HomeMy WebLinkAboutII (A) Turnpike Toll Collection Change to Coin System A. AGENDA 7-18-95 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING -PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item II A Ocoee c C14,4 • 'OCOMMISSIONERS � CITY OF OCOEERUSTY JOHNSON +-� D. PAUL W.FOSTER 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS C%4. l: _ .7 C, OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 JIM GLEASON yA ''' A� (407)656-2322 �� CITY MANAGER OF GOOD ELLIS SHAPIRO June 6, 1995 Steve J. Pustelnyk Public Information Officer FDOT - Turnpike District 2989 Vineland Road Kissimmee, FL 34746 Dear Mr. Pustelnyk: Please accept this letter as confirmation that you will be placed on the July 18, 1995 City Commission Agenda, under Presentations. Commission meetings begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. By copy of this letter I will inform the City Clerk to place this as an Agenda item. If you have any questions, please call Jean Grafton, City Clerk, at 656-2322, extension 147. Sincerely, 0 7' i EII' iro C anager ES3:fdg:184 cc: Jean Grafton, City Clerk FLORIDA - ; DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IAWTON CHILES BEM G.WATTS GOVERNOR SECRETARY May 30, 1995 Mr. Ellis Shapiro City Manager City of Ocoee 125 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Dear Mr. Shapiro: The Turnpike District intends to switch from a ticket based toll collection system to a coin system beginning this summer. The new system will result in a restructuring of toll rates and the opening of some new ramps and interchanges. The Public Information Office is working hard to insure this transition is as smooth as possible. As part of our public outreach program we are holding informational meetings across Central Florida. It is our desire to appear before your city council to conduct one of these sessions. The presentation will take about 15 minutes and should fit easily into one of your regular meetings. A question and answer period involving council members and the general public would be encouraged. If you would be willing to schedule an informational session, please contact my office at (407) 396-5401 or suncom 335-1407. Sincerely, ;111" 1 ) Steve J. stelnyk Public Information Officer cc: Kim Poulton RECYCLED PAPER Florida Department of Transportation tpE Of Fp9 9 = po 9;f� OF i P PHSe P Turnpike District Ticket to Coin Conversion . • „ . . • .. . „ Kissimmee to Wildwood Benefits .... . i . Coin system Fewer �u Quick y — -'''''' '1'. . ' /---....;'-,. E, r4', CE. 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