HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (A) Variance Setback Application- Case No. lVR-99:Cambridge Homes, Inc. - 1651 Rachel's Ridge Loop Agenda 11-16-99 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item VI A MAYOR•COMMISSIONER O Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT CITYOF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS y Q k: o p OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258(407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER Of G000`> CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FROM: JULIAN HARPER, ZONING COORDINATOR, THROUGH: D.W. FLIPPEN, BUILDING AND ZONING O I IAL • $t DATE: NOVEMBER 9, 1999 SUBJECT: VARIANCE SETBACK APPLICATION CAMBRIDGE HOMES,INC. 1651 RACHEL'S RIDGE LOOP ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the Cambridge Homes, Inc.'s "Application For A Zoning Variance", for the subject home presently under construction at 1651 Rachel's Ridge Loop, (see attached Site Location Maps and Exhibits), to provide for a sixteen (16') foot building setback from Clarke Road vs. the platted specification of twenty-five (25') feet? BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION Building Permit #0003509 was approved July 26, 1999, providing for a sixteen (16') foot building setback from the Clarke Road right-of-way. Subsequent to the issuance of the building permit and when the home construction was well underway, the Director of Planning pointed-out that there was a twenty-five (25') foot building setback from the Clarke Road right-of-way, attached as Condition of Approval to Lot 46, as part of the plat of Wedgewood Commons Subdivision, Phase I (See Exhibit #5). Please note that the City of Ocoee Land Development Regulations have no residential building arterial roadway setbacks, other than the customary building setbacks. As will be seen by the accompanying exhibits, a six (6') foot brick wall and ten (10') foot landscape buffer has been constructed along Clarke Road, plus the home's exterior wall facing Clarke Road is situated between 7'5" and 12'5" from the (inside of wall) six (6') foot subdivision wall and sixteen (16') feet from the Clarke Road right-of-way (note: the subdivision wall has five (5') foot off-sets or jig jogs in-and-out, (see Exhibit#8). POW!' Protect ct r,r `s € r esu rrrAn ti" 6!t "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT cr tti 'i)::: CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS t a N> 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE DANNY HOWELL �+ p SCOTT ANDERSON r, OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON �yj "% � (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER .... E OF 0000 CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO Staff Report - The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners November 9, 1999 Page2 As justification for recommending the Applicant's request, Staff feels that it is in keeping with the Land Development Codes expressed intent and that of the Board of Commissioners, to do everything possible to help preserve the City's tree cover. Please review Exhibits #7 and #8 to better visualize the three specimen oak trees and one large maple tree that would most likely be destroyed should the subject home not be allowed to be moved westward as described above. Finally, the Building and Zoning Official has been advised by the City Attorney, that unless the subject Variance Application is approved, that a "cloud" on the subject property will be created, through no fault of the Applicant and Staff doing everything possible to save three (3) very large, 36"plus-sized trees. Note: The Board of Adjustment provided a unanimous approval of the Applicant's Variance Request at its November 8, 1999, meeting. RECOMMENDATION By reviewing page 4 of Exhibit #9, "Variances", Article IV, Section 4-9(A) of the Land Development Code and the Board of Adjustment's unanimous approval of the subject Variance Application, Staff recommends that the Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the request for a 16' Clarke Road building setback versus the platted 25'. Staff finds that: 1) Special conditions exist which are peculiar to the subject property, namely safeguarding 3 large specimen-sized oaks. 2) The presence of the cited 3 large oak trees would justify a relaxation of the 25' Clarke Road setback per the plat. 3) This set of circumstances, the 3 large oak trees, are there by an Act of God and are not the result of the Applicant's actions. Indeed, they have been saved as a result of the Applicant's diligence. 4) The granting of this variance request will not confer any special privilege to the subject lot involved that is contrary to the LDC regulations. P0WF' ` rouict Oc oee's hater Resmrces r "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT ° �oco.4r: ... CITY OF O C O E E COMMISSIONERS a 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE DANNY HOWELL ColSCOTT ANDERSON ‘414 oOCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON ♦ °' ".10 (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER Of GOOV CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO Staff Report- The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners November 9, 1999 Page3 5) The granting of the variance application will make possible the reasonable use of the subject lot; will not be injurious to the surrounding lot but helpful; and, it will be beneficial to the public welfare by helping to protect Ocoee's Old Tree Canopy. Please feel free to call me should you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue or Staff Report at(407) 656-2322 extension 136. P0WF' Protect Otto °s Water Resources R- — '• .-,. . I 7/I/ 'Kf,. : . ,.. ini Ai. . .: . 'AA i .. 1 , . _ I. k__,.n7.7.1^.7.%, i I Ns CT. KENO'S LI ,_....I it '3 l'''14.1-,1`;PI ,;,5 :: LLL_L_X‘ Fl .' 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Land Surveying , 455 Douglas Avenue Suite 1255, Altamonte Springs, Florida. 327149 (407)788-8808 Mombor of Ma Florida Survoying and Mapping Socioly and Arnorican Congross on Survoying and Mapping Map of Boundary Survey CURVE DELTA ANGLE RADIUS ARC TANGENT CHORD CHORD BEARING C I 21°08 '29- 75.00 ' 27.67' 14.00 ' 27. 52' N 32°45 '52"W �,�e22 C 2 \ '� 22°20'34" 75.00• 29.25 ' 14.81 ' 29.06 ' N 11'01 '21 "W • C 3(. 90°28 ' 15- 50.00 ' 78.95 ' 50.41 ' 71 . 00: • S 45°05' II 'E „(T • PROPOSED EL:NATURAL LINE • ¢ AR I G DISTANCE NOT PLATTED GRADE • L I r? S,-f$7° •8 '22-W 33. I2 ' P.R.0 N 89° 40 '4 1 "E 90. 4 1 PLAT oRNER •Q..' L .. 1r PROPOSED EL NATURADE L/ e • `' 7 , iI O�j!�. �: LOT 43 / "A" GRADING las �` PROPOSED EL:131.5�Z <„ 15.092 SO. FT. �./ o O \ • o � %%)/ g o , •F \,� r ...c 8.9� " o 0 0c " = 26. rO .:)l P y_ D 14.3"' �' 19.2' LOT 42 '�~-c LANAI o zE p s �� .. , . D fry 2 2 CO O n HD H n r mo,zm 21.5' ' n .tadD zm -- 01 WI •tiiNX •:z ~'' __•A 2 - SELKIRK "Ad8- o r ,, ern SEra KS: n SITE DATA • • o Front-'.25 iear 25 %hpervaus/Lo f - 35 % 'n SINGLE STORY RESIDENCE 'o n D 1 • � F 1 N 1 SHED FLOOR � D D� •Side 7.5 �orner 25 X Structure/Lot - 20 X N r ELEVATION: 132.50m MG) er Note:Bes shown hereon are referenced to the C/L + n of RACHEL RDGE LOOP as being N 00°0856" • . U0' ; w a ' Verticd dotun is based on NGVD/OCVD per Engineering 6o'D ' m roko r��qqnn b ~ o construction pons by CENTRAL FLORDA SL.RVEYNG a.6 33.0' SS•W 4 MAPPNG IJC Job Umber 5745. I' PROPOSED EL:130.� o I o P , _ th 22.0' _ 26. .tom os- 66 0a \� . 0t`y't� >3 1O �;n1•� / .•C % m 0 r W P.C.P. t p I �) G\ N 89° 51 '04 "W 105. 00 \ 1.1 5' UTILITY EASEMENT PROPOSED EL:NATURAL , ."';:,‘3 PROPOSED EL:130.1 LOT 44 C/L RACHEL�S çA\1 R 1 DGE LOOP , c2 CITY OF OCOEE ( 50 ' R/W) • ' ADDRESS # I 6 5 I ' RACHEL 'S. RIDGE •LOOP • 25.00' . , LEGAL DESCRPTIOI`t Lot 43. -WEDGEWOOD COMMONS PHASE OfEE' P.C.P. accordng to the plot thereof as•recorded n Plot Book 36. : at pages 132-134 of the Pubic Records of Orange Canty. Florida REFERENCED BEARING N 00°08 '56"C\ FLOOD HAZARD DATA: The Parcel shown hereon lies within Flood Zone -C" accorai to the Flood insurance Rote Map Community Panel limber 120179- 75C Dated 06/15/84. Legend CYS -offset 0 Temporary Benchmark O.R.B. WBdalRscordsBook General Notes: (assumed datum) PB Plat Book • 1.This is a BOUNDARY Survey performed in Oho field on Proposed now Back of sidewalk PC Point of Curvature 2.No aerial.surface or subsurface utility installations,underground improvements or CA. Cantmlkre PCC. Point ohCompound Curvature d Cwnsal or(Deka)Angie P.C.P. Permanent Cantron Point subsw/acnYpHd srxioaehmonfs,if any,were located. CALc Calculated PG• page 3.Elevations shown hereon.if any.are assumed and were obtained from approved CD Chord Bearing P.R.M. Permanent Reference Monume Construction plans provided by the Client unless otherwise reeled,and are shown co Chord pre Property Liu only to depict the proposed or actual difference In elevation relative to the assumed C.M. Concrete Monument P.O.D. Point of Bagk ning tmnporary Benchmark shown huroonm, a.w ELEV Elevation(Proposed) P.O.C. Point of Commencement ' 4.The parcel shown hereon is subject to all easements.reservations,restrictions.and FINAL EL. Elevuto,(Measured) P.S. Point of Intersection Rights-of-way of record whether du rictud or not oil 11,15 document.No search of the 1 9 r e'rr'd PRC. Point of Reverse Curvature p y IFin.F1.Elev. Finished Floor Elevation Public Records has boon mode by This office. pr Point of Tangency LP. ion Pipe R Radius 5.The legal description shown hereon is as furnished by client. LR. lion Rod RAD Radial Line 6.Platted and measured distances and directions are the same unless otherwise noted. L Arc Length RES. Residence •Denotes X'iron rod with yellow plastic cap marked L84937 or LS3182.or LB Licensed Business RIW Right-of-Way SI'iron rod with red plastic cap marked-Witness Comer;unless otherwise noted. LS. Land Surveyor TOM Temporary Benchmark • 0 Denotes P.C.P.(Permanent control agoingMOO Measured TYp, Typical .• AVO(NSD) Neil and ask • ■Denotes Permanent Reference MonumentN.R. Not Radial -J/-,r/- Fenn symbol(see drawing) X--X- Fence symbol(see drawing) Cerd(kation:Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal Drown b y: CM of a Florida;lensed Surveyor and Mapper Chocked b y: DP • This survey meets the requirements of the Florida Minimum Technical Prepared Fol: CAMBRIDGE sascontained inChapter o1G17.6 FloridaAdmlNsiadiveCode. Sketch of Lego Description Job Nu.ber: 96.-012-01' • This is not a Survey Scale : I-• 30' • ,(� Plot fon performed: 7-02-99 • n C"�IS? /l��- Q/�/p �9 Founder ion Survey: /A t ' Final Survey: V( Ca� r(/9 9" 'me f' Revisions : SPEC • ,NhNlm rl rs,P.L.S.Florida Registered Laced Solve �Na,3167 L 7 '' g.xli z f ir.7.11'- ‘ 744444-""'"1"4111111111111111111111111111111111.1.1"----. . -. '' '-' t - - - - A — � ° Herx & Associates-Inc.. Land Surveying , 455 Douglas Avenue Suite 1255, Altamonte Springs, Florida. 327149 (407)788-8808 Mornbor of the Florida Survoying nr ping cialy an. norican nos urvoying and Mapping FIs 'i • ap rile . L RVE DELTA ANGLE RADIO ARC ' ,• GENT • ORD CHORD BEARING 1� q 2I 08 '29" 75.00' 27.67' • 4 27. 52 ' N 32'45 '52:W • III . i , 2 20'34_ 75.00 ' 29.25 ' 8f 29 Qt6 ' N I 1°D 1 •2 I W lw •: + �Y, 4 •0°28 IS 50.00 ' 78.95 ' • �. 1 00 ' S 45°05' II7E O / PROPOSED EL:NATI. AL Q. qQ! BEARING DISTANCE • TTED GRADE l S 67•48•22"W 33. 12 ' l' N 89° t 4 1 E 90. 4 1 PLAT ORNER ' oPROPOSED EL:NATURAL o a GRADE Ikt) L Cl L'OT 43 u "A' GRADING �!' PROPOSED EL:131,S / 15.092 S0. FT. P ; . ' , PW2 . w iii \ , it al r? L T 42 <-, •J'„ .,• 19.2' ° was C .mt o LANAI o 0 7;>; j L,1 U 21.5' L N th a n t� yz 01 r�+t 'l�rtN�C , — 1 6\` KIRK "Ad6' 0 , o. 001 SETBACKS: E DATA o • Front 25' Rea 25' ervi^�o^u,•,�dL�Iot - 35 " 1 51 L STORY RES 1 DENCE ° )* -O n •Side 7.5' Corner 25' Y, Ssrruciir¢'Lot - 20 ' 1 1 SHED FLOOR r- A D p $$ LEYATION: 132.50 r't C)ni0 Note:Bea' s shown hereon are reference to the C s. of RACI-EL5 RDGE LOOP as berg N 00°0856E e ( Ln m w.ta Vortical data is hosed on NGVD VD 4ir Engineering / 0 m �s o 4' ngrw rx� 55'D x O%O constructionpkns` by CENTRAL F ORD SLRVEYNG d e.6 33.0' S5'D `�v MAPPNG M.. Job Amber 574 PROPOSED EL:1 J0.S or / o /�jel 9. , ( 41; 22.0' 001 8 Ili • :•:• : 2\ \._ A:.::::.:•:::..,�': <::: :.. ... .. `°tyi o • r o „ nt w 42 G\ • N 89 5I '04 "W 105 . 00 ' \ L` 5' UTILITY EASEMENT ‘ PROPOSED EL:NATURAL PROPOSED EL:130. I L 0 T 44 GRADE C/L RACHEL\S . RIDGE LOOP , • c2 CITY OF OCOEE ADDRESS # I 6 5 I ' RACHEL 'S. RIDGE LOOP 25.00' LEGAL DESCRPT10Nt Lot 43. "WEDGEW000 COMMONS PHASE ONE- ' • P.C.P. occordng to the plot thereof as recorded n Plat Book 36. ' al pages 132-134 of the Pubic Records of Orange County. Florida REFERENCED BEARING N 00'08'56"E I FLOOD'HAZARD DATA: The Parcel shown hereon fes within Flood Zo Y �( if ooccort to the Flood hstrcnce RatezCwç/, // ` /� ����Q -(A7Cote4. 1 a Temporary Denchmark (assumed datum) O.R.B. OMGalRecords Book General Notes: PD Plat Book 1.This is a BOUNDARY Survey performed• he a on Proposed now Back of sidewalk Pc Point or Curvature 4(7 CA Cenfergns 2.No aerial,surface or subsurface Wilily in allations,underground improvements or PCC. Point of Compound Curvature subsurface/aerial encroachments.it an ,were located. J Genual or(Delta)Angle P.C.P. Permanent Control Point Y CALL Calculated PG. Pape 3.Elevations shown hereon,if any,are asstuuetl and were obtained from approved CB Chad Bearing P.R.)... Permanent Reference Monument Construction plans provided by the Client unless otherwise nolcd,and are shown (:v Gard PTL Properly Lk* only to depict the proposed or acral(tillerence In elevation relative to the assented C.M. Concrete Monument p,O,n, Pow or Beginning temporary Benchmark shown hereon. EL.or ELEV Elevation(Proposed) P.O.C. Point of Commencement --L FINAL EL. Elevation(Measured) 4.The Petco/shown beroorl is subject 10 u!l uasunnuuts,resurvafiuns,resbiu Tans,and P.l. Point Mlnfasedlon FO. Found PRC. Point of Reverse Curvature Rights-of-way of whether depicted w not on this document.No search of the Firu.F1 Eluv. Finished Floor Elevation Public Records hoses boon mode by this office. I.P. ken Pipe PT. Point of Tangency R Redtus 5.The legal description shown hereon is as furnished by client. 1.1t iron Ras 6.Platted end measured distances and directions aro the same unless otherwise noted. L Arc Lengths /LID Radial One RES. Residence •Denotes Ya*Iron rod with yellow plastic cap marked L134937 or LS3102,or LB Licensed Business R,w Right•or way Y,'iron rod with red plastic cap marked'Witness Corner.unless otherwise noted. LS. Land Surveyor TOM Temporary Benchmark O Denotes P.C.P.(Permanent control point) Moa Measured TYP. Typical AVO(N413) Nei and Disk •Denotes Perm al Reference Mone Iant .r/-1Fence symbol(see*swim) N.C 1�.�o- a e- 9 F cgidr� .'` _ •X—X• Fence symbol(see dowing) C.NUkaUon:Not valid without the signature and the orlphnar raised seal / , !' Drove by: CM ofsNoddalicensed Surveyor and ntapper / Cheesed by: DP 'Dili surwyawNUse•requirements of the Florida Manual Teutnkal ; Prepared For: CAMBR f DGE 4' asoontakwdklChapl•fdIGlT•6fbrklaAdntlnlstroliv.Code. S etch o f Lego I Description Job Number: 96-012-01' !,,ct::: Yr". . - .,/ I _ Al I Ti s i not o� Lir y� scot• 1'• do'. ,�', � ' r ;ll.�� Pint ninth ner/nrmei "7.0? 99 ' 7 tAl/4/T wy� _ ' _ City of Ocoee • 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,FL 34761 • (407)656-2322 x 136 Fax-(407)656-8504 rr T i �x�• VI ifaesni] e!u rF'xt�`;�'"`1•any._ ',�y.T5-? . 5-.a;r'q `'_;n ''."7. :F�� g i, „....,,,..e,,,,„..,,,„...„,",,,„...„..„'' 7# , ' .:,,,: ,,,,,r- ,,.i ,.., ., !-' �s -Ye �. �E ® • .1 ibi$. _ +ri. �=' • To:,C0j 4 / ? 45,2-er-N Fax: g6c- 91,77 From: �7-l/'Q)1 2 /a),...,- 2,,::: •, Date: 7. 6 ' 47J . r / 6` ?/ Re: / 7I‘ r91p Pages:. CC: 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle • ;Aar'. • • • • T • • L i 1•' 1; ''.'Motes: �z� Y A Ctrs=�. w° ' ", .�E'� Ss. --Y" .s - e / -� y`n ri° ,' L Lf Q ee/ Gl,f 7 'e ? ../-2.., e74 -,t,.....:-...,...„.. ivp-E.N, . Ple,e ziOaie/,/ -2- g* _Ii: .?r' -.611,4(Ai..:f1;4.-1',1::421.;:i'l'e*-44--. 7‘1////e....---7L- 672/ 8(7,6/.^1 i ‘,"67......1, ..;(‘/<e ) c77/7tele,1 I/.-ta ..fef _f-/N7n., . ',in, 70 /4-fy / d'6- ��, ,,�f_ 4f / 4/ ' , /7. ,�. /7 / •/ t° J/'r7 e 411 4-7. Q ",-��� 6 • i =rix,. y. . ". y i '11 4t, ' '�. >.i„ sej n V C� ase /re . . DIy,f- T 9� C.; �' ,.., J y 4S1} 11 t j , .? ja h'rT :.. { W�, ``i#yt ` '� '+�" T,.! i �� ' {y,: Y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •, • • t • , >"!r k,Aktzf t• Ai' e 4 a ti-,-.' rr' H /�[ . j4-':Maw ,���.r', ai 1'-ipA--,},1,- 0. u 4 +4,i4 . O/AC l tr �) .�^�wt { t..!?,. S, V L�.��a.n��;.,k1,1,--i1,0 •k�t,� 1�,�,KJ SFr. ;�y<C<S • • SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. ❑ DENOTES PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT (P.R.M.) 4" X 4" CONCRETE MONU?v WITH DISC, L.S. #2353, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. DENOTESPERMANENT � OLPOINT T ��;CNL DISC, IL.S. #2353 TO BE ACCORDAHA 7 BFLORDASTATUTES. 3. RAD DENOTES RADIAL LINE. 4. NR DENOTES NON-RADIAL LINE. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE STATE PLANE COORDINATE GRID N.A.D. 83, EAST ZONE, AS ESTABLISHED BY THE ORANGE COUNTY, G.I.S. SURVEY. REFERENCE IS N.00'08'56"E. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 16-22-28. 6. 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENTS 5'RE WIDE HEREBY UTILITYSFASEMEN� ALONG ALL ALONG EET SIDE LOT LINES RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND REAR LOT LINES AND A UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 7. VEHICULAR ACCESS RIGHTS FROM LOTS 43 & 44 TO CLARKE ROAD ARE DEDICATED TO THE OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 8. NO FENCES OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONSL28E& 29.ED(PERWITHIN T 0!R.BKH4334, PArG�R3 4A41E, UTIL L (0.R. ACCESS EASEMENT, LOCATEDBETWEEN LOTS 9. THE CITY IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES 163, CONCERNING MORATORIUMS ON THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS UNDER CERTAIN C THE CITY HAS NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY GTO EXMPT ANY HEREEN SHALL BE PRIVATE CONSTRUED ENTITY, ASRSUCHLF FROM THE AN EXEMPT! SUCH STATE LEGISLATION AND NOTHING E 10. THE 10' LANDSCAPE AND WALL EASEMWCOMMONSI HOMEOWNERS'NG LOTS 43 AND 44 IS ASSOCIATION,TO BE NEN THE LOT OWNER AND MAINTAINED BYEDGEWOOD 11. LOT 44 IS ENCUMBERED WITH A 50' BUILDING SETBACK LINE FROM CLARKE ROAD. OT 43 IS ENCUMBERED WITH A 25' BUILDING SETBACK LINE FROM CLARKE ROAD. We dje wood Cofr'/ 2f S.6 PA(Ise I p/ Eacq'39ayeJ3 /39 Case #0. : 0116f- 99 CoISA 4JP /-/D M of fig'#/I/7" #..6 . ski 1'4 -4 ti •j If ;..4i ' • • • 0 ' •r, • r. • • Sit* ./ - . dl • ii L : . 117111,: ern • ••� 1�[ ( ., it! t •A— rte'• _v'.,. . -, •:• - . ,a�+ _ ...�77 •N• •h ` / r •s `yam, .rib ` t 1. . . _#� �. ill rj 1 w Ilk t-xfNf8/7" # 7 ,r; • ik, li . , *"k •. a .41t.1111011. : N4 SPT H ELI Vii T/os, , A•'��,- e7.11111' - (STeEET VIEW) : '., , t . " r r # r 1 int' •� 1v � L' :? .. :J�`' /�"`��� >. /' ` • ' J ti's {�. A. �. � - s ` S / z,E AIRS& cr/i�1 : .- A o N TR EZ-J'• 4. . . ... . . _, ... .. -.4w:r v/Ei✓ OD4"✓ t I rT ESC fPATiv4/01/OrL WH/TE "0/AZ) 7-3 EX///8/r f j X17J.,' tri �•,. .14 itommuri • • at view 419-fT OF Owe- (NOTE L4/if/Tr ;004 r- Ampler a, • s- ~ - • ..,4 wes'r I`A Ea,4rio y I-A r . ., G Af of 4 ' RDA.Q s/4f (A/ate Wa/I tf(-se t. - ) 7 � Pi` e r-..r- w� RE4Q VIEW HO Vfe £A sT f/Dy f /OfE wsfirf Pi, ) fr"3 Ex/o/T- ARTICLE III (5) To review and make recommendations to the City Commission on applications for various development approvals or permits as provided within this Code, including, but not limited to Planned Unit Developments (PUD), special exceptionn requens, subdivisions, and any other application for which the City by the a report and/or recommendation. such recommendation shall be made except after applicable procedural section, a public hearing held in accordance with State and local requirements. (6) To act in an advisory capacity to the City Commission on land use and land development issues and to make such studies and to conduct such investigations as may be requested from time to time by the City Commission. (7) To review zoning of newly lands intensity of use or a conflict with the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to requirements State law and City ordinance. § 3_3 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A. Establishment and Composition There is hereby established a Board of Adjustment which shall consist of five (5) members and two (2) alternates appointed by the City Commission.However, no more than one member and one alternate andf the Boardtofent may Ad'ustment.cuAlsotly serve on no member or Planning and Zoning Commissionof Ocoee and all alternate of the Board �adv Adjustment tthe City ofll be an Ocoee. employee of the City members shall B. Terms of Office, Removal and Vacancies Members of the Board of Adjustment shall serve for overlapping terms of three (3) years. Not more than a minority of the terms of such members shall expire in any one year. Members and alternates of the Board odUAdjustment he unexpaled terms of officel serve at the of any member sure of the City Commission. Any vacancy occurring or alternate shall be filled by the City Commission for the remainder of the term. Such vacancy shall be filled within thirty (30) days after the vacancy occurs. C. Officers, Rules and Procedures (1) The Board of Adjustment shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman yearly from among its members. The City shall provide a deputy clerk, who may be an employee of the City. (2) Members of the Board of Adjustment shall be appointed for three (3) year terms, with eligibility for reappointment. The Board of Adjustment shall adopt rules for transaction of its business, and shall keep a record of its resolutions,transactions, findings and determinations,which record shall be a public record. Meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the chairman and at such times as the Board may determine. The c i� or in his absence h vice oaths meetings shall be open to the oathshsand compel the attendance of witnesses. All public. Paye / 0ICS Adopted July 21, 1992 18055 ARTICLE III D. Hearings, Appeals and Notices Appeals to the Board of Adjustment may be made by any person aggrieved or by any officer or bureau of the governing body of the City of Ocoee affected by any decision of the Building and Zoning Official in connection with the enforcement of this Code or by anyone seeking a variance. Appeals shall be submitted to the Director of Planning. E. Duties and Responsibilities The Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers and duties: (1) Administrative Appeals. To hear and recommend administrative appeals when it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an official of the City in the enforcement of this Code. (2) Variances. To hear and give recommendations on requests for variances from the terms of this Code as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance will result in unnecessary and undue hardship. (3) All recommendations of appeals and variance requests are brought to the Ocoee City Commission for final decisions. In order to grant any variance from the terms of the Code, the City Commission must find: (a) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; (b) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; (c) That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; (d) That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this ordinance, and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; (e) That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; (f) That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this ordinance, and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. In recommending any variance,the Board of Adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this Code. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of this Code and punishable as provided herein. Under no circumstances shall the Board of Adjustment recommend a variance to allow a use not permissible under the terms of this Code in the district involved, or lbscife ,z Adopted 21, 1992 18056 P July eYd ARTICLE 111 any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of this Code in said district. § 3-4 CITY STAFF A. City Manager The City Manager shall have ultimate responsibility for the administration and enforcement of this Code. Nothing in this Code shall be interpreted as preventing the City Manager and/or the City Commission from reassigning duties and responsibilities or from combining, eliminating, or creating positions relative to the duties identified in this section. B. Director of Planning The Director of Planning powers and duties: (1) To administer the Comprehensive Plan, including any amendments or updates thereto. (2) To administer and enforce the provisions of this Code applicable to the processing of proposed subdivisions. (3) To receive and review applications for annexations, zoning/rezonings, or Comprehensive s tolan amendments,condional use pemits,special the Board of Adjustmentt and otherrdevel development approvals.plansans,, appeals (4) To perform other duties as assigned by the City Manager. (5) To attend meetings of the City Commission,the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustment when specifically requested to be present pertaining to matters relative to this Code. (6) To maintain records related to the administration and enforcement of this Code. (7) To make inspections and to determine whether any violations of this Code have been committed or exist and to enforce the Code. C. Building and Zoning Official The Building and Zoning Official of the City of Ocoee shall administer and enforce this Code and shall have the following powers and duties: (1) To attend meetings of the City Commission,the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustment when specifically requested to be present pertaining to matters relative to this Code; (2) To maintain records related to the administration and enforcement of this Code; (3) To make inspections and to determine whether any violations of this Code have been committed or exist and to enforce the Code; and (4) To perform other duties as assigned by the City Manager. Pay? /CS- Adopted July 21, 1992 18057 E072/7-44 ARTICLE IV (3) The proposed uses and structures would not violate the health, safety, welfare, and/or convenience of those residing, working or owning land in the vicinity of the proposed use or structure, specifically with respect to: (a) The use or structure would not exceed the applicable density or bulk regulations except as specifically authorized, nor shall the use or structure result in overcrowding of land or buildings; (b) The use or structure would not impair pedestrian or vehicular movement in adjoining streets so as to violate adopted level of service standards; (c) The use or structure would not create a fire hazard; (d) The use or structure would not result in noise, odor, glare, vibration, or other similar characteristic which is detectable at the property line and which exceeds the level which will result from permitted uses; (e) The use or structure would not prevent an adjoining landowner from the legal use of his property pursuant to this Code; (f) The use or structure would not violate a requirement of limitation of any applicable state or federal law or regulation, and; (g) The use or structure would not result in the inadequacy or inability of any public facility or service to meet adopted standards. § 4-9 VARIANCES The Board of Adjustment may recommend and the City Commission may grant a variance from the terms of these regulations when such variance will not be contrary to the public interest and where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of these regulations would result in unnecessary hardship. Such variance shall not be granted if it has the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of these regulations. Furthermore, such variance shall not be granted by the City unless and until: A. Application A written application for a variance is submitted with the application fee demonstrating: (1) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures, or required subdivision improvements involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements; (2) That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions; (3) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; (4) That the granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant anv special privilege that is denied by these regulations to other lands, structures, required subdivision improvements under similar conditions. No pre-existin_ conditions of neighboring lands which are contrary to these regulations shall be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance. • o 7cS Adopted July 21, 1992 18093 �/ /J/T# g ARTICLE IV B. Findings The Board of Adjustment shall make findings that the requirements of this section have been met: (1) A public hearing on the proposed variance shall be held. The public hearing may be held prior to or simultaneously with the public hearing for approval of the Preliminary Plan. Both the Board of Adjustment and City Commission public hearings must be advertised in a newspaper at least seven (7) days before each hearing. All property owners within 300 feet of the subject property must also be notified by mail at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing date. This notice may include information on both the Board of Adjustment and City Commission hearings if the item goes before both Commissions. If the hearing information for the City Commission meeting is not available at the time the notices must be sent for the Board of Adjustment meeting, a second notice to property owners must be mailed seven (7) days before the City Commission hearing detailing the meeting time, place, and other particulars. • (2) The Board of Adjustment shall further make a finding that the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance which would make possible the reasonable use of the land, buildings, or other improvements. (3) The Board of Adjustment shall make further finding that the granting of the variance would be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of these regulations, will not be injurious to the surrounding territory, or otherwise be detrimental to the public welfare. C. Board of Adjustment and City Commission Action In recommending any variance, the Board of Adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with these regulations and the City Commission may approve such conditions. Violation of such conditions and safeguards when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of these regulations and Chapter 65-2015, Laws of Florida. § 4-10 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS A. Intent and Purposes Development Agreements are agreements which may be entered into by a landowner and/or his or her agent and the City Commission consistent with the provisions of Sections 163.3220 through 163.3243, Florida Statutes, for one or more of the following purposes: (1) To provide for a longer time period for performance under this Code. (2) To guarantee that the regulations existing at the time of execution of the development agreement shall govern the development for the duration of the agreement, except as specifically restricted herein. (3) To provide for phasing of developments and associated required improvements, including phasing of improvements required to maintain level of service standards for public facilities. loafe Adopted July 21, 1992 18094