HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (H) Discussion/Action re: First Amendment to Work Order No. 10 with PEC in the Amount of $71,497.54 for Stormwater Capital Improvement Program TAtPgenda3--02-99 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" XIIKSSIONER S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT O� Ocoee ' COMMISSIONERS .'o CITY OF OCOEE DAN YANDERS N L SCOT 111 :63 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS p OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 NANCY J.PARKER (407)656-2322 A• CITY MANAGER 414 Op 000V ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: February 25, 1999 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Stormwater Capital Improvement Program Attached for your review and action is an amendment to Work Order# 10 to PEC for stormwater design services for the Group 2 projects. On May 7, 1996,the City Commission authorized Work Order No. 10, which included the Phase 1, Group 2 stormwater improvement projects. The total fee for the seven Group 2 was $78,940.00, and it was anticipated that 1,175 man-hours would be required for the design and permitting of these projects. As we began design of these projects, we encountered several difficulties. We had several meetings with the St. John's River Water Management District, and they informed us that many of the projects we thought would be exempt from permitting would in fact require a full SJRWMD permit. We also discovered that some of the FDEP rules regarding permits for like-kind replacement of water lines had changed. In several areas,we had designed a water line replacement to allow installation of stormwater facilities. We were now required to obtain FDEP permits that were not anticipated in the original fee or man-hour estimates. Both the work with SJRWMD and that with FDEP turned out to be quite extensive. We also found that the work required to obtain FDOT approval of the projects on Bluford Avenue and Franklin Street was much greater than anticipated, due to FDOT's desire to enter into a Joint Participation Agreement with the City to help fund those projects. PEC expended nearly twice the anticipated number of man-hours on these projects, due primarily to greater than anticipated permitting and design detail required by DOT, DEP and SJRWMD. (V/r Due to this extra effort,they are $10,591.68 over budget, and are asking for this amount to be added to their original authorization. In addition to the work described above, we will need PEC to provide a much greater level of construction administration support than had been originally anticipated. This is due to the need for greater than anticipated plan and shop drawing review effort, for continued coordination with SJRWMD and FDOT as construction progresses, for certifications to the various agencies that construction has occurred in accordance with the approved permit conditions, and for preparation and submission to the various agencies of As-Built record drawings. We had not planned for this level of construction administration involvement by PEC, since neither they nor we anticipated the level of permit compliance we are now faced with. The proposed increase in fee for six of the Group 2 projects for this extra work is $24,929, or an average of$4,155 per project. The last component of this is the expansion of the scope of the Franklin/Taylor intersection improvements. As we began design of this project, we realized that the conditions upon which the original estimates were based had been changed by the construction of the Christian Service Center. We also added to the project, drainage improvements along Franklin Street between the railroad tracks and Taylor Street. This addition was made in response to complaints of localized flooding from area residents. These changes to the scope of this project necessitated a much higher level of permitting effort with SJRWMD and FDOT. The proposed increase in fee for this project is much higher than the others, at$28,425, but it has been increased in complexity much more than any of the others. All of the above is summarized in terms of dollars, as follows: Additional work to produce design and permitting services $10,596.81. Additional construction administration, certification and record drawing preparation and submittal - $59,854.00 Additional direct costs (surveying, copying, courier, etc.) - $1,046.73 Total requested additional compensation- $71,497.54 This amount will compensate PEC for the unanticipated additional work they have already performed, and will also provide the funds necessary to compensate them for the work that remains to be done in order to finalize the Group 2 projects. I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the attached First Amendment to Work Order No. 10 in the amount of$71,497.54. PEc PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. January 14, 1999 0E-262 1-1.0 Mr. David A. Wheeler, P.E. Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Re: Phase I Capital Improvement Program - Group 2 Projects Additional Services Authorization Dear David: Please find enclosed, for your review and approval, the following documents: • Two (2) signed copies of the First Amendment to Work Order No. 10; and • One (1) original, and one (1) copy, of the proposal for additional compensation dated January 14, 1999. Per our telephone conversation, I have revised the additional services authorization to include credit for unused fees associated with the Group 4 projects (Sawmill Southwest Pond Outfall and Forest Oaks Outfall System) and the costs to complete the following Group 2 Tasks: • Provide miscellaneous construction administration services for Project Nos. 3a (Flewelling Drive/Russell Drive), 31 (Flewelling Drive/Ocoee Hills Road), 17 (Ocoee Hills Road/Pinewood Lane), and 29 (Doreen Avenue/Lady Avenue); • Finalize the Construction Plans and Part "B" Manual, and provide miscellaneous construction administration services for Project No. 16a (Pioneer Key I); • Finalize the Construction Plans and Part "B" Manual, secure approval from FDOT and provide miscellaneous construction administration services for Project No. 18 (Bluford Avenue/Orlando Avenue); and • Prepare Construction Plans, final cost estimate, prepare Part "B" Manual, submit and obtain approval from the SJRWMD and FDOT, and provide miscellaneous construction administration services for Project No. 25 (FranklinStreet /Taylor Street area). Mr. David A. Wheeler, P.E. January 14, 1999 Page 2 Thank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 422-8062, extension 194. Very truly yours, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. APP Davis . Hamstra, P.E. Principal/Stormwater Department Manager DWH/bk.005p enclosures cc: Jim Shira, City of Ocoee (w/enclosures) Ken Hooper, PEC (w/enclosures) Greg Teague, PEC (w/enclosures) FIRST AMENDMENT TO WORK ORDER NO. 10 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES PHASE 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM GROUP 2 PROJECTS This First Amendment to Work Order No. 10 hereinafter called the First Amendment, as of this 19th day of January, 1999, shall constitute an Addendum to the Agreement for Consulting Engineering Services between the City of Ocoee, Florida (the CITY) and Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Lake Eola Centre, Orlando, Florida (the CONSULTANT), dated the 7th day of May, 1996, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the CITY and CONSULTANT entered into an AGREEMENT whereby the CITY retained the CONSULTANT to provide professional engineering services as required from time to time, and WHEREAS the CONSULTANT will perform consulting engineering services for the CITY as herein defined. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set forth on the part of both parties to be kept and performed, the parties do mutually agree as follows: Section 1 - Services of the Consultant 1.1 The CONSULTANT has performed the Design, Permitting Services, and Construction Administration Services as outlined in the attached request for additional authorization, dated January 14, 1999, relative to the provision of consulting services for the Phase 1 Capital Improvement Program - Group 2 Projects. Section 2 - Compensation 2.1 Compensation by CITY for the Design and Permitting Services of the Phase 1 Capital Improvement Program - Group 2 Projects are provided under this G:\cler\ld\oc-262\wo-10 -1- Amendment and shall be computed under Paragraph of the Agreement, utilizing the Payroll Cost Times a Factor Method of Compensation. The request for additional authorization shall not exceed SEVENTY-ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($71,500.00) as outlined in the attached request. This will complete our assignment concerning the Group 2 Projects. Section 3 - Time of Completion 3.1 The CONSULTANT will complete the remaining design and permitting services as outlined in the attached request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this First Amendment to Work Order No. 10 the day the year hereinabove set forth. ATTEST: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULT• ► TS, INC. , , B , enneth R. Hooper, Pr' cippal Date:,/94--=7/9n--=7 /r ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Graffton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA COMMISSION AT A MEETING APPROVED AS TO FORM AND HELD ON JANUARY 19, 1999 LEGALITY this 19th day of UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. January, 1999. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney G:\cler\Id\oc-262\wo-10 -2- PEC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. January 14, 1999 OE-262 1-1.0 Mr.David A. Wheeler,P.E. Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,Florida 34761 RE: Proposal for Additional Services Authorization(Addendum No.!) Capital Improvement Program(CIP) Phase 1-Group 2 Projects Dear David: This letter,and attachments thereto,represents PEC's request for additional services authorization(ASA), which is respectfully submitted due to the additional amount of time involved with Phase 1 -Group 2 of the City's Capital Improvement Program(CIP). The following tabulation will serve to summarize the CIP numbers which correspond to the Group 2 projects discussed within the remainder of this letter. GROUP 2 PROJECTS Project No. Project Name Project Status 3A Flewelling Drive/Russell Drive Intersection Under Construction 3B Flewelling Drive Sedimentation Baffle Box Under Construction 16A Pioneer Key I Mobile Home Park Plans and Specifications / Z 7 90%Complete 17 Ocoee Hills Road/Pinewood Lane Intersection Under Construction 9 7 18 Bluford Avenue/Orlando Avenue Intersection Plans and Specifications 90%Complete 23 Sullivan Ditch(Silver Star Road) Construction Complete g ^`' 25 Franklin Street/Taylor Street Area Plans 30%Complete ' ei2 29 Doreen Avenue/Lady Avenue Intersection Under Construction 6`7 Currently,only one(1)of the above projects has been constructed,that being Project No.23. However, Project Nos.3A,3B, 17,and 29 are currently under construction and Project Nos. 16A and 18 will go out to bid in the immediate future The remaining portions of this letter are intended to both identify,and document,the issues surrounding the additional amount of time which has been expended to date,which exceeds the budgeted fees for Phase 1 -Group 2 of the City's CIP and remaining time to complete the Group 2 projects. engineers planners surveyors 200 East Robinson Street • Suite 1560 • Orlando, Florida 32801 • 407/422-8062 • FAX 407/849-9401 Addendum No. 1 January 14, 1999 Page 2 1.1 Budgeted Fees Based on the Scope of Services that was approved by City Commission, 1,175 manhours were estimated in preparation of the construction plans for all of the Group 2 projects. The actual time and effort expended to date in an effort to address the tasks completed to date has exceeded the anticipated/budgeted hours(approximately 2,124 manhours as of week ending January 2, 1999). Therefore,Table A-1 is intended to list the extra costs incurred,assuming this letter and attachments thereto provide sufficient documentation,to justify the need for additional compensation for the extended services not embodied within the original Scope. 1.2 Description of Overages To briefly summarize,the following is provided to outline the primary areas of our effort which were not embodied within the budgeted fees. ► extensive coordination with the St.Johns River Water Management District(SJRWMD)in the form of permit exemption requests,field reviews and permit application submittals: - Group 2 projects permit exemption request. - Project Nos.3, 17,23 and 29 follow-up permit exemption requests and meetings. - Project Nos.3, 17 and 29 field reviews and permit application with the SJRWMD. ► additional engineering required to facilitate design changes resulting from SJRWMD permit implications and City scope changes: - Inclusion of a sedimentation baffle box for Project Nos.3, 17 and 29. - Re-location of existing water mains for Project Nos.3A and 17. - Inclusion of an underground exfiltration treatment system for Project No.23. - Inclusion of two(2)additional City projects within the BID documents for Project No.23. - Inclusion of underground exfiltration treatment systems for Project Nos.3A, 17 and 29. - Partial replacement of sewer mainline for Project No. 16. ► extensive coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation(FDOT)in the form of field reviews, financial funding applications,and permit pre-application meetings: - Project No. 18 field reviews with FDOT(three total). - Project No.25 field reviews with FDOT(two total). - Project Nos. 18 and 25 funding request submittal to FDOT. - Project No. 18 coordination with FDOT relative to proposed roadway open-cut(i.e.,permitting and variance request procedures). ► extensive time associated with preparation of BID documents: - Current construction plans consist of:Cover Sheet and Index of Drawings;Location and Vicinity Maps;General Notes;Site Plan and Profile Sheets;and Detail Sheets. - Project Manual consisting of: Division-0-(bidding and contract documents);and Division-2- (general civil additional technical specifications). - Quantity takeoffs and Engineer's Estimate for each bid package. Addendum No. 1 January 14, 1999 Page 3 1.3 Remaining Tasks In addition to the costs expended on the permitting and design process,we would respectfully request additional services authorization to perform the following: Project No.3a(Flewelling Drive/Russell Drive) Project No.3b(Flewelling Drive/Ocoee Hills Road) Project No. 17(Ocoee Hills Road/Pinewood Lane) Project No.29(Doreen Avenue/Lady Avenue) a. Construction Administration Services b. Prepare As-Built Construction Drawings c. Prepare and Submit SJRWMD Certification Project No. 16a(Pioneer Key 11 a. Finalize Plans and Part"B"Manual b. Coordinate with City regarding Easements c. Construction Administration Services d. Prepare As-Built Construction Drawings Project No. 18(Bluford Avenue/Orlando Avenue) a. Finalize Plans and Part"B"Manual b. Secure Approval from FDOT c. Construction Administration Services d. Prepare As-Built Construction Drawings Project No.25(Franklin Street/Taylor Street Areal a. On-Site Pre-Application Meeting b. Conduct Status Meeting with Ocoee c. Coordinate with Southeastern Surveying d. Prepare 90%Plans and Cost Estimate e. Conduct Status Meeting with Ocoee f. Finalize Plans and Part"B"Manual g. Coordinate with City regarding Easements h. Prepare and Submit ERP Application i. Secure Approval from FDOT j. Construction Administration Services k. Prepare As-Built Construction Drawings 1. Prepare and Submit SJRWMD Certification Addendum No. 1 January 14, 1999 Page 4 1.4 Compensation for Overages The total compensation,for Addendum No. 1 includes the costs expended to date and fees to complete the remaining tasks,which is$71,500.00. The following provides a total compensation tabulation, including the fees previously authorized by the City and the fees proposed as part of this Addendum. Description Fees Original Contract(Phase 1 -Group 2 Projects) $78,940.00 Addendum No. 1 (Proposed) $71,500.00 Total $ 150,440.00 1.5 Closing and Approval Hopefully, the information provided within this letter, and attachments thereto, provides you sufficient documentation to support the additional compensation we are hereby requesting as part of this Addendum. If you have any questions regarding the content of this letter,or attachments thereto,please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 422-8062,extension 194,or Greg Teague at extension 193. Very truly yours, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CO TANTS,INC. David W. . . Principal/Stormwater Department Manager G:\CLERUA\OE-262\007P.LTR cc: Jim Shira,City of Ocoee(w/enclosures) Ken Hooper,PEC(w/enclosures) Greg Teague,PEC(w/enclosures) ATTACHMENT "A" Table A-1 Budgeted Versus Expended Manhours and Fees Table A-2 Addendum No. 1 Cost Breakdown Table A-3 Fee Estimate for the Remaining Tasks .,.:-....:.• N �� : o0 0 00 O O N O. O: M k.0 (� Vl I M 00 N CO O\ O r'. N 'V' O� ^'.Y M h "" T of O ~ N ' f�A 69 .k. W A OO N• Q < N 00 7 ' O pN• 1A A zpy O o 12:13 o o00 ° No o en 41 69 W 6.4 cn P4 W o PO o r:7,' W U O 0• N O N ~ 0 Is A O S Q • N H o0 64 v W o O 3 o O 0 h N v1 N rI O N l� O ; c4 N ^^ N co 4rip M o 6�9 69 69 U IC O 0 1,��., O M M • ���jjjj U Op •O N s• N s: (�7„� g G OD � WW III G "Oaio • � o c 00 VO� O 00 M 'ON 64 VD (13 oN o 1/4o N M Aw en w . -,d to co O 69 69 69 • 0mC .0 00 0 0 vpi -. 01 vi ,-, b W p F M 0 06 M i. M g W N r en v' M ® 69 0 69 N `v n, b 9 c V �, I .'n. - 6 CI a8i 10 0 0• 4. ,• o v C " v Tie O 0 cV W O� O 7 •.. N v s 6,9 8 °o c ~ ' 69 S 0 N O 0 N d a k ad '" G, C 0 C C p M P 0 M en 'ng g N •v p O crN0 O N 7 o si O o N W 00 M• 0 N yy S. O to, Z 69C d9 u N ✓ r 1/40 0 x 0 G .--i v i ~ a ...... lit N 3 N E •• v. .8 i ! I1 1 a o t , a :4. wc . E. z -D TABLE A-2 ADDENDUM NO. 1 COST BREAKDOWN Expended Fees(See Table A-1) $10,596.81 Completion of Remaining Tasks(See Table A-3) $59,854.00 SUBTOTAL COSTS $70,450.81 OTHER DIRECT COSTS Expended ODC $2,546.23 BUDGETED ODC'S ($1,500.00) SUBTOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS $1,046.73 TOTAL CHARGES THROUGH JANUARY 2. 1999 $71.497.54 SAY $71.500.00 Page"A-2" ........................ so CD M00 M p M N co N p p p 00 DD d' p h N et N 00 ¢is VI ^' 00 44 ^' .is u?::i : 00 O g,.-.?.. 49 a' f91 1i:ili<i7 cefilig::.ig.... 'r p N N h N-. Csl 9 CO �_ N oo b 1t iA G9 on 44 :ii 8n co FL iis ai ;g ` w� 200 ice»:;::; .y Y .N.1 O� .N., �O O0 p� 00 7O M �D 7 00 -1- al �rj r. hI Itt�h <-..S.Si:i:.: . , vl h h of NN et �O a} py ) Q a o a u 0 a o 00 u o0 1" CO V] G C C ti y A 6 i • A M a El rig {M E i 0 •o 0 e CO .v a ..1 a ' ! 9 z o 0° , W z A. o °? 04'1 z o c9 W ( 4444 uji d a H H a ! 1ll H t-1 a F F ..... 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