HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Regular Commission Meeting of March 16, 1993 D UAGENDA 4-6-93
' r Item III A
MEETING HELD March 16, 1993
The regular meeting of the City of Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order at
7:30 p.m. by Mayor Vandergrift in the commission chambers. Richard Johnson, Pastor of
Harvest Church of God, led in the prayer and Commissioner Foster led in the pledge of
allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative Services Director
Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning Director Behrens, Planner Resnik,
Building Official Flippen, and City Clerk Grafton.
Mayor Vandergrift read Proclamation-LAW DAY U.S.A.- May 1, 1993.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Commissioner
Woodson commented that, on items B and C, it appeared that Mitchell Building Contractors had
made a special effort to use up all the money available for this project. Administrative Services
Director Beamer explained that they had given a very good price for this, which was for
services over and above the original bid and was work that needed to be done, and also that it
was appropriate to use all of the grant money that had been awarded for this purpose.
Commissioner Combs said that he agreed with City Engineer Shira's presentation in item G,
but that he wondered what the Water Repair and Renewal Account is. City Manager Shapiro
explained that the account was set up to guarantee to bond holders that we are keeping the
facilities in good repair.
Commissioner Combs seconded b Commissioner Woodson moved to a.'rove and acce.t
the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Regular Commission Meeting of March 2,
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor to Execute Change Order #3, in the Amount of
$939.00 to Mitchell Building Contractors, Inc. for Withers-Maguire House.
C. Acceptance of Work as Performed and Completed by Mitchell Building Contractors,
Inc. and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Certificate of
Substantial Completion.
D. Approval and Acceptance of, and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute,
Developer's Agreement for Water Service Transferring Water Capacity from
Gulfstream Housing Corporation to Temple Grove Estates Joint Venture.
E. Approval and Authorization for Mayor to Execute Sovereign Submerged Lands
Easement DNR Dredge Permit - Oaks at Starke Lake Subdivision.
F. Approval and Authorization for Use of $7,458.00 of Forfeiture Funds to Purchase
Replacement Firearms.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 16, 1993
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G. Approval and Authorization of Expenditure of an Additional $11,039.62 from Water
Repair and Renewal Account to Pay for Repair of Water Well at Jamela Water
Jim Gleason, 856 Hammock Drive, addressed Commission about the impression created by the
actions taken during recent meetings regarding the appointment of the Mayor's designee to the
Recreation Advisory Board, and various statements made by Mayor Vandergrift concerning other
topics. Mr. Gleason asked Mayor Vandergrift to change his ways or step down.
Michael Miciek, 825 Veronica Circle, presented a program entitled "Project Economic
Turnaround" to Commission and asked for a proclamation in his favor. There was no action
taken at this time.
Albertson's Shopping Center - Preliminary Subdivision Plan
The public hearing was opened. Planning Director Behrens read the staff report, and listed
the waivers requested by the Developer:
1) Article V, Table 5-2: Reduce the east side yard of Lot 2 from 10' to zero feet and the
west rear yard of Lot 1 from 20' to zero feet.
2) Article 6-10 I (3). Allow Lots 1 and 2 to meet code as a contiguous land mass in lieu
of separately. Also, allow the building set back to be zero feet on the joint property line
between Lots 1 and 2.
3) Article 5-8 (B). Reduce buffer width from 25' required to a minimum 20' width to allow
driveway to align with future drive on south side of State Road 438. 6' brick wall and
additional landscaping to be provided in 20' buffer.
4) Allow project signage to be constructed in accordance with detail provided hereon. Two
pylon signs to be constructed, one on Lot 1 and one on Lot 2, at the locations designated
on this plan.
5) Allow easterly access driveway connection to be constructed at the location shown on this
plan thus amending the Zom Silver Glen Developer's Agreement dated December 17,
6) Article IV, 4-5 (M)(3). Reduce 50' front setback on Lots 1 and 3 to 40' at locations as
designated on this plan.
Mr. Behrens pointed out that, although the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
approval of the plan as presented except for the requested waiver to reduce the front setback
from 50 feet to 40 feet on Lot 3, Staff recommendation was for approval of the Preliminary
Plans for Albertsons Shopping Center with all requested waivers, subject to the dedication to the
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 16, 1993
Page 3
City of a 20' right-of-way that lies between the existing Silver Star Road right-of-way and the
Zom Property, prior to the Final Engineering Plan approval.
At one point during this presentation, Mayor Vandergrift left the table for three minutes after
handing the gavel to Mayor pro tem Johnson.
Commissioner Combs stated for the record that he and his firm are in contract with this
company but not on this job.
Following some discussion regarding the material in the presentation, Mr. Frank Cannon, CS
Associates, spoke briefly about the plan and said that they have firm leases with tenants.
The public hearing was closed.
Conunissioner Johnson reemphasized the need for trees and irrigation in the development.
Mr. Neal Hanson agreed to construct a 6' wall around the full perimeter of the property.
Mayor Vandergrift said that the existing trees should be moved someplace for City use, but that
it would be too expensive for the City to do it.
Commissioner Combs seconded b Commissioner Johnson moved to an I rove staff
recommendation for Albertson's Sho•.ins Center Preminima Plans with all 6 waivers. Vote
was unanimous in favor.
Ordinance No. 93-02, relating to Appointment of Members to the Parks and Recreation
Advisory Board.
This ordinance was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing. The
public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Conunissioner Combs seconded bvCommissioner Johnson moved to an'rove Ordinance No.
93-02 as presented. The vote on this Ordinance is recorded at the end of the discussion. Mayor
Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to amend the motion as regards
item B in the Ordinance by extending the number of members to fifteen. On roll call vote
Commissioner Combs voted "no," Commissioner Foster "no," Commissioner Johnson "no,"
Commissioner Woodson "aye," ane Mayor Vandergrift "aye." Amendment did not carry.
Mayor Vandergrift, referring to item 4 B 1 of the Ordinance, said that he still has not received
a clear reading on whether attendance at those meetings is violating the Sunshine Law, but that
he took himself off the Recreation Board so that other members of the Commission could attend.
He said he felt that it would be more appropriate not to have a Commission member appointed
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 16, 1993
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for that reason. Commissioner Johnson responded that it was not that Commission members
cannot attend, but rather that they cannot discuss City business at any gathering other than a
properly advertised and noticed meeting. City Manager Shapiro said that all board meetings
should be advertised, posted and recorded so that Commission members can attend if they wish
with no problem. This would also cover the requirements should the City wish to apply for
certain grants.
It was at this soint that the roll call vote was taken for Ordinance 93-02: Commissioner Combs
voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "a e," Commissioner Johnson "a e," Commissioner
Woodson "aye," and Mayor Vandergrift "aye."
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to appoint Commissioner
Foster as ex officio member to the Recreation Adviso Board. Motion carried with unanimous
vote in favor.
RECESS 8:55 P.M. - 9:05 P.M.
Discussion re: Moving from City Hall.
Administrative Services Director Beamer reported that the architect will be present on April
6 to talk about the construction plans and also about the modular unit. Ms. Beamer said that
there will be a new telephone system. After a brief discussion Commissioner Foster, seconded
b Commissioner Combs moved to 1 a o 'rove the use of the 60' x 48' modular unit from
Diamond En.ineered S'ace Inc. the tele,hone switchboard s stem from Orlando Business
Tele ihone S stems Inc. and the electrical and computer cablin• from Com outer Power S stems
and 2 authorize the transfer from Contin l enc at mid- ear of 58 000.00 to the various
account lines. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Golf Course Update.
Administrative Services Director Beamer advised that, although Riverbend Golf Group, Inc.
had been granted additional time up to March 1, 1993 in order to meet certain pre-development
obligations, due to an on-site review and additional information required by FDER, staff
recommends an additional time extension to June 1, 1993. Mr. Ken Ezell reported that, due
to changes in the way the irrigation system is operated, they have resubmitted the DER
Stormwater permit, as well as the plans and specifications for DRC final review with staff
scheduled for March 30, and will be coming back before Commission on April 20. He still
expects to be operational in time for the January 1 opening. Mr. Ezell introduced Edward
Meyer, Director of ULP Associates, Wayne Rich, Employee Equities, and Richard McDonald,
Sr. Vice President with Westinghouse Credit Corporation, who are listed as some of the
guarantors, and said they were ready to answer any questions.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 16, 1993
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Commissioner Johnson said that he noticed that the papers refer to "Forest Lake Golf Club"
and that this Commission prefers that the name of the course should include "Ocoee" in some
manner, such as "Ocoee Public Golf Course." There was general agreement with this opinion.
Commissioner Combs said that he found many phrases in the agreement that appeared to be
"outs" for Riverbend, and he asked if this contract overrides the City's contract with Riverbend.
City Attorney Rosenthal replied that it does not.
City Manager Shapiro said that the Commission must not lose sight of the fact that the golf
course was started in order to have a place to spread the effluent and that the timing is
important, as the golf course must be prepared in time to accept the effluent. The main concern
is not whether they make a lot of money, but rather that they operate at a level to accept the
Administrative Services Director Beamer advised that the negotiated ground lease agreement
must be in place before June 1, and that the pre-development portion of the lease should be close
to completion.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about the time frame for the irrigation system, if it can be met and
whether there is a contingency backup. The Staff response was that the schedule can be met and
there is a contingency backup, but that there would be a problem if a major developer came in
to plan for future capacity.
Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to extend the time in
which the Ci and Riverbend Golf Group Inc. must meet certain .re-development obli.ations
until June 1 1993 as provided in the Second Amendment and authorize the Ma a or and Ci
Clerk to execute. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Discussion re: Personnel Board.
City Manager Shapiro presented a slate of members who met the criteria of the Charter
required Personnel Board, some of whom had been suggested by Commission members. After
a brief discussion, Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to
a. .oint the followin• to serve: Jean Grafton from mana•ement, Deborah Bertling as •eneral
em p to ee John Resnik and Be Hater as citizens at lar!a and Commissioner Johnson.
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Appointment to Recreation Board - Mr. Breland resigned.
This item was completed immediately following the second reading of Ordinance 93-02 above.
Commissioner Foster was appointed to serve in this position.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 16, 1993
Page 6
First Reading of Ordinance No. 93-03, repealing Chapter 57 of the Code of Ordinances
which provides for security standards for convenience businesses. Second Reading and
Public Hearing will be held April 6, 1993 at 7:30 p.m.
This Ordinance was presented by title for the first reading, and the announcement was made
regarding the time and date of the second reading and public hearing. City Manager Shapiro
explained that this Ordinance has been superceded by state statute and that a copy of that statute
would be provided in the packets for the second reading.
There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Woodson:
1) Please do something about holes in Lee Street as drivers are going onto residents' yards
to avoid them. City Manager Shapiro said we cannot solve the drainage problem but can
deal with the road.
2) If Sawmill Blvd. belongs to the City can it be striped?
3) Complimented staff for copying on both sides of the paper in preparing the packet for
this meeting.
Commissioner Combs:
1) Announced meeting for trailer parks residents on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. at the community
center. (Woodson and Johnson cannot be present.)
2) Thanked Little League for the invitation to take part in the parade. Said we need more
fields for teams as they had to turn away players.
3) Thanked Brenner for picking up trash cans that were blowing in the wind, even though
they were out of his territory.
4) Said he had a sneak preview of the new police cars.
5) Announced West Orange WalkAmerica is April 17.
6) Said Mt. Dora needs help as the people there are devastated. Asked if we have funds
as well as the plans for survival if such a catastrophe hits the City of Ocoee.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Said there are no speed limit signs or safety signs for kids in Amber Ridge.
2) Cannot be present at trailer parks meeting Saturday as he will be working.
3) Advised that a tree blew over on a fence on Clarke Road.
4) Expressed appreciation for having served the Recreation Board for 7 years and said he
knows that Commissioner Foster will enjoy it.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 16, 1993
Page 7
5) Asked City Manager to investigate with bond counsel re:Michael Miciek's plan.
Commissioner Foster:
1) Advised for Code Enforcement that 650 S. Bluford Avenue is an abandoned auto repair
and has large stack of used tires behind the building.
2) Also at Little Spring Hill/Caballero Rd. there is a flat bed trailer with flat tires that is
loaded with garbage.
3) Is walking for Habitat for Humanity on April 3 at 8:00 a.m. beginning at Oakland
Presbyterian Church and they are looking for a parcel on which to build a house.
Mayor Vandergrift:
1) Complimented Police Department for apprehending the bank robber.
2) Announced that in 15-30 days the commission meetings will be professionally televised
by CVI and the school group who covered the joint meeting with Orange County
3) Proposed an emergency ordinance requiring nails instead of staples in roofs. City
Manager Shapiro said he has no argument with the use of nails, but should give staff
an opportunity to review the issue. Mayor Vandergrift wants to put together another
committee to investigate the matter of building materials used. Mayor Vandergrift had
invited several people to speak as witnesses in support of the need for this ordinance:
Sam Jones, sub-contract roofer, who described roofing nails and staples and explained
the purposes and effectiveness of each; Fred Heatley, 1095 Hawthorne Cove Drive, who
had lost shingles in the recent high winds; and Janice Wilson, who could not understand
why there was hesitation to procede with the ordinance immediately.
The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
I 1� AGENDA 4-6-93
I Item III A
ON MARCH 20, 1993
This meeting was called in response to requests from citizens residing in the trailer parks who wished to
discuss their needs in open forum and specifically at the request of Mrs. Frances Watts, who had asked
Commissioner Combs, as Commissioner for that district, to referee. The meeting was designed to give
citizens in each trailer park one and one-half hours to be heard. These minutes will show first the
citizen's name and address, the requests made by that citizen, and then the staff response, which will be
Commissioner Combs opened the public forum for the residents and owners in Pioneer Key Park 1 at
1:00 p.m. in the commission chambers, explained the purpose of this meeting, and introduced those
present representing City Commission and City Staff. He noted that both Commissioner Johnson and
Commissioner Woodson wished to be present as well but other duties had prevented their attending.
PRESENT: Commissioners Combs and Foster, City Manager Shapiro, Administrative Services
Director Beamer, Public Works Director Brenner, Police Chief Boyd, Building Official
Flippen, Fire Lt. Ledford, Engineering Consultant David Hamstra, P.E.C., and City
Clerk Grafton. Mayor Vandergrift was also present in the audience but not seated at the
head table, as he was also monitoring the fishing tournament at Starke Lake.
ABSENT: Commissioners Johnson and Woodson.
Tommie Sanders presented a note from his wife listing items that need attention:
1) Street light at Deer Key Court goes on and off all night.
2) Mobile home at 92 Deer Key Court is an eye-sore as it has windows and screens out and portable
steps have been put in place where the porch came off last year. Building Official Flippen
advised that the enforcement of the Minimum Standards Codes is just beginning and that it is
working. He said that Code Enforcement Officer Braddy will inspect any complaint presented
to that office and take action. Commissioner Combs said that they are looking toward hiring
another inspector as the work load is very heavy in that department.
Tommie Sanders, 96 Deer Key Court, (656-1479) expressed concern re:
1) Parking on the streets in the trailer parks - the streets are too narrow for vehicles to be parked
on both sides. Chief Boyd said that if Commission establishes no parking on Circle Key it will
be enforced. City Manager Shapiro said he will have staff determine where and how parking
should be done and bring back a plan. as the Code must be able to stand in court.
2) Cars with no muffler. City Manager Shapiro said this is no longer covered by city ordinance
but rather by state law and it can and should be enforced.
Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, asked about those residents who have 3 or 4 cars in their
yards. City Manager Shapiro advised that the City has no right to control how many cars a family
owns. Chief Boyd said that where they put them can be controlled with Darking signs. Mrs. Watts
asked also about big dump trucks being parked within the trailer park. Commissioner Combs suggested
that a homeowners/residents association could determine restrictions and put pressure on neighbors in
those matters that it is not lawful for the City to enforce.
Commissioner Combs' Open Forum with Trailer Parks
March 20, 1993
Mr. Bart Rostiser, 90 East Circle Key, (656-2673) listed those who helped him paint and fix up the
entrance and expressed his appreciation for their help, then he presented the following concerns:
1) He has not seen any teeth marks from the new ordinance. City Manager Shapiro advised that
staff is working on the inspections and the follow-up takes a number of days for due process, but
that the City will not let it go.
2) It appears that a trailer at 115 E. Circle Key is being used for commercial purposes. Code
Enforcement will investigate.
3) There are about half a dozen trailers where the weeds and grass are too high. Code Enforcement
will investigate specific reports.
4) Parking on sidewalks. City Manager Shapiro advised that some of the sidewalks are on private
property and City cannot cite vehicles parked on those, but will cite those on public property.
5) Shopping carts from the grocery store left in the park. An ordinance enabling City to fine
owners of stray shopping carts is on the next Commission agenda.
6) Loud music at 92 Deer Key Court. City Manager Shapiro advised that the current law provides
that the police officer responding to a loud noise call is to judge whether the noise is a nuisance
and stop it if it is. There is a new process under consideration wherein the state furnishes a noise
level machine for the use of trained police personnel. When research on the availability of this
is completed, an ordinance will be processed and this method will be incorporated into the City's
Code. Citizens were encouraged to call every time they have a complaint no matter how often
it happens.
7) Cats walk all over his car each time he washes it. Cats are considered by authorities to be wild
life and so uncontrollable. Can call County Animal Control or Humane Society and they will
place cages for removal of cats.
8) Noted that a document dated 1980 cites the same problems they are bringing up today, which he
felt indicates that there has not been much progress in dealing with their problems. His concern
was the rapidity of the depreciation of mobile homes as opposed to other homes. City Manager
Shapiro advised that the citizens in the trailer parks are certainly entitled to equitable service,
but that, in a town of 15,000 citizens, for the City to devote all of the inspection time available
to the needs of the 300 families in the parks would not be equitable. Commissioner Foster said
that some interest in doing what needs to be done must come from within the parks, as it is the
responsibility of the residents and owners in every neighborhood to care for their property.
Mrs. Mary Myers, 140 W. Circle Key Drive, (656-8015) thanked the Police Department for the foot
patrol, saying that conditions are somewhat better in her area because of this.
Public Works Director Brenner advised that the recycling bins will be distributed to both trailer parks
for Monday collection and he asked for participation and cooperation from all the citizens in this area.
Mr. Rostiser suggested placing bags next to the big recycling containers for other items and Mr. Brenner
said he would give that suggestion a 90 day trial.
Mrs. Lois Rose, 110 Conch Key Court (656-1105) had presented a speaking reservation form but said
she had nothing to add to the questions already raised.
Commissioner Combs' Open Forum with Trailer Parks
March 20, 1993
Mr. Leo Lukasik, 102 Cypress Key Court, (877-6235) complained of conditions on Kissimmee Avenue
behind his lot. City Manager Shapiro advised that this is in the County and directed Chief Boyd to
contact the proper authorities to take care of this complaint. City Manager Shapiro said he will get a
registered letter requesting "No Trespassing" from the owner and will enforce it.
Mr. Bart Rostiser advised those present that any senior citizen with a complaint could contact him and
he would pass the information on to police through the SALT program.
Mr. Paul Troxel, 111 Conch Key Court, (656-6425) advised that someone has moved into a trailer
where all the windows are out and there is no floor.
Mrs. Rose Marie Harris, 81 Siesta Key Court, (no telephone) expressed her appreciation for this
opportunity to be a part of the community, for the Bike Patrol and the general cleaning up of the
1) Mrs. Harris said that she was shown a list of restrictions that she understood would be enforced
when she first moved in but that, as none of those things have been done, she thought the list
should be circulated again. City Manager Shapiro advised that the document Mrs. Harris is
referring to is Ordinance No. 620, which was passed at the request of the owner/developer of
Pioneer Key Parks 1 and 2, but that the document was not legal and no deed restrictions were
registered with the County. Since this is true, the ordinance is unenforceable and no legal right
exists to enforce the rules as they do not legally exist. Mr. Shapiro said that he believes that the
basis for a class action suit exists.
2) Said she was given the trailer but has no resource for funds to fix it up, and asked if there was
any avenue for help. City Manager Shapiro advised that he is looking into a Block Grant and
also Housing Assistance.
3) Flooding is a problem. City Manager Shapiro advised that the drainage in that area used to be
easy because all of it was taken care of by orange grove owners; but that, since the orange groves
have been replaced by development, and the planning for drainage that should have been done
was not adequate, remedial steps must be taken which require careful planning and cooperation
with/from the County .
Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, (656-5622) said that the Silver Star Road portion of Pioneer
Key Park 1 looks much better but inside the park still needs attention. Mrs. Watts said she feels that
citizens should return the grocery carts they use themselves rather than to abandon them in the park.
1) Had talked to an insurance agent who said he would not cover some of the trailers and asked that
City intervene. City Manager Shapiro advised that this was a business decision on the agent's
part and that the City should not have any control that. Mr. Shapiro suggested that citizens keep
their eyes open and report if there is a need for code enforcement, such as too many people
occupying a residence, etc. and that will help improve the conditions of the trailers.
2) Some street lights were shot out and Florida Power Corporation has advised that they will replace
the lights but the citizens will have to pay some of the replacement cost. City Manager Shapiro
advised that the citizens should get the pole number and report it to Public Works Director
Brenner, who will then turn in a request for repair.
Commissioner Combs' Open Forum with Trailer Parks
March 20, 1993
3) Asked about smoke alarms. They are included in the building code and fire code and both the
building inspector and fire inspector will inspect for them.
4) Asked about a park/playground for the children. City Manager Shapiro advised that he is
looking at block grant money to apply for to put a park across the street from the trailer park in
the second phase of the M & M Utility program. A grant has already been received which will
supply trees for it.
Commissioner Foster said that Mrs. Watts had been asking for help for a long time and they had been
working on it all along and he wanted her to know he was glad it was all finally coming together.
Mr. Andre M. Banchi, Jr., 36 Eagle Key Court, (623-2869)expressed his appreciation to the Fire Chief
and Police Chief for their assistance in a recent incident involving his son and said that he knows from
personal experience how fast trailers burn.
1) Reported a lot on the next street to him that has high grass and needs cleaning.
2) Has a problem with trash collection. City Manager Shapiro advised Public Works Director
Brenner that citizens are getting conflicting answers from the sanitation crews and the public
works secretary about the service on the routes and directed that this be cleared up.
3) Parking of cars. City Manager Shapiro said that all except those on private property have been
4) Is there a training program for youth in the Fire Department? There are limited programs for
youth in Ocoee other than the teen dances.
5) Asked for handicapped child sign for his neighborhood because of his daughter. Will be done.
Sandra Crane, 89 Buck Key Court, (656-1161) thanked Mayor Vandergrift for his help in cleaning up
the park.
1) Asked for speed bumps to slow down the traffic through the park. Unable to do this on public
property due to liability.
2) Need neighborhood watch. Check with Chief Boyd or Officer Vance who will help re-establish
the Safe House program.
3) Need direction for homeowner's association. Commissioner Combs will have someone there with
expertise to guide them when they set a meeting date. Mrs. Crane said she will leave a pad for
all to sign and have another meeting. Mr. Rostiser said he will help. Commissioner Foster
suggested calling the association the Concerned Residents Association rather than Homeowners'
Association because of the predominance of rental property in the parks. as having the emphasis
on homeowners would cause others to not feel included.
Mrs. Joyce Robbins, 12 N. Lee Street (656-1614), asked if the engineer knows that the drainage ditch
they dug causes the water from the trailer park to go into her yard, and she asked that Commissioner
Combs come and look at her property. Mr. Hamstra said that it is a large ditch that serves a large
wetland. Commissioner Combs will meet her at 4:00 p.m. on Monday.
As it appeared that all who wished to speak had been heard, Commissioner Combs adjourned the forum
for Pioneer Key Park 1, invited all present to the regular commission meetings on the first and third
Tuesdays each month and said that any further concerns could be expressed at that time.
Commissioner Combs' Open Forum with Trailer Parks
March 20, 1993
RECESS 2:55 P.M. TO 3:05 P.M.
Commissioner Combs opened the meeting to the citizens of Pioneer Key Park 2, repeating the
welcoming remarks and introductions made at the beginning of the meeting with Pioneer Key Park 1.
Mr. Jack Havens, 29 Coquina Key, (877-6651):
1) Said that some parts of the streets are very bad and he wondered why the holes were not repaired
properly, instead of just dropping some asphalt in the holes. City Manager Shapiro advised that
any repairs done before the drainage problem was solved would be a waste of time as the
drainage would have to be dealt with first. He explained that Mr. Hamstra was present to let the
City know what the whole problem is and how to repair it. Public Works Director Brenner
said that the whole road will have to be done from the base up. Mr. Shapiro said that the water
coming from the grove behind the park sweeps over and under the roads and a solution to that
has to be worked out before the roads can be correctly repaired.
2) Parking signs are needed. A team will review the site and signs will be placed.
3) Kids play in the street and someone needs to exercise some control. City cannot legislate how
people take care of their children. Citizens who witness abuse/neglect should advise the police
and/or HRS. Mr. Shapiro advised that he is going after a grant for a recreation park on the
M & M Utilities holding ponds site.
4) Still sees cars and junk around in violation of the rules. City Manager Shapiro explained the
Code Enforcement process and said that any improvements citizens can see are the result of the
citations from the initial run-through by the Code Enforcement Officer and Building Official. He
encouraged all present to report problem residents so that the code enforcement process can begin
on each offense. Mr. Shapiro advised also that rental property is now being inspected before
re-rental is permitted.
5) Many stray animals in the parks. City Manager Shapiro advised that stray animals should be
reported to the County with the understanding that the response is not wonderful, but that the
County will bring out cages to pick up stray cats.
6) Many migrant workers occupy the same trailer and they have lots of cars. Should report to Code
Enforcement Officer about the number of people, but nothing can be done about the how many
cars are parked on the street.
Floyd Chase, 79 Sand Dollar Key (P.O.Box 171), (877-8571)
1) Loud music at 2:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. that he reports is turned down by offenders when they hear
the radio dispatch to their area. Bike patrols will be in a position to appear without being
dispatched as they will be patrolling in that area. City Manager Shapiro advised that citizens
should call for every occasion as the police are there to respond as many times as they are called.
2) Many occupants at 94 Sand Dollar Key. Code Enforcement will investigate.
Mr. John Dull, 115 Cokles Key, (656-7433) said that his questions have been answered already.
Ms. Jeannie Madden, 125 Cokles Key, (no phone listed)
1) Kids playing in the street are not just playing but are also destroying peoples' property. She
never sees a police officer patrolling in her neighborhood, they only come when called. City
Commissioner Combs' Open Forum with Trailer Parks
March 20, 1993
Manager Shapiro said to be sure to report such things each time they happen, and he
recommended that Ms. Madden call Officer Vance and get a neighborhood watch program
started. Chief Boyd said that all these reports will be passed down to the patrol officers
2) Big trucks, sometimes loaded, are constantly in the park even though there are signs up to
prevent it. City Manager Shapiro advised that she should call the police department each time
it happens so they can respond while the violator is present.
3) Parking on the streets causes her to not be able to use her driveway. No deed restrictions in that
park and there is nothing the City can do about that problem other than to restrict parking to one
side of the street.
William Spear, 47 Coral Key Drive, (656-8354)
1) Drainage ditch has finally been cleaned out and he can see a difference in the flow after a rain,
but that the pipes are small. Is concerned about the possibility of a lawsuit if a child should get
under the fence into the ditch and caught in one of the drainage pipes as there are no grates over
the pipes. City Manager Shapiro said that there would be liability concerning the fence if it
were not maintained properly, and that they are working on a system that will stop the debris and
still let the water go through. Mr. Hamstra is presently working on the solution to the overall
drainage problem in that area. Public Works Director Brenner said that he had walked the
whole drainage area with Mr. Spears.
2) Said he fixed his own pot hole with cement and it seems to be holding.
3) Cars driving around with loud boom-boom noises are offensive. City Manager Shapiro said
nothing can be done about cars driving down the road yet.
4) Recreation park needs to be in same area as M & M Utilities. Public Works Director Brenner
said that the City does not own all of that property.
Mr. Raymond Cooper, 46 Coral Key Drive, (877-6673) said that PPTD Supervisor Elmore and Public
Works Director Brenner had walked the entire drainage area with them and he commended both for the
way they have responded to his and Mr. Spears' request. He said that he had heard many folks say they
had been there but had never seen any of them, but he has seen Mayor Vandergrift in that area 5 times
in the last few months. After the ditch was cleared out the water flowed as it should have been doing
all along and if it is maintained 5 months out of the year it probably will work as it should.
1) Asked if a copy of the Minimum Standards Codes will be sent to all citizens. No, but a copy
can be purchased at City Clerk's office.
2) Talked about noise pollution measuring instruments. City Manager Shapiro said that he is
waiting to find out if the State will provide us with one as required by statute before going
forward with the adoption of a noise code.
3) Asked homeowners to contact him to form an association. City Manager Shapiro asked that
they give the association a name other than homeowners so that renting residents will feel
welcome to loin. Such membership would give the association more comprehensive input and
background for putting pressure on landlords.
4) Asked who to contact to start a neighborhood watch program. Chief Boyd or Officer Vance.
Commissioner Combs' Open Forum with Trailer Parks
March 20, 1993
City Manager Shapiro said that he would have to raise millage in order to do the road patches with
cement as Mr. Spears and Mr. Cooper suggest. Mr. Cooper said that the citizens may wish to help if
Mrs. Veldine Pettus, 105 Periwinkle Key, said there is no place for children to play, but it is not their
fault, as she sees parents teaching their children to ride their bikes in the street.
City Manager Shapiro suggested that, as the associations in each park have similar problems, they may
wish to unite and talk with each other after organizing.
Chief Boyd said that his staff would attend the association meetings.
Public Works Director Brenner announced that recycling is beginning soon in this park and their
collection day will be Monday.
As it appeared that all who wished to speak had been heard, Commissioner Combs adjourned the forum
for Pioneer Key Park 2, invited all present to the regular commission meetings on the first and third
Tuesdays each month and said that any further concerns could be expressed at that time.
RECESS 4:10 P.M. - 4:18 P.M.
Commissioner Combs opened the meeting to the citizens of Security Circle/Mobile Lane Area,
repeating the welcoming remarks and introductions made at the beginning of the Pioneer Key Parks
Mr. James Creech, 118 Mobile Lane, (656-4260)
1) Said that 18 wheelers go on Mobile Lane and thinks a sign saying "No More Than 11/2 Tons"
sign would be in order. It will be done.
2) Some trailers in his area need attention. He said that he has purchased several and he will clean
them up, and he asked that those not be cited. City Manager Shapiro said to give the address
and Code Enforcement will go in and begin the process.
3) Said that neighborhood watch is needed as strange expensive cars drive through that area
frequently and he thinks they do not belong there. Police Department will take note of this.
Mr. Wayne Detwiler, 133 Mobile Lane, (877-1115)
1) Concerned about residents speeding on his street, as one resident has been put in the hospital as
a result of it and there are children playing there also. Chief Boyd said to report the addresses
and type of cars to his office on Monday.
2) Even though a little bit of soap and water would clean up some of the trailers, folks do not seem
to care. He had cleaned up one of Betty Pedrick's trailers at 131 Mobile Lane and others have
been dumping their trash there since then. Code Enforcement will take care of this.
3) School bus has been speeding also. Should report the bus number to school board and they will
deal with that immediately.
4) One dog has been reported repeatedly to Animal Control and is still loose.
Commissioner Combs' Open Forum with Trailer Parks
March 20, 1993
Mrs. Sarah Womer, 112 Security Circle, (656-4868) said that folks are not taking care of their trash
all along the street and at Mrs. Mears' house the rentors have been living there without power for several
weeks. If they have not been cited already, Code Enforcement will take care of it.
Mr. Raymond Daniel, 232 Security Circle, (656-7712)
1) Reported that the church bus speeds also.
2) Asked about the loud noise law. City Manager Shapiro advised that right now it is up to the
officer to determine if the noise is a nuisance but a state statute provides that the state will
provide a machine for the City to use to measure sound. When that happens an officer will be
trained to use it and a new ordinance will be put in place.
As it appeared that all who wished to speak had been heard, Commissioner Combs closed the forum for
Security Circle/Mobile Lane Area, invited all present to the regular commission meetings on the first and
third Tuesdays each month and said that any further concerns could be expressed at that time.
Commissioner Combs thanked those present for attending and adjourned the meeting at 4:40 p.m.
Je Grafton, City Cle'l