HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-2018 Minutes FIFTY
Ocoee WEST
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
November 20,2018 MINUTES 5:00 p.m.
I. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
CRA Chair Wilsen called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:02 PM in
the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum
Roll Call: Chair Wilsen, Vice-Chair Grogan, Member Johnson, Member Firstner, Member
Oliver, Member Duncan and Member June.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson,
and City Clerk Sibbitt.
II. Public Comments
Chris Atkins, 606 Ridgefield Ave., shared a comment for consideration by the board, which
suggested they look at the bridge on Maguire Road, within the City limits of Ocoee, and work
with FDOT on highlighting the City. He suggested LED lighting or artwork on the wall of the
bridge. Assistant City Manager Shadrix advised the CRA Board has spoken about this topic
and even went as far as applying for a FDOT permit for a sign similar to the one located in
Orlando. It was discovered that the sign in Orlando was not permitted and FDOT refused to
permit the sign submitted by Ocoee unless they could have an Engineer guarantee the sign would
be mounted in a way that it would never fall onto the roadway. The City could not find an
Engineer to guarantee this. Assistant City Manager Shadrix commented to Mr. Atkins that he
made a good point on public artwork as that is something the CRA is interested in. The bridge is
an asset and the CRA would definitely like to take advantage of using it as a way to showcase
the City.
Member Johnson concurred that artwork on the wall is a good idea and the City would not have
to worry about the liability. Commissioner Oliver shared that perhaps they can look at other
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cities throughout the United States to research what they have installed as signage and determine
how they overcame the liability.
III. Approval of Minutes of the September 5,2018, CRA Budget Meeting
Vice-Chair Grogan, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to approve the CRA
Budget Meeting Minutes of September 5, 2018, as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
IV. Election of Officers a'
Chair Wilsen opened the floor for nominations for Chair and Vice Chair, and announced the
newly elected Officers will commence their position at their next meeting.
She further inquired who in the past has been a Chairperson. The following information was
2016 - Chair Keller/Vice-Chair Wilsen
2017 - Chair Johnson/Vice-Chair Wilsen
2018 - Chair Wilsen/Vice-Chair Grogan
Member Johnson, seconded by Member June, moved to nominate Member
Grogan as CRA Board Chair. Motion carried 7-0.
Member Johnson, seconded by Vice Chair Grogan, moved to nominate Member
Firstner as CRA Board Vice-Chair. Motion carried 7-0.
V. Adopt Amended,CRA By-Laws (City Attorney Cookson)
City Attorney Cookson explained the amended CRA By-Laws. He shared that proposed
changes were ministerial administrative changes. The proposed revisions were provided and if
they should have any questions, he will explain them.
Vice Chair Grogan, seconded by Member Firstner, moved to adopt the amended
CRA By-Laws as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
VI. CRA Budget,Projects and Programs (Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
Administrator Corless)
A) Budget Update
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on
the current CRA budget and the projects/programs they have implemented since their last
meeting in September. Following the CRA Board budget approval, Orange County provided
them with their revenue totals, and the budget will now have an increment of $1,224,116.60
which is an 84.5% increase in increment over last year. Starting cash or roll over from the
previous year has not been updated yet, so the current CRA Revenue is $2,729,498.60. She
briefly explained that any change from estimated to final increment revenue numbers are to be
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either placed in or subtracted from the Contingency Fund (Operating Expenses). Any cash
carryover from 2017-2018 will be placed into the capital projects.
B) Projects
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the board
indicating the landscape enhancement on Phase 1 of Old Winter Garden Road is now complete
and looks great. The CRA Office has received a lot of compliments from the public about the
improvements of the landscape. She indicated Phase 2 will be under design shortly and they will
continue the same landscape theme down to Hempel Avenue.
The South Blackwood Refresh was completed this week which included newly placed sod and
removal of the shrubbery. This newly installed streetscape design will be easy to maintain as it
will eliminate the catching of trash. Additionally, full plant materials and a grass band, interior to
the concrete curb, will also assist with the maintenance of the area.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained N.
Blackwood Avenue was approved last month to move forward with the design process. She
advised the CRA staff has also been meeting with City Center representatives to understand how
to connect N. Blackwood to Maine Street. She indicated one of the roadway designs they are
discussing is the possibility of including a roundabout at Montgomery.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared the SR50 Median
Landscape Grant will be submitted by the end of the week to FDOT for review. As presented
during their meeting in the spring, the original theme will be maintained which includes palms,
various grasses and integration of color with the plants. The total project is estimated at
$900,000; however, the CRA will have the $775,000 FDOT grant to go towards this project.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared the CRA is
working with various departments on analyzing the S. Bluford Corridor Plan and how they can
continue connectivity from the standpoint of the sidewalk, utilities, sewer, and electric. The
desire is to integrate a safe walkable environment from Old Winter Garden Road north into
Orlando Avenue. She indicated they hope by mid-December to have ideas and concepts to
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the Wellness
Park Design kick off was held November 8th and the consultants are working to integrate the
pond near the Police Department and the connectivity to Old Winter Garden Road as well as
Bluford Avenue. Additionally, the CRA is working on a quick-claim deed from FDOT for the
pond and base development.
C) Programs
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained the CRA team
is working to be out in the community, so they have developed an inspections and maintenance
program in which they will conduct weekly inspections within the CRA District. She indicated
they have worked with the Public Works Department to create a work order process with forms
and will also have a Public Works staff member assigned to assist them with SR50.
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Additionally, they are meeting with the Code Enforcement Officers to better understand where
the issues are within the CRA District and how they can assist. Deputy Development Services
Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained SR50 will continue to be on their maintenance
program and they have received comments from Orlando Health on how well it is looking and
how well they are keeping up with the grass. She further advised the palm trees on Old Winter
Garden Road and N. Blackwood Avenue will be detailed and cleaned up within the next two
weeks; and further, staff will be adding Maine Street east of Bluford Avenue to the CRA
maintenance program. Another task being considered under the maintenance program is
evaluating the curbing in the medians and implementing a curb cleaning. The CRA has received
comments from the board as well as from the public that while everything is looking great, the
curbs not so much, so they are in the process with meeting with vendors to receive price quotes
for curb cleaning.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless informed the board on
the Outreach Programs being handled by the CRA which include building an existing business
database and meeting with property owners, specifically those in Target Areas 1 and 2;
delivering information on CRA projects; distributing over 300 annual reports; looking to host an
open house in the Spring; and developing a quarterly newsletter.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless followed up by
providing the design look of the Annual Report stating the theme is Designing Urban Spaces.
The contents in the report are to include: CRA map & overview, private projects that have
opened or initiated construction, CRA projects that were completed and/or initiated, financial
information, and existing businesses profile. She asked the board if they agreed with the concept
in design, if so, the CRA would move forward with creating the annual report. No objections
were received from the board.
Member Oliver inquired about the elevation of the waterline for the Wellness Pond as he has
concerns about flooding. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator
Corless shared the pond will be a stormwater pond and will have a structure within it to maintain
the water levels. Vice Chair Grogan inquired if the workout stations will still be located at the
Wellness Park. It was answered in the affirmative.
VII. Confirm Next Regular CRA Board Meeting
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the next
meeting is scheduled for February 5, 2019, but City staff would like to move that meeting to
February 19, 2019 at 5:00 pm. Consensus of the CRA Board was to reschedule the
next meeting date to February 19, 2019 at 5:00 pm.
VIII. Board Comments
Member June commented that the landscape near the hospital is looking great.
Vice Chair Grogan shared the same sentiments as Member June, adding that it is great to hear
that residents are calling to give compliments.
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Chair Wilsen shared that she is looking forward to an open house and feels the event will
educate the residents as to what the CRA is about and the potentials it has to improve our
The meeting was adjourned at 5:31 p.m.
Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary Rosemary Wi sen, Chair
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