HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-25-2016 Minutes Mayor Commissioners
Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1
Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
City Manager Angel de la Portilla, District 3
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Robert Frank .- - - Joel F. Keller, District 4
I. Call to Order - 6:02 PM
Member Colburn called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at
City Hall. Member Colburn also led the Invocation and Member Carpenter led the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag; the Clerk called roll and declared a quorum.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Chair Williams, Vice Chair Colburn, Member Carpenter, Member Vines, and Alt.
Member Dorn. Also present were City Planner Rumer, Planner Jones, Assistant City Attorney
Crosby-Collier, and Recording Clerk Sibbitt.
Absent: Member Wrobel.
Member Williams nominated herself for the open Chair position. As no other nominations
were received a vote was taken.
Motion: Move to appoint Member Williams as Chair of the Board of
As there were no objections; Motion carried unanimously.
The gavel was handed to Chair Williams who solicited a nomination for the Vice Chair
Member Colburn nominated himself for the open Vice Chair position, but further shared he
is only doing so since everyone else on the board are new members; he has been a
longstanding member for many years.
Motion: Move to appoint Member Colburn as Vice Chair of the Board of
As there were no objections; Motion carried unanimously.
II. Consent Agenda
Motion: Move to approve the minutes of the August 28, 2014, Board of
Adjustment Meeting.
Moved by Member Carpenter, seconded by Vice Chair Colburn; Motion carried
III. Old Business - None
IV. New Business - 6:07 PM
Hodge Variance VR-16-01 23 Cedar Key Court
Planner Jones presented exhibits and the staff report for the five (5) different variance
requests by applicant, Frank Hodge. The first variance is to allow an accessory structure
(carport) in the front yard. The second is a front yard setback variance from 20 ft. to four (4)
ft. The third is a front yard setback variance from 20 ft. to 8.5 ft. The fourth is a side yard
setback variance from 7.5 ft. to zero (0) ft. The fifth variance is a reduction in the minimum
separation between structures from five (5) ft. to one (1) ft.
The subject property is located on Lot 23 of Pioneer Key Park subdivision.
Based on the findings stated in the staff report, staff does not find the variance requested by
Frank Hodge supportable; however, staff is not against it either. Additionally, there have been
no objections received by neighbors regarding these variance requests.
Member Carpenter inquired if there is anywhere else on the property that Mr. Hodge can
put the accessory structure that would not warrant a variance. Planner Jones advised that he
is not able to put the structure in the rear of his property, because he does not have much rear
Vice Chair Colburn touched on the subject that was mentioned in the staff report in regards
to special privileges. He opined that this is a unique piece of property and is being
maintained very well; and, if nothing else, the addition of the structure is only going to add
value to this property.
Chair Williams inquired if the existing concrete pad is allowable or is that in violation.
Planner Jones advised that it is non-conforming legal, because it was done prior to when the
code changed.
Alternate Member Dorn briefly commented on the appearance of the subdivision. He
further asked for clarification on the two front yard setbacks for which Planner Jones
explained. Alt. Member Dorn said he drove through the subdivision and did not notice any
other detached carports. He opined that one of the ways to make improvements in an area is
to encourage property owners to improve their property. He feels a carport shows that an
owner cares about his property when investing a few dollars to improve it. Alt. Member
Dorn inquired if the carport could be attached to the main living structure so it would not
require a variance. City Planner Rumer answered that attaching the carport would create a
complex level of plans to be reviewed. Alt. Member Dorn inquired if pole-type structures
with a fabric cover also require a building permit. City Planner Rumer answered in the
Frank Hodge, applicant, said he moved into his home 39 years ago; and up until the road
renovations were done by the City, his carport was covered by a canopy, which was allowed
during that time. Once the road renovations were completed residents were told they could
not have canopies, which he understands since it is an eyesore. City Planner Rumer briefly
explained that road and drainage renovations were done by the City including the addition of
sidewalks and fences. During that time the City did a code enforcement blitz on structures
that were not to code or did not have permits. Mr. Hodge is trying to permit this new
structure, which is a good step.
Chair Williams shared her concerns with the staff's recommendation that this variance is not
supportable and according to code. As one of the longest-standing members of the Board of
Adjustment, Vice Chair Colburn briefly explained what is normally done when they have a
request of variance before them. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier added that staff
would recommend that they go through the elements listed in the staff report and take public
testimony to support the findings for their motion. There are various factors that they may
want to discuss as they make their findings of fact.
Member Carpenter commented the fact that there is not another location on Mr. Hodge's
property for the structure shows that he is not just putting it there for his convenience. That
helps to weigh in favor of possibly granting that variance request. Alt. Member Dorn added
that Mr. Hodge's property is on a cul-de-sac, which there is no through traffic that would see
his carport other than a few homes on that street. Additionally, his neighbors have been
notified, and they have not objected to it. At the Chair's request the board went through and
further discussed the four elements listed on the staff report.
The public hearing was opened.
Mayor Rusty Johnson, 21 W. Delaware Street, said that he has known Mr. Hodge for many
years, and he is the only gentleman that parks his vehicle where he is supposed to; not in the
street as his neighbors do. He further commented that Mr. Hodge has done a great job in
maintaining his property and is doing this legally through the system and not just putting it up
without permits and asking for forgiveness.
The public hearing was closed.
Alt. Member Dorn inquired from staff if it is true that parking is not allowed in the cul-de-
sac since he did not observe any "No parking" signs in the subdivision. Planner Jones
advised he does not have knowledge of that; however, in driving through the subdivision he
has witnessed plenty of cars parked on the road. It was briefly explained that each unit is
supposed to have two parking spaces. Further explanation was given on the existing property
line for the Hodge's property after the sidewalk was installed. Brief discussion ensued.
6:39 PM Motion: Move that the Board of Adjustment recommend to the City
Commission approval of the Hodge Variance VR-16-01 23 Cedar Key Court
request based on factual interpretation of code requirements and public
testimony related to such provisions.
Moved by Vice Chair Colburn, seconded by Member Carpenter; Motion carried
V. Other Business
VI. Comments
City Planner Rumer advised that he just wanted to make the board members aware that the
City will be beginning its downtown study process, and they will be sending invitations out to
the members for their first meeting in March. This will be a public kick off meeting. Further
explanation was given on the downtown study and the areas that will be included in the
VII. Adjournment - 6:43 PM
Motion: Move to adiourn the meeting.
Moved by Alt. Member Dorn, seconded by Member Vines; Motion carried
Melanie Sibbitt, Deputy City Clerk