HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 10 Approval to Proceed with Phase 2 Design Task Order Under the Existing Agreement to the Lakefront Park Improvements and City Hall Relocation Projects 4_04 ocoee florlda AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 5, 2019 Item # /Q Reviewed By: / ' Contact Name: Jack A. Butler Department Director: ,.djOr �„- Contact Number: 407-554-7063 City Manager: - Subject: Approval to Proceed with Phase 2 Design Task Order Under the Existing Agreement to the Lakefront Park Improvements and City Hall Relocation Projects (Downtown Redevelopment Program).. Background Summary: Lakefront Park Improvements is a capital project Mcluded in the city's list of approved investments using funds allocated from the 2017 General Fund Capital Bond Issue and was one of the primary focal points of the Downtown Master Plan. The project consists of multiple construction phases, as some parts of the project depend on removal of the existing city hall. The total project budget is roughly $9 million, with an anticipated $3,042,000 coming from the capital bond fund. The construction work will be done via low bid based on potentially several separate procurements, depending on the nature of the work and the specialization of the construction industry. The master plan for downtown improvements did not list specific project elements for the Lakefront Park project; it only suggested potential elements. Thus, the first step in the design effort is to compile a precise list of project elements, place them on the site in various configurations, select an optimal configuration, and propose a conceptual plan on which to base the construction design documents. The design for Phase 1 has been completed and work needs to begin on Phase 2, which encompasses the block to be occupied by the new Ocoee City Hall and other improvements. These other improvements are currently proposed to be an event pavilion and a small splash pad facility to the east of City Hall and a trailhead structure for the new West Orange Trail Connector along Bluford Avenue. Onsite parking for the new City Hall is also part of this phase of the work. The design firm of S&ME was awarded the work of Lakefront Park Improvements design for all phases of the work at the City Commission's June 20, 2017 meeting. S&ME is also part of the team led by Wharton-Smith that the City Commission more recently awarded the task to design and build the new City Hall. The proposed scope of work for Phase 2 design would develop a complete conceptual design for the entire block, 30% design documents for the park amenities (event pavilion and splash pad), and 100% design for the City Hall area. The limitation on doing a full design of the park amenities is the current lack of funding. Full design documents would be prepared under a future change order once funding for this part of the work is provided. Because of the interaction between Phase 1, which is now under construction, and Phase 2, it is recommended that the scope of work include a maximum limiting fee allowance of$12,500 (including reimbursable expenses) for contract administration assistance with Phase 1. Issue: Should the City Commission approve the proposed Agreement and Scope of Work for $109,500 for Lakefront Park Improvements Phase 2 Design and authorize a not-to-exceed allowance of$12,500 for contract administration assistance related to Phase 1? Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Commission authorize the City to proceed with Lakefront Park Improvements — Phase 2 Design Task Order with the firm of S&ME under the existing agreement for Lakefront Park Improvements Design Services, including an allowance of up to $12,500 for contract administration associated with Phase 1. The actual portion allocated to design development is 89,100. The allocation of fees across the scope of work's pay items is: • $24,300 Task 1 — Conceptual plan and 30% design documents (lump sum) • $54,800 Task 2 — Detailed construction documents, including 100% plans (lump sum) • $13,500 Task 3 — Permitting and bidding support (not to exceed amount) • $15,400 Task 4— Construction phase support services (not to exceed amount) • $1,500 Reimbursable expenses (not to exceed amount) • $12,500 Coordination with Phase 1 during construction (not to exceed amount) Attachment: • Proposed Scope of Work from S&ME, Inc. Financial Impact: The Scope of Work would be funded using available project budget under ADG Job No. 18506 with an available budget of$842,000. Type of Item: (please mark with an x') Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading 6' Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda x Commission Approval Discussion&Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk X Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A Reviewed by ( ) N/A EXHIBIT "A" OCOEE CITY HALL - SITE SCOPE OF WORK February 12, 2019 ❖ PROJECT INFORMATION The Scope of Work includes the development of design drawings for the site work of the City Hall project as approved by the City of Ocoee Commission (Exhibit A). The project area is bounded by Bluford Ave. streetscape to the west, Oakland Ave. and Lakefront Park Phase I to the north, The Woman's Club Property to the east and McKey Street to the south. The City of Ocoee (City or Client) desires to have construction started on the project by July 2019. S&ME will be working closely with the design/build team for the City Hall Building and will be coordinating site design and schedule with both the design/build team and the City. Based on the Approved Master Plan and preliminary design provided by the City Hall Design Build Team, S&ME will provide 30% plans for the entire City Hall block (Phase 2 of the approved park master plan) which will include: • Interactive Water Feature • Pavilion and restroom building (concept/design intent only) • Event plaza and outdoor performance venue It is understood that S&ME will provide 60% and 100% plans for the western portion of the City Hall block which will include: • Areas adjacent to the City Hall building • The parking lot to the east of City Hall as well as drive connections to Oakland Ave. to the north and McKey Street to the south • Street-wall/pergola structure along the southern edge of the parking lot • The Trailhead Plaza to the south of the City Hall building • The Trailhead architectural feature (concept/design intent only) ❖ SCOPE OF SERVICES: Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture & Electrical Engineering The City shall be responsible for providing CAD drawings from the consultants associated with these projects to be integrated into S&ME's base file. The City will also provide additional survey and geotechnical services from their continuing services contract consultants to supplement existing available data as requested by S&ME. S&ME will provide CAD files for Project improvements which impact these two projects at the conclusion of the Schematic Design Phase. 1.0 30% Construction Document Phase 1.1 Kickoff Meeting — The S&ME Project Team will attend one (1) kickoff meeting with the Client at the Project site. The purpose of the meeting will be to review the project scope, phasing and the schedule, identify conflicts with the design and the progress of adjacent City projects. 1.2 Project Schedule—S&ME will prepare a preliminary Project Schedule for the Client's review and input based on the overall design/build project. 1.3 Schematic Design—S&ME will prepare schematic design documents based upon the City identified Phase 2 of the approved park master plan. Based on input from the City up to one (1) revision will be made to the 30% set. Additional revisions or changes that are identified subsequent to approval of the Schematic Design package may require additional services. The schematic design will include the project components previously identified. Design services provided will include: ■ Civil Engineering • Overall Site Layout Plan • Post Development Drainage Basin Map o Includes Preliminary Impervious Area Calculation • Preliminary Demolition Plan • Preliminary Utility/Stormwater Plan • Opinion of Probable Construction Cost ■ Landscape Architecture • 3D Model and associated perspectives of the entire area (building architecture and model to be provided by design/build team for incorporation into the overall site model). ■ Perspective graphics will show the design intent of site architectural features, interactive water feature and all associated site improvements. • Hardscape Finish and Accent Plan • Site Furnishings plan and schedule • Landscape Plan indicating tree locations and bedlines and a preliminary plant schedule • Area Stormwater Drain Systems • Irrigation Plan indicating mainline, POC, details and notes • Electrical Engineering • Lighting and Equipment Schedule • Service Requirements utilizing building electrical service 1.4 Coordination - The S&ME project team will coordinate with consultants on adjacent improvement projects including Bluford Ave and McKey Street to utilize the latest plans and information available as we move forward with the site design. 1.5 Team Page Turn —The S&ME project team will participate in a schematic document page turn prior to providing the documents to the City for review. 1.6 Review Meetings—S&ME will attend up to two (2) review meetings with the Client and/or City Hall design/build team to receive design input and for coordination. 1.7 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs—The S&ME project team will prepare an estimate of probable construction costs reflecting the items shown in the schematic design documents. Deliverables: • 24"x 36"30% Construction Documents (Schematic Design) in PDF Format • Project Schedule • Opinion of Probable Construction Costs • Meeting Notes 2.0 Construction Documents Phase 2.1 Based upon the input received from the schematic document review, the S&ME project team will prepare construction documents for the elements list above. Modifications to the design after a 60% set has been provided may require additional fees. All drawings, plans and specifications will meet City of Ocoee and other applicable codes. Construction documents will be submitted for Client review at the 60% and 100% levels of completion. The 60% construction documents will be used as part of the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Application. S&ME understands that stormwater water quality treatment and attenuation will be provided off- site through a drainage connection network within the Bluford Right-of-Way. S&ME understands that necessary utilities to service the proposed City Hall building will be available adjacent to the building and as such there are no proposed off-site utility improvements. Structural engineering review is included for site features as needed. • Civil Engineering • Final Demolition Plan • Final Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan • General Notes and Details • Final Site Layout and Geometric Plan • Traffic Circulation Plan for Emergency Vehicles • Typical Cross Section Detail • Final Site Grading and Drainage Plan • Final Stormwater Report with design calculations and exhibits • Final Site Utility Plan and details • Maintenance of Traffic Phasing Plans • Landscape Architecture • Hardscape Plan, details and finish • Site Furnishings Plan, details and schedule • Landscape Planting Plan indicating planting location of trees, shrubs and groundcover with appropriate call outs, plant details and plant schedule with quantities and specification. • Irrigation Plan, details and notes • Electrical Engineering • Site Electrical Plans • Fixture Schedule, details and specifications 2.1.1 Coordination - The S&ME project team will coordinate with consultants on adjacent improvement projects including Bluford Ave and McKey Street to utilize the latest plans and information available as we move forward with the site design. 2.2 Team Page Turn — The S&ME project team will participate in a construction document page turn prior to providing the documents to the City for review at each submittal. 2.3 Review Meetings—The S&ME project team will attend up to two (2) review meetings with the Client following each submittal to receive Client input prior each submittal. Our scope includes up to two (2) additional meetings with the Client and/or City Hall design/build team to receive design input and for coordination. 2.4 Specifications — S&ME and its sub consultants will prepare Outline Specifications for the Project at the 60% submittal and Final Specifications at the 100% submittal. 2.5 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs — S&ME will prepare an estimate of probable construction costs reflecting the items shown in the 100% construction documents. Deliverables: • 24"x 36"60% Construction Documents in PDF Format • 24"x 36" 700% Construction Documents in PDF Format • Specifications • Opinion of Probable Cost(700%) • Meeting Notes 3.0 Permitting & Bidding Phase Permitting Documents - Based upon input received from the Client's 60%and 100% construction documents reviews, S&ME will develop permitting documents for the City Hall project area and associated Parking area located between Oakland Avenue, Bluford Avenue,and McKey Street.The project area for permitting does not include the future splash pad or streetscape improvements. S&ME understands that another consultant will be applying for the SJRWMD ERP permit as part of a master stormwater system. However, S&ME will be responsible for providing support documentation and construction drawings for the City Hall property. 3.1 Agency Submittals and Review—S&ME will submit permitting documents to the following agencies for applicable permits: • City of Ocoee • St Johns River Water Management District* (submitted to City consultant) • Florida Department of Environmental Protection 3.2 Bidding — The Client will be responsible for preparing the bid/specifications document. S&ME will assist the Client with the bidding of the project as follows: • Preparing a Project line item bid form • Attending one (1) pre-bid meeting • Addressing contractor RFI's and providing clarifications • Reviewing contractor bids and providing the Client with comments regarding unit pricing and qualifications. 4.0 Construction Phase Services As part of this task, S&ME will: • Attend a Pre-Construction Meeting with the City and Awarded Contractor. • Review shop drawings for site improvements. • Coordinate reasonable contractor questions and RFI responses. • Perform up to five (5) site visits to observe construction progress • Attend up to six (6) coordination meetings via conference call with the Client and Contractor. Prepare an observation report for distribution to the Client and Contractor. • Perform a Substantial Completion Walkthrough at the substantial completion of the project and prepare a Site Work punch list for review by the contractor. • Perform a Final Review of addressed punch list items for clearance. • Review as-built survey information provided by the contractor for consistency with approved construction documents. • EXCLUDED SERVICES Services that may be required, which S&ME can provide, but are not part of this proposal include the following. • Additional meetings and presentation • Architectural design services and associated structural engineering. (Structural engineering is included for site elements as part of the landscape architectural scope of services only). • Rendered site plans or exhibits for public, community, or neighborhood meetings. • Development of a detailed Civil3D model of the proposed finished grade. • Zoning changes, appeals, neighborhood meetings to review elements of design or approvals, easement documents, rendered plans, or other related services not included in the above-described scope of services. • Shoreline improvement design and permitting • Preparation of a traffic study on adjoining or nearby public streets. • Flood study/analysis • Additional Construction document packages such as "fast-tracked' or phased drawing releases, other than described above. • Off-site improvements (including utilities, drainage, roads, etc.), public improvements on- or off-site or easements for any required public improvements. • Design or evaluations of water, wastewater, or stormwater pumping stations or treatment systems (should it be determined that any are required to serve any portion of the site). • Environmental assessments, studies, or evaluations for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 Permits, FEMA submittals, hazardous or toxic waste investigations, wetland determinations, or EPA water quality-permitting analysis not included in the above- described scope of services. • Making revisions to the drawings for changes required by the Client after drawings have been submitted for permitting. • Making revisions in drawings or other documents when such revisions are inconsistent with written approvals or instructions previously given; required by the enactment or revision of codes, laws or regulations subsequent to the preparation of such documents; and/or due to other causes not solely within the control of S&ME. • FEES Our professional fees for the above-described services will be invoiced as per the below fee schedule. Excluded in the below fees are reimbursable expenses incurred on the Project's behalf, including mileage, printing, plotting, photocopies, reproduction, postage, long distance telephone, facsimile, express mail and/or courier services. Applications, capacity and impact fees associated with application filings shall be the responsibility of the Owner or reimbursed to S&ME outside of the expenses contained in this proposal.The master contract between the City of Ocoee and S&ME will define the terms and conditions of this project. Task 1 -Schematic Design Phase (30%) $ 24,300 Task 2-Construction Document Phase $ 54,800 Task 3 - Permitting & Bidding Phase $ 13,500 Task 4-Construction Phase Services $ 15,400 Reimbursable Fees $ 1,500 Total Fee $ 109,500 Exhibit A 'II. " } ' s`, 30% CD level s 1 - ,r, ....i......,„iv W IP 2 _: .. .-- 100% CD level . . -)11 �3�,:\ o is n�,8 = ,.. I i