HomeMy WebLinkAboutII (B) Maguire Road MAGUIRE ROAD MK-04 BACKGROUND Maguire Road is functionally classified as a collector road and under the jurisdiction of Orange County. The County has no current plans for upgrading Maguire Road. According to the Joint Planning Area Agreement, and the Capital Improvements Element of the City's Adopted Comprehensive Plan (September, 1990), the City will make the necessary improvements for its expansion. Maguire Road south of S.R. 50 has a traffic volume capacity of 17,400 trips per day. Existing daily traffic volumes plus reserved trips for Maguire Road are as follows: Roberson Road/Tomyn Road 8,662 trips/day Tomyn Road/Professional Parkway 11,769 trips/day Professional Parkway/S.R. 50 13,428 trips/day For the purpose of concurrency requirements, the City currently does not include "vested" trips in the determination of reserved trips. If vested trips were added to the existing trip count, Maguire Road traffic would exceed the available roadway capacity. The City has been planning for the expansion of Maguire Road for several years. A corridor study was completed for the City by PEC on November 29, 1989. The purpose of the corridor study was to establish right-of-way requirements, review design alternatives and provide construction cost estimates. (The City included the expansion of Maguire Road in its 1991 Comprehensive Plan and all subsequent amendments). The City has been obtaining the necessary right-of-way from all development as approvals were granted along Maguire Road. During April of 1992, a series of meetings were conducted with developers and property owners to determine the timing of the Maguire Road improvements as related to the area development plan. Nearly all right-of-way needed for the expansion of Maguire Road south of the Turnpike has been dedicated to the City. imp The City has also sought FDOT approval for the 80/20 funding program. The FDOT program allows the State to match up to 20% of the construction of a local road if the local entity can demonstrate a reduction in traffic on any State road. The FDOT indicated a strong support for the Maguire Road Project, but the road would only be eligible for the funding program upon completion of the final engineering design of the roadway improvements. The City has also conducted preliminary discussion with the Expressway Authority and Turnpike Authority concerning the Maguire Road bridge over the Turnpike. Those discussions were held approximately eighteen (18) months ago and were considered premature until a schedule for the Western Beltway existed. The funding for construction of the Western Beltway is closer and the Expressway Authority has initiated final alignment plans and will initiate design and right-of- way acquisition in the near future. It is very important to the City for the Maguire Road expansion to be properly coordinated with any expansion of the bridge over the Turnpike. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The 1.5 mile segment of Maguire from Roberson Road north to S.R. 50 needs to be upgraded to a four-lane urban highway. The project limits are shown in Figure 1. The recommended improvements for Maguire Road are as follows: Phase 1 Roberson Road to Tomyn Road - 4-lane divided urban roadway, 22-foot raised grassed median, enclosed drainage. Phase 2 Tomyn Road to Professional Parkway - new overpass bridge, urban roadway, enclosed drainage. Phase 3 Professional Parkway to S.R. 50 - 4-lane roadway with 12-foot center two-way left-turn-lane, enclosed drainage. The design, survey, right-of-way acquisition and permitting of Phase 1 (Roberson Road to Tomyn Road) would require approximately 8 months. Design, survey, right-of-way acquisition and permitting for Phases 2 and 3 will require longer due to the necessary coordination with the Expressway Authority and the Turnpike Authority. The completion of the design effort for Phases 2 and 3 will require approximately 12 months. CONCURRENCY IMPLICATIONS Under existing Florida law and administrative codes, the City can approve projects that adversely impact Maguire Road over the available traffic capacity if the road improvements are scheduled for completion with three (3) years of approval of a development order. This also allows a local government to continue collecting revenue (impact fees) as a roadway exceeds its available traffic capacity. Most of the City's near-term future growth is located in the southern area (along S.R. 50 and south to the City limits). This was clearly shown in recent transportation modeling and the City's update of the Master Water Plan. The City has been growing at a rate of 350-400 new households per year since 1987. The City's Water and Sewer Bond Issue was based on an average growth rate of 350 units per year. Other City projects (stormwater, parks, capital improvement element, joint planning area agreements) are also based on a growth rate of approximately 350 units per year. It is important that the City initiate definitive roadway plans , „ for expansion of Maguire Road to avoid future concurrency restraints in the southern area. RECOMMENDED ACTION rr PEC was requested to update the 1989 Corridor Study Analysis and provide the City with a recommendation for expansion of Maguire Road. We have reviewed the design criteria and right-of-way assessment from the 1989 Corridor Study and recommend the roadway ob improvement be divided into three (3) segments. The primary purpose of dividing the roadway design and construction into three segments is to seek additional funding from other local and state entities. p Phase I The segment from Roberson Road to Tomyn Road - Recommend the City authorize completion of final design and specification for the segment. The City should also authorize submittal to FDOT for inclusion on the 80/20 listing for financial assistance. The City should seek participation from Orange County for construction funds. The City should plan on starting construction of this segment no later than March 1997. Phase II The segment from Tomyn Road to Professional Parkway - Recommend the City authorize immediate negotiations with the Expressway Authority and Turnpike Authority to seek financial assistance in design and construction of the four-lane bridge. The timing of this segment will be dependent upon the start-up of the Western Beltway and Turnpike improvements due to the relocation of the interchange. The City may choose to complete the Phase I segment of Maguire Road and define the northern Phases II and III as a constrained facility due to the state's work on the Western Beltway and Turnpike. Phase III The segment from Professional Parkway to S.R. 50-Recommend the City authorize immediate negotiations with the Expressway Authority, Turnpike Authority and FDOT to seek financial assistance in design and construction of this four lane segment north of the bridge. The planning-level cost estimates for design and construction of the three (3) phases are as follows: PHASE DESIGN CONSTRUCTION TOTALS 1 373,535 3,870,000 $4,243,535 2 239,000 2,668,000 $2,907,000 3 150,000 840,000 $990,000 a F:\CLE R\EN V\mk\mk-04\Magu i re(12-11-9 5) ON I I E4- a I? 441. III rt. E 1.`"4° 4,,, 7 L 0 o G 's'' END Lake EPROJECT—.. :lancha State Road 50 / . PHASE II I — 04. IP. 1114.4,. lk AIL Florida Professional Pkwy Garden Road ---............. U %I. PHASE II Lake E Tomyn Road V 4%4 Lilly E . e Pe. 1,-; Ta 1 cl"' I -o Lake eV PHASE I — o E a IBonnet 1 i E Roberson Road _ \ Moore Road IBEGIN PROJECT— NL (BY OTHERS) Maguire Road Design Location Map PECFIGURE 1 r Iii