HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (F) Selection Process for Hiring City Manager AGENDA 7-16-96 Ocoee City of Ocoee Item VI F P.M AsS c 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Jean Grafton �s ��� Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 City Clerk ff*of Goo` (407) 656-2322 FAX (407) 656-5725 MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: Jean Grafton, City Clerk Date: July 10, 1996 Re: Selection Process for Hiring City Manager Several weeks ago Personnel Director Psaledakis distributed a substantial amount of information to you regarding the process for hiring a City Manager. Please bring that information with you for this agenda item. "PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" HIRING OF CITY MANAGER OUTLINE FORWARDED TO ELECTED OFFICIALS APRIL 8, 1996 PEGGY PSALEDAKIS PERSONNEL DIRECTOR A, Ocoee c• o Ja (6_ 7 0 f�of coon `�� PEGGY PSALEDAKIS,DIRECTOR PERSONNEL/EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE•OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 (407)656-2322•FAX(407)656-8504 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION FR: PEGGY PSALEDAKIS, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR DA: APRIL 8, 1996 SU: HIRING OF CITY MANAGER OUTLINE The outline you have requested is enclosed. I have attached a copy of the powers and duties of the City Manger which is defined under the City Code . We do not have an official job description. It is not unusual to not have a job description for the position of City Manager as those duties are usually defined within a municipal code for most municipalities . I have attached an excerpt from our annual wage and classification study identifying salary levels for the position of City Manager received from surrounding areas . The salary survey will not be completed nor submitted to you until July. In determining the salary level for the City Manager it is important to understand that the next highest paid employee in the City of Ocoee is the City Engineer/Utilities Director. This individual receives an annual salary of $74 , 743 . 00 plus a benefit package of $12, 611 . 00 . All information contained in this outline is simply that an outline subject to your review and changes you wish to make . The process is the same process used by this City for the hiring of Department Directors . Most recently the Police Chief . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE § C-22 OCOEE CODE § C-24 by any court or agency. A nonrenewal of the City Manager's employ- ment agreement with the city shall not constitute a removal hereunder requiring compliance with the provisions of this section in order to terminate employment. § C-23. Acting City Manager. A. There shall be an Acting City Manager who shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of City Manager during the temporary absence. disability or suspension of the City Manager. The City Manager shall designate, by letter filed with the City Clerk, a qualified city administrative officer to serve as Acting City Manager, subject to approval of the City Commission. In the event that the City Manager fails to designate someone as Acting City Manager as required hereunder, the City Commission may then appoint a qualified Acting City Manager. B. The Acting City Manager shall serve at the pleasure of the City - Commission and may be removed by the City Commission at any time, with or without cause. The removal of the Acting City Manager shall not affect, in any manner, any other positions such person may hold with the city. The removal provisions of § C-22 of this Article shall not apply to an Acting City Manager. C. The Acting City Manager shall serve as City Manager until such time as the City Manager resumes the position of City Manager, a new City Manager is appointed by the City Commission pursuant to § C-21 of this Article or the Acting City Manager is removed and a new Acting City Manager is appointed by the City Commission. § C-24. Powers and duties of City Manager. The City Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the city and shall be responsible for the administration of all city affairs for which the City Manager is given responsibility under this Charter. The powers and duties of the City Manager shall include, but not be limited to. the following: C24 § C-24 CHARTER § C-24 A. To appoint and. when deemed necessary for the good of the city, to suspend or remove any city employees or appointive administrative officers unless otherwise provided under this Charter, the laws of Florida or any personnel rules and regulations adopted by the city. The City Manager may authorize any administrative officer who is subject to the City Manager's direction and supervision to exercise these powers with respect to subordinates in such officer's department, office or agency. B. To direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the city. except as otherwise provided under this Charter or the laws of Florida. C. To attend all City Commission meetings and take part in any discussion at such meetings. This shall not be construed to include the right to vote at such meetings. D. To ensure. to the extent possible, that all provisions of this Charter and all laws and acts of the City Commission that are subject to enforcement by the City Manager or by officers subject to the direction and supervision of the City Manager are faithfully executed. E. To prepare and submit to the City Commission the annual budget and capital program for the city. F. To prepare and submit to the City Commission a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the city as of the end of each fiscal year. Such report shall also be made available to the public. G. To prepare and submit to the City Commission such other reports as the City Commission may require concerning the operation of city departments, offices and agencies subject to the direction and supervision of the City Manager. H. To prepare and submit to the City Commission on a quarterly basis a complete report on the financial conditions and future needs of the city and to make recommendations relating thereto. I. To perform such other duties as may be required under this Charter or as may be required by the City Commission. J. To recommend to the City Commission the salary and wage scale of officers and employees of the city. C25 CITY MANAGER'S SALARY & BENEFITS SURVEY CITY OF OCOEE - $82,217 Use of car, ICMA Retirement Plan - 11% of salary with max. cap $7, 500/yr. , life insurance & all other benefits provided any regular City employee. (Contributes the same as all employees) . ORANGE COUNTY - $128, 107 Same benefits as County employees . (Contributes to costs - depends on plan selected) . OSCEOLA COUNTY - $60, 000 - $80, 000 This is a contracted position. They receive all benefits employees receive - anything over & beyond is negotiated. (Contributes the same as all employees) . SEMINOLE COUNTY - $117, 832 Car, health, retirement, holidays, sick leave, annual leave . (Does not contribute to costs) . CITY OF OVIEDO - $87, 552 Section 125 benefits, car allowance, retirement plan - 10% of salary. (Does not contribute to costs) . CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS - $95, 271 Car allowance, deferred compensation & all other benefits provided to City employees . (Does not contribute to costs) . CITY OF CLERMONT - $66,726 Use of vehicle & all other benefits provided to City employees . (Does not contribute to costs) . CITY OF EUSITS - $70, 000 Health insurance, life insurance, Florida Retirement System, vacation & sick leave, car allowance - $3 , 000/yr. ; All benefits provided to regular City employees . (Does not contribute, except for dependent health insurance, as everyone else) . TOWN OF WINDERMERE - $32, 100 10% annual bonus, health insurance (employee & family) , long-term disability, 3 weeks vacation, car, beeper. (Does not contribute to costs) . CITY OF WINTER PARK - $82,468 Life insurance, car allowance, 401 (A) - 7%/pay, 457 - 3 .4%/pay, 457 - 3% matching, group life, health insurance (same as all employees) . (Contributes - 401 (A) - 3%, 457 - at least 3% for the matching, health insurance $90 . 03 bi-weekly) . CITY OF ST. CLOUD - $73,426 Deferred compensation - 10% of salary, use of car, & all other benefits provided any regular employee. (Contributes 50% of dependent coverages) . CITY OF MT. DORA - $62,500 City vehicle & all other benefits provided to City employees, ie health, life insurance, pension. (Does not contribute to costs) . CITY OF SANFORD - $76,755 Disability insurance, life insurance, car allowance, mobile phone, 3 weeks vacation, Florida Retirement System (under Senior Mgmt . ) , personal days, sick leave. (Does not contribute to costs) . CITY OF MAITLAND - $70, 000 Retirement system (under Mgmt . ) , automobile mileage reimbursement, & all other benefits provided to City employees . (Contributes the same as all employees) . CITY OF CASSELBERRY - $69,488 Retirement, car, administrative leave - 48 hours, vacation - 12 days, disability insurance, sick leave - 72 hours, all benefits as afforded the managerial/confidential group. (Does not contribute to costs) . CITY OF KISSIMMEE - $85, 004 Deferred compensation - 13 . 72% of salary, disability insurance, car allowance & all other benefits provided to City employees . (Contributes to dependent coverage, same as all employees) . Cr INDEX ADVERTISEMENTS #1 #2 #3 Professional Journals Newspapers Journals full names LETTERS Letter #1 Receipt of resume Letter #2 Rejection ' Letter #3 First narrowing of field �r Letter #4 Rejection Letter #5 Top 3 candidates Letter #6 Final rejection Letter #7 Community invitation STEERING COMMITTEE QUESTIONNAIRE CONSULTANTS WAIVER BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS ADVERTISEMENTS The sample advertisements attached to this section are suggestions for your consideration. Samples shown as #1 and #2 are suggested for placement in professional journals . The sample shown as #3 is suggested for placement in newspapers . This would be used if you were not concentrating your search for public sector individuals . Following sample #3 is a list of professional journals suggested for advertising. Next is a list of suggested newspapers for advertising placement if you reach out beyond the public sector. I have listed the official names of those journals listed. C SAMPLE ADVERTISEMENT #1 Ciw PLACE IN PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS CITY OF OCOEE-CITY MANAGER-The city, a high growth community with a population of 19, 000 and over 200 employees is seeking an exceptional leader. One of the more dynamic growth communities comprising the Central Florida, Orlando area. The city has long had an outstanding reputation for quality municipal service . The city is a full-service community; 14 .4 square miles providing fire, police, water treatment, sewage collection & treatment, solid waste collection, & recreation services . The City has a current budget of over $16 million. The city is seeking a Manager with superior technical skills, outstanding communications ability, progressive leadership to meet the challenge of development and demographic changes, strong financial management skills and the ability to be open and visible in the community. Require bachelor' s degree in public administration/related field, 10 years progressively responsible assistant manager/city manager experience . Prefer MPA/MBA degree. Resume & Salary history to Personnel Director, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive . , 34761, by / / . Resume/application materials subject to public records law. Salary negotiable + benefits . EOE SAMPLE ADVERTISEMENT #2 PLACE IN PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS OCOEE, FL (19, 000) City Manager. Salary negotiable + benefits . Mayor & 4-member nonpartisan elected commission. $16M budget; approximately 200 employees; 14 .4-square miles; full-service city providing police, fire, water treatment, sewage collection & treatment, solid waste collection, & recreation services . Rapidly growing, high quality of life, family oriented city located in Central Florida adjacent to Orlando and Disney World. High growth community experience; a creative leader w/strong financial management skills; interpersonal and team management skills; ability to interact in an open, positive, participatory manner; ability to be open and visible in the community. Require bachelor' s degree in public administration/related field; 10 years progressively responsible assistant city manager/city manager experience. Prefer MPA/MBA/related degree . Resume & salary history to Personnel Director, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. , 34761, by / / Resume/application materials subject to public records law. EOE SAMPLE ADVERTISEMENT #3 PLACE IN NEWSPAPERS City Manager - Ocoee, Florida located in the Central Florida, Orlando area. Seeking a Manager with 10 years progressively responsible experience. $16 million budget, 200 employees, full service community. Prefer MPA/MBA. Salary negotiable + benefits . Send resume to Personnel Director, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, City of Ocoee, Fl . 34761 . Resume subject to public records law. EOE PLACEMENT: PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS FCCMA 904 222 9684 START DATE: 904 822 3806 fax CLOSE DATE: ICMA J.O.B. BULLETIN 202 962 3650 START DATE: 202 962 3500 fax CLOSE DATE: PUBLIC SECTOR JOB BULLETIN 515 791 9019 START DATE: 515 791 1005 fax CLOSE DATE: PA TIMES 202 393 7878 START DATE: 202 638 4952 fax CLOSE DATE: I CMA NEWSLETTER 202 962 3650 START DATE: 202 962 3500 fax CLOSE DATE: IPMA NEWS 703 549 7100 START DATE: 703 684 0948 fax CLOSE DATE: QUALITY CITIES MAGAZINE 904 488 5331 START DATE: 904 222 3806 fax CLOSE DATE: DATAGRAM 904 488 5331 START DATE: 904 222 3806 fax CLOSE DATE: FLORIDA ENGINEERING SOCIETY 904 224 7121 START DATE: 904 222 4349 fax CLOSE DATE: G F 0 A NEWSLETTER 312 977 9700 START DATE: 312 977 4806 fax CLOSE DATE: F G F O A NEWSLETTER 904 222 9684 START DATE: 904 222 3806 fax CLOSE DATE: AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOC. FL. 904 222 0808 START DATE: 904 222 3741 fax CLOSE DATE: AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOC. NAT'L 312 431 9100 START DATE: 312 431 9984 fax CLOSE DATE: FLORIDA lbw NEWSPAPERS MIAMI HERALD 1 800 678 2527 ORLANDO SENTINEL 420 6033 ST. PETERSBURG TIMES 1 800 333 7505 JACKSONVILLE TIMES UNION 1 904 359 4111 (169 TAMPA TRIBUNE 1 800 774 4615 OUT OF TOWN NEWSPAPERS BOSTON GLOBE 1 617 929 1500 NEW YORK TIMES 1 212 556 1234 WASHINGTON POST 1 202 334 6200 DALLAS MORNING NEWS 1 214 745 8123 L. A. TIMES 1 213 237 5000 ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 1 404 522 4141 FULL NAMES PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS FCCMA - FLORIDA CITY & COUNTY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION ICMA - INTERNATIONAL CITY/COUNTY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION PA TIMES - AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IPMA - INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION G F 0 A - GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION F G F O A - FLORIDA GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION LETTERS The purpose of the letters are as follows : Letter #1 Letter to be sent by personnel upon receipt of resume after logging, which acknowledges receipt . Letter #2 This is an out of hand rejection letter. After the personnel department has been notified by the elected officials that the particular resume does not meet the criteria this rejection letter would be sent . Letter #3 This letter would be sent out once the field narrows to about 15 or 20 candidates . The questionnaire would be requested for completion by the candidates . The questionnaire is listed in this outline . Letter #4 This is a rejection letter to be sent after the questionnaires have been reviewed by the elected officials and the field narrows down to 3 top candidates . Letter #5 This letter would be sent to the top 3 candidates . Candidates would be invited to attend a reception of elected officials and members of the community. Letter #6 This letter is the final rejection letter. Letter #7 Invitation letter to selected members of the community to attend the reception. C "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR• COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT OO COMMISSIONERS , i"y CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON a SCOTT ANDERSON vt' O 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS C` �Cz OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 JIM GLEASON yi, A% (407)656-2322 41:. �` CrTY MANAGER Op GOO ELLIS SHAPIRO LETTER #1 Dear Thank you for your interest in the position of City Manager. This office has forwarded your resume to our steering committee, the Mayor and Commissioners . Our closing date has been set for . We anticipate that the process will take at least thirty days to decide the top candidates . We ask for your patience . We will be contacting you by and advise you of your status at that time . Once again, we thank you for considering the City of Ocoee . Sincerely, "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR• COMMISSIONER C S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON SCOTT ANDERSON 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVESCOTT A.GLASS OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258JIM GLEASON (407)656-2322 CITY M ANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO LETTER #2 Dear Cry We have received numerous resumes for the position of City Manager. Our steering committee and elected officials have worked diligently to narrow the field of candidates . Regretfully, your resume was not selected to advance to the next level . We do thank you for considering the City of Ocoee for employment . Sincerely, "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR• COMMISSIONER OCOee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT 6•( rytp:15 COMMISSIONERS �"• CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON • n SCOTT SCOA.D ERSON TT GLASS 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE JIM GLEASONLA OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 40>, � 4.• (407)656-2322 CITY MANAGER E4 OF Gp00 ELLIS SHAPIRO LETTER #3 Dear Thank you for your interest in the position of City Manager. Our Mayor and Commissioners have received many resumes for the position and have been engaged in the difficult process of narrowing the field to a small number for further consideration. In this regard, you have been selected for further consideration. To assist in our efforts, we would request at this time that you submit the names of ten professional references and ten personal references . Also, we ask that you complete the enclosed questionnaire . With respect to references, we will not contact them at this point in our selection process . At a future point such contact may become necessary, however, we would be in touch with you for authorization prior to such contact . Finally, the Mayor and Commissioners ask that you respond to the questionnaire by , 1996 . Due to the shortness of time we ask that you fax your response to us at (407) 656 8504 . Thank you for your continued interest and we look forward to receiving this material . Sincerely, "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR• COMMISSIONER OCOee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT Q 4yy •CO COMMISSIONERS RUSTY JOHNSON �. a CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNS ANDERSON v . � O SCOTT A.GLASS 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE JIM GLEASON V. 1'� OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 ?►I' A` (407)656-2322 E. `\ CTY MANAGER pf GO00 ELLIS SHAPIRO LETTER #4 Dear Thank you for submitting the questionnaire and information we requested. Out of the candidates you did make the top list . The Mayor and Commissioners have been engaged in the difficult process of narrowing the field of candidates to a smaller number for further consideration. Although your resume and response to the questionnaire along with your background is excellent, the Mayor and Commissioners have narrowed the field to those candidates that appear to fulfill the needs of the City. Once again, we thank you for your interest in the City of Ocoee . Sincerely, C "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR• COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT • \`Q COMMISSIONERS �•A CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON _ J 11 D. SCOTT ANDERSON 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS '4,. vOCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 2258JIM GLEASON '�j. (471/2° � (407)656 2322 E'4 �� CITY MANAGER OF G000 ELLIS SHAPIRO LETTER #5 Dear I am pleased to inform you that on behalf of all the elected officials you have been selected as one of our top three ihro candidates . The City of Ocoee has a strong relationship to our community at large and we feel involving the community in our process is important . We have planned a reception to introduce our top three candidates to our community. The reception is scheduled for at the on . Someone will be contacting you very shortly to arrange for your travel arrangements . We look forward to meeting with you. Sincerely, S . Scott Vandergrift Mayor "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR• COMMISSIONER OCOee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT O O COMMISSIONERS !y C1,3 .- CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON SCOTT ANDERSON O 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS � �,. �v OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 JIM GLEASON y>, (407)656-2322 N> CRY MANAGER °F 0009 ELLIS SHAPIRO LETTER #6 Dear The task of selecting a City Manager is one of the most difficult tasks that an elected body must face. 410, Although your qualifications are outstanding and you will be an asset to any municipal government, I must inform you that we have selected a candidate to serve as the City Manager for Ocoee. On behalf of all the elected officials I would like to thank you for your interest in our City and wish you well . Sincerely, S . Scott Vandergrift Mayor "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR• COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT 6/KIlV • 0 COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON •-• J a SCOTT ANDERSON O 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS t:0 �V OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 JIM GLEASON •j.J, ' i% (407)656-2322 de* `> CITY MANAGER Of 0000 ELLISSHAPIRO LETTER #7 Dear and You are aware that we as elected officials have had the difficult task of selecting a new City Manager. The City did advertise nationwide and did receive resumes . We have narrowed the field down to three top candidates . Although, the decision rests with the elected officials alone, we feel it would be beneficial to receive some input from our leaders within the Community. The reception will include those top three candidates and their spouses . On this note, on behalf of all elected officials we would like you to attend a reception on 1996, from p.m. to p.m. The reception will be held at We look forward to seeing you on the . Please call the Personnel Department if you plan to attend. The Personnel Department can be reached at 656 2322 extension 124 . Very sincerely yours, S . Scott Vandergrift Mayor Note : Letter to be signed by the Commissioner naming the invited guests . Cr STEERING COMMITTEE A steering committee can be appointed from members of the community which would be selected by the elected officials . The steering committee would review all resumes and render a recommendation of the top candidates to the elected officials . Personnel shall submit all information received to the steering committee and to the elected officials as information is received. QUESTIONNAIRE Earlier in Letter #3 we mentioned the questionnaire that would be sent to the candidates. The next page is a sample questionnaire . It is always a good idea to establish a standard set of questions to be asked by all candidates . This does not prevent one from asking questions about the resume or background information obtained. L QUESTIONNAIRE Lir CITY MANAGER 1996 1. Explain specific experiences you have had in community relations and your contribution to the public image of your community. 2 . Describe your approach in dealing with elected officials . 3 . Decision making is key to any good management style. What type of decisions have come easy to you? Which ones are more difficult? Give specific examples . 4 . Sometimes individuals have made decisions that they wish they had not made. If given the opportunity they would make those decisions differently. What are your examples of this? 5 . What is your approach to carrying out a policy approved by elected officials but which you had argued against and in tawelected you do not believe? 6 . What specific steps would you take to determine the cause of an employee morale problem? Give an example and explain. 7 . What is your opinion of most demographic data? 8 . What is your approach when dealing with the news media? 9 . Fiscal responsibility rests with the City Manager. Describe your approach to budgeting and money management . How do you prioritize the needs of a City? What have you utilized as bench-marks in determining cash flow direction? 10 . Describe the strengths of your people skills . Enumerate weaknesses . CONSULTANTS An excellent way of conducting a search for the position of City Manager is through a consulting agency. I have listed several consulting firms as indicated on the next page. These firms have very good reputations and have been active for many years . I would recommend that the elected officials consider the hiring of a consultant very seriously. L EMPLOYMENT CONSULTANTS Cr NORMAN ROBERTS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1800 CENTURY PARK EAST - SUITE 430 LOS ANGELES, CA 90067-1507 310 552 1112 THE MERCER GROUP, INC. ONE LAKESIDE COMMONS 990 HAMMOND DRIVE, N. E. SUITE 510 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30328 770 551 0403 THE HARBINGER GROUP 4938 HAMPDEN LANE - SUITE 172 BETHESDA, MD. 20814 202 882 5546 RALPH ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES 3860 W. NORTHWEST HWY. - SUTIE 230 DALLAS, TX 75220 214 956 7097 SLAVIN MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, INC. 3040 HOLCOMB BRIDGE RD. - SUITE B1 NORCROSS, GA 30071-1357 770 449 4656 Co RELEASE OF INFORMATION It is necessary for the top candidates to sign the release for information form shown on the next page. The signed release will assist in releasing the City from any liability in the event a candidate is not selected due to negative information that could be obtained. "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE 01' WEST ORANGE" MAYOR• COMMISSIONER Oáia ee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON SCOTT ANDERSON vO 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT A.GLASS 2.6 (171// OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 JIM CLEASON 'j' •%4% (407)656-2322 � CITY M ANACER °f 0000 ELLIS SHAPIRO AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION PERSONAL INQUIRY WAIVER As an applicant for employment, I hereby authorize the release of any and all information concerning my work record, school record, reputation, financial and credit status, physical and mental records or reports including information of a confidential or privileged nature and photostatic copies of same if requested. I agree that a photostatic copy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original . My signature below serves as a release for any and all liability or damage which may result at any time from compliance with this authorization. DATE SIGNATURE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER [ BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS (hr OUTSIDE AGENCIES AUTO TRACK PLUS & DATA TECHNOLOGIES 100 E. SAMPLE ROAD, SUITE 200 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33084 1 800 279 7710 (criminal, credit, financial, previous addresses, family, medical) FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT CRIMINAL RECORDS INQUIRY SECTION P.O. BOX 1489 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32302 1 904 488 6236 (criminal history) SUMMIT SEARCH SERVICE P.O. DRAWER 988 LAKELAND, FL 33802 1 800 282 7648 (workers compensation history) DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY & MOTOR VEHICLES BUREAU OF DRIVER LICENSE RECORDS NEIL KIRKMAN BUILDING TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 1 904 488 3405 (seven year driving history) Cr BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS ELECTED OFFICIALS Once top candidates are selected the following should occur: 1 . The four outside agencies to be contacted to begin background investigations . 2 . Candidates to submit 10 personal references and 10 professional references . 3 . Personnel to submit the name and phone number of the reporter covering the news of the government agency of the candidates . 4 . Personnel to submit the names and phone numbers of all of the elected officials of the government agency of the candidates . 5 . Personnel to submit the name and phone number of the City Attorney of the government agency of the candidates . 6 . Personnel to submit the names of all key personnel who had worked directly for the candidates . 7 . Elected Officials should consider a trip to the government agency of the candidates .