HomeMy WebLinkAboutII (A) Certificates of Regnition for displaying honesty and setting a good example / AGENDA 12-5-95 Item IIA 1 To: Chief Mark, via of Command From: Sandy Morris Date: November 09, Subj: Certificate of Appreciation As you are aware, a citizen of our city, Chuck Davis, called to report that a few weeks ago he lost his wallet. Mr. Davis stated that within an hour of the loss of his wallet three boys knocked at his door. The boys stated that they had found his wallet and returned it intact. The boys are Matt Enochs, Donnie Burkhalter and J.C. Bray. Mr. Davis requested that the boys be honored in some way. I am requesting that the boys be awarded a certificate by Mayor Vandergrift at the next scheduled City Commission meeting. Additionally I would also like to contact the West Orange Times and see if they would attend the meeting and photograph the boys being awarded the certificates. Lastly, if you could write each boy a letter praising them for returning the wallet we could also have that given to them at the Commission meeting. In today's society we only seem to hear about"bad" acts committed by juveniles. I feel that praising these boys will encourage them to stay on the"right track". Thank you for your consideration in this matter. --A/14,, - Litt4\ t�� - 1 , „.. .) • I P;. 41' • WI 1•••••••-• i,' '11: v. , • :.. .".\L.•t..• '•. m•ii*. V i *I / 1.717-----•7" /. 41 -. ._,..._ • \ .. . 1•,:.. '..:.)...':.:..7.i:,, ..14:i,'::•-,.‹..•.Lr'•.•5•' 1 :„--..-•..•-.:•.•,: • -:." • . 1 „ • \y:: 34 4 „ - , i > ...-iz-. f\ \I.e. -e",.. • -2 II••••••• ' 0 1„. y•-• (,),eye) .... _ .. 1,,.....,, 1„rmIr4i Lo 444.c,ffr Chi 1 :.• ' ,4 C; tigoill .4i''J gel, a; `111t,-,a,-_.-:--••-• \7,2, ,:;:-.-----. mmit =3 -- 111?•1 11/4 . , •n 47,:? t:. 4:,,, > ' <?1> . 4.4.*::. ;:11. 116... 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