HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-14-2019 Canvassing/Audit Board Minutes MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CANVASSING/AUDIT BOARD MEETING MARCH 14,2019 CALL TO ORDER—MARCH 14, 2019 City Clerk Sibbitt called the Canvassing/Audit Board to order at 2:04 p.m. in the office of the Supervisor of Elections, 119 West Kaley Street. BOARD MEMBERS: Canvassing Board Members Jean Grafton, Gregory Keethler and Bill Maxwell. Audit Team Members Amber Landry and Michele Schramm ALSO PRESENT: City Clerk Melanie Sibbitt, City Attorney Scott Cookson, Supervisor of Elections Representative Timothy Frazier and Recording Clerk Kathy Heard ABSENT: None Supervisor of Elections Representative Timothy Frazier explained the audit procedures to the Canvassing Board/Audit Team Members. CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION City Clerk Sibbitt and City Attorney Cookson explained the process of certifying the election. The election was certified by Consensus of the Canvassing Board with Larry Brinson, Sr.., winning the seat as District 1 Commissioner. Whereupon, the Canvassing Board signed and certified the finalized March 12,2019 Election Results. CANVASSING/AUDIT TEAM Since this was a single District race, the method of random selection of the race and precincts to be audited was not necessary. Supervisor of Elections Representative Timothy Frazier provided Precinct 1106 to the Canvassing Board/Audit Team. Audit Team Members Landry and Schramm along with the Canvassing Board Members Grafton, Keethler and Maxwell began counting the ballots for District 1 and separating them into two (2) piles (Brinson and Grogan) and then into stacks of ten (10) by candidate. As the first count was incorrect, the members recounted and the results were as follows: Early Votes Larry Brinson, Sr. 14 John W. Grogan: 2 Under Vote: 0 Over Vote: 0 Questionable: 0 Vote-By-Mail Votes Larry Brinson, Sr. 85 John W. Grogan: 145 Under Vote: 0 Over Vote: 0 Questionable: 0 Ocoee Canvassing/Audit Team Board March 14, 2019 Election Dav Votes Larry Brinson, Sr. 204 John W. Grogan: 146 Under Vote: 0 Over Vote: 0 Questionable: 0 Total Audited Precinct Ballots: 596 RESULTS COMPILATION City Clerk Sibbitt and SOE Representative Frazier compared the Manual Audit Team Worksheet with the machine results, and all numbers matched; and further, filled out and signed the Manual Audit Team Worksheet (attached). The Voting System Post-Election Audit Report was certified and signed by all Canvassing Board members (attached). ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m. APPROVED City of Ocoee tyd,./ye/i/te Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk 21Page March 12, 2019 Election Results Certified on March 14, 2019 Election was held on March 12, 2019 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.Approximately 08.78% of the registered voters in the City of Ocoee cast their ballots at the polling location, by vote-by-mail or by early voting at the Supervisor of Elections Office. The City of Ocoee Canvassing Board met on March 12, 2019,to canvass the vote-by-mail and provisional ballots; and further, met on March 14, 2019 to conduct a manual audit of the voting system. The following is a compilation of all ballots cast in the election. �a�e 2y V°'`ey �' '.°�a` a\\°may,' O�°1/4 �5 P. o� ai`� o ��`a� \eG��oOa� oJ�S N,• Ga '4a>\ 1* q.-Z NZ G J Qc ,�o �a. Quo . o. District 1 _--- 6,790 Registered Voters _--- Larry Brinson, Sr. 14 85 204 303 50.84% 4.5% John W. Grogan 2 145 146 293 49.16% 4.3% Total Ballots Cast 596 The election was certified as follows: District 1, Larry Brinson,Sr.elected with 50.84% of the votes. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee�Canvassin oard Melanie Sibbitt, ity erk J n raftorf / to ��e// 7 - . 1. (-71i.l_. . 31/91/ Date Greg. or hler Date Bill Maxwell Da e ��/ PREC REPORT-GROUP DETAIL OFFICIAL RESULTS REPORT-EL30A PAGE 0003-01 RUN DATE:03/14/19 01:59 PM 0003 1106 Ocoee TOTAL VOTES t EV-ED200 AV-AB850 ED-DS200 PV-EARLY PV-EDAY REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 6 790 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 596 16 230 350 0 0 BALLOTS CAST - BLANK 0 0 0 0 0 0 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 8.78 VOTER TURNOUT - BLANK Ocoee City Commissioner District 1 (VOTE FOR) 1 Larry Brinson Sr 303 50.84 14 85 204 0 0 John W Grogan 293 49.16 2 145 146 0 0 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 0 0 0 0 0 0 eet A E ° _ Ho W ~O 4.4A est � y w W A A A ev ^", a, co H . ©E o-W 6 �l' 0 sO o s1 a i et 41 a. Ta aA eU +)61 44 t~ � y 0 ed .5 c 0 , ''pow I `" ' 0 _4 X y° Ii & ; iI DIci— .r.4:--'.- ".4". 6 1.144E 1::::::)4 .4 cis erd ti -...i:11141 41 El - ..., •= hC:P...1 40 4 ..%:-f-cla":.-i-I''-'' ,.: .,0 2 -,:, , m .,.., •,,, . CL), 0 0 "1"' 40: - C74.4 64 r2b Voting System Post-Election Audit Report County: Date of Election: 3 tA.,— Type i T e of Audit thea applicable box): FjManual Independent YP ( PP ) FlAutomatedP Precinct Number(s): Race(if Manual Audit): iO' 1. Overall accuracy of the audit: 2. Description of any problems or discrepancies encountered: 3. Likely cause of such problems or discrepancies: 4. Recommended corrective action with respect to avoiding or mitigating such circumstances in future elections: 1V Check applicable box and sign below: "I7 We hereby certify that the report of the voting system audit performed for the election is acc .to and that attached are precinct summary reports for each precinct audited. v We hereby certify that a voting system audit was not done because a manual recount was con. •cted under s. 102.166,Florida Statutes. S).gnatures of County Canvassing Board me..bers: i y7 7 '�� ` / / 0// /�6 / p iiii//4/1/ PrintedName Sign• e i 6Ae60,Q% 2 Printed Name Signa 1t D.to 1-60 Mf-rold Printed Name Si ture Date Rule 1S-5.026,F.A.C. DS-DE 107 (eff. 01/2014) Precinct Summary for Manual Audit Race Audited: I 0 11/41 tt � �� Precinct Number: t 1(St) Candidate Name or Issue Choice Voting System Manual Public Difference(+or—) Total Tally Total Number of ballots overvoted: Number of ballots undervoted: Number of indeterminate votes: (Attach a separate Precinct Summary for each precinct audited.) Rule 1S-5.026,F.A.C. DS-DE 106 (eff. 01/2014)