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Item VII (D) City-Wide Pagers Contract with Pagenet
Agenda 11-02-99 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" IoYADMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT °o prim o CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS v„... r DANNY HOWELL � Q 150 N.LA656 23 DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON A�� (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER �Or G00v�` CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORgNDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Joyce Tolbert, Buyer Car DATE: October 26, 1999 RE: City-Wide Pagers The City's contract with MobileComm for pagers expired on September 30, 1999. However, MobileComm has agreed to a temporary extension of the current contract. The City currently piggybacks on the City of Altamonte Springs Bid#736057, and MobileComm's renewal contract is offered at no change in current pricing. However, the City has experienced problems in area coverage with Mobilecomm which resulted in pages not being received. Mobilecomm also changed their paging system to 10-digit dialing recently which resulted in the Utility department being unable to receive pages from the Water/Wastewater plant's computer system. When Staff contacted Mobilecomm with this potential public safety problem, the customer service was unacceptable. The representative was unavailable and this situation was not dealt with by MobileComm until the following day. Staff contacted other governmental agencies regarding their paging service. Department directors met with a representative from Pagenet to discuss their products. MOBILECOMM PAGENET AIRTOUCH Alpha-numeric $6.58/month each $6.15/month each $9.54/month each w/Statewide Coverage Alpha-numeric $37.00/month each $33.95/month each $66.95/month each w/National Coverage Pager Protection $9.96/yr each Included ($50.00 loss Included ($40.00 loss deductible) deductible) Bid Number/ Bid #736057/City of Proposal #P-3-7- Bid #661396-GPDX- Governmental Agency Altamonte Springs 17/Brevard County DH/Cityof Gainesville Renewed to 9/30/00 Renewed to 8/25/99 Renewed to 9/30/00 POIW A._ P'r ,-' ,, - S a=fit,'x.,.... Attached are copies of the Brevard and City of Gainesville bids and Mobilecomm's contract renewal for your review. Orange, Seminole and Osceola Counties are piggybacking on Pagenet's Contract with Brevard County and Lake County is piggybacking on Airtouch's Contract with the City of Gainesville. The City currently has (82) pagers; (14) pagers are the Fire Department's which is already receiving service through Pagenet with reports of good service; (67)pagers are through MobileComm and (1)pager is through Airtouch. Staff recommends piggybacking on Brevard County's contract with Pagenet. Not only would Pagenet be more cost-effective for the City, this would put everyone on the same paging network for ease in group paging in case of emergencies. RECOMMENDATION It respectfully is recommended that the City Commission approve piggybacking on Brevard County Contract No. P-3-7-17 with Pagenet for City-wide pager service and authorize execution of an agreement between the City and Pagenet by the Mayor and City Clerk and further authorize the Mayor, City Clerk and Staff to execute all documents necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated by the agreement. 2 SEP.23. 1999 1 1CePl MOBILECOMM ARCH MOpIILECOMM COPY 2/22 59112 AL�:o.,nu o RVICk wnncctnt;n I - rag�_�of Total#of units NEW CI ADD ON LI EXCHANGE . 0 DISCONNECT q CHANGE (].TRANSFER Q REINSTATE El OTHER: OFFICE CODE OFFICE FAX N CONTRACT DATE / — a a. CUSTOMEq N0. 0 1^ mP i CUSTOMER NAME dig e �� 69• ,_ • rx�► CUSTOMER TYPE DEN DATE OP BIRTH • . • REFERRED BY; 0 YIP Q MIC CUSTOMER 0 ADVTG Q OTHER CONTIACT .0„i„, . • 19'175*TEL N0. . 1, ~- —— L)Cc - 1 M r u l l 1 ,(11i :111IIllL:,:. I .1111 („ ,I'1'10 „,11 ILII 1 IIJ IiI II;,•IIi , t II 1 II I,. 1I'1 it • BTREET iii1-as ie.C 5• d r`s- r c STREET STREET grREy CRY 0 CO r,.en., BT F/ zIP CODE ' '1' 7 � ET ZIP WOE . gEGCRTAAPPROVAL x / SALES REP N SALES REP NAME I SPLIT 1% BILL CYCLE BILL FORMAT lzi AR Q AGC El DET in OTHER: FINANCE CHARGE CI YES n NO 8vC CODE BIC CODE 1 UHIIIA(•I ILHn11•. PARl3NTACCTr LEVEL DISCOUNT ACCT BILL To: 0 PARENT ❑CHILD P.O.FLAG Q YES 0 NO PURCHASE ORDER NO. P,O.EXP DATE' I P.o,3 AMOUNT TAX EXEMPT E)YES p NO STATE ' • •TAX EXEMPT•N CONTRACT TEA YR. Q s YR, A 3YR. Q OTHER I START HILLING DAT / / a END BILUNa DAY+/ • / q NTHI_Y 0 ORTR).Y a SEMI-ANNUAL 0 ANNUAL / ,� / iii, .RFA6AN CODE: SILL PLAN RATES ARE; ( VIII1111:I III mil :,AI 1 n :0,II,1/.1410 1111 1-hl R.I Rern UNIT 1 •"um id4111 UNIT 2 Q I'' :RDRAM UNIT 9 '- ' , I haw received unite with Vile Agreement. EQUIPMENT NO. I have purchased the tallQwmo•.rvlpsr and.my Mabllicomm 1 EQUIPMENT CHARGE ' - representative hee s plelned these service.to Lien.. m ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT CHARGES �•. Numeric/word meaeaging services• Customer Initial r---)g RERWCE TYPE/MODEL u ocellroglonal tlegonWJ ov,r. e PRFA CY 17-ri r I , 12 (Far taxi messa9ea on1 opAmtar PIepplch ser a Sell PIaPptch service plan ' ., E*Mall Plan—(Included In Self Dispatch CAP CODE• ❑ Volcemetl • sell allowance) HOLDER W Extended Coverage. CPG(MARK X IF YES) b Mobll.Comm cltyunK TELEPHONE N0 CI Ppmangtljzwd grtieting �` �I -, • • 'L 0 Pager proteollon programa:Protection,Protection Plus,Maintenance PW, C Relevant Surcharges • ADD.TELEPHONE Nis. • p / • I understand the Mobll.Comm policies regarding: OVERCALL CODE �J1 ^'� 0 Equipment chArgee and_rotums Customer Initlel Q IAA to MERIc CALL ALLew/1 PER OVERCALL 5`'d is a,� /S •• is , o CanRoaCevettlon policy tilfB WSGLLAuotwlPULSISRraa /S /s • • /e I underetend that iiia charges aseoclated with my bill plan ere erviesPARICAILALLOWSPERCMACAU I; • /s /i portrayed In the Bill PI n Salton 01 this sale.contract. ' pASE RATE CHARGE _II have agreed to e,, (fi)month cantrocl.Customer AI [� !J 0 6 l have rrcell pl a peat rlphlan Qtmy GAIL elloWen4e ADD FEATURE CODE/CHARGE is /s /� and overceq plan. ❑ have received a map of my coverage area. Mei)code ADO FEATURE CODE/CHARGE is /i is have chosen to be billed anflually/semt•ennyally/gtlly/monthly OOVEAA�E OODE/�tAppE /i /1) �s MoblteComm may use my account Information to tarot lT LAW , pttere to m4• VOICEMAILCODE/CNARGE — /P • /4 /1 PAYMENT INFORMATION OPERATOR DISPATCH CHARGE VISA MC DISCOVER AMEX 'CASH CHECK BUB.OF BASE RECURRING CHRGB _ APS CHtCKN AMOUNT. PRD1aT/FWNTeWF/rJiR4NEtiUCt1B rRO Vs 70 _ CR.CA9p# T • Exp DATE 1 RUTH.x PERe9NAt.1913/C /Qi OD W og I9 'Am IS /l CARD HOLDER NAME'_ OTHER RECURRING CHARGES SIGNATURE: OTHER RECURRING CHARGES _ AUTO•CHARGE OPTION: •CREDIT CARP= CHECK ACCT n Ti7MleRgOURRING CHARGES .. (ATTLcH COPY VOIDSD c1ECq f-OMMaNTs: gR CHAMP,i MY SIGNATURE HEREUNDER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT I HAVE REVIEWED THE SALE SUMMARY CHECKLIST AfOVE ANC I HAVE READ AND ACCEPT THE CONTRACTUAL TERMS AND CoNDITIgNB APPFARINA ON THE REVCRsE OF Ifi C,p 4.1?a AR/TBALL t'FAN 0 THIS AGREEMENT 6Y SIGNING aEIAW, I AUTHORIZE YOU TO CHECK MY REFERENCES AND TO SUOMIT MY NAME AND/OR COMPANY NAME J •p ,c�� ��I� ,P ApMLN.CONN QTfctjARgri8 i TO CREDIT INFORMATION pUREAUS ANP COEDIT INTERCHANGES ( � /J'I' - FOR CLEARANCE PURPOPFS.I UNDERSTAND THAT THE APPROPRIATE SALES s G¢ ♦ 4a QEp. .. $ AX AND SURCHARGES WILL BE APPLIED AT THE TIMI:OF INVOICING. l' MN-TAX/eURttmoorg i. KwAn e ,ro ISE / _,,e, • 1--i � 74-73'6057' aFp N4l►lA►1oL1NQ i MINT NAME MOTIVE - ' Mob11.Comm use only r---1 MR Inlllal _ OIC Initlel. GRAND TOTi1.DUE$ C1 fq Q f I .-1 �11n'75 p Sep-10-99 10: 28A pagenet orlando 407-481 2553 P.02 v, gr PAGEI World's Largest Wireless Messaging Company 1000 Legion Place, Suite 100 Orlando, Florida 32801 Office (407) 649-8007/ Fax (407) 872-6218 Toll Free(800) 872-7266 EXCLUSIVE BID FOR: City of Ocoee Attn: Joyce Fax: (407) 656-7835 s September 10, 1999 Thank you for keeping our pricing confidential Sep-10-99 10: 28A pagenet Orlando 407-481 2553 P.03 Highlights of Paging Bid between PageNet and City of Ocoee Contract Term The term of the agreement will coincide with the Brevard County agreement dated 08/26/97 with Paging Network, Inc. here in after referred to as PageNet of Orlando: The term of the agreement will continue through September 30th, 2000. The county shall have the option to renew this agreement for four (4) additional, one (1) year options, on an annual basis by giving sixty(60) days prior written notice with intent to continue. The City of Ocoee's renewal of this agreement may be subsequent to the renewal by Brevard County. CONVERSION PLAN We will provide ONE MONTH SERVICE on all local and statewide pagers to assist in the conversion of existing non-PageNet pagers to PageNet's system and to help in the costs associated with changing pager numbers. AVAILABLE EQUIPMENT The model of pagers offered at this time will be good while supplies last. Alphanumeric and digital pagers may vary due to availability. MONTHLY SERVICE RATES Monthly Rate - Local Digital Pager $ 3.05 - Local Alpha Pager $ - Nationwide Digital Pager $ 19.95 (200 Free Calls per mo. / $ 0.25 Thereafter) - Statewide Coverage $ 0.0 - Pager Protection Included (Loss Deductible- $25 digital / $50 alpha) • First Month Free/ No Account Set-up Fee Other Features/Services Features/Accessories available at No Additional Charge: • Unlimited Calls on all local and statewide one-way pagers • Spare Pagers to enable you to do instantaneous switch-outs • Group Call to page specific groups of pagers at one time with one message • Forward e-mail to alpha pagers • Send messages via our Internet website at www.pagenet.com • 750 character capability on Advanced Products - 220 capability on one-way pagers • CNN World News Updates(Sports, Markets, Weather, etc.) • Belt dips, battery covers, bungle cords, plastic raincoats • PC Software or Alpha Keyboards (1 free for every 10 alpha pagers leased) Sep-10-99 10: 28A pagenet orlando 407-481 2553 P.04 Highlights of Paging Bid September 10, 1999 Page 2 "NEW ALPHANUMERIC PRODUCTS & SERVICES" Advanced Wireless Messaainq PageNet is proud to offer our exclusive 1.5 Way, 1.75 Way and Two-Way Network (available 12/99) with a broader full coverage area so that you can send and receive messages throughout Orange and it's neighboring counties. By offering our own Advanced Wireless System we will be able to provide to you a local presence to ensure quality customer care and equipment availablity. - Pagenet's 1.75 Way "Surepage" (Guaranteed Messaging) — ® SPECIAL PROMOTION - LIMITED TIME ONLY - SPECIAL PROMOTION Local Coverage = $12.95/mo. !! Includes 10,000 characters!! Nationwide Coverage = $28.95/mo. Mid Package: 5,000* free calls per mo. (50,011-.. -10", I rs) / $0.10 per ove Local Coverage: $17.95 Nationwide Coverage: $33.95 Mid Package incudes- Free toll free number for 12 months- " e ' • '• . . • - High Package: 10,000* free calls per mo. (100,000 characters) / $0.10 per overcall Local Coverage: $21.95 Nationwide Coverage: $37.95 High Package includes- Free toll free number for 12 months Superuser Package: 20,000* free calls per mo. (200,000 characters) /$0.10 per overcall Local Coverage: $41.95 Nationwide Coverage: $67.95 Superuser Package indudes- Free PageMail VoiceMail and a toll free number for the term of the agreement. Unlimited Package: ***UNLIMITED CALLS*** ***UNUPIITED CALLS*** Local Coverage: $62.95 Nationwide Coverage: $108.95 Unlimited Package indudes- Free PageMail VoiceMail and a toll free number for the term of the agreement. Additional Package Information: • *10 characters = 1 message • The above rates are based on a 24 month agreement • Pager Protection available for an additional fee, with a loss deductible as low as $75.00 • 1.75 service allows you to Reply back to a PC from your pager! • WIRELESS E-MAIL-With Pre-determined replies you can automatically respond to messages • Automatic Message Correction-Corrects and resends garbled messages • Sign before 10/31/99 and get a"Free"Personal 1-800 no. for the first 12 months - $5.00/mo.thereafter • Consolidated usage available upon request-virtually eliminating overcalls for high volume users • Quantity DISCOUNTS Available Sep-10-99 10: 29A pagenet orlando 407-481 2553 P.07 Highlights of Paging Bid September 10, 1999 Page 3 Nationwide Two-Way Business Plan: Purchase price $199.00 ($19.00/month —24 mo. Lease to Own - $15 End of Lease Buyout*) Plan 1 $ 24.95 800 msgs = 8,000 characters $ 0.12 per overcall Plan 2 $ 32.95 1200 msgs = 12,000 characters $ 0.10 per overcall Plan 3 $ 49.95 2000 msgs = 20,000 characters $ 0.08 per overcall Plan 4 $ 89.95 4000 msgs = 40,000 characters $ 0.06 per overcall Plan 5 $129.95 6000 msgs = 60,000 characters $ 0.04 per overcall VoiceMail $ 6.95 60 Free minutes included $ 0.25 per minute Operator Dispatch $ 0.95 per call $ 5.00 sign up fee Caller ID $ 4.95 per pager • Lease to Own requires two unit minimum order • 10 Characters = 1 Message Additional Features/Services Per Pager Monthly Rate • Local PageMall VoiceMail $ 3.00 • Additional local number $ 1.00 NDC Dispatch Rates Monthly Rate • Custom, personal 1-800 operator dispatch $14.95 (100 free calls/ $0.40 thereafter) • Custom greeting, personal 1-800# $ 9.95 (Unlimited Calls) • Generic, 1-800 operator dispatch $ 6.95 (Unlimited Calls) The above dispatch service may be billed on your PageNet invoice for added convienence. Billing Information There will be no monthly billing fees charged to your account. To set up your account we will bill your first month service and WAIVE the one time $20.00 account set up fee. City of Ocoee, will have no activation fees per pager. We believe that City of Ocoee's intention to lease a number of pagers with a single paging Vendor will not only offer your organization substantial financial savings through your buying power, but will also improve inventory control, simplify accounts payable and establish consistency for City of Ocoee end users. Pagenet's customized invoicing options will enable City of Ocoee to receive monthly or quarterly statements sorted and subtitled by department, purchase order number, employee name or whatever identifier is most effident for your organizational structure. Substantial time and management savings is another benefit to selecting PageNet as your paging service provider. xtended Page 5.1 work uue to outnem ueu outages, out otner exchanges did work. Therefore, we made sure our emergency service customers had working pagers (Red Cross, police, fire, etc.) At PageNet, we have made a tremendous investment in our paging systems and infrastructure to ensure the reliability of our communications. The solutions contained within this proposal are representative of our commitment to your valued account. We are confident that your new PageNet pagers will optimally address your current paging needs. Additionally,our investment in new technology and services will enable us to provide you the finest communication services available, now and in the future. We also have a website for our clients who utilize the Internet. Our corporate site is www.pagenet.com which introduces you to our company profile and allows users to alpha page any local or Nationwide PageNet customer. We will achieve these goals with the simple statement that each PageNet employee learns on his or her first day of training: We will strive to provide quality and value to every customer,every day. Sep-10-99 10:30A pagenet orlando 407-481 2553 P.08 • Highlights of Paging Bid September 10, 1999 Page 4 Systems Information Paging Network of Orlando offers full statewide coverage in the populated areas of the state, exduding the Ocala National Forest and the Everglades. No paging company is licensed to transmit in these government zoned areas. PageNet operates on a high-powered 900 MHz transmission frequency, as opposed to a lower 150 MHz or 450 MHz frequency. This provides for greater building penetration. PageNet utilizes the Glenayre GL3000 paging terminal and voicemail computer. This is the most advanced and up-to-date paging system available. The GL3000 is connected to a DOM-1000 which provides a direct fiber-optic interface to Bell South. The configuration provides PageNet with the ability to alternate route circuits to conventional phone lines in emergency situations. PageNet also utilizes the latest in alarm systems. For any system-wide malfunction, the Glenayre equipment is capable of notifying PageNet's System Technicians 24 hours a day. The System Technicians are able to access the paging system remotely, at anytime, in order to conduct a complete diagnosis. ( Concerning natural disaster contingency plans, when Hurricane Andrew overtook South Florida, our system was up and running 100%. We had technicians flown in from the Southeast on stand-by with generators, tools, etc., to make sure our system would not fail. Some phone number exchanges would not work due to Southern Bell outages, but other exchanges did work.Therefore, we made sure our emergency ,`senrice customers had working pagers (Red Cross, police, fire, etc.) At PageNet, we have made a tremendous investment in our paging systems and infrastructure to ensure the reliability of our communications. The solutions contained within this proposal are representative of our commitment to your valued account. We are confident that your new PageNet pagers will optimally address your current paging needs. Additionally,our investment in new technology and services will enable us to provide you the finest communication services available, now and in the future. We also have a website for our clients who utilize the Internet. Our corporate site is www.pagenet.com which introduces you to our company profile and allows users to alpha page any local or Nationwide PageNet customer. We will achieve these goals with the simple statement that each PageNet employee learns on his or her first day of training: We will strive to provide quality and value to every customer,every day. Sep-10-99 10: 29A pagenet orlando 407-481 2553 P.06 Highlights of Paging Bid September 10, 1999 Page S Why PageNet? Because the World's #1 Paging Company should be your #1 Choice! • We are the World's Largest Wireless Messaging Company with over 10 million subscribe • More than 4 times the Spectrum of the next largest competitor • 1,300 Local Account Professionals to service your locations • Receive Customized Stock Quotes on your alpha pager • Local, Statewide, Nationwide and GLOBAL Coverage Available • We offer a PAID Referral Program —earn up to $100 for each Referral! • We set up Employee Programs at DISCOUNTED RATES • WIRELESS E-MAIL!! Retrieve Internet e-mail while out of the office • No Purchase Necessary and Free Delivery! • Demo any pager at NO CHARGE for one week! We appreciate that you chose PageNet to bid on your paging needs and will strive to surpass the expectations you have in regards to paging service. We always welcome your comments and look forward to a long term business relationship. Please call us with any further questions or concerns. The quotes proposed will remain firm for a period of 90 days after receipt by City of Ocoee. With best regards, Leigh Gilliard Terrie Huertas Sales Representative Branch Sales Manager Pager (407) 426-2114 Pager (407) 525-1000 We invite you to visit our website at www.paaenet.com ......... Sep-10-99 12 :40P pagenet orlando 407-481 2553 P.02 RCTOP 20 Paging Carriers The awwnwr r we ads wareatiassew Weary 8110168811101116117111 Asia 614 Editor's note:The RCR editorial staff compiled this list BAP Acquisition Corp..and SourceOne Wireless Inc.is Technologies Corp. , of the 20 largest paging companies in the United States undergoing a merger of its own.Neither transaction was The continued consolidation of the U.S.paging indus- from survey responses and interviews with industry con- completed by press time. try at the upper levels have cleared room for smaller ar • - tams.Rankings are based on carriers'reported total num- Finally,Priority Communications Inc.was included in viers to make the list,including PagePrompt USA and • ber of paging subscribers. the list because it likely has enough subscribers to be in Nationwide Paging Inc.,which did not make last year's The numbers shown do not reflect Metrocall Incas ac- the Top 20,but remained unranked because the comps- list. quisition of AT&T Wireless Services Inc.'s Advanced ny would not provide updated information. The RCR Top 20 is the property of RCR Publications • Messaging Division,not expected to be completed until The list does reflect TSR Wireless L.L.C.'s acquisition of Inc.and should not be construed as an endorsement of Sept.30.Once it is completed,Metrocall will have about American Paging Inc. and Metrocall's integration of any company listed.This feature cannot be reprinted 5.3 million subscribers. ProNet Inc.,as well as the newly renamed SkyTel Com- without written permission from RCR. Also,Bell Atlantic Corp.'s paging unit is being sold to munications Inc.,formerly Mobile Telecommunication 01998,RCR Publications Inc. • Meeaat Marble~ Mlaarber d Number d Nebr d Thal Laiaa tagnaiii Peer Typaa • G'wa'w CJdd gnawer s,bavean Trartrrdara _.._..._!ylr�Seams MMA._. Rana Supported • • p Newak Ic a So.* �Jdn P.Frame.e. 10.6 HIM 9,503 95 at • • El11911 Oaten Dr,Ste.600 tat A.Ba • Dees,Teas 75240 Yawn G.Scott Los Aid .Messages. . 672/8011000 Voice Pages © *Wale re.b art_ Slew Cl 425 ration 5.000 230 New lark Passat aiM1/9Sole. 6677 aleana k Va.22306 Ken Goldner wrtigtat D.Loss t FLEX Manned (703)0600877 © Md,CamtaCutens Grow Sc. C.(dad Baker.S. 4 urian 4,000 100 M ot ssa TmMx, ' 1800 west Pak Or.,Ste.250 era dirt ���aoo,�gq6N Mass. Paul H.add Sanaa Tae. Di64V0ssny. (5048706740 FLEX AV'tasa'e*t...•...._.._..... , NooeAk&a Caassncaoms Sc. Raid R Gowen 3.3 nibs n6.000. 334 New WatiNew Josey Pocsag,Gay, Tore orb,Tatentee, QFon Lee Esec*ae Park,Se.500 Steven Was Los Males Tate.FLEX 90909 sdy. Fan Lee,NJ.07024 Mak MRsanwt Naar Cada Mchatne'ic 12011221.9200 © MTwdt Paint Gay 0.Ctccio 3.2 mean 3,503 43 Word 800 Torn Derma Nada �. Tone ore. C2221 Mot IX.oals,lens 75251. Jm Lawson Gale etasnorted • 674 8603200 Wreless K. �..Jdn D.Eidetic 2.64 ntiat 2164 1 Newtylyteew Jae REX Elseab0rsdy 6 ��Pa Wady, 103 D cock Los MwO Sin Sees RIFLES o kardeteement 143008645809 Q TV Wads Sc. Mama Sacks 22 micro 2,084 50 'pines C Tone/Vo wi t Lie.100 SL Bat Door Frank land' Los Fat Lae.N.J.07024 Ancon Bean Wastryton D.CreM6ttore faghWaPtacy. (201194-5300 _sem ended Calm I Pert Sc. Vol Woo I A neon 1200. 36 040 Prim, Tate Ore,Tote/tece. 8 2000 w.knead Cede Dr. Bat Gonraws4 Ina FLEX 04140.0O car. Nonan Estates.1.60195 Taw Muscato MWP' 7'4 Natt , 18471765.3972 9 4747 Wireless Senecas Jadn Rodes ' 13 nibs NIA NIA WA FLEX Tore/bice, 110110'Me.NE Macy Banked DIPIAMede. Weed.wash 98004 Pete Jaeger etanswere 1425)9904400 SATO Conmricatiwo Inc. leen t Santa 125 min 2,275 2 Los Mioetes n DL Tow me. DIProC • 10 200 SaAt carer Kerry eWeal Mama Mess.39201 lace Deo Ortega ROLEX 50 kandedgerned. 160119441300 bade in helped Wreaks Inc. Gay Park 501,500 457 35 New 1tettG . DigkeLeadaAenokroan, BSOCaaeVM n leorcrdss,WGee.aree .30071 Gal ween Wasti,tlorl D.C. FLEX Vass tlisaiiR 1776 582.3500 a ® ave L SoviceOne Witness rat. Dap 450.000 250 5 Dear D P�. D s'• Notarrorrenc meow 0090 . TGG a Meta 1847)4037000 tElTetsToudt Camaaicawa K. J.Richard Carta 321000 550 30 Memdis,lent Tem GNday, Tore ore 110 N.Cdege Macy Mdrsm Tole/dace, 190315958804,Ian 75702 Ma Baa lee Rock,Mk be Ndwenreric. Nice Messa4rg Netted Seams 11.C. bad Scow 305.000 189 6 Salsa Cat. Pocssg. ray. 14 Salsa 525 S.Doutlas A. Nortem Can. Tone, El Seisedo.Cad. IWO ken Mood FLEX Abrenmec (3166156500 (11/184 51arlc Paging K. Robot Undo 240.003 320 5 New Kit M4944o t.m Pain oNJ. e Tone Ory. ® 17185 Rant 10.Ste.300 Dad Lae Made* D5'W'a • Paricee ty,NJ..07054 Lech Reeks', wasla,{lan OC,/Btirr,ore e. VoiceF Penaserer i't 197315608000 Saha 5804th Nn A.,st ,d Peng Harold DOd 200.000. 200+ 1 Aeras Ga. Powe 16 �. lerJones 1awle,� A�,rw"""` 160111530602 ® PagPrlroCita Ridwd 1 Dacca. 200,000 240 2 New rale Pocela cat taKes ay. 124atg9 Fla s r 9 Nord, Keen J.Forte Balm FLEX Apnasm vc F,olda,NJ.07721 Ere S.Dskrownsky wannpon D.C./BatMee 173214017088 18 1155BEEP taarow de Pagre K 2313 W. Kenneth Fare. Pen Tessa o 179.913 139 3 Los M glees Paw. Tone ay, v Burbank bd BurbankOrtrtaVOrsde Cast. Ralph Sadao ` Fla 8415)8401600 ___ Mace Messages latern l USM Peter Chace 100,000 155 2 Los Manes Passe Tone ay, Vele Veer Ron loges San Jose,Cat. Toscat ce. UM/ea CCa 90638 Mae Etcle„ery Sin Dain 4ltaa r: 1806 50141262 .. . . . Rey Cs erkracakata . W5 2$4.00011997 Stasi WA WA WI NIA WA 1199 W.Pa4reno Pad 87.K.Ste.405 Tony Gordon Bou Raton Ta.33486 WA 156117504899 �y5� By permission of Radio Communications Report,777 Speer Blvd.,Denver,CO 80203 pAGeWLS U Reprinted by Reprint Management Services,(717)560-2001 Sep-24-99 07 : 50A pagenet orlando 407-481 2553 P . 01 PAGENET'S FLORIDA STATE-WIDE COVERAGE am T5 • Pensacola Bien • ",...>. , • ATLANTIC OCEAN • g"'/' Ott f r. x<it. Daytona Beach New Smyrna 4 Beach 75 Cocoa Few Melbourne Riche •y t ero Cleerwate ‘0,1•—•:'•• Beach y1.4 r .•t- St.Petersbur•11? '4 . GULF OF MEXICOyy'"';`'°'-ft.: 75 ' y3.: i� A 95 K itift .0,44,110 t;: 75 ..0.A a, .I- .ViifIgitel III NORTHERN .-..: : COVERAGE REGION • ' UA IIICENTRAL ; • > 1f±Krpo COVERAGE REGION ■ SOUTHERN ,'4:-..;-; !-:.,., -. :'. COVERAGE REGION ® Ft.Lauderdale Orlando Clearwater Ft.Myers IIS' PAGE L J_ (954)771-5004 (407)649-8007 (727)572-7006 (941)275-3600 Miami Jacksonville Daytona Beach Boca Raton (305)267-4600 (904)464-0977 (904)253-5380 (561)417-4490 Tampa West Palm Beach Sarasota (813)873-7200 (561)478-0025 (941)365-3363 Oct-11-99 03 : 57P pagenet orlando 407-481 2553 P.03 Revised Meeting Date .11'1#:A• AGENDA 8/261'97 v ;,� Section CONSENT • item AGENDA REPORT BREVARD COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: AWARD OF PROPOSAL#P-3.7-17,LEASE OF PAGING SERVICES FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS/COMMUNICATIONS DEPT./OFFICE: MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS/COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, JOE LAMERS(6970) Requested Action: It is requested the Board award the proposal received from Pagenet for Proposal #P-3-7-17, Lease of Paging Services, at an estimated 517,330.00 annually for paging services. It is also requested the Board authorize Communications/Network to negotiate terms of the contract and authorize the Chairman to execute the contract. Summary Explanation & Background: Brevard County Policy BCC-24 requires Board approval when execution of a contract is requested. Permission to solicit proposals was granted on May 27, 1997. The proposal was properly advertised on July 7, 1997. Eight(8)packages were provided to vendors. The proposal was opened on July 31, 1997 at 2:30 p.m. Four(4)vendors responded to the proposal,only two(2)vendors being responsive to the proposal requirements. Non-responsive proposals were due to one proposal received in the Purchasing Office after the specified due date and time and other not submitting a bid bond with their proposal package. A selection committee consisting of Don Lusk (Community Services Administrator), Joseph Lamers and Eric Conklin (Communications), Henry Minneboo (Public Works), and Tom Long (Public Safety) evaluated the proposals based on the following published selection criteria: Alpha-Numeric Lease Price(20%);Numeric Lease Price(20•/.); Background Time In Business, Financial Stability (10'%.); References(10%); Buyout Option (10%); Network Coverage (20%); Back-up Generators (5%); and Priority Network Access(5%). The committee recommends award to Pagenet based on the comprehensiveness of their proposal in meeting these criteria. Pagenet proposed the overall lowest cost for paging services at S3.00 per pager for local coverage and an additional S .05 for statewide or regional coverage, $12.95 per pager for Southeast United States coverage and S19.95 per pager for nationwide coverage. The proposal ranking by each committee member are as follows: Pagenet Arch Paging Don Lusk 1 2 Joe Lamers 1 2 Henry Minneboo 1 2 Eric Conklin 1 2 Tom Long 2 1 Pagenet will be providing numeric and alpha-numeric digital paging services for the administrative and emergency needs of the Board of County Commissioners. FISCAL IMPACT: The requested award is considered fair and reasonable. Monies are budgeted for paging services at existing rates by all Departments/Division for FY '97-'98. Final impact to the FY '97- '98 budget will not be known until the departments internal paging services have been established. The County Manager has instructed Director's to review assignment of pagers to reduce the number of pagers in use. Contacts: Joe Lamers(Communications Manager) ®ext.6970;email®Joe Lamers®MSQGC'N Exhibits Attached: Post-It'Fax Note 7671 °a' Mos To From 1 County Jenagerskins, Office I Co n �/ r- Tom N.Jenkins,County Manager OI�P (,�1a't Phone I Phone x140 1-2641A-7G I BCC-14 (Rev.143)!IS Electronic Form(5.95) Fu I L/07 701—i,2,8 Fax I 61, Oct-11-99 03: 57P pa9enet or l endo_ 407:481 2553 P.04 ESA EVAA - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS �rorf 0 0 FLORIDA'S SPACE COAST t INFORMATION SYSTEMS/COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE (407)2b4070 IOD SOUTH STREET.TITUSVIU,E,FL 32700 FAX (407)21644974 • 4. ;1" September 4, 1997 Pagenet Paging Network of Orlando, Inc. Attention: Terry Huertas, Sales Manager 1000 Legion Place, Suite 100 Orlando, Florida 32801-1044 Dear Ms Huertas: • Attached please find a draft copy of the contract between Brevard County Board of County Commissioners and Pagenet Paging Network of Orlando, Inc. for the purpose of providing digital paging services and airtime. We request to have your company's legal counsel review and approve this contract in an effort to streamline the approval process between our two organizations. Once approval has been received from legal counsel on both sides, preparations to go before the Board of County Commissioners for official acceptance and approval will be made. In the event there are questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact this office at the above referenced telephone number. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Sincerely, Joseph B. Lamers, Manager Information Systems/Communications Department Attachment(s) JBL:rsb Oct-11-99 03_57PRagnt __ Orlando _ __ _ 407_481 2553 P.05 CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11118 AGREEMENT by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County,Florida,a political subdivision of the State of Florida(hereinafter the'County.). and Pagenet of Orlando,a business having its primary business location at 1000 Legion Place,Suite 100,Orlando. Florida 32801.(hereinafter the'Contractor). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the County is desirous of obtaining the services of a single source and definite pricing from that source for lease of paging services under the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners,and WHEREAS,the provision of such services shall mutually benefit the parties hereto and the residents of Brevard County,Florida. NOW THEREFORE.in consideration of the covenants herein contained,it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: 1. SCOPE OP THE SERVICE:The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment machinery,tools,apparatus and transportation to perform all work or services specified in Exhibit A,Proposal*3-7-17 attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference and hereinafter referred to es("work"or'services'). All items agreed to or offered by the Contractor in the submitted Proposal shall be executed by the Contractor in the agreed upon manner end in the time frame specified in the Proposal under penalty of contract cancellation and/or revocation of Bid Bond at the discretion of the County. 2. TERM:The term of the Agreement shall begin October 1, 1997 and continue through September 30, 1998. The County shall have the option to renew this agreement for four (4)additional one year options,on an annual basis,by giving sixty(60)days prior written intention to contractor. 3. PAYMENTS: County shall pay the Contractor for services provided under this Agreement as provided in Exhibit B to this agreement and made a pert of this agreement by this reference. The County reserves the right to deduct from any contractor invoice an amount for defective or nonconforming work,or for work not provided but invoiced. The County shall remit payment in accordance with the Florida Prompt Payment Act,Florida Statute section 218.70,et seq. 4. INOEMNIPICATION:The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its agents and employees from and against all claims,damages,losses,and expenses,Including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of its work under this agreement where such claim,damage,lou,or expense is caused,in whole or in part, by the act or omission of the Contractor,or anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor,or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable,regardless of whether or not it is caused by in part by a party indemnified thereunder. In any and all claims against the County,or any of its agents or anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor,or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable,indemnification obligation under this paragraph shall not be limited in any way by a limitation on the amount or type of damages,compensation or benefits payable by or for the custodial contractor,under workers'compensation acts,or other related policies of insurance. The parties acknowledge specific consideration has been exchanged for this provision. Oct=11-99_03: 58P _pagenet orlando 407-481 2553 P.06 5. MODIFICATIONS TO CONTRACT:This contract,together with any exhibits, task assignments and schedules constitute the entire contract between the County and the Contractor and supersedes all prior written or oral understandings. This contract and any exhibits,task assignments and schedules may only be amended,supplemented or canceled by a written Instrument duly executed by the parties hereto. 6. INSURANCE: The Contractor, at its own expense, shall keep in force and at all times maintain during the term of this Agreement: a. General Liability Insurance: General Liability Insurance issued by responsible insurance companies and in a form acceptable to the County.protecting end insuring against eft the foregoing with combined single limits of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars($500,000)for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. b. Automobile Liability Insurance: Automobile Liability coverage shall be in the minimum amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars(8500,000)combined single limits for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. c. Workers'Compensation Coverage: Full and complete Workers'Compensation Coverage,as required by State of Florida taw,shall be provided. d. Insurance Certificates: The Contractor shaft provide the County with Certificate(s)of Insurance on all the policies of insurance and renewals thereof in a form(s)acceptable to the County. Said General Liability Policy shall provide that the County be an additional insured. The County shall be notilled in writing of any reduction,cancellation or substantial change of policy or policies at least thkty(30)days prior to the effective date of said action. All insurance policies shall be issued by responsible companies who are acceptable to the County and licensed and authorized under the laws of the State of Florida. 7. ATTORNEY'S FEES:In the event of any legal action to enforce the terms of this contract each party shall bear its own attorney's fees and costs. 8. GOVERNING LAW:This agreement shall be governed,interpreted and construed according to the laws of the State of Florida. 9. COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTES:It shell be the Contractor's i Oct_11-99 03_ 58P__2agenet__ orf ando _ 407-481 2553 P.07 12. TERMINATION: If either party faits or refuses to perform any of the provisions of this contract or otherwise fails to timely satisfy the contract provisions,either may notify the other parry in writing of the nonperformance and terminate the contractor such part of the contract as to which there has been delay or a failure to properly perform. Such termination is effective upon the party's receipt of the Notion of Termination. Any work completed or services provided prior to the date of termination shall,at the option of the County,become the property of the County. The County is only responsible for payment for(work completed or services provided)prior to the effective date of termination. 13. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR:The contractor shall perform the services under this agreement as an independent contractor and nothing contained herein shall be construed to be inconsistent with this relationship or status.Nothing in this agreement shall be interpreted or construed to constitute the Contractor or any of its agents or employees to be the agent, employee or representative of the County. 14. RIGHT TO AUDIT RECORDS: The County and Ha auditors shall be entitled to audit the books and records of the Contractor to the extent that such books and records relate to the performance of this Agreement. Said records shall be made available,upon request,for audit purposes to Brevard County and its auditors. Such books and records shall be maintained by the Contractor for a period of three(3)years from the date of Anal payment under this Agreement unless a shorter period is otherwise authorized In writing. 15. RIGHT TO BUY THE BLOCK OF PAGER NUMBERS: The County and Contractor agree that if this contract is canceled,or not renewed at the end of Its term,the County has the option to buy the block pager numbers used by or reserved for the County.from the Contractor,for the identical price which the Contractor paid for the pager numbers. 16. UNAUTHORIZED AUEN WORKERS: Brevard County will not intentionally award publcy-funded contracts to any contractor who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers,constituting a violation of the employment provisions contained in 8 U.S.C.Section 1324a(e)(Section 274A(e)of the Immigration and Nationality Act'INA'). The County shall consider a contractors Intentional employment of unauthorized aliens as grounds for Immediate termination of this Agreement 17. FEDERAL TAX ID NUMBER: The Contractor shall provide to the County their Federal Tax ID Number or.if the Contractor Is a sole proprietor,a Social Security Number. 18. EMPLOYMENT: The Contractor shall not engage the services. of any person or persons now employed by the County,including any department,agency,board or commission thereof,to provide services relating to this contract without written consent from the County. 19. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES: A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity.may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity,may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor,supplier,subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with a public entity,and may not transact business with any public entity In excess of the threshold amount provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of thirty six(36)months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list 3 • Oct_11_99 O3: 59P_Ra.9enet__ orlando _____ _ _ 407-481 2553 P.08 • • 20. CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT: The parties hereby acknowledge that they fully reviewed this agreement,its attachments and had the opportunity to consult with legal counsel of their choice, and that this agreement shall not be construed against any party as if they were the drafter of this Agreement. 21. CONTINUED MANAGEMENT BY THE NAMED PARTIES: Continuation of the contract is contingent on continued management by Pagenet of Orlando. Noncompliance with this provision is grounds for the County to terminate the contract for default. The County can only agree to substituted management by a written modification signed by both parties. 22. NOTICE:Notice under this agreement shall be given by certified mail or hand delivery as follows:Communications Department Brevard County,400 South Street Titusville, Florida 32780 and Notice shall be given to the Contractor by certified mail or hand delivery as follows: Pagenet of Orlando, 1000 Legion Place,Suite 100,Orlando, Florida 32801. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BREVARD COUNTY,FLORIDA By: Sandy Crawford, Clerk Chairman, Randy O'Brien Date: As approved by Board on: CONTRACTOR By: — L✓ • Signature Date: 4 / 1/S7 Paul F. Wilhite. Vice President/General Manager Name&Title,Typed or Printed Paging Network of Tennessee, Inc. , DBA Name o mpany,Corp.,etc. 1000 Legion Place, Ste. 100 Mailing Address Orlando, FL 32801 City,State,Zip 4 Oct-11_99 03_59P _aa9enet _ _orlando__ _ _407-481 2553 P.09 (407) 649-8007 Area Code/Telephone Number SEAL ATTEST: Signature Name&Title,Typed or Printed 5 • Oct-11-99 03: 57P pagenet orlando 407-481 2553 P.02 Terrie Huertas From: ELC32955Qaol.com Sent: Monday,August 30, 1999 9:31 AM To: paul wilhite©pagenet.com Cc: terrie_huertas©pagenet.com Subject: Brevard County issues Paul Terrie; Thanks for your EMAIL of last week concerning the solution for our south county coverage issues on 929.9625. We had a rather busy week last week with the storm situation,and I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to check my EMAIL regularly. We appreciate the effort that everyone has put forward to rectify this coverage hole and hope that you are successful with implementation in the near future. I wanted to let you know we executed our contract renewal documentation as of the 25th and I will be getting you a copy of the renewal out in the mail today.Thanks for all your help and we look forward to doing business for another year. Eric Conklin Brevard County Communciations 1 Oct-11-99 03: 56P pagenet orlando 407-481 2553 P.01 PAGEI !9J World's Largest Paging Company 1000 Legion Place,Suite 100 Orlando,Florida 32801 Office(407)649-8007/Fax(407)872-6218 J Fax To: Joyce From: Leigh Gilliard — Sales Representative Fax: 656-7835 Pages: 9 Phones Date: 10-11 -99 RR: Pagenet Contract CC: City of Ocoee 0 Urgent X For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle • Comments:— Hello, here is the bid to "piggy back" off of Brevard County. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you, Leigh Gilliard Sales Representative Pager (407) 426-2114 If ou did not receive all •a•es of this fax •lease contact me at extension 525 C 0 V _ R SHEETFAX To: Joyce, City of Ocoee Fax: (407) 656-7835 Subject: Cost of Pager Rental and Service Date: October 25, 1999 Pages: Including this cover sheet, 2 Attached is the information you requested on pricing for pager rental and service. This is probably not a good copy because mine is not good. Airtouch is our vendor. r did not bid this out. We piggyback from the City of Gainesville and this contract is effective through 9/30/2000. We have had excellent service from Airtouch and the departments are pleased. We have assigned our own contract number 98-021. Let me know if I can be of further service on this matter. ,2‘ii6C/A- Susan Kay Dugan, CP , Contracting Officer From the desk of... Susan Dugan Contracting Officer Lake County Division of Procurement Services PO Box 7800 Tavares.Florida 327787800352-343-9839 Fax:352-343.9473 TO'd Ob:bT 66, SZ 130 2z176-2b2-ZS2:xe3 DD8 A1N(100 3NH1 - . i ow GmtNesutt-LE To : 3623435471 1957.05-03 LS:W 4220 P.21/46 19tF4R/101. . / . Bid adt PI:OC-CM • . : • . . . .• - .. . • •. . . .. . .,• - . . . Item elescription Flee I. Pager service . ... EIPILtli Mtd rental • . . ..; „ D :, _ .„. ...„,, .-.--•-,,,..--,,,,••-. . - ,,, '..7 — ;••'... 41.`"T'''—""'" . c----•••••rt j:*:..-.7.7L...'-----C"c''.7`4,7----.11':rt...4:.r.--.74.7.1.-.A1—=:; •%4-IL';J.-L.•''.=:-'ff,t)-••••.!;:r."::'f':,-%. `'..Z•gi"•••• • ,.:.1.••.<....•-'--:.•;•'ci-o..Z.7-;4,..••..7.4 70;•er,t-.)- :AV:,t,,;-:• L:;t.4. i•rt•.:',;,„ 1.,!?.!,_;r:.:-':'-f.....,:.;.I.! ,,,,c„,-.132...21,7,'... .J,,,Ij,I,r;7_,..:4'f•:yr;tZt: '";.4..r.' ..ti.:/.7.k......1:-.... .'''':Vt.;tr.2'4,`..,1,,t',.::1%::Z.::ri,;....,;L..':."I 0 Pa,r .t..- ‘--s i.,....,..,.•.,,... ..,;.,....A.:-.,1'J,,,I„f o'• ...r%-:,..; . ,.... :.' o, tt;•*.. .h i 00'1!".1:1-,,,-,....4,•,,,,,,A.,. -'1')%^: 4 -"!'" ;"' . ,t .,- 11111:1ftWS4nrke _____- 3.33 *, . • . . . 111.1:Reglonal service • . . Mr- .., . -.0 service t: UNational Service i 5 g.I.i3g5II a Pager Replacement Cent .111 $40. v/prp ql a 0. it o iprp Pager PrOtectien(Inourance) lkiniMmogimmeam.111.11. . , ,....‘ c YV_n L.m.T.,-.<._ ,74_,•••-••••:;,:-...., , _.,„,..;;.__., .__,. L. ..,, ,, ...,_- _,,,, ,ii . . -•-t-,77,4"-;ik"-L•lt-:!;,...--._.;.V.,V.-t7::- -•.2,-t....!-',14,„t''-...1,,,;•,--'-` •-••;••...n-4.z. ,. ,,,,, ..,,' --Ar.--;'4",Pr.?.4_,„.'1-7,-tf„r,..'17-•.L,-ii,(41- ', ___I______. . 7:$•,.....2!4,4,,,,,,p.:,,;,,..%-........_,-.,,it,..... ,,..k,...-*7,6.....-‘,...-4„...,4„,,...„.....,„„.:.efik._-• 1;....-1,p-/,•L.—::',...4...4 • al......",...!-'b-LVV?;:..",'1:47:417, '-...,71-7,7;:.t24.,.r:2c44}- i4.;4'. =,1:, •••".•:,-,4%. ..'"`?..4.,”.'44• -,t41.'r,'! 1- ..7%r.' :ra.i..4.! .f..r..:•Eir.4•1.•tf-•,,t.1742":. . Local Service 7.04 * a Regional crvica . F7. 04 T I , .. . Stateviirenrice -1$1-S:i.-."-* I — ---- CON2tiOnal dervicc ii66.95 I . . IC c per operator misted .:i..:77,'.:;•74,-.7:::. .:..f:-7 -7 - . ;:.;.• - •-2.-y.- 'pge !....._-•:::Li•,r,•!:•,;::•,f.z.o.:=1:17,:'''''''.;;,-,,;,- ......2!, 1,, .fA.e........7! ,,1,::-.irr_ . • 11P;vior Replacement Cost $40. v -rolSIt75. v/o prp . . . . . - . . . . g Pow Protection Onsurance) $0.50 I i CI , ..c. rf., , -,,7,,,_ .;Atriirgi•el'-f •. •00.-.. --,sr7,4:_a-.- wri,'"li.---,.,42 " ."'. ..'• . 't C e..- 4...rtv• t.Ir..- )..Ztt .•i W.:- •' 1. ••••. • , '1 C,..,-.d.. .•." •' '.i'. •• • -1•••" 3 .. L • ' • 'rjr3•6•tyrJ,11, 4-;,,,A-7.3. • ' .0 , •• dalir 1'AS..---, 0 0.g.t .d ' .,,,,,, . • tv'z'r-kr' '19,-r.:.-•'•••41` "7- '11 4a4,iit " • r .14,:r.l.r.,. :„ ,.1.. .. „...r .-7,.c '. 4•••.•.r. E.,1. t:. • •:.•••-".••-.7:.';.. u.• '.. .i ••. • • - • "4 ' '• ' we- .• a., • - •a• 4.4. '• •4 ell Pr: '7- .. +, 44$ ' - .t...i.. aiLocal Seriice /& t r I ‘/: L.t. b Regional Sanrice iTra .- I oistatowidesii.frch. ----- • -------L--- — •I7f A 1 I Maximal Service.—.-- svg.---;—___...,____ Pager Replacernent Cast i 1 .. i .Pager Prate:bon rinszr-rszt) .8 A -----1—.... ‘; • Zi? ' ;7)4--%Ilk.v'"" "•4••••• •••• -j." .1 . •" ' V. '"."." •Aftli§N, ..314.1 -r.:4.te''.....M:4:P. '.4.11i."Mta -Pagt°441"'S151MUNII.....i ........... *11....nca r Gerkx i i.66 * 1 1 Regional*t..--mze r 1—.6.6— -4.—h: -—"--t- • •-ctatevottle cerytoe 4 ........,-.____ 1.ifi_ ;771 1 _ d Nasional serene . $2.00 1 1 i -.Pager Roplacement cest ! Included v/I : .age 1111111 Paaer Prote=ion (insurancel rITIC ti•e• w : - • - • ----- :----t. tI . . ....... — .-........ I 7 ----1 , .. . I-1 - c- I 1 f1 I * This represents the average monthly cost per unit over tvo (2) years. This includes the first tvo (2) months and last two (2) months of paging aeivice at no:charge. 1 , Cut Sec ll -Le shah he.. sTaTc,is u..) :n e • I . • - -- • DDEL AlMICID 3>ItTn :7•'""- . . . .....-. • ----— 2Lb6-2b2-ZS2:XPJ ZO..:1 0V:tit 66, SZ 100