HomeMy WebLinkAboutII (C) Drainage Issues City of Ocoee Public Works and Engineering Departments STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY MAYOR and COMMISSIONERS S. Scott Vandergrift (Mayor) ®� laRusty Johnson (District 1 ) Scott Anderson (District 2) Scott Glass (District 3) e4 OP 000u 0.` Jim Gleason (District 4) I CITY STAFF Ellis Shapiro (City Manager) Jim Shira (City Engineer / Utilities Director) Montye Beamer (Administrative Services Director) I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY City of Ocoee Public Works and Engineering Departments STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY MAYOR and COMMISSIONERS S. Scott Vandergrift(Mayor) Rusty Johnson (District 1) Scott Anderson (District 2) Oo¢000 Scott Glass (District 3) • Jim Gleason (District 4) vyp CITY STAFF T1„.o, coot 0 Ellis Shapiro (City Manager) Jim Shira (City Engineer/Utilities Director) Montye Beamer(Administrative Services Director) L Presentation Of: City of Ocoee STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY Presentation To: City Commission December 14, 1995 Presented By: PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. I PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 1 I I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY PRESENTATION PURPOSE PURPOSE The purpose of our presentation is to discuss the annual cost of the four (4) components of the storm water management program. 1 I t PRESENTATION CONTENTS PART OCOEE DRAINAGE ASSIGNMENTS AND BASIN STUDIES PART II ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) NPDES PROGRAM I I PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 2 I I I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY PRESENTATION CONTENTS (continued) r PART III STORM WATER DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM PART IV CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) FOR DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS PRESENTATION CONTENTS (continued) PART V PROPOSED STORM WATER UTILITY RATE INCREASE 111 I PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 3 L Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY PART I OCOEE DRAINAGE ASSIGNMENTS AND BASIN STUDIES I OCOEE DRAINAGE ASSIGNMENTS a PURPOSE -► During January of 1992, the City of Ocoee selected PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants to perform studies of the sixteen (16) drainage basins contributing storm water runoff to the City's water bodies. -► During 1992 and 1993, PEC began evaluating the Northwest Ditch, Spring Lake, Lake Johio, Starke Lake, and the Lake Olympia basins. However, due to the excessive rainfall during 1994 and 1995, PEC has diverted its attention towards investigating various problem areas throughout the City. 1 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 4 1. I 1 IHandouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY C 0- OCOEE DRAINAGE ASSIGNMENTS I -► OCOEE DRAINAGE ASSIGNMENTS AND BASIN STUDIES • Drainage Basin Studies I/ • NPDES Permit Applications 1 • Drainage Assignments/Investigations I I I I OCOEE DRAINAGE ASSIGNMENTS I -► DRAINAGE BASIN STUDIES (refer to Exhibit) I . Northwest Ditch Drainage Basin Study • Spring Lake/Lake Johio Drainage Basin Study • Starke Lake/Lake Olympia Drainage Basin Study -► NPDES PERMIT APPLICATIONS • MS4 Part 1 Permit Application(submitted May 1992) • MS4 Part 2 Permit Application(submitted September 1993) i t 1 iw. PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 5 II I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY OCOEE DRAINAGE ASSIGNMENTS -+ DRAINAGE ASSIGNMENTS/INVESTIGATIONS • Data Collection and Digital mapping • Drainage Maintenance Program • Amber Ridge Subdivision Drainage Investigation • Forest Oaks Subdivision Drainage Investigation • Miscellaneous Drainage Services - Drainage Easement at Hawthorne Property - Localized Flooding at 709 Russell Drive - Localized Flooding at 20 Cedar Key - Analysis of pipe end treatments - Localized Flooding at 1117 Kimbell Drive OCOEE DRAINAGE ASSIGNMENTS (continued) • Miscellaneous Drainage Services(continued) - Prepare Portions of"CBG" package for Pioneer Key 1, Pioneer Key 2 and M&M Utility property - Design Pioneer Key 2/Palm Drive storm sewer improvements - Construction Plans and Permitting for Palm Drive Park - Center Street Drainage Investigation - Construction Plans for Pioneer Key 1 outfall ditch maintenance - Olympia Cove Pond 200 Drainage Investigation - Construction Plans and Permitting for Sorenson Field Access Road - Investigate drainage problem areas and develop CIP PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 6 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY ENGINEERING EXPENSES AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO DATE Companwnt()ascription tract Nodhwest.Ditch Drainage.BasinStudy.......... ::.:.......................................,•..:$74,636.93.:::........ Spring Lake/Lake Jahio Drainage Basin Study $55,121.00 Lake Lath Drainage Basin Study $9,640.60 I Starke Lake/Lake Olympia Drainage Basin Study 646,307.96 NLTOTAL $167,906.51 .., .1 permit Application. .,:,. . . .: ... .....,..•..........................:.:$36,063.90:::. NPDES Part ......... t NPDES Part 2 Permit Application 629,738.56 SUBTOTAL $65,602.46 Data Cdled lon and DigitalMappiny „ Y..V..%,.,..•.,:.:... .:..,......,.$44,416.46:::.,,....v.. Miscellaneous Drainage Assignments 6111,750.60 Drainage Maintenance Program $47,790.75 t I Amber ridge Drainage Investigation $25,539.70 Forest Oaks Drainage Investigation 623,020.94 i iUS.TOTAL $252,516.67 IIGRAND TOTAL 6506,227.64 I f OCOEE DRAINAGE ASSIGNMENTS (continued) r -, FUTURE DRAINAGE BASIN STUDIES (12 TOTAL) • McCormick Road Basin • Lake Addah • Lake Blanchard(Bennett) • Lake Lotta and the two(2)Unnamed Basins • Lake Meadow/Prairie Lake • Lake Lilly/Lake Pearl • Lake Lucy/Lake Florence • Lake Stanley • Southwest(Maguire)Basin I I 7 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page t F Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY — FUTURE DRAINAGE BASIN STUDIES •.,.•,.,•....,....,..:..,..0 ..::............,,,..,.:• Fiscal Yew i .....5-Year omponent . Desc Ion 1 95/96 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 i Total :-McCormick Road Basin $50,000 r 850,000 -Lake Addah $25,000 I i $25,000 IMO :-Lake Blanchard(Bennett) 1 $25,000 1 : $25,000 :-Lake Lotta and the Two(2)Unnamed Basins 1 -1$200,000 i 8200,000 I -Lake Meadow/RainF e Lake 4 8100 000 I$100,000 -Lake Lily/Lake Peed 1 $50,000 i $50,000 -Lake Lucy/Lake Florence117 $100,000 I$100,000 t Lake Stanley 1 1 850,000 +$50,000 (-Southwest(Maguire)Basin 1 $125,000 :$125,000 TOTAL ......................................... 150,000„ 10,000,,, ..........................00„ I }}::}},`,:; :•};;}:::!::•;*•&::*`k.•.,kk,...cki:::F,.:lckic.,•••••••k::�kkcki% ::cii::"%% v.. v.vn,,,,•.v„,},}rn,,.,w.,�.w:.,�n: .,},,,,•.,•,}>.w:::.vv2v:.w::.:v:nw::::: '.22ci 22kE:::::• vv,,,,vv,•.,,,v:,,,}v,,, , ,,,},,,,,,•.,•iii.:X•::..,•:.,•:::.�.,•::: is } t't 2"ick:`2>. ckkkiiiickkci}}}:::k£:ka:::: ::::: ziikii I i'.....4:;;;;;;;;.""... �.. ._. :iii Ez�Qz►z� zi'iiiiz.; i iz I zzzzvv., ii x< tk k4f#z: s.• `. vzv.: '>'.ii#>:iiikk:>:>:iiiiiiz::::`•`::�i8izi>i:z>.}zzzzzzzz zzzzz<k.#:9:x�::t:.:»::>::: :::::::>:::�t.3!:t##::::,,•::.,,,,,z><zzk:t!�:ii>:iiEii:>':?::�•`:`•»>::�k:rt:Rz>.zz,izx i::::> ::z::ziiinzz}z::z}zx:K:::zz}::mz:;i:>:::::::z::::>:: z;::4,:*:::::::>:::::::::zzzzz::zz:iiiii zz:::x:zx:::>:>:zzzx:::::i.:ii::>:zzzz::::zz}}}}}:>::::: >!a««« }bf: zzzzzzzzzzzzz..........zzzszzzzz„} }}}..,...a...,•:•• : E•v n •.vlv re�� C• .:•iv:xw:::'r::vtivri{.}:?•:{•:::iiv:v:::vi:4 y,,;... v': '. : . : r ii: :::............•. .:.Y>}}. ..}L2}•;fi•>.$Y:ky}:`LL'{•YY:'•}:"`.:;}}�:��:2�k..:;:�y?{ :�• • k1 T It PART II t ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION I AGENCY (EPA) NPDES PROGRAM L 1 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 8 M L Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY EPA NPDES PROGRAM -► PERMIT HISTORY • Federal Clean Water Act of 1972 - Established the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) • Water Quality Act of 1987 - Amendments of the Clean Water Act - Established the National Storm Water Program, in order to regulate discharges from industrial and construction activities and discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems(MS4's) • Federal Storm Water Regulations of 1990 - Required municipalities with a population greater than 100,000 to submit a two-part permit application EPA NPDES PROGRAM (continued) -► MS4 PART 1 PERMIT APPLICATION • General Information(name, address, etc.) • Existing and required legal authority • Source identification information • Discharge characterization,including: - monthly mean rainfall estimates - existing data on volume and quality of storm water discharges - receiving water bodies and information regarding storm water impacts - water quality-based controls may also be required - field-screening for illicit connections and illegal dumping • Characterization plan for representative outfall sampling in Part 2 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 9 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY EPA NPDES PROGRAM (continued) 4 MS4 PART 1 PERMIT APPLICATION (continued) • Description of management plan to identify and control pollution from MS4 • Description of fiscal resources available to complete Part 2 4 MS4 PART 2 PERMIT APPLICATION • Demonstrate adequate legal authority • Completed source identification and characterization of major outfalls • Discharge characterization data EPA NPDES PROGRAM (continued) 4 MS4 PART 2 PERMIT APPLICATION (continued) • Proposed Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) including descriptions of: - structural and source control measures - program to detect and remove illicit discharges - program to monitor and control pollutants - program to control construction site runoff pollutants • Estimate reduction in pollutant loadings as a result of management programs. • Fiscal analysis of necessary capital, operation and maintenance expenditures. PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 10 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY EPA NPDES PROGRAM (continued) -! STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP) • Operation and maintenance of the storm water management system • Control discharges from areas of new development and significant redevelopment • Operation and maintenance of public streets, roads, and highways • Ensuring flood control projects consider water quality impacts EPA NPDES PROGRAM (continued) 4 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (continued) • Control pollution related to pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers • Control of illicit discharges and improper disposal of wastes • Control and management of construction site runoff • Water quality monitoring and reporting • Annual Assessment and reports PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 11 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY EPA NPDES PROGRAM .,..:...::::...:::.....:::.:CompanetN.„..„:.::::...,:::::.„................::...::::::............:.FNeY Yw.::.::......::......::::.::.:::::::. 5-Year i i D:a:Vtion 95198 96/97 1 97199 98/99 99/00 Total qty NPDES Coor6nator $100,000 $100,000 1$100,000 i$100,000 $100,000 i$500,000 i • 1,1. • • •t • o.. ! TOTAL $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125 000 •,$1.25 000 $625,000 y�,,uu;#### >:.:,:.x:....i ig,::i,,:.:.;;i v,;:.l i:•i.gii:I:,,:.,;:,::•,,;.;,iiiii„ik.:.giii.�.:.>::.,,::::.:,..i•}:a::;:k;i#.: ii=kc�2kkkk,•.,,,.,•.,.::::Y:::i::::•,.::}kkk:::t;:}:;isa::.................,...k,,........:.::.........::...,:,.:.{.::::2.::::..:.,.::::::::.,,:....,.....,,;....y. z <'i r ik.::::r. • ::k#k}zkkix:::W.:ii€?::::: e } i1F lefiniiiiiiiiilkk 1l ######::###kk#.. y� ��:<� `:z''�'�>��<�<���� �< iiiiitizziizz'i>.'?zi iE�`�> :::•::;:<;k;:.;;kktk`kkk::i:>:fi:'7tA!1�..,.,•:.:::.,•.•*�.� ?::««:: ?•':%ziz:<.���.'#:� ia:::::: :........... iiiiiii;zzk, kkkkk}:<:za}:>:z::>;k::kkkk::}zk ::}z::.:;kz:;s>:::<iii<:>:;;:.<#> ::':::: ::::... ikkak kkk22kkkik2kkkkk},`.:k}k::::kkkk;::kkkkkk:iS': >:F ica f.:Y :...:f .......:. kk`k`\`.k,:::>.kkkkkk:kkkk;;::;k•'.} kk:::kY:kkkk;}kkk::k}:kkkkk{kr;:::}};k't}k}}k:<:;ip;22:!:52.'::: iiic:i: i #####i',•';.:tiiii::<iiii'>;i"y {:ty R:::?:v.:..,,.. •....1g,i.1;v:::.»v.:::::;:iii' .iv:v:•::•Y^:i.vxi••iii;::i::.:::i: .i:aiiii.�:::::::.::::: ::::.�:....nY.ii ?:::::0 k;kk;k;;kkikkk`�`kim:..i Attorney ?zz ore PART III STORM WATER DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 12 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM -► COMPONENTS OF A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM • Scheduled or preventive maintenance(pro-active method) - mowing - street sweeping - debris cleaning - inspections - repairs - dredging - weed control - sediment removal • Unscheduled or non-repetitive maintenance(reactive method) - cave-in of a storm water pipe - erosion and/or washouts DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (continued) -► DATA COLLECTION (refer to Exhibit) • Total length of Roadside Swales =__>> 16.6 miles • Total length of Drainage Ditches =__>> 6.0 miles • Total length of Roadside Ditches =__>> 9.1 miles • Total length of Culverts =__» 0.8 miles • Total number of City Maintained Ponds =__» 44 ponds • Total number of Privately Maintained Ponds =__>> 86 ponds PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 13 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (continued) -► PRESENT PPTD RESPONSIBILITIES • Maintenance and/or replacement of signs • Horticulture(gardening) • Installation and Maintenance of Irrigation Systems • Pruning Trees Annually(approximately 270 locations) • Mowing the grass at City Hall, Community Center, City Water Plants, Cemetery, Clarke Road (three full-time employees), and Maguire House • Animal Control • Maintenance of drainage systems (drainwells, roadside swales, drainage ditches, storm water ponds, etc.) • Maintenance of all City Parks and Ball Fields(Vignetti, Tiger Minor, three City parks and Sorenson Field) DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (continued) -► PRESENT PPTD DRAINAGE EQUIPMENT • Two(2) DuWeeze riding mowers • One(1)tractor mounted side-arm mower • One(1)backhoe • Ten (10)weed-eaters • One(1) Street Sweeper(broken) • One(1)6-yard dump truck • One(1)Hydraulic Excavator(Kaiser X4M Snyder) • One(1)Bush Hog PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 14 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (continued) -� PRESENT PPTD STAFFING • Buddy Elmore, PPTD Department Supervisor • Nineteen (19) full-time field personnel, of which five (5) personnel provide drainage related maintenance on a full-time basis - Two(2)DuWeeze riding mowers - One(1)tractor mounted side-arm mower - One(1) bush hog - One(1)hydraulic excavator DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (continued) 3 DESCRIPTION OF MAINTENANCE PROGRAM • Routinely maintain all ditches and swales with respect to periodic mowing, removal or debris, repairing soil erosion, and maintaining longitudinal slopes through"minor"grading. • Maintain all primary culverts associated with major ditches with respect to removal of sediments, clearing blockage in front of pipe openings, and checking for structural damage (cracked mitered section or dislocated headwalls). • Routinely maintain all city-owned storm water ponds with respect to periodic mowing of side slopes and berms, removal of debris and cattails, repairing soil erosion, and removing obstructions associated with the control structures (cups, beer cans, leaves, skimmer blades). PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 15 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (continued) -► CURRENT FREQUENCY OF MAINTENANCE • Roadside Swales - once every four(4)weeks - one(1)person and prison crew • Roadside Ditches - once every six(6)weeks - one(1) person and prison crew • Drainage Ditches - twice a year - one(1)person • Storm Water Ponds - 2 1/2 week rotation - two(2)people DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (continued) -,y STAFFING AND EQUIPMENT NEEDS • One(1)riding mower(DuWeeze) • One(1)street sweeper(NPDES requirement) • Two(2)additional employees - One(1)person for drainage ditches - One(1) person for the street sweeper PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 16 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY .. STORMWATEt MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Component Ascal Year 5-Year :; 's Description 95196 96197 T 97/98 98/99 ) 99/00 Total i IIz Two(2)additional Employees 580,000 580,000 l 580,000 _$80,000 $80,000 $400,000 : ) one(1)Riding Mower(DuWeeze) $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 _ $3,000 $3,000 $15,000 ii } One(1)Street Sweeper $26,000 S26,000 S $26,000 $26,000 $26,000 $130,000 ... TOTAL 5109000 109000 18109,000 5109,000 5109,000 5545,000 :: yw. kz `;}>:zzkzk:,, :' .k.}}',z Z .. i ?z„ v` • ': z`:: ',:.., „}k z�z••:-.%?zzz,M.1.0:,..,}} k kk, } } •Z kY `YC\2 k} h ?: \} A : #fr#k. kk,, k 2it yt ti } `r •• }<.' k,k2}�.t vv k kt'}t2}:k .•:.,?::kkk•?•L:::•?kkk•?kkkkk: 2 IffetiM.ilitiliggiimintEmn A„„::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Y•yyykk`::kkkkk::::k::.:.:.:.:„ M = }}�!l:�11:1!Y.�<�.� } :. ::3 is :]:]::::•,'""'""."."1:Rin::':-rM ::::::::::::::smiimit::::,• imim ... ...... 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I I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS -+ INTRODUCTION (refer to Exhibit) • Numerous drainage problem areas within the City of Ocoee have been identified by a number of parties, which include, but are not limited to the following: - City of Ocoee PPTD Department - City of Ocoee Engineering Department - PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants - Orange County Engineering Department - Subdivision residents and homeowner associations DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -� DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 1 • Dovetail Court(Coventry Subdivision) • The last six (6) houses on the north side of Dovetail Court are experiencing groundwater seepage in the rear yard. The entire rear yards of several of these lots are saturated up to the homes. We obtained access to the property to the north and observed no overland runoff contributing to the problem; however, some groundwater seepage was discovered near the property line abutting the affected residences. At least one (1) residence had groundwater seepage along the side yard and into the street. Groundwater is seeping from the lots into the roadside curb and gutter. PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 18 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -+ DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 1 (continued) • The street in front of these homes is also experiencing groundwater seepage problems. Groundwater was observed to be flowing through cracks in the pavement. In several areas this seepage was colored white due to dissolved roadway base material. • Underdrains along the north property line of the last six (6) residences should relieve the seepage problem in the rear yards. Additional underdrains may be necessary adjacent to the road to prevent further damage to the base material. A geotechnical analysis should be performed to better define the cause of the problem and verify the appropriate solution. • Preliminary cost of$100,086 ORANGE CO1111111 _USI■ •IIiIhhiiiii! DOVETAIL COURT 0111111111jiri Mk" AREA NO. 111 "U ��I/IIS • M = , LEGEND ❑ EXISTING INLET �LUF _ =�'m \ EXISTING MANHOLE ",,: -_< EXISTING MITERED END OR HEADWALL SPRINCFIEL= ripe - EXISTING STORMSEWER PIPE i,.LI a PROPOSED UNDERDRAIN PIPE 0 u` PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 19 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) ' -► DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 2 • Pioneer Key 2 Mobile Home Park • This has been a well documented problem. Previous investigations have concluded that the area in question was constructed at too low an elevation. Consequently, storm water conveyance is inadequate and groundwater seepage occurs from adjacent properties. Streets and homes are flooded on a regular basis. • Several alternatives have been developed to alleviate the frequency of problems experienced by residents in this area. Refer to the separate document entitled, "Northwest Ditch Drainage Basin Study", which is on file with the City of Ocoee. • Preliminary cost of $1,000,141 (conveyance system and storm water pond) TD LAKE APOPKA 11.' 111( li w., wtil r 4*D, it 2 x � +4 a ,. ..__ �f f ., 4fy, ` ,. a ,_ SD IAL KEY COURT AREA NO. 2A 41 ih __ ea _ .111� - E%ISPNC STORMSEMER PIPE _< EKISTING MITER END OR HEADMALL Y EKISTINC 0 PROPOSED RILET NOTE: PLEASE REFER TO THE PARK NORTHWEST DITCH DRAINAGE i 7 Y PROPOSED MITERED END BASIN STUDY FORA DETAILED Rim. / ANALYSIS OF THE COSTING AND -PROPOSED 61DWALL AND PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. $ -PROPOSED STORMSENER PIPE Slimi PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 20 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY 4 T AKE APOPKA AREA NO. 2B r > PROPOSED CONTROL STRUCTURE It J~` o — rte` 8 tir ,,4, DETENTION POND oy TYPICAL SECTION A-A AC'WISE STABILIZED ACCESS ROAD it ' • -I NOTE. PLEASE REFER TO THE NORTHWEST DITCH DRAINAGE BASIN STUDY FOR A DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 3 • Intersection of Flewelling Drive and Russell Drive • The area in question has no storm water conveyance systems and the intersection is located in a low spot. Standing water is common, particularly on the north side of the intersection. • Installation of an exfiltration system may be a potential solution. Limiting factors may be soil and groundwater conditions. Another option may be to install inlets and pipe the storm water runoff to a nearby existing storm sewer system (e.g., Flewelling Street and Ocoee Hills Road). If there are limitations to either or both of these alternatives, some combination of the above options may be viable. • Preliminary cost of$55,762 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 21 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY \�5 e�tik /gyp�\ �� I 1 I ,{-1,-,-,. . * F ; o * AREA NO. 3 �� W U— rr < I > SPRING 0-IN' >NC U NHW E�KE � 112.62 LLL._llL_... 111111 100-YR LEV. = 121.00 �-� 0 'P_p-P-V FLEWEW /NG DR Ljo-I ic.r K H i--` T-- � � LUKAY ST e . ''>.-- V APRIC TDR b ...,,.a -- iuu■1Q . •uiuI - 11111111111: '. 111111111 11111111 MUM _o Il I ' - 111.111111 ,, _ DARLA ST = LEGEND PI- 0 EXISTING INLET � _ n _ a 0 EXISTING MANHOLE iliill SAM'NTH' 1 — 0 EXISTING DRAINWELL ......1 A EXISTING CONTROL STRUCTURE _ APRICOTSDR __ i ...,,.�I, _ -• --EXISTING STORMS -• -(EXISTING MITERED NWER D OR PIPE // I WANDA ST HEADWALL I 1 Itr PROPOSED INLET AVM CTY J. OCOEE CENTER ST a 1�I\."- • PROPOSED MANHOLE 171Y.710 ORI ANITD f _��,,,1 —PROPOSED STORMSEWER PIPE — an= IRB ,� ®PROPOSED EXFILTRATION I , 1 o ..---- . ----7_/ h 4. DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -+ DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 4 • Kimball Drive, south of Wurst Road • In an effort to alleviate standing water following rainfall events, swales were constructed during the summer of 1993 between the edge of the road and the sidewalk(1117 Kimball Drive). The edge of the asphalt road adjacent to the swales is now failing due to lack of support. • Construct concrete ribbon curb with adequate subgrade and base in conjunction with the existing swales. • Preliminary cost of$16,660 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 22 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY l I I I I 1 l I I l 1 1 1 1 1 b 4 _ PRINC AKE CR _ - 111111 III! PPII• §Iiiwymmi =NI i ___MEI J-- ��a MIN -- I � %,,ipivi mp lid AREA NO. 4 SPRING LAKE / r. a ulj A' a D 04111101 %01 W Os Vc° m3%4u CHAMPîà$ø, )1 BAPTIST CHURCH ,c) o�0 ill OVECITY OF OCOEE • tail ORANGE COUNTY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -i DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 5 • Center Street Ditch, west of Starke Lake Circle • Storm water runoff from the area to the north of Center Street drains to a ditch along the south side of the road, This ditch discharges southward through a washout towards Starke Lake. In the path of the runoff lies one home. Washouts are evident in the rear yard and along the east side of the house. The homeowner has temporarily diverted runoff away from the structure; however, a permanent solution is necessary. • This problem has been studied by PEC and the current solution is to construct a storm sewer collection system, a pond, and an outfall pipe to Starke Lake. The pond would be constructed on the property to the south of Center Street and would provide treatment and attenuation of storm water runoff from the off-site areas as well as future development on the property. PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 23 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 5 (continued) • A scenario in which the City would share the cost of constructing the pond with the developer of the property has been analyzed by PEC. The costs incurred by the City would include construction of a storm sewer collection system to convey runoff from Center Street to the proposed pond and the cost to expand the proposed pond beyond the size required to develop the property. The cost presented below reflects this scenario, the cost of alternate plans may be considerably higher(approximately$500,000). • Preliminary cost of$163,987 '~^ < EXISTING STORM SEWER am COLLECTION IYSTEM PROPOSED STORMSEWER SSTEM a ■1 CENTER ST. 24-INCH REP 24-INCH RCP / CENTER ST. 30-INCH RCP 36-INCH RCP LEGEND REMOVE 24-INCH RCP ❑ EXISTING INLET D. ---EXISTING STORMSEWER PPE a --<EXISTING MITERED ETH/OR HEADWALL ) PROPOSED INLET n B PROPOSED CONTROL STRUCTURE • PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED MITERED END -PROPOSED STORMSEWER PIPE / 14. 3 PROPOSED POND WITH 4 3:1 WE SLOPES PROPOSED OUTFALL SYSTEM ANS ID-FT BERM (OUTFALL CONSISTS OF 440 LF 2A-INCH RCP,3 MANHOLES AND 'E 24-INCH RCP CONC.HEADWALL) )I,l) 'R s„, AREA NO. 5 ' TO STARK KE PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 24 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -� DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 6 • Coventry Subdivision • Groundwater seepage is evident along several roadways within this subdivision. Groundwater seepage was observed in the front yards of homes and flowing through cracks in the pavement. Extensive cracking of the pavement was evident at some locations and several holes have already formed. As long as the base is saturated with groundwater, it will continue to deteriorate and the problem will become progressively worse. DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 6 (continued) • Underdrains should be installed along the roadways within the Coventry Subdivision at the locations indicated on the following figure. This should draw the groundwater down below the road base thereby preventing further damage to the pavement. In addition, lowering the groundwater should alleviate seepage from the front yards of residences. A geotechnical analysis should be performed to better define the cause of the problem and verify the appropriate solution. • Preliminary cost of$249,900 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 25 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY iiii0; a uu__I I■■11111 • .l►0114‘. . �NvoiIu ui" MINI II. iiiig. ► . ' p �1111111 , �� '���t ��111111a►t �• ;� kium ■■■■■■■■■ a �►�i,I Agoi 0�.1 min moist yse M1■ iNo I. 111I. Wair al i mi i■■ ■• i ■■■■■111._ •i— D = — igimiliiIIIIIIIIIIIeemum MI � � like m■..it - -�t� - Lira■ ."■■TP -; >,■ —�m ■■■■■■■Cid�N�te ra =NW lime AIIMMIIIIIIIII ■ 1111101111111111.II■ MEM-■-_,A�i_ III 0 EXISTING INLET ..!..In-. . i , 0 EXISTING MANHOLE !Milk -I- II' - ---- PRISING STORMSEWER PIPE IMM lIIIIIMM '-;- i - -< EXSTING MITERED END DR HEADWALL IIMg.. ■�", ---- PROPOS DRAINAGE DITCH AREA NO. - PROPOSED UNDERDRAW PIPE ' =TY OP OGGEE E SILVER STAR RD DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -, DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 8 • Amber Ridge Subdivision • This residential subdivision has multiple drainage related problems which include groundwater seepage on several lots, seepage into roadways, washouts on undeveloped lots, and a dry-bottom pond which is always wet. These problems have been well documented and studied by PEC. • Alternatives are currently being developed to address these problems. The present cost estimate is provided below. Refer to separate documentation relative to this subject which is on file with the City of Ocoee. • Preliminary cost of $134,962 (exclusive of correcting pond problem) PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 26 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY KEY LIME ST. we TM Tx. loom came • t• LEaBO AMBER RIDGE' + I\, ...r..❑ or.. SUBDIVISION \\ o ---' I \, 6, Rott11 Wt.GOMM ar.Ma I • \i, I‘, I \ I I , , ._ T. 1 LICARIA DR. 1 I AREA NO. 8A 0— I I 1 I I I AREA NO. 8B `' J ,_ i ... ,.. \\ , Is ti5 M \Or WI. ,1 ,'ens*..LW 1211. AMBER RICIGE �i\ www w SLOW/MON I`}E B TOO[UV 113 0 $616gra r used r 64060SED R6.0 y ro.osEn WERE()0111aa6ou'ww°l �".fe"x.cxn rt_.so.ofn wmu..DWI..604 wm=MOUT 1 —.,a.ocn Ca„aa,rzo MARTC (v.) 61(*�) 31(r ( I TYPICAL MALI MAL 6-6 / I S PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 27 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY 1' I JAY ST .1W611 FOREST LAKE CALF COURSE , Fl ORANGE COUNTYMINIMI a.m IMINOMIMM 11•111111111 uuAN,,,wN,r-- OCOEE CLARCONA RD CITY OF OCOEE • • i I AREA N0. 8C SECOND AVE I YIt f 6 I o INIRDAVE rl LILAPoA DR il / LFQBJD T NLE AdMB�pE�R SIO 0 - EXISTING I ' VI\ SATIN LEAF CR EXISTING STORNLET EWER PIPE I ---<EXISTING MITERED END OR HEADWALL / ♦ • PROPOSED UNDERDRAIN CLEANOUT FOURTH AVE PROPOSED B-INCH PVC UNDERDRAIN L , J SATIN LEAF CR \ \ J E o• 1 .JIB- FIFTH AVE .� i 1 �- NICOLE BLVD DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -, DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 9 • Sawmill Subdivision(Southwest Pond) • The pond in the southwest corner of the subdivision is located in a natural depression. Based on PEC's field observation on August 25, 1995 the elevation of the water in the pond was such that it encroached into adjacent properties. While homes are not threatened, it is apparent that the water level is higher than it has been in recent years as evidenced by the deteriorating tree canopy. I I IP PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 28 9 9 I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -► DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 9 (continued) • This is a closed basin which appears to be overtaxed due to excessive/above average annual rainfall during 1994 and 1995. Extensive geotechnical, survey and design investigation will be necessary to properly identify the problem. One possible solution may be to provide a low level drawdown (e.g., bleed-down orifice) to Lake Hackney-Prairie. The difficulty with this option is that it will result in increasing the water level in Lake Hackney-Prairie which may impact the residents of the Forest Oaks subdivision and other private property owners which abut the lake. Therefore, it will most certainly require extensive permitting and may potentially require purchasing easements and/or property around the lake. Another option may be to purchase a drainage easement over the portion of the adjacent property which has been adversely impacted. • Preliminary cost of$198,156 I i - -^- L11-1-fkL5PRAltal LL-Lilille 111 ���Q MI . LUMBERJA _ I. } if -max \ Ili IAREA NO. 9 i • 4:2„. HACKNEY PRAIRIEHACKNEY PRAIRIE ACKNE iii ilb 1AIM Ma 1111 `��,AwTo ls we ., Wr 'i'41.IP c, SOV�N\ IIII LAKE HACKIEY ' a' ,• e * g ® LEGEND CEND STRUCTURE i $ $0•111 „ ..�,11111., , R♦ PROPOSED MANHOLE 101 Y PROPOSED MITERED END Wm., ,1°.”- -PROPOSED 15-INCH RCP • OW ## .1"11411 111 Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 29 PEC/Professionalg g I F Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -+ DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 10 • Sawmill Subdivision(Entrance Pond) • The pond located at the entrance of the Sawmill Subdivision is approaching stages that are threatening a nearby residence. A number of mature trees adjacent to the residence are dead as a result of long term inundation which indicates that the water level in the pond is higher than it has been in recent years. I I DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) 4 DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 10 (continued) • This is a closed basin which appears to be overtaxed due to excessive/above average annual rainfall during 1994 and 1995. A potential solution is for the City to purchase the affected property. This area could be excavated to provide additional flood storage for protection of the adjacent roadway. Alternately, a low level drawdown (e.g., bleed-down orifice) to Lake Addah could be provided. Again, this option will result in increasing the water level in Lake Addah which is not wholly owned by Sawmill. Therefore, it will most certainly require extensive permitting and potentially require purchasing easements and/or property around the lake. • Preliminary cost of$464,142 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 30 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY ,...,wow,., A1111111111e11.11 LI am . ., 1117.1.11•1111:11111.11111 111111115 IOW.WITIM,. .411111 1p 4116plinrIgl. 110/1111:11114111 IMM.I...1 i I''''- : 10:11$ s�w�au ewD , 11.4 ••• 1110•sow' ..•021111Milieth 1/11.11111 =_- lin .� �. ��� DT -� � 1 �isr-ou ma Row LEceo ?_I ,,'.,• B PROPOSED CONTROL STRUCTURE-;,1',,,,, ■ IIII • PROPOSED MANHOLE Y PROPOSED NI FRED ENO ,111,1, ,ll1=WillIMMIWAII-111 all iii -PROPOSED 1S-NCN RCP F-- �111111��� �-1.1 re � 1 I AREA N0. 10 L DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) I _. DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 13 ■ Olympia Cove Subdivision, Pond 200 I ■ Following the rainy season of 1994, which included Tropical Storm Gordon, the owners of a neighboring property reported long term flooding due to groundwater seepage. The property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, hired Bernard L. Golding, P.E. to investigate the cause of this flooding. In his report on the matter, Mr. Golding contended that a continued high water elevation in Olympia Cove Pond 200 had provided the driving head for lateral seepage onto Ithe Brown's property. I 11 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 31 i I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -► DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 13 (continued) • In response to this report, the City of Ocoee directed PEC and Universal Engineering Sciences to investigate the situation. Following the investigations, it was determined that Pond 200 could not drawdown in accordance with its original design and that the sustained high water level in the pond was causing seepage onto the adjacent property. • The solution determined by PEC and Universal Engineering Sciences was to provide a 12-inch orifice in the Pond 200 control structure to allow for drawdown to Olympia Cove Pond 300. Consequently, an additional 300 feet of underdrain will be required in Pond 300 to allow for drawdown of the system within 14 days following a storm. In addition, Universal Engineering Sciences recommended excavating the sediments in the bottom of Pond 200 and replacing the soil with clean sand to improve drawdown through the pond bottom. DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -► DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 13 (continued) • Preliminary cost of$34,664 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 32 II J Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY i . ,,, N I Li I ¢ -■ •,,,, S I o µ ¢ I 1 I ' II. EX AV TEA IIINWUN OF 2 FEET I FLOW h E EXISTING '• • IOTTOM M AND S SI LNRI I THE ORGANIC SILTY - EXISTING Dl Tfil� — SA . EDM1E/TS AND BACKFILL WIN CLEA'1�FILL SAND J// • TAMING IHSS THAN 5R SILT AND CLAY SILVER STAR RD. ¢ � 11 NR./MRS.BROWN'S p111 II .P RTv ii ,1 .pip.),,#,,,,,,;,,,s. iii•-.°EXIS1T ' • '411 , i POSITIVE DRu . E%ISTI • . •. �,' LAKE • 13 oLYwt ...,'� a- CWL GB.. EXIS NG CON'DL STRUCN'E- DRI I-IN H DIAMETER • Q'• a 0iiiiir 141 STARKE LEGEND LAKE EXITING SID,-BA ❑ EXISTING INLET COIL 9B.• UN•a•'AIN Ill t. I. M EL V? .1 Wit TING o EXISTING MANHOLE , `� A, ,= 01.0 Q EXISTING CONTROL STRUCTURE EXISTING STORMSEWER PIPE 1N CLEANOUT — EXISTING SIDE-BANK UNDERDRAINS EXISTING CLEANOUT --< EXISTING MITERED END CON AREA NO. 13 STRUCTURE I PROPOSED CLEANOSIDE-BUTS PROPOSED SIDE-SANK — PROPOSED ODE-BANK UNDERDRAINS 1. UNDERDR AMS 1.. , 1 F DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) illr -+ DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 16 ■ Pioneer Key 1 Mobile Home Park ■ Several problems at this location have been documented by PEC. For example, the outfall ditch to the north of the site was filled by the owner of an adjacent property. In addition, three(3) of the cul- a de-sacs in the western portion of the neighborhood experience standing water during heavy rainfall (e.g. 20 Cedar Key). Apparently, the cul-de-sacs which have flooding problems were originally designed to drain to the west to a ditch which ran along the western and northern boundaries of the site. This ditch was connected to the above mentioned outfall ditch. No adequate conveyance presently exists along the western boundary. t PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 33 I I iht Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 2/1 3/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY a IDRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) I -, DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 16 (continued) ■ An agreement has been reached with the adjacent property owner, Mrs. Joyce Robbins, to allow the regrading of the outfall ditch and regular maintenance thereafter. As for the cul-de-sacs which It experience flooding, either the original flow path should be reestablished, or inlets should be placed in each cul-de-sac and connected to the storm sewer system. Refer to the separate document entitled, "Northwest Ditch Drainage Basin Study" and a PEC project memorandum dated October 7, 1993, which are on file with the City of Ocoee. • Preliminary cost of$307,334(includes a storm water pond) IP 1 1 i -=AMU LTV LEGEND -- S ...may= .yy EMISTINC STORMSEWER PIPEr PROPOSED INLET A PROPOSED MITERED END PROPOPED STORMSEWER PIPE DETENTION POFD TYPICAL SECTION A-A NOT TO SCALE ( A " 1 A I !1i' i Ilir REMOVE IDSDNG- AND IN 48-I-I RCP Tl, 1 CN fCP ,1' MIL 111iL I f� i� AL ISP i- // AIL A` �II� I 11 �1 AL JILL ,114. ALL �JJ pm i RE • EXIST C 'PE `RDPOSEDAL CONTROL STRUCTURId C ALL ALL 'L` ENTRAL YVEfL.AND '�` ILL SYSTEM ,� - AREA NO. 16 • >� .> II, I PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 34 I I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -+ DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 17 • Ocoee Hills Road and Pinewood Lane • The inlet on the southwest corner of the intersection of Ocoee Hills Road and Pinewood Lane is clogged with sediment which causes runoff to pond in the roadway. • Sediment needs to be removed from the inlet and the associated 4 exfiltration system. A geotechnical engineer should investigate the existing exfiltration system once the sediment has been removed to determine the existing performance. If the existing system is determined to be incapable of functioning properly, three (3) potential solutions are available. The first is to connect the existing inlet to a nearby conveyance facility which discharges to Spring Lake. The impact to the downstream conveyance system and Spring Lake would need to be investigated. DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) I -► DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 17 (continued) • A second option is to construct a new exfiltration or underground retention system at this location. Finally, if there are limitations to either or both of these alternatives, some combination of the above options may be viable. • Preliminary cost of$41,286 I I 1 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 35 I I i Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY o wz I �J�.`' O .. rJ / o 0 P 04,411 ... o i111 11.1■D ' Z MI ; U /. 1111.1111111 K1--Q _ - '1■4 •� • -1■ _7.13 ! �/Z-=m11NIN',4 EN SPRING 1 P 4 v--_m�Nm� _ LAKE J U.., -. -. --a-B-P` NH ELEV = 1'2 62 FLEWEWNO DR 100 YR V. _ !211.. 00 11111111111111111 111 1■■IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _ o-� LUKAY ST .-- • DR a m IM:ER Y I V w __ OAKWOODt '\ -n rrlla -A LEGEND _— I• 19921.< PINEWOOD 0 EXISTING MANHOLE ,� .-� D 0 EXISTING DRAIN WELL sAM�rrHA ST ��` EXISTING CONTROL STRUCTURE II u - ---- EXISTING STORMSEWER PIPE 9 APFiICOTbDR i R ---G EXISTING MITTERED END OR HEADWALL I \ PROPOSED M I AREAI N0. I 17IL.- (- , • PROPOSED MANHOLE LNT _ IOF OCLII C)7711-:v rOUNTIIrY EI CENTER ST \1jPROPOSED STORMSEWER PIPE 7711-:v r0UN7 ®PROPOSED E%FIL1RA710N i 1 "••••,1I I T 1 I Il 7 1 I 1 1 t .____ _ DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -1 DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 18 ■ Bluford Avenue and Orlando Avenue(White Road) ■ Due to a lack of conveyance, isolated flooding occurs at the northeast and southeast corners of the above mentioned intersection. ■ Installation of an exfiltration system may be a potential solution. 1 iLimiting factors may be soil and groundwater conditions. An alternate solution may be to install inlets and pipe storm water runoff to the pond southeast of the intersection. }s. ■ Preliminary cost of$57,596 L 1 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 36 I 1 I I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY I I I Vi` iii o r — ■ ,� 0 I NEM SCHOOL oMOM ° As c g abii,.. illejlE t \ �-_—__ORLAD•1.7. __-__ ENTERPRISE j �� � �ND I Si I `7 I \N In COLUMBUS ST -� I a DT ��■11■N �_ — 1 L — AREA NO. 18 `-,TIC1 l II L . SABINAL PROPOSED D�BOTTOM INLET - PROPOSED MANHOLE STORY RD GENEVA - PROPOSED 18-INCH PIPE �\ PROPOSED EKF1L�III i 110N I \\\ Ijl I... ill , ____- DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) l -+ DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 19 ■ Sawmill Subdivision I • Ground water seepage is evident at several locations along the roadways in this subdivision. Problem areas within the subdivision are indicated on the following map. • Underdrains should be installed in locations where groundwater I seepage has occurred in order to prevent damage to the road base and alleviate seepage in yards. Preliminary locations of underdrains are shown on the following map within the subdivision. • Preliminary cost of$241,850 I 1 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 37 I I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY SNUBERi ST i1t� �oNig ' 1 "p:III1111■ ,—,-- d WELEVa . /111/114 11111111111 L., =,'''', ' ELIuIII1 11 tim X11.:.111i1. ..�;� ,. 0 is� .... .L._ L7 „ 11� ..... _on .1/�� �►.� . i1111110 .00.,..404.... ... ,, It.. .v. ...pi, l ,,♦'r,� .00...0.0.._s. . SAMMIU.BL• p _ m sy NaVA 1 itato.,0 IMRE LI. .. -_I.l• ,,:,w:.411,„,„ 4� :g, •,,�, ❑ EXISTING INLET ',,, .��`(' II1 Q EXISTING MANNDLE .,1'`♦-',(4411 I�.��,.' fro EXISPNG STDRNSEWER PIPE - -� EXISTING MITERED END GR HEADWALL 1111111,1111�r�, �= = PROPOSED uNDERD tAd RVE I:,::/\N:. ,/1111/ �' �1,�0 �r __. alis a1i1111�� milli=---a 11111 =I amp : AREA NO. 19 DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) —+ DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 20 • Little Spring Hill and Northern Durango Avenue ■ Subsidence of the pavement on the east side of Little Spring Hill was observed in three (3) places. In addition, may be forming in the right-of-way along Northern Durango Avenue. Based on conversation with Buddy Elmore, City of Ocoee PPTD Supervisor, the storm sewer pipes along the east side of Little Spring Hill from Meadow Sweet Court to Northern Durango Avenue are leaking at the joints, which is resulting in the settlement of the roadway and i curb above the pipe. A video camera to has been utilized to verify this problem. I IPEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 38 I I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -► DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 20 (continued) • As a minimum, the existing storm sewer piping along the east side of Little Spring Hill should be replaced. Only this portion of the system was included in the cost estimate which follows in a subsequent section. The existing storm sewer along Northern Durango Avenue may also need replacement; however, evidence of pipe failure was not as pronounced along this road. • Preliminary cost of$62,646 ___ 7VIONE r l PARK _____i L ,, ?NORTHERN DURANGO AVE? 1071ST 1 1 __J. UIP' CWNiT �—+�61T"a OCOCE IEADDW SWEET CT 0L.__ ii.' 1 ST AR1EA NI0. 20 �- � 1_ �_ FORT COLLINS CTI I ■.'t1�L '1 - �6 C PICWOOD CT 1211 sr :Ia s ` o-- E LITTLE ASPEN CT 5 1 el ?Kr-. KINDLIND E I z 1 13TH ST O NEW MEADOWS CT 1I LEQEND I ❑ EXISTING INLET I. -0 EXISTING MANHOLE 'MST RD WORST RD -EXISTING STORMSEWER PPE ® PROPOSED INLET ` -, -PROPOSED 36-INCH PIPE e I w, I , PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 39 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -, DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 21 • Windswept Court in Harbour Highlands Subdivision(south of White Road) • Windswept Court was designed with curb and gutter to convey runoff to an inlet at the end of the cul-de-sac. However, runoff flowing along the curb on the east side of Windswept Court leaves the roadway via a driveway opening. From there, it flows onto the adjacent property through an opening which has been eroded under a fence. An existing home is located within a few feet of the fence on the other side of this opening. DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -i DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 21 (continued) • Regrading of the area behind the curb and adjacent to the driveway will redirect runoff to the inlet. However, this may result in ponding on the driveway. For this reason, an additional inlet is recommended to intercept the runoff prior to the existing driveway opening. Survey will be required to determine if it will be necessary to reconstruct portions of the driveway and adjacent sidewalk. • Preliminary cost of$11,414 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 40 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY NINDSNEPT i AREANO. 21 FEATHERSTONE /- HARBOUR--iri HIGHLAN ARBOUR-- HK]hLANDS VLLAGE-PHASE 1 THE FIM/MOCKS le, Bz U � ^\ ,11° / U m lig J I I1 , •• d i Lc ) EGEND E > \ 0 EXISTING INLET / ZII -- EXISTING STORMSEWER PIPE '� -- EXISTING MITERED END OR HEADWALL m / 0 PROPOSED INLET - PROPOSED 18-INCH RCP - DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -, DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 23 • Sullivan Ditch (Silver Star Road, just west of Silver Glen I Subdivision) • The existing ditch located to the west of the Silver Glen Subdivision has been reported to be difficult to maintain. I ■ The Ocoee Maintenance Department should investigate this matter further. If it is deemed necessary, the portion of the ditch between the Ridgefield and Silver Glen subdivisions can be piped in order to convey runoff towards Silver Star Road. i ■ Preliminary cost of$30,657 I I PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 41 9 II I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY A J Ilk t _ AREA NO. 23 BRENTWOOD C7 SLVER 4- = HEIGHTS Fl LAPEL RIDGE -1:1- -- t 1- 1 I I '6 N \ MARSDEN 14:1 ES v w� 11 o / N RECRADE EXISTING \ LEGEND DITCH . 0EXISTING INLET –EXISTING STORMSENFR PIPE G PROPOSED YARD DRAIN \ D _ n PROPOSED MITERED END III T • PROPOSED TYPE J BOX — —PROPOSED 36-INCH RCP SILVER STAR RD DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -, DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 24 I ■ Lakeshore Drive, east of City Hall • Continual flooding occurs in the low point of the roadway which has resulted in road deterioration and deems the roadway unsafe for passage on a routine basis. • Vacate the roadway or raise the road and install a storm sewer collection system. Based on previous feedback from the public and direction from the City Commission, vacating the existing i roadway is not a viable option. Therefore, the following cost involves raising the profile of the road and installing a storm sewer collection system. • Preliminary cost of$103,928 I , I PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 42 IN Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY LAKEV EW wort_ FRANKLIN ST. — ,■ MUNCPAL '- MP COLEXeeA • \ fi m AREA NO. 24 LEGEND OIL ▪ REMOVE AND REPLACE ROADWAY MB RESURFACE PAVEMENT ® REMOVE.REPAIR AND REPLACE Mir BRICK PAVERS ® PROPOSED INLET J PROPOSED ENDWALL PROPOSED STORMSEWER PIPE E OAKLAND ST DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -► DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 25 • Intersections of Franklin Street and Oakland Street with Taylor Avenue • Localized flooding occurs in the vicinity of these intersections due to the lack of proper conveyance. In addition, an existing pipe in the intersection of Franklin Street and Taylor Avenue appears to have failed at several locations. • Improve conveyance from the roadway surface to the existing City Hall drainage ditch. Proper conveyance may include a combination of swales, inlets, and pipes. • Preliminary cost of$44,806 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 43 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY LEE ST s I 46, - — j L, ff AREA NO. 25 \ 4 Use COUNTY RD 43R : FRANKLIN ST QRACE PARK I /LEGENDGEPD /rruEXISTING INLETQ EXISTING MANHOLE ,`-- EXISTING STORMSEWER PIPE / - EXISTINGDITLH/SNAL `�- 0111;s. // ® EXISTING CITY MALL DRAINAGE DITCH / PROPOSED INLET ,\ • PROPOSED MANHOLE / I PROPOSED STORMSEIYER PIPE -,�- J I / LYLE ST DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) -, DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 26 • Lakeview Village Subdivision • The curb inlet on the east side of the road at 709 Lakeview shows signs of settlement. The inlet top has dropped on one side by approximately three (3) inches. There is differential settlement in the roadway adjacent to the inlet. It is apparent that this area has been overlaid at least once indicating that the subsidence is a ongoing concern. The resident at this address reported that soil is continually lost in the area around the inlet. In the rear yards of 709 and 711 Lakeview, sand has been deposited around an inlet which is directly downstream of the curb inlet in question. No cracks were observed in the curb inlet structure and only a small amount of sand was visible in the bottom of the inlet. PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 44 I I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY IDRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) I ♦ DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 26 (continued) • There are a number of possible causes for the problems outlined above. The differential settlement could be the result of inadequate construction practices(e.g. improper compaction, construction over unsuitable material or improper construction of the underdrains) or failure of the existing system. The City should investigate this problem further to isolate the specific problem. Depending on the extent of the problem, the curb inlet, piping, and adjacent sidewalk and roadway may need to be replaced. ■ Preliminary cost of$45,074 I 111 I *,' 'r o I -®" _ / 1D-INCH PVC UNDERDRAIN ` !IB-INCH RCP 3 LAK ■ ion 4 �E� T R` y Ip-INCH PVC / I ' UNDERDRAIN 1 1... a ♦v LEGEND 4 FLUE-LUNG DR � ❑ EXISTING INLET O EXISTING MANHOLE 1 'i.. EXISTING STORMSEWER PIPE I 16 0 PROPOSED INLET / PROPOSED 1D-MCH UNDERDRAIN PIPE �1 —PROPOSED STORMSEWER PIPE — ` UKAV ST AREA NO. 26 E, I I 1 I l n 1 PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 45 I I iHandouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY I IDRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) I -► DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 27 • Nancy Ann Terrace • A leak in the existing storm sewer system on the west side of Nancy Ann resulted in subsidence within the right of way. The City's PPTD Department filled the open hole for safety reasons; however, repairs were not made to the leaking pipe. • The segment of existing storm sewer pipe which failed should be replaced. For the purpose of estimating the cost to perform this work, it was assumed that the entire length of pipe between the nearest curb inlets would need replacement. Due to the depth of the existing storm sewer system at this location,the sidewalk, curb, to driveways and portions of the roadway will need to be removed and replaced. • Preliminary cost of$27,905 t I. wyC b Li 7AKE ORANGE COUNTY —— — — —— —.. MEADOW e— `;ITY OEC NICOLE BLVD 1_-__4O I I i_ I I I a IIIIII N ' H 1'o— I 1' IMM MOM_4 •.' AREA N0. 27 •M f 4.4:3 MAN ARDA A V W JOADAMA -- 2_ , I > LEGEND el € 4 d N.- RUTH JDRDANA z 0 EXISTING INLET -- U ; _ -O EXISTING MANHOLSTORMSE t ` —EXISTING STORMSEMER PIPE -—-<EXISTING MITERED END OR HEADWALL UM --O / / I. —PROPOSED RPE REPLACEMENT 4' .,,,,,,,,■.,■„i i i„1,,,,1111 uRsuu sr WYOMING CT .� CfTY OF OCOEE '... } ! — WASTEWATER PEACH .AKE MANOR _.t;,. TREATMENT PLANT PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 46 1 p I Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY I DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS (continued) I -. DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREA NO. 28 • Miscellaneous drainage and roadway improvements (includes approximately fifty-nine(59) individual projects throughout the City of Ocoee ■ Preliminary cost of$117,953 L CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) -, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) • Phase 1 (Flood Protection and Localized Flooding) • Phase 2(Storm Water Ponds) p PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 47 I IHandouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY ............ . ...... ............................................................................I ......................... .................. PHASE I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM • I ii Problem General Location Commission Estimated Area No. (and Description) District Cost • 1 Dovetail Court (Coventry Subdivision) 4 $100,086 • (install underdrains) 2a R o n e e r Key II(upgrade outfall pipes) 3 4 $320,1 28 3 Flewelling Drive/Russell Drive 1 8 2 $55,762 (install inlets and exfiltration system) t • 4 Kimball Drive(install ribbon curb) 1 $16,660 6 Coventry Subdivision 4 $249,900 (install roadway underdrains) • ili9 Sawmill Subdivision-Southwest Pond 4 $198,156 (install an outfall system) •:. 11 Forest Oaks Subdivision 4 $257,595 (install an outfall system) • 16a Pioneer Key I(upgrade outfall pipes) 3 $64,820 17 Ocoee Hills Road/ Rnewood Lane 1 $41,286 ii (replace exfiltration system) • 18 Bluford Avenue/Orlando Avenue 3 $57,596 (install inlets and exfiltration system) :m:.....K.::..„....::::::.:::: li I PHASE I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (continued) ii Problem General Location Commission Estimated L. Area No. and Descri•tion District Cost 19 Sawmill Subdivision 4 $241,850 • (install roadway underdrains) 20 Little Spring Hill/Northern Durango 2 $62,646 (replace damaged storm sewer pipes) 21 Windswept Court (Highlands of Ocoee) 4 $11,414 • 3 (install interceptor inlet and pipe) 23 Sullivan/Silver Star Ditch 4 $30,657 (install inlets and pipes) 25 I Franklin Street Area 3 $44,806 (install inlets and pipes) I 26 Lakeview Village(replace inlet) 1 $45,074 27 1 Nancy Ann Terrace 1 $27,905 • i(replace damaged storm sewer pipes) 28 Miscellaneous Drainage and Roadway varies $117,953 1 Improvements(includes 59 individual . j projects throughout the City of Ocoee) Phase I Total i1r844,294 II PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 48 I IHandouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY I/ • PHASE II CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM • i Problem General Location Commission i Estimated Area No. and Descri tion District Cost 2b Roneer Key II(stormwater pond) 3 $680,013 5 Center Street Ditch (install pipes and 2 8 4 $163,987 • • stormwater pond) 10 Apopka-Vineland Road Unnamed Lake 4 ( $464,142 (install an outfall system) • i „ 16b Roneer Key I(stormwater pond) 3 $242,514 24 Lakeshore Drive-City Hall(reconstruct 4 $103,928 the road and install a storm sewer system) ................................................................................Phase II Total.....:::5:1,654,58:4.:::::.!! yOTES• 1) Robles Areas No.7,8, 12, 13, 14, 15,and 22 are not included since the costs TOTAL COST may be incurred by the Developer,HOA,County,we did not recommend any Pexpenditure at the present time.or is currently funded. $3.598.878 2) The estimated cost for each Problem Area includes 10%for Mobilization, 15% for Contingencies,end 10%to 25%for Professional Fn gineenng Services.It should be pointed out that these values(35%to 50%)may be reduced end/or eliminated based on the complexity of the project,permitting requirements,or amount of work performed by Qty Staff leg,Construction Administration). 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) 1 -► ANNUAL COST (DEBT SERVICE) FOR THE DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) • Phase 1 - $2,000,000 plus ten 10% - Twenty(20)year term 1 - Debt Service approximately$196,000 • Phases 1 and 2 - $3,700,000 plus ten 10% - Twenty(20)year term P. - Debt Service approximately$363,000 I PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 49 N Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 1 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY PART V PROPOSED STORM WATER UTILITY RATE INCREASE a :. ... X,rt:... :.:.:.. .. • EXPENDITURES Fiscal Operating Maintenance NPDES ; Total Available For • Year Ex•ense Pro.ram Pro•ram Ex•enditure Debt Service 95/96 i$400,000.00 110,000 125,000 635,000 -$35,000 96/97 *$412,000.00 110,000 125,000 647,000 $179,508 97/98 $424,360.00 110,000 125,000 659,360 $202,653 • 98/99 1$437,090.80 110,000 125,000 672,091 $306,702 A..........99/00 $450203 52 110000 125000 I...685204 $314 589ii ,: NOTES: 1) The Operating Expense includes Engineering Expenses; Professional Services, Operating Supplies, and Miscellaneous Expenses 2) The Maintenance Program includes two(2)additional employees,one(1) Riding Mower(DuWeeze);and one(1)Street Sweeper. 3) The NFDES Program includes one(1)Full-Time City Employee; assistance from ILC Staff and assistance from the City Attorney. 4) The Operating Expense is increased at a rate of 3% per year PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 50 I IHandouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee 12/13/95 STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY I ii REVENUES IFiscal ERU Existing Mall New Total Year Rate ERU's ERU's ERU's Revenue 95/96 $3.75 13,333 0 0 $600,000 96/97 $4.50 13,333 1,622 350 $826,508 97/98 $4.50 13,333 1,930 700 $862,013 98/99w $5.00 13,333 a 1,930 a 1,050 a $978,792 99/00 $5.00 13 333 1 930 1,400 : $999,792 NOTES 1) The Existing ERU's are based on an estimated$480,000 of total revenue divided by 12 months divided by$3.00 per ERU. I 2) An ERU is equal to 2,054 square feet of impervious area. 3) The The Mall BRU's are based on the following breakdown in impervious area a)76 5 acres of the Mall Building and Parking Lot BRU's= 1,622 b)14 5 acres of Out Parcel Buildings and Parking Lots BRU's= 308 c)91 0 acres of total impervious area BRU's= 1,930 IL 4) The ERU Rate for FY 95/96 is based on 6 months of the current rate ($3.00/ERU)and then 6 months of the proposed rate($4 50/BRU) effective during March of 1996. 5) The ERU Rate for FY 98/99 is based on the proposed rate($5.00/B2U) 11. effective October 1998 lb < �><? <<> «< << SUMMARY OF PROJECTED REVENUES [ '`> >« AND EXPENDITURES „ .,•.z>. i:::•:..A.::**ii::::.:i*:...g§:::.::.z.,..?.i.. • mi::::i...ii:i::::. .„„„„,,, „:„:,„„,,, :,,:::::::::„.„,.::::,„,,:.:,„,:::,.,,..„,,,,,,,,,,, „..,,,L,, „:„.„,,:„,„,..0„,;.,,„,,,„.... ... ,,.,,,,,,,„:„:„....: ....................................„‘„„_.....„„ :1,iim,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,.„::„ ,,..„,.:::::::::::::::::: .......... „„„„„„,„„„„,„,„,„ ,„„„„„,„„„„„„,,, .,..,.,..,.,.,.,„,.,.,.,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (' u` :z«.zz`zi >:zzz;;;,>,•;?••... Czx.,,.te,,.zz.%:%�<zzz:<<:'is:z::«:s:>:;::>z«•>:;;:•azz „.:„„,„,„:,,„.,,,......„,„ tkAMPAPE:k...::::::..:::1::!iii:Mi!iia z < z'?z,,,»».,,,z,z,»»z,,:,,?zz�•z,.,,.z»:..zz zz'.••:zzzza:.::::.i::..::..> :z>.,z, ,,,:.,,,:.:.::,,,•:• »z:,,„ ,:,.: .z„ ...z,:»».:::::::.::::::: Fiscal Year zzzzz ; , ::.; .: : :: : : 11 .,Y.».»...,.. ,.: tzgzt ` z.� zz•::::::::::o-::::.,.:: 't ti,.,' i<cSici::? i�?ct ?$?;ii: 32Li'B „y.y:< ;....•.. ■Reverue E x0ilie %: p PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 51 I 0 I 111 Handouts For Presentation Of The City of Ocoee STORM WATER UTILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY 12/13/95 r CLOSING STATEMENTS -+ Without an increase in the storm water utility rate, the current revenue will only cover operating expenses (including the basin studies) and the current maintenance program. ' —! The storm water utility rate must be increased in order to fund the NPDES program (un-funded mandate) and the Capital Improvement Program(CIP). 0 p I FP PEC/Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 52 0 Lc" L 0 U n. cu . L RT "rt Tr a) co 73 N Q 03 c 0 a) CD c w I 40 603 u. f+ I :::c i,i- as a) III 1.0! E ' ,0 O > Ili °' ill- L.L. 2 L li — E li: ° o ,a) >I ill ce ! %id •— d c V .— ii o EP. 0 D 1:-' sr; h a) :::. .4_, 0 .4-1 ii] 0as 0 c c c >, rl 0 a) a) r ...... E ::: 0 E 0 " Ill > 0 > t 0 — ii0. cp �. c tn , EE E0 li ii; . _ I L — 0 I iiii — •— _ L . — L co 2 as 0 .� L sce I. a. Q. a ■ L R Q L 0 C) o wt Y o N o o a) CO 0 0 CO 0) 0 O RI co N } O co- N co 0 C. ii 64 69- LLte. (0 Eft C.) C 0 C L_ • _0 `� �/� 4-I a) cri O O O 0) O O O V/ 0 0 C) r-- 0) o o O ti O T '- CO - O L N (0 O CO �O LL O 64 V' r- e- (D ti CO N EA \V G) L r 'L 0) C MN O 0 ° I ill. O = 0 O O O 0 LU 0 L G^^� Lt) M o o m co o ii ice. N '� O LU 0 N O O co O O N ii - E al >< I LL CO - N N N 64 64 64 _ W to 0 It, .,,i 7:3 CD , o O O O O CO 0 CO 0 0 n " cr) O O O o in o 0 O O O o Lo W ii W r' U 64 NT 1- - O N- EA Ee 69'1 0 as CD >I ill Ce CS) 4•0L..r ._ E ,11 a) c U L' RS � gi o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O �� o O O O O O O O 3 C o N Lf) CO- CO Cn 111 E y m LL64 "cr I • 0 o 0 `~ a� i N U w a Cl) :F) 'E 5 L- '' C CS 4) d a+ y c N c a) •�'� U) 3 � ° N " < 0 c cs c U) w N v) 2 °' L 4) w 'C +. 0 Q. o > c.x 'i a w c.a L L u C O w a z f°- L.L.�a U) cn 1 C. i O V N w Y 0. cII U O c m w U, b_ co •GW ,,6al p .-0 E 1: I 2 > O > u. ,„.. „ •_ ii w — 0cci O . :c Y Q M .5 = o X m 'I-- 0ca 0 LE > O }•+ N a) NN Q -� UL O caas o 4-1a. > m c/) L k L G. 0 U I 0 Y L cQ G 73 QI _ 0.C U = C U-• 0• . • >, . 0. i! CZO a) i LL — O d d V L- U)v N C C . asd O oN N a d C 2-.2 .N ,� W O C C " './ ' Cr) cC N to + O O CZ 0 m c 0 0 cu xJO L a) 0_ C 1- O p Cl) .0 0! 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