HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-19-2019 CRA Agenda PacketFIFTY WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYREGULARMEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida February 19, 2019AGENDA5:00p.m. “REVISED” CALL TO ORDER I.Roll Call and Determination of Quorum II.Public Comments III.Approvalof Minutes of the November 20, 2018,CRABoardMeeting IV.Staff Led Presentation& Discussion a)Staff,Administrative Assistant b)Budget Update c)Annual Report d)Grant Support Services e)UpdateonCurrentProjects i.Wellness Park ii.Phase 2 –Old Winter Garden Road iii.N. Blackwood Avenue Streetscape iv.SR 50 Median Landscape Project v.Bluford Avenue Corridor Study f)CRAAcquisition& Assemblage i.Acquiring Property ii.FundingMethods iii.PossibleOpportunities 1.RoperProperty 2.Target Area 1 g)Strategic Transportation Funding Program h)Outreach Program i)CRA Legislation–Added Item V.Confirm Next Regular CRA Board Meeting (May7, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.) VI.Board Comments ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105: ANY PERSON WHO DESIRESTO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILLNEED A RECORD OF THEPROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE286.26: PERSONS WITHDISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULDCONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407) 905 -3105 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. FIFTY WEST CRA Board Meeting November 20, 2018 Meeting Minutes City of Ocoee • 150 North Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 • fax: (407) 905-3167 • www.ocoeecro.com FIFTY WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida November 20, 2018 MINUTES 5:00 p.m. I. Roll Cali and Determination of Quorum CRA Chair Wilsen called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:02 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Chair Wilsen, Vice -Chair Grogan, Member Johnson, Member Firstner, Member Oliver, Member Duncan and Member June. Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, and City Clerk Sibbitt. II. Public Comments Chris Atkins, 606 Ridgefield Ave., shared a comment for consideration by the board, which suggested they look at the bridge on Maguire Road, within the City limits of Ocoee, and work with FDOT on highlighting the City. He suggested LED lighting or artwork on the wall of the bridge. Assistant City Manager Shadrix advised the CRA Board has spoken about this topic and even went as far as applying for a FDOT permit for a sign similar to the one located in Orlando. It was discovered that the sign in Orlando was not permitted and FDOT refused to permit the sign submitted by Ocoee unless they could have an Engineer guarantee the sign would be mounted in a way that it would never fall onto the roadway. The City could not find an Engineer to guarantee this. Assistant City Manager Shadrix commented to Mr. Atkins that he made a good point on public artwork as that is something the CRA is interested in. The bridge is an asset and the CRA would definitely like to take advantage of using it as a way to showcase the City. Member Johnson concurred that artwork on the wall is a good idea and the City would not have to worry about the liability. Commissioner Oliver shared that perhaps they can look at other CRA Regular Meeting 11-20-2018 Page 1 cities throughout the United States to research what they have installed as signage and determine how they overcame the liability. III. Approval of Minutes of the September 5, 2018, CRA Budget Meeting Vice -Chair Grogan, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to approve the CRA Budget Meeting Minutes of September 5, 2018, as presented. Motion carried 7-0. IV. Election of Officers Chair Wilsen opened the floor for nominations for Chair and Vice Chair, and announced the newly elected Officers will commence their position at their next meeting. She further inquired who in the past has been a Chairperson. The following information was shared: 2016 - Chair Keller/Vice-Chair Wilsen 2017 - Chair Johnson/Vice-Chair Wilsen 2018 - Chair Wilsen/Vice-Chair Grogan Member Johnson, seconded by Member June, moved to nominate Member Grogan as CRA Board Chair. Motion carried 7-0. Member Johnson, seconded by Vice Chair Grogan, moved to nominate Member Firstner as CRA Board Vice -Chair. Motion carried 7-0. V. Adopt Amended CRA By -Laws (City Attorney Cookson) City Attorney Cookson explained the amended CRA By -Laws. He shared that proposed changes were ministerial administrative changes. The proposed revisions were provided and if they should have any questions, he will explain them. Vice Chair Grogan, seconded by Member Firstner, moved to adopt the amended CRA By -Laws as presented. Motion carried 7-0. VI. CRA Budget, Projects and Programs (Deputy Development Services Director /CRA Administrator Corless) A) Budget Update Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on the current CRA budget and the projects/programs they have implemented since their last meeting in September. Following the CRA Board budget approval, Orange County provided them with their revenue totals, and the budget will now have an increment of $1,224,116.60 which is an 84.5% increase in increment over last year. Starting cash or roll over from the previous year has not been updated yet, so the current CRA Revenue is $2,729,498.60. She briefly explained that any change from estimated to final increment revenue numbers are to be CRA Regular Meeting 11-20-2018 Page 2 either placed in or subtracted from the Contingency Fund (Operating Expenses). Any cash carryover from 2017-2018 will be placed into the capital projects. B) Projects Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the board indicating the landscape enhancement on Phase 1 of Old Winter Garden Road is now complete and looks great. The CRA Office has received a lot of compliments from the public about the improvements of the landscape. She indicated Phase 2 will be under design shortly and they will continue the same landscape theme down to Hempel Avenue. The South Blackwood Refresh was completed this week which included newly placed sod and removal of the shrubbery. This newly installed streetscape design will be easy to maintain as it will eliminate the catching of trash. Additionally, full plant materials and a grass band, interior to the concrete curb, will also assist with the maintenance of the area. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained N. Blackwood Avenue was approved last month to move forward with the design process. She advised the CRA staff has also been meeting with City Center representatives to understand how to connect N. Blackwood to Maine Street. She indicated one of the roadway designs they are discussing is the possibility of including a roundabout at Montgomery. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared the SR50 Median Landscape Grant will be submitted by the end of the week to FDOT for review. As presented during their meeting in the spring, the original theme will be maintained which includes palms, various grasses and integration of color with the plants. The total project is estimated at $900,000; however, the CRA will have the $775,000 FDOT grant to go towards this project. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared the CRA is working with various departments on analyzing the S. Bluford Corridor Plan and how they can continue connectivity from the standpoint of the sidewalk, utilities, sewer, and electric. The desire is to integrate a safe walkable environment from Old Winter Garden Road north into Orlando Avenue. She indicated they hope by mid-December to have ideas and concepts to review. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the Wellness Park Design kick off was held November 81' and the consultants are working to integrate the pond near the Police Department and the connectivity to Old Winter Garden Road as well as Bluford Avenue. Additionally, the CRA is working on a quick -claim deed from FDOT for the pond and base development. C) Programs Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained the CRA team is working to be out in the community, so they have developed an inspections and maintenance program in which they will conduct weekly inspections within the CRA District. She indicated they have worked with the Public Works Department to create a work order process with forms and will also have a Public Works staff member assigned to assist them with SR50. CRA Regular Meeting 11-20-2018 Page 3 Additionally, they are meeting with the Code Enforcement Officers to better understand where the issues are within the CRA District and how they can assist. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained SR50 will continue to be on their maintenance program and they have received comments from Orlando Health on how well it is looking and how well they are keeping up with the grass. She further advised the palm trees on Old Winter Garden Road and N. Blackwood Avenue will be detailed and cleaned up within the next two weeks; and further, staff will be adding Maine Street east of Bluford Avenue to the CRA maintenance program. Another task being considered under the maintenance program is evaluating the curbing in the medians and implementing a curb cleaning. The CRA has received comments from the board as well as from the public that while everything is looking great, the curbs not so much, so they are in the process with meeting with vendors to receive price quotes for curb cleaning. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless informed the board on the Outreach Programs being handled by the CRA which include building an existing business database and meeting with property owners, specifically those in Target Areas 1 and 2; delivering information on CRA projects; distributing over 300 annual reports; looking to host an open house in the Spring; and developing a quarterly newsletter. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless followed up by providing the design look of the Annual Report stating the theme is Designing Urban Spaces. The contents in the report are to include: CRA map & overview, private projects that have opened or initiated construction, CRA projects that were completed and/or initiated, financial information, and existing businesses profile. She asked the board if they agreed with the concept in design, if so, the CRA would move forward with creating the annual report. No objections were received from the board. Member Oliver inquired about the elevation of the waterline for the Wellness Pond as he has concerns about flooding. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared the pond will be a stormwater pond and will have a structure within it to maintain the water levels. Vice Chair Grogan inquired if the workout stations will still be located at the Wellness Park. It was answered in the affirmative. VII. Confirm Next Regular CRA Board Meeting Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the next meeting is scheduled for February 5, 2019, but City staff would like to move that meeting to February 19, 2019 at 5:00 pm. Consensus of the CRA Board was to reschedule the next meeting date to February 19, 2019 at 5:00 pm. VIII. Board Comments Member June commented that the landscape near the hospital is looking great. Vice Chair Grogan shared the same sentiments as Member June, adding that it is great to hear that residents are calling to give compliments. CRA Regular Meeting 11-20-2018 Page 4 Chair Wilsen shared that she is looking forward to an open house and feels the event will educate the residents as to what the CRA is about and the potentials it has to improve our community. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:31 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary Rosemary Wilsen, Chair CRA Regular Meeting 11-20-2018 Page 5 FIFTY WEST CRA Board Meeting February 19, 2019 Updated Staffing List City of Ocoee • 150 North Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 • fax: (407) 905-3167 • www.ocoeecro.com �VERj.FIFTY �i° 000(?e WEST CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DIRECTORY February 19, 2019 Board Members John Grogan (407) 905-3112 office igrogan@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Chair Richard Firstner (407) 905-3112 office Commissioner/CRA Vice Chair Rusty Johnson (407) 905-3112 office Mayor/CRA Board Member Rosemary Wilsen (407) 905-3112 office Commissioner/CRA Board Member George Oliver III (407) 905-3112 office Commissioner/CRA Board Member Todd Duncan (407) 467-7702 cell Citizen CRA Board Member Randy June (407) 325-1422 office Orange County CRA Board Member Staff Rob Frank (407) 905-3100 x 1500 office City Manager/Executive Director Craig Shadrix Assistant City Manager Ginger Corless CRA Administrator Mike Rumer City Planner Gilda Shaw Administrative Assistant (407) 905-3100 x 1081 office (407) 905-3100 x 1028 office (407) 905-3100 x 1018 office (407) 905-3100 x 1027 office Legal Counsel Scott A. Cookson, Esq. (407) 581-9800 Shuffield, Lowman & Wilson, PA rfirstner@ocoee. rjohnson@ocoee.org rwilsen@ocoee.org goliver@ocoee.org todd.duncan@healthcentral.org randy@jec3.com rfrank@ocoee.org cra ig.sha drix@ocoee.org vcorless@ocoee.org mrumer@ocoee.org gshaw@ocoee.org scookson@shuffielcllowman.com FIFTY WEST CRA Board Meeting February 19, 2019 Budget Update City of Ocoee • 150 North Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 • fax: (407) 905-3167 • www.ocoeecro.com FIFTY VER it , r��,000(?e WEST MEMORANDUM TO: Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency Board FROM: Ginger Corless, Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator DATE: February 12, 2019 RE: Updated Budget Message for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Finance is in the process of finalizing the City's audit; however, I requested information regarding the final beginning cash balance, final increment dollars and expenses (actual and encumbered) through the first quarter of the fiscal year in order to provide the CRA Board with a budget update. The following highlights the changes in revenues and proposed expenses for FY 2018-2019. FY 2018-2019 Estimated Revenues Starting Cash Balance ($399,976 + $1,105,406) $1,505,382.00 City/County Increment Contributions $1,233,066.00 Total Estimated Revenues $2,738,448.00 FY 2018-2019 Actual Revenues *Starting Cash Balance $1,927,475.69 City/County Increment Contributions $1,224,117.03 Total Actual Revenues $3,151,592.72 Increased Revenue Updated Revenue $3,151,592.72 Estimated Revenue -$2,738,448.00 Difference in Revenue $413,144.72 *Includes funds not expensed in FY 2017-2018 and the $1,105,406 settlement from the Maguire property settlement. ** Final increment numbers from both City and County as of 12/31/2018. The following page provides information regarding the distribution of the additional funds. Ocoee CRA - 150 North Lakeshore Drive - Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 - fax: (407) 905-3167 - www.ocoeecro.com CRA Updated Budget Memo February 12, 2019 Page 2 of 2 Based on the new revenue numbers, the budget has been updated to reflect the increase. Per State Statutes, the additional funds were assigned to the capital line item as follows. Expenditures Proposed Actual Personnel Services $169,500.00 $169,500.00 Operating Expenses $346,600.00 $346,600.00 Capital $2,222,348.00 $2,635,492.72 Total Expenditures $2,738,448.00 $3,151,592.72 Capital Projects To build in flexibility, the capital expenditures are divided into three (3) categories: Actual Budget to Date Based on a preliminary assessment, the CRA has expensed $189,071.78 through the first quarter of the fiscal year. In addition, we have encumbered an additional $172,558.28 in capital and an additional $115,000.00 in contractual services. Actual Expensed plus Encumbered $476,630.06 or 15% of the overall budget For comparison purposes, the total expenditure for the CRA in FY 2017-2018 was $461,107.49. We have already expended/encumbered today more than we expended the entire FY 2017-2018. Furthermore, these numbers do not include the cost of Old Winter Garden Phase II landscape project. This project is out for pricing and the estimated construction cost was not submitted in time to include in this memo. The construction cost for this project will be presented to the CRA Board at the February 19th meeting; however, once this number has been accounted for, the percentage of overall budget expensed or encumbered will be close to 25%. Proposed Updated Ongoing Projects $800,000.00 $1,135,492.72 New Projects $500,000.00 $500,000.00 Land Acquisition $922,348.00 $1,000,000.00 Total Expenditures $2,222,348.00 $2,635,492.72 Actual Budget to Date Based on a preliminary assessment, the CRA has expensed $189,071.78 through the first quarter of the fiscal year. In addition, we have encumbered an additional $172,558.28 in capital and an additional $115,000.00 in contractual services. Actual Expensed plus Encumbered $476,630.06 or 15% of the overall budget For comparison purposes, the total expenditure for the CRA in FY 2017-2018 was $461,107.49. We have already expended/encumbered today more than we expended the entire FY 2017-2018. Furthermore, these numbers do not include the cost of Old Winter Garden Phase II landscape project. This project is out for pricing and the estimated construction cost was not submitted in time to include in this memo. The construction cost for this project will be presented to the CRA Board at the February 19th meeting; however, once this number has been accounted for, the percentage of overall budget expensed or encumbered will be close to 25%. F FT) W E CRA OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FY 2018 - 2019 UPDATED BUDGET DETAIL 3101 Legal Expense - S12,000 • Legal costs associated with potential acquisitions, legal review of documents, attendance at CRA Board meetings and other legal issues pertaining to implementation of the CRA Plan and/or amendment, or other planning documents; as well as, the day to day activities of the office of the CRA. 3128 Professional Services / Other - $7,500 • The total allocation includes funds to support annual report design, marketing and graphic services including promotional materials and advertising for Fifty West. 3400 Contractual Services - $150,000 • Provides funds for graphic design services for the creation of materials and displays. • Economic Development marketing services • Funding for increased street sweeping in the CRA boundary and litter control for property and rights-of-way. • Planning and design services related to implementing the CRA's vision for the CRA including additional small area studies and design projects that are not yet identified within the Capital Projects' category. • Landscape and ground maintenance for State Road 50 and other CRA rights-of-way. 4000 Travel Expense - $10,000 4100 Telephone Expense - S4,000 • Provides funds for telephone service expenses of the CRA Administrator and CRA Administrative Assistant. 4200 Postage and Freight - $500 4700 Printing and Binding - $3,500 • For various print jobs, such as the CRA Annual Report, CRA Target Area Special Development Plan Booklets and miscellaneous printing and binding. 4800 Newsletter Expense - $1,000 • Provides funds for outside printing of newsletter and flyers. Updated February 12, 2019 4900 Reserve for Contingency - S50,000 • In order to provide greater flexibility to the Board for future endeavors, excess revenues and unexpended capital funds have been placed into the fund to facilitate the implementation of projects or development opportunities not yet identified. 4901 Administrative Legal Ads- S350 4902 Miscellaneous Expense - $350 5100 Office Supplies - S500 5200 POL Supplies- S500 • Provides funds adequate to cover historical automotive supply costs. 5202 Operating Supplies - S1,000 • Provides funds for daily operating needs. 5216 Copying Expense - $500 5235 Computer Equipment/Software - S2,000 5401 Books/Subscriptions - $150 5402 Professional Dues - S2,250 • Provides funds for staff memberships in various professional organizations. 5405 Training Expense - $5,000 8200 Community Promotions - S15,000 • Provides funding for sponsorship of local events and Founders' Day. 8205 Public Relations Development - S10,000 • Provides funds for a variety of expanded promotional activities designed to broaden CRA awareness including participation at the national and local ICSC conferences, business promotional programs, and specialty public relations activities. 6302 Capital Improvements - $2,635,492.72 • Ongoing Projects from FY 2017/2018 - ($1,135,492.72) o Provides funds for completing the design and initiating construction of Phase 1 of the Ocoee Wellness Park to include curbing, hardscape, sidewalk trail/overlook, trees, ground vegetation, benches, and fixtures. Phase 2 will consist of exercise equipment and boardwalk. o Provides funds for completing the N. Blackwood Avenue streetscape. o Provides for additional landscaping for the SR 50 Median Planting Project. Updated February 12, 2019 • New FY 2018/2019 Projects - ($500,000) ✓ S. Blackwood Avenue Landscape Improvements - included landscape installation between Old Winter Garden Road and SR 50. - This project has been completed, total cost $67,262. o Design and installation of Old Winter Garden Road Beautification Phase 2 - S. Blackwood Avenue to Hempel Avenue. o S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape - the projects will be identified based on the current study. Early estimates are between $2.5 and $3 million dollars for corridor improvements including sidewalks, multi-purpose path, landscape and gateways. o Maguire Road Phase 5 - Design Review and update. o Maine Street Extension Landscape/Beautification Design and implementation. o Miscellaneous beautification and/or capital projects that meet the intent as defined by the Community Redevelopment Plan. • Property Acquisition / Incentive / Grant Programs - ($1,000,000) 9000 Transfers Out - 5240,000 • Provides an allocation to the General Fund to cover proportionate employee services cost for the CRA Administrator position, CRA Administrative Assistant, partial funding for the Assistant City Manager and for a maintenance worker position. Updated February 12, 2019 FIFTY WEST CRA Board Meeting February 19, 2019 Wellness Park FDOT Documentation City of Ocoee • 150 North Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 • fax: (407) 905-3167 • www.ocoeecro.com FIFTY WEST MEMORANDUM TO: CRA Board FROM: Ginger Corless CRA Administrator/Deputy Development Services Director DATE: February 19, 2019 RE: Informational Item Wellness Park, FDOT Documentation for Quit Claim Deed This item will be before the City Commission February 19, 2019 for approval. This memorandum serves to provide the CRA Board with background information regarding the Quit Claim Deed needed to construct and maintain Wellness Park. On November 13, 2014, the City entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding State Road 50's Stormwater Pond 2 (FDOT project number 239535-3), which is located south of State Road 50, east of South Bluford Avenue and east of Ocoee Commerce Parkway;. The MOU provides that, upon completion of the construction project, Pond 2 would be conveyed to the City by Quit Claim Deed. The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has prepared conceptual plans to design, develop, and maintain the area defined in the MOU as a public park, currently referred to as Wellness Park. As the State Road 50 construction is now complete, the City requested FDOT convey Pond 2 to the City. Based on this request, FDOT is requiring the execution of a resolution pertaining to the Quit Claim Deed and a revision of paragraphs 6 and 7 of the MOU to include the following language: 6. Once the construction of the Joint Water Retention Area (WRA)is complete, the DEPARTMENT agrees to convey FDOT WRA to the City using a standard FDOT Quit Claim Deed. FDOT will reserve onto itself a perpetual drainage easement over, under, on and through the Joint WRA along with the rights to access, enter and maintain the Joint WRA at the expense of the CITY if the CITY fails to perform its obligations of maintenance. 7. Once the Joint WRA is conveyed to the City, the CITY shall construct fencing completely encircling the Joint WRA, which construction shall begin within thirty (30) days following conveyance of the WRA. The City acknowledges that FDOT will not be responsible for the fence for the fence construction around the Joint WRA City of Ocoee CRA • 150 North Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 • fax: (407) 905-3167 • www.ocoeecro.com Financial Impact to the CRA: The CRA will be responsible for constructing a fence encircling the Pond within 30 days of conveyance of the Deed from FDOT to the City. The City/CRA will also be responsible for all maintenance and development plans of the area as a City Park. Funding for the fence will come from the CRA's capital budget. Staff is in the process of obtaining quotes for the fence and its installation. Attachments: FDOT's Revision to Memorandum of Understanding FDOT's Quit Claim Deed Resolution Copy of FDOT Quit Claim Deed Map of Pond 2 � � $P M r Raeds ° —.---- Pro eeW Raa p° Black Line Cammero�lf InUltuilanal dro Golf Coarse to l9e PuClle Reads � Brk:IL Road Lal Line Uovemmennv Inet{teilanau weate Lend FUV feeand I Aerial 2018 Mlac Inbrebt94 Geled Roads Rall Raml Raeidenilal CammwcllaIf Induat"I Count ` . Baundery Bull4lng Vacant Land Tall Road Rand under Canetruoilan Pr SuriRall nRsll Agriculture 1^� Agrlcultlral 4L Parke © Hospital IJ Curtilage r I{I[ah LilS , 115[ � • ,� '' ' I'e f � . C,ri�q Is nL IF r Nbl I'bl5bl.il 111$ IX5 �ti•}1�Ots�Qb L.r]•h I.L-17 1LtL•Ily l}41.11 DiC.11'id%y�i��j Ir, dr {IiC ` -imp ' NSI f7 t yp. C) .�nabl rL� �I I d psL�i I.11d•.: � f n �4M1 41[v f���11 •I�1 �;Bbl$�L�L I r1.�l 11 3b.1'.L'. 15*4F f'11n„ n.•I r.l t y Created: L.1a7 I /I ilTup.�4Fdit �I i•� � Glaliiill {{ i ,1 ll1 FJ id T I Aerial 2018 "I I .II II I IT II Am This map is foi �1 mly and is not a survey 27-S P D04 07/02 January 3, 2019 This instrument prepared by ROBIN DERR Under the direction of FREDRICK W. LOOSE, ATTORNEY Department of Transportation 719 South Woodland Boulevard DeLand, Florida 32720-6834 PARCEL NO. 101 -PART SECTION 75050 F.P. NO. 2395353 STATE ROAD 50 COUNTY ORANGE QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, Made this day of 7 , by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA by and through the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Party of the First Part, whose address is 719 South Woodland Blvd., DeLand, FL 32720, to CITY OF OCOEE, a municipal corporation created by and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, Party of the Second Part, 150 N. Lakeshore Dr., Ocoee, FL 34761-2223. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, said land hereinafter described was heretofore acquired for state highway purposes; and WHEREAS, said land is no longer required for such purposes, and the Party of the First Part, by action of the District Secretary, District Five, Florida Department of Transportation on pursuant to the provisions of Section 337.25 Florida Statutes, has agreed to quitclaim the land hereinafter described to the Party of the Second Part. NOW THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That the Party of the First Part, for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt and sufficiency being hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the Party of the Second Part, and assigns, forever, all the right, title and interest in all that certain land situate in Orange County, Florida, viz: PARCEL NO. 101 -PART SECTION 75050 F.P. NO. 2395353 PAGE 2 SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF SUBJECT to all utilities in place and in use and to the maintenance thereof. RESERVING unto the Party of the First Part, the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, a permanent, perpetual drainage easement in, over, under and through the property described in Exhibit "A" for the storm water drainage needs of the State of Florida, Department of Transportation associated with State Road 50, located in Orange County, Florida. Additionally, and not by way of limitation, Grantor reserves storm water drainage capacity in said lands to satisfy all capacity and permit conditions associated with any and all future improvement of State Road 50 that may occur in the future. Grantee, the City of Ocoee, shall be perpetually and solely responsible for the maintenance of the drainage system and property associated therewith. In the event the City of Ocoee fails to repair, maintain, replace or reconstruct said drainage system or any damage arising out of or associated with the use of the drainage system, the State of Florida, Department of Transportation shall be entitled to perform the maintenance, repairs, replacement or reconstruction of the drainage systems and water retention areas at the expense of the City of Ocoee. REVERTER - The property herein described is to be used for a public park by the Party of the Second Part. If the property ceases to be used for the above described purpose all property rights shall revert back to the said Party of the First Part. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said premises and the appurtenances thereof unto the Party of the Second Part. PARCEL NO. 101 -PART SECTION 75050 F.P. NO. 2395353 PAGE 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the State of Florida Department of Transportation has caused these presents to be signed in the name of the State of Florida Department of Transportation by its District Secretary, District Five and its seal to be hereunto affixed, attested by its Executive Secretary, on the date first above written. ATTEST: (type/print name) Executive Secretary (Affix Department Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF VOLUSIA STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION in Michael Shannon, P.E. District Five Secretary Legal Review Office of General Counsel The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of by Michael Shannon, P.E., District Secretary for District Five, who is personally known to me, or who has produced as identification. (Affix Notary Seal) (type/print name) Notary Public in and for the County and State last aforesaid. My Commission Expires: PARCEL NO. 101 -PART SECTION 75050 F.P. NO. 2395353 PAGE 4 EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 101 -PART SECTION 75050 F.P. NO. 239535 3 Lots 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, OCOEE COMMERCE CENTER, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 30, pages 78 and 79, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. BEING a portion of lands described and recorded in Official Records Book 3405, page 2388, AND Official Records Book 4353, page 780 AND Official Records Book 4402, page 4688, ALL of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. CONTAINING: 4.573 acres, more or less. 04/18 January 17, 2019 This instrument prepared by Robin D. Derr Under the direction of DANIEL L. MCDERMOTT, ATTORNEY Department of Transportation 719 South Woodland Boulevard Deland, Florida 32720-6834 PARCEL NO. 101 -Part SECTION 75050 F.P. NO. 2395353 STATE ROAD 50 COUNTY ORANGE RESOLUTION ON MOTION of Commissioner , seconded by Commissioner the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation has constructed or improved State Road No. 50, Section No. 75050, F.P. No. 239535-3 in Orange County, Florida: and WHEREAS, as mutually agreed, the State of Florida Department of Transportation, has made application to the City of Ocoee to execute and deliver to the City of Ocoee, a quitclaim deed, in favor of the City of Ocoee, pursuant to the provisions of Section 337.25, Florida Statutes, conveying all rights, title and interest that said State of Florida, Department of Transportation has in and to said lands, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, and said request having been duly considered; and WHEREAS, said use is in the best interest of the City. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, that Board, that the conveyance of real property by the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, will be used solely for public purposes and that as mutually agreed, the deed, in favor of the City of Ocoee, should be drawn and executed by Michael Shannon, District Five Secretary, on behalf of the State of Florida Department of Transportation. PARCEL NO. 101 -Part SECTION 75050 F.P. NO. 2395353 PAGE 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded forthwith to the State of Florida Department of Transportation at 719 South Woodland Blvd., Deland, Florida, 32720-6834. Attest: Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this _ day of 2019. SHUFFIELD LOWMAN & WILSON, P.A. By: City Attorney CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal corporation RUSTY JOHNSON Mayor APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON , 2019, UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. REVISION TO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING THE STATE OF FLORIDA, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF OCOEE, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the City of Ocoee (City) entered into a memorandum of understanding regarding project 239535-3 and more specifically Pond 2 near Ocoee Commerce Parkway and South Bluford Avenue executed on November 13, 2014 and attached here as Exhibit «A» WHERAS, it is the parties' desire to modify the Memorandum of Understanding, more specifically paragraphs 6 and 7. Paragraphs 6 and 7 will be replaced with the following paragraphs: 6. Once construction of the Joint WRA is complete, the DEPARTMENT agrees to convey FDOT WRA to the CITY using a standard FDOT Quit Claim Deed. FDOT will reserve onto itself a perpetual drainage easement over, under, on and through the Joint WRA along with rights to access, enter and maintain the Joint WRA at the expense of the CITY if the CITY fails to perform its obligations of maintenance. 7. Once the Joint WRA is conveyed to the City, the CITY shall construct fencing completely encircling the Joint WRA, which construction shall begin within thirty (30) days following the conveyance of the WRA. The City acknowledges that FDOT will not be responsible for the fence construction around the Joint WRA. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal corporation By: RUSTY JOHNSON Mayor Attest Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this _ day of__, 2019. SHUFFIELD LOWMAN & WILSON, P.A. By: City Attorney APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON 2019, UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. _ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIZ Loreen Bobo, P.E. Director of Transportation Development Attest: Executive Secretary Legal Review FIFTY WEST CRA Board Meeting February 19, 2019 Strategic Transportation Funding Program S&ME, Inc. City of Ocoee • 150 North Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 • fax: (407) 905-3167 • www.ocoeecro.com FIFTY WEST MEMORANDUM TO: CRA Board FROM: Ginger Corless CRA Administrator/Deputy Development Services Director DATE: February 19, 2019 RE: Informational Item Strategic Transportation Funding Program This item will be before the City Commission February 19, 2019 for approval. This memorandum serves to provide the CRA Board with background information regarding the need for a Strategic Transportation Funding Program and the S&ME, Inc. proposal to prepare a Transportation Master Plan. The City is in the process of updating its long range transportation plan to include capital projects that support the City's efforts in implementing the downtown master plan as well as the 429 corridor development areas and within Fifty West Redevelopment District. Moving forward we need to identify the projects, prioritize them, and identify potential funding for implementing each transportation project. Once this is complete, we then need to seek funding from such sources as the State, MetroPlan and Orange County. S&ME, Inc. has prepared a scope of services to assist the City and the CRA with this work. Tasks will include data collection, state and local coordination, and the development of a Strategic Transportation Funding Program. S&ME, Inc. are currently under contract with the City to provide Continuing Transportation Planning Consulting Services and all work will be conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions included in their 2017 contract. S&ME Inc.'s contract is for a lump sum amount through the end of the fiscal year 2019. Based on the outcome of this work order, there may be need to continue S&ME Inc.'s services. If this is the case, an additional request will be brought back to the Commission. Financial Impact to the CRA: Total budget impact is $100,000 (through FY 2019). Funds were set aside in the budget for Development Services ($40,000) and CRA Budget ($60,000). Attachments: S&ME, Inc. Scope of Services City of Ocoee CRA • 150 North Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 • fax: (407) 905-3167 • www.ocoeecro.com Olt a"EME ifffij� Iff February 11, 2019 Michael Rumer City Planner City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Reference: Master Transportation Plan Ocoee, Florida Dear Mr. Rumer, S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) is pleased to have the opportunity to submit this proposal for the above referenced project. This proposal describes our understanding of the project, discusses the intended scope of services, and presents the associated compensation for our services. This contract shall be conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions included in our Continuing Contract for Transportation Planning Consulting Services dated December 19, 2017. Project Background The City of Ocoee is in the midst of one of its largest growth cycles in its history. Currently, the City is experiencing rapid growth in its Downtown Redevelopment Area, the State Road 429/Wekiva Parkway interchanges, and within its Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) along the State Road 50 corridor. The City is investing over 40 million dollars into the Downtown Redevelopment Area, focusing on infrastructure including parks, utilities, and roadway projects. The City has been actively working to identify areas of need Citywide to strengthen traffic circulation and growth within its major corridors. A major issue moving forward will be funding and timing of these improvements, which range from local, to County, to State projects. The purpose of this effort is to prioritize transportation improvements based on need and economic development potential and identify the appropriate strategies for funding and implementation. Scope of Work Based on the above description and our professional experience, we have identified the following scope of services. Task 1. Data Collection and Review The City of Ocoee will provide S&ME with a list, and corresponding plans where applicable, for all planned and programmed transportation improvements within the City of Ocoee and its Community S&ME, Inc. 11615 Edgewater Drive, Suite 200 1 Orlando, FL 32804 1 p 407.975.1273 1 www.smeinc.com Ocoee Master Transportation Plan Page 2 of 4 Redevelopment Agency (CRA). S&ME will review all provided transportation plans and determine preliminary cost estimates for construction. Task 2. State and Local Agency Coordination S&ME will coordinate with City staff as well as other government agencies including Orange County, MetroPlan Orlando and the Florida Department of Transportation to determine existing support and timetables for planned and programmed projects. S&ME will also utilize these coordination efforts to identify additional local, state and federal funding sources and strategies for implementation. Task 3. Draft/Framework of Master Transportation Plan S&ME will produce a Draft/Framework Master Transportation Plan for the City of Ocoee. This document, to be finalized through additional services/client authorization, will ultimately provide clear strategic direction for the implementation of the existing planned and programmed transportation improvements within the City of Ocoee and its CRA. ➢ GIS Database; to include all planned and programmed transportation improvements within the City ➢ Map and Infographic of City Transportation Projects ➢ Draft Summary Report including: 1. Comprehensive Transportation Project List (for City and CRA) with Cost Estimates: This list will include descriptive summary of each project and appropriately formatted graphics suitable for use in application for grants, appropriations, briefings, meetings, and other legislative activities towards obtaining funding. 2. Prioritization and Timetable: S&ME will work with City staff to prioritize the projects list with consideration given to implementation and funding feasibility across multiple agency partner opportunities. 3. Grant and Funding Strategies: S&ME will create a funding strategy for each project based on the type of funding needed, the Agency partner, and will use the prepared summary report materials to present, promote, and assist in execution of the funding strategy for each project, based on the established priorities and timeline. EXCLUDED SERVICES Ocoee Master Transportation Plan Page 3 of 4 Without intending to provide an exhaustive list or description of all services or potential services that may be required and that S&ME can provide, the following services are specifically excluded from this proposal. Preparation of additional schematic site design(s) or alternative analysis for review and approval by Owner or agencies. Environmental assessments, studies or evaluations for Corps 404 Permits, FEMA submittals, hazardous or toxic waste investigations, wetland determinations, or EPA water quality -permitting analysis not included in the above-described scope of services. Generation of additional transportation improvements not currently planned or programmed SCHEDULE The master planning effort can be initiated within one week after receiving formal authorization to proceed. This work order shall be in effect through September 30, 2019. FEES Our professional fees for the above-described services will be invoiced as per the below fee schedule. Included in the below fees are reimbursable expenses incurred on the Project's behalf, including mileage, printing, plotting, photocopies, reproduction, postage, long distance telephone, facsimile, express mail and/or courier services. S&ME will bill monthly for all work performed and expenses incurred on the Project's behalf. S&ME will provide the above -stated services for an anticipated lump sum fee of $100,000.00. Any work not authorized within 3 months of the date of this agreement will be subject to renegotiations based on current rates. AUTHORIZATION If you elect to accept our proposal by issuing a purchase order, then please specifically reference this proposal and date. Your purchase order will be an acceptance of our Agreement for Services and an authorization to proceed with the performance of our services. If you choose to accept this proposal by e-mail, your reply e-mail acceptance will serve as your representation to S&ME that you have reviewed the proposal and hereby accept it as written. CLOSURE Unless otherwise indicated, S&ME will provide services as described in the master contract between S&ME and the City of Ocoee dated December 19, 2017. Ocoee Master Transportation Plan Page 4 of 4 S&ME appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you. If you have any questions regarding the outlined scope of services, or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. George Kramer, AICP Planning & Design Area Manager 1�11-" A"& Stephanie Shealey, PE, PTP Project Manager