HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (C) Approval and Authorization to transfer additional $7,510 from Contingency Fund Account No. 001-516-4900 to PPTD Capital Improvements Account No. 001-541-6302 to complete the Employee Parking Area Improvements project AGENDA 8-06-96
CC• Item III C
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TO: Honorable Mayor Scott Vandergrift
And City Commissioners
FROM: Richard Corwin, Director of Public Work-/ /11.
THROUGH: Ellis Shapiro, City Manage
RE: Proposed Employee and Police Department Parking Improvements
DATE: July 19,1996
At their January 17 meeting (minutes attached) the City Employees Committee proposed
an increase in the size of the employees parking area at City Hall ( sketch #1) and a second
0 lot for Police Department parking (sketch #2). The employees at City Hall now use the
i unimproved grassy area east of the existing lot near the community center.
We solicited three contractors and received two quotes (attached) to construct these two
lots totaling 7100+/- sq.ft. with pervious paving bricks like the ones at the boat ramp.
These quotes are based on the Public Works Department preparing the site for the
contractor. The use of pervious paver blocks, rather than asphalt or concrete, eliminates
the need for constructing costly storm drains and inlets.
We have $15,000 in account #541-6302 to construct both parking lots. The lower quote
of$3.10/sq.ft.or $22,010 is required to complete the two lots plus $500 to move and
replant four(4)trees.
The original estimate for the budgeted $15,000 did not include the extension of the
driveway to the main police parking lot or the relocation of hedges.
We respectfully request an additional $7,510 be transferred from contingency fund
account #516-4900 into account #541-6302 to complete this project. The balance in the
contingency fund on July 19 is $55,958 and the transfer will leave a balance of$48448.
FEBRUARY 7, 1996
Committee called to order at 2:45 p.m. by Chairman Bill Simon, with committee
members Steve Edmundson PPTD and Jimmy Butler Water Dept., along with
Shelly Simon Bldg Dept. and Verna White, Police Communications in attendance.
Julian, Coordinator from the Bldg Department had submitted rough sketch for a
proposed parking lot attached to the Police Department. A discussion ensued
reference sketch. (see attached sketch). Sketch provides for an additional 17
parking spaces and an emergency exit unto Bluford Avenue so police cars cannot
get blocked in during an emergency. He advised the dry bottom retention pond
was for the run off, allowing approximately 4 inches of rain water, a more precise
figure after an engineering study is done (cost approximately $1,000). A rough
estimate for the cost of the parking lot would be $25,000 to $30,000.
Jimmy Butler heard that the City had already done a survey and he will check to
see if there is a survey, and if it does have any environmental problems.
Some immediate temporary solutions to parking around City Hall was discussed.
(1) Move the Pool Cars not used often to the other side of the community
center over flow lot to allow a few more spaces for city hall employees.
(2) Allow 10 to 15 minute parking in the front lot for City Vehicles when
business would be completed in just a short time (no longer then 15 minutes).
(3) Since FD works 24 hour shifts, their vehicles take up spaces for three
shifts. Request that their vehicles move to the over-flow lot on the other side of
the Community Center.
Meeting adjourned at 3:10 PM with Timmy gong to check on the survey and get
back to the committee.
Ocoee Employee Committee Meeting
March 13, 1996
The division representative reported the following:
1) Grievance Procedure - The Personnel Director had distributed to Committee
representatives material covering these procedures. The Police Department supported
the formation of a subcommittee to review or change the grievance process, and
Representative Braddy, seconded by_ Representative Wisecup, moved to set up a
Grievance Subcommittee. Motion carried unanimousl _. Representative Waldrop will
serve as Chairman.
2) Talk Groups - One talk group had been cut due to a Police Department shift yet the
employees wanted very much to meet with the City Manager. City Manager Shapiro
said that Chief Mark would be contacted regarding another date and time.
The representative presented the following:
1) Work Groups - Discussion ensued about subcommittees that were formed within a
division, and the Employee Committee asked the City Hall/Recreation Representatives
if their subcommittees could be called "work groups" to avoid confusion.
2) Conunittee Meeting With Poe and Brown, and the Personnel Director - Several
employees had asked if they might be permitted to attend this particular presentation.
Consensus was reached that only Committee members would be present for this
particular meeting. City Manager Shapiro said that a special meeting with Poe and
Brown might be arranged for the employees.
3) Radio Station on the Telephones in City Hall - The voting results had been tallied and
will be given to the Personnel Director.
4) What was going on in the Finance Department? - City Manager Shapiro explained
that the following changes had been made in the Finance Department: Wanda Horton,
Finance Director; Donald Carter, Supervisor; Lisa Strickland, Budget Technician; Cathy
Sills, Customer Service II; Joyce Meridith, Accounting Clerk II; and a part-time
Customer Service person would be hired. Also, Janet Resnik had been transferred to the
Planning Department, and Roger Reinholt had been transferred to Public Works.
Parking Subcommittee
Staff had made a recommendation to use brick pavers (in the grassy area near Bluford and near
the boat ramp parking) which would eliminate the need to revise the drainage for the area. City
Manager Shapiro said that this would be proposed to City Commission at mid-year (budget),
and this had been the results of an effective effort by the Employee Committee.
Uniform Subconunittee
Representative Braddy said that, having been ill, she had been unable to arrange a meeting.
There had been no response for interested representatives to meet about this problem with Buyer
Mark Brace. City Manager Shapiro recommended that the representatives explain to the
Jul-15-96 08:57A :.itagc- i .! i ,'rc _
STAGE 00011 UU, C.
37013 Ovcri! ci C'.n:14.i
Aropkn. FL 37703
Phone 407-678-2918 --
Fax 407-678-2921
DATE: JULY 15, 1996
FROM: Peter Piacenti, Stage Door II, Inc.
JUL-'i1-90 PION O1 : i 1 1-,P1 _ t:j•:.....:. -
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BRICK PAVERS L. 'AC i p�p r- i r
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� i'/r� GQC 050105
•SUOWROO p�:.g,�a No. 1
941 N,State Rd.7
Plantation,FL 33317 SOUTHWEST FLOFlIDA
Dade(306)888-3000 CENTRAL FLORIDA
Broward(954)792-0078 10201 W.Colonial Dr. P.O.Oax 2670
P.Beach(407)278-0400 Orlando,FL 34701 Marto t^tnnd,FL The3397
Keys(305)852-9000 Phone 1-407.290-3500 Norteo(041)642.4540
Toll Free 1-800-920-4040 Fax 1-407-290-1895 ftaploo(Feet)(9.11)6.12-4740
Fax(954)792-5892 Toll Frets 14Q0•259-1210 Tc!)Free 1-000-920-40.10
_ Fax: 377-0392 -_
.-. PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: ruous: 656-6090 ' DATE: 7--1-36
',,NAME: City of Ocoee Ana NAME: City Hall
150 N. Lakeshore Dr. —
Ocoee __ ----
STATE: ZIP: -_�_.__- STATE: Tlf':
Fl. 34761 _^ _�_=T—
We bereby submit speeiticathxts and es1lr:.ntcs tor: Installat;3.o12 of 1100 sq.;,;.. of turf block as '?': 131„1
lay-out including bac;ciliing of voids r, '',;22,010.00
1. Prices include all labor, materials, taxes and delivery.
2. All materials and workmanship supplied by U 5.Drick Warr n;I:se i for 3 years.
3. Others to excavate to 6 inetes below final rade.
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NOTE:if excavation work leragaredfor kastrtfat+onlany 'P-'fes, tossr.rtkIar VpiP. , ? -..
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1/3 down upon a=eptance of proposal. Balance due upon c_'alal'-ttiOla of ,:ork.
- AS material is guaranteed to be as specified NI work to be completed In a workmanlike manner:ccordlhg to stantatd medals.Any a!:eraGon or deriainn from above spsri!icatf vs invcivinp e i i
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TO: Buddy Elmore, P.P.T.D. Supervisor
FROM: Alice Tate-Barnett, Horticulturist EY-CC
DATE: 19 July, 1996
RE: Oaks in proposed parking lot site
The purpose of this memo is to express my opinion, as you requested, of the
fate of the existing oaks in the proposed parking lot site by the Community
Center. You stated that 6" to 8" of soil would be removed from around these
trees during the construction. Due to the fact that these trees' feeder roots are
located within this 6" to 8", it is my opinion that this activity will kill these trees.
If it is your desire to try to save these trees, any grade changes should be limited
,to the area outside the trees' driplines. Also, if any paving materials are to be
used within the driplines, it should be of a permeable material. The roots of
these trees must be able to continue water and nutrient uptake to survive.
If you have further questions, please feel free to ask.
C: Richard Corwin, Public Works Director