co ,x O si c w ii tzl Z. .. ro tz;it \II 1 M ro o n The Orlando.s • . ; . SATURDAY,July8,:1995 • NOTICE OF PUSUC_ AIMS* • «� ppuureut to Section 1...041 FloHEREBY Omni rid•anStatutes,that the 003(111 r�pWer• ion to wit Commission held at 1 1195 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practical,a PubNc Hewing at the Comm!► e hon Chambers. Ocoee City Hal, 150 N. Lakeshore Mtn. con- Ocoee, e▪ on the secda. ond of 21D fiance.option of the know- ing ORDINANCE NO.95-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE,.FLORIDA, AP- PROVING A REVISED LAND USE PLAN FOR LAKE LOTTA; MALL PUD,ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF S.R. 50 AND CLARKE ROAD AS PE- TITIONED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS* AMENDING ORDI-' NANCE Erin.95.02 RELATING TO THEE LAKE L OTTA MALI. OFOESOFHEPUD TO NAMEAPPEP ER MOM MGM MUM an RE- OORPA HE CON- DmON OF APPROVAL RELAT- ING TO BUILDING HEIGHTS; FEVERAINU- TY POVIDING ANEFFECTIVE A copy of the proposed ordi- nance may be examined by the n the office of the Ocoee l' ria Department,City Hal, 150 N ▪aah Drive,Ooo•• Florida, between the hours of 5:00 a.m.through 5:00 p.m.,Mon- Nom_ holidays,hw pone 556- Z1e2est 140. Zany person desires to appeal osamon matter considered at oespect 1 ase needeea meetings, c of the porooe•0- IP;for this purpose,such per- son may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceed- ings is made which naturist 9e testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based.Per- i sons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's Office 45 hours in advance of the meseninift0(407)656.2322. Jean City Clerk, C� Ooose JULY 8,11115 ORDINANCE NO. 95- 19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVING A REVISED LAND USE PLAN FOR LAKE LOTTA MALL PUD, ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON 111E NORTHEAST CORNER OF S.R. 50 AND CLARKE ROAD, AS PETITIONED BY TEE PROPERTY OWNERS;AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.95-02 RELATING TO THE LAKE LOTTA MALL PUD; CHANGING THE NAME OF THE PUD TO WEST OAKS MALL PUD; GRANTING A WAIVER FROM MINIMUM SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR PARKING SPACES; REVISING THE CONDITION OF APPROVAL RELATING TO BUILDING HEIGHTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the owner of certain real property located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, as hereinafter described, has petitioned the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida ("the Ocoee City Commission") to approve revisions ("Land Use Plan Revisions") to the Land Use Plan for the Lake Lotta Mall PUD, as adopted by the City of Ocoee in Ordinance No. 95-02 ("the Land Use Plan"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida ("the Ocoee City Code"), the Planning Director has reviewed said petition and determined that the Land Use Plan Revisions are consistent with the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan ("the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Land Use Plan Revisions were scheduled for study and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida ("the Planning and Zoning Commission"); and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the Land Use Plan Revisions for consistency with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and determined that the Land Use Plan Revisions are consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and are in the best interest of the City and has recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that the Land Use Plan Revisions be approved and that the Ocoee City Commission find the Land Use Plan Revisions to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has held a de novo public hearing with official notice thereof with respect to the proposed Land Use Plan Revisions; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has determined that the Land Use Plan Revisions are consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been considered by the Ocoee City Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 166.041(3)(c), Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TILE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Revision to Ordinance 95-02. The Land Use Plan, as adopted by Ordinance No. 95-02 of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended as follows: A. Condition of Approval #6 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Building Heights - Building Heights will not exceed forty-five feet for structures constructed on any outparcel; provided, however, that structures within the mall building itself may reach a maximum height of(1) fifty-two (52) feet for any portion of the building used for human occupancy, and (2) seventy-two (72) feet for any portion of the building not used for human occupancy. Any light emanating from building projections exceeding fifty-two 2 (52) feet in height shall be designed to prevent adverse glare from affecting surrounding properties." B. Waiver No. 1 of the list of "Waivers from Land Development Code Requested by the Developer" set forth in the Land Use Plan is hereby amended to add the following: "Parking spaces adjoining linear landscaped islands may be reduced in size to 9' x 14' where a 2' bumper overhang is provided. The spaces will not be labeled in any way to restrict their use to compact cars only." C. The project name "Lake Lotta Mall PUD" shall be and is hereby amended to be "West Oaks Mall PUD", and all project plans and documents now or hereafter submitted to and adopted by the City shall utilize this name; provided, however, that this name change will not apply to the Lake Lotta Mall DRI or any documents pertaining thereto. SECTION 3. Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. That the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, hereby finds the Land Use Plan Revisions to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. 3 SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1995. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) ADVERTISED July 6 , 1995 READ FIRST TIME J„1 y 5 , 1995 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED , 1995, UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 1995. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney C:\WP5I\DOCSORDINANC.FRM 16r6/95I 18W01 I DPB:jh 4 . . . to...„..... .oi?• , . 1... ... ; , 0 ..........• . ILI., k‘,., . .. o,.......,: - --,. -,,... x! .... . . ,it . - -,• - . ..---..• #. ; - .,,, t, , ,,t.. • - . - - • - ' • . ,,,,.• .,, .,. .10, i. 5- , • - ..:----.--; • - •- ....;- .... .2,. 4. . ........ ...„, , ,... • . _ . „.... _. .. •,.. .. .... . . ,..,.. . .. ., ..... . .. i ....... , •••,. ... r..,.. ,, ,,•, 1 • . ... • A I. . . .. _ . • . . . „ •,,..44'..i` I _,-11 ' \---4-• -— 4” ...-. 4 • ,- 4,- •, . 4 of .' '; • •1, 46• 1 •••:.: . 11 •' 1, 1 -.II, •74*...;;',, .,,.4.1,ii , • Y. - I ''.- .:*t."-•-. '.. ",40. 4 - - I\ - 1 . . 1 1 0, - --.' ° - .. '.• . , ,. . .. ,. . - -I, , ° .. . • - ° ° -,-lit "1 1 ,;•. • I e ."' I ' ...., A Ilmli• .. '.. Sha , gni div h Ak, ,•.. , „.... ca. 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