HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of (l)City Commission Regular Meeting of December 15, 1998 and (2) Work Session of December 8, 1998 genca 1-05-99 em fII A 1 L �.:;� � MINUTES OF THE OCOEE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD DECEMBER 15, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Commissioner Anderson led in the prayer and John Terrell, incoming President for the West Orange Chamber of Commerce, led in the pledge of allegiance. A moment of silence was observed for deceased Governor Lawton Chiles. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Planning Director Wagner, Public Works Director Smith, Finance Director Horton, Recreation Director Nordquist, City Clerk Grafton, Information Systems Specialist Tartar, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Finance Supervisor Carter, Budget Analyst Strickland, Buyer Meridith and Accounting Clerk Johnson. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PRESENTATIONS CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN FINANCIAL REPORTING - Mayor Vandergrift read the certificate and said this was the tenth consecutive year this certificate had been presented to the City of Ocoee Finance Department. Finance Director Horton thanked the Finance Staff. City Manager Shapiro said that only 800-900 cities out of thousands of cities across the nation receive this award and the trip to New York for the Bond Issue is partly due to earning this certificate. Building of Ocoee Middle School - Report from Principal Kate Clark was deferred until a later meeting. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of Items A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. Commissioner Glass remarked concerning Item E and said in Item A, on page 5 of the December 1, 1998 Minutes, the word "inspired" should have been "empirical." Commissioner Anderson had questions pertaining to Items B, C, and F, to which Staff responded and commented on Item G that the Funds should be increased from $3,000 to $5,000 for the presentation to UCF. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker,moved to approve Items B, C, D, E, F, and H of the Consent Agenda as presented and amend Item A as noted above and in Item G, increase the Funds from $3,000 to $5,000. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of (1) City Commission Regular Meeting of December 1, 1998 and (2) Special session of December 8, 1998. B. Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Compaq Computer Corporation FasTraq Option Addendum #6661555-002. LII ril] A Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting V f December 15, 1998 • This lease agreement was approved December 17, 1996 and a two year lease option to refresh the Compaq network servers was approved in budget Workshop September 23, 1998. The new servers will have greater storage capacity and are warranted for Year 2000 Compliance. C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated by the agreement in the Award of Bid No. 99-01, Vehicle Fueling Station at the Public Works Complex. • Three bids were received for this project: (1) Pipeline Energy - $65,900, (2) Cape Canaveral Marine - $69,799, (3) Southern Petroleum System - $110,120. Staff recommends awarding to Pipeline Energy as low bidder. D. Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Continuing Contracts with (1) Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corp., (2) Bowyer-Singleton & Assoc., and (3) Regional Engineers, Planners & Surveyors, Inc. as the Three Top Ranked Proposals for Surveying Services. • The above three firms were chosen by the selection committee from the ten firms that responded to the RFP. This approval is contingent upon each firm agreeing to utilize a common, mutually agreeable fee schedule. E. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute The Esplanade Apartments at Plantation Grove Final Site Plan, Phase I - Case No. 97-003 as Date Stamped Received by the City on December 2, 1998. • This approval is recommended by DRC, P & Z, and Staff subject to having all the necessary legal documents regarding easements and extra right-of-way for Maguire Road approved by the City Attorney prior to the pre-construction conference. F. Approval and Authorization to Allocate $9,000 from Contingency for this year to Assist West Orange Chamber of Commerce in Purchasing a Permanent Home. • This was omitted from the current budget. G. Approval and Authorization to Expend Funds up to $3,000 for a Presentation to University of Central Florida. (Amended to $5,000 in the motion.) • Staff has met with Mayor Vandergrift to discuss a presentation of the Coca Cola property to UCF as a possible site for a campus and requests funds to prepare the event. H. Approval and Authorization to do Plumbing Repairs to Vignetti Recreation Center. • This will utilize the $4,000 budgeted for toilet additions and $3,000 from contingency and award the project to United Plumbing. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. John Terrell, incoming President of the West Orange Chamber of Commerce, thanked the Commission for its support of the West Orange Chamber of Commerce and talked about the renovations that were being made to their building. He spoke in favor of preserving the old Ocoee High School (presently Ocoee Middle School) building for its historical value. Mr. Terrell said the W.O. Chamber had taken a position with Mayor Vandergrift to support Dr. John Hitt, in bringing UCF to West Orange County. He also said he would be back in January. 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting ular L L U L December 15, 1998 Matthew Garland, 622 Sherwood Oaks Circle, spoke in favor of memorializing the "A" building of old Ocoee High School (Ocoee Middle School - 6th grade building) and presented a petition signed by 76 students and 2 teachers from the 9th Grade Center at West Orange High School,who were also in favor of memorialization. There were 5 other students present in support; Amy Guy, Jessica Chaudhry, Kim Brennan, Diana Gallegos and Ashley Dickerson. Mayor Vandergrift stated that the Education Commission had gone on record as wishing to see the heritage of the "A" building memorialized and said he would like the City Commission to do the same. Commissioner Glass seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved that the "A" building of Ocoee Middle School be memorialized. Motion carried 5-0. COMMISIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker: 1) Commended Mayor Vandergrift on his efforts to locate an extension of UCF in West Orange County. Commissioner Glass: 1) Apologized for not being present at the meeting concerning UCF at 1:00 p.m., December 15, 1998, due to prior commitments. He also commended the Mayor for his efforts and committed his support. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Agreed with Commissioners Parker and Glass and said he would also back Mayor Vandergrift in his efforts. Commissioner Howell: 1) Echoed the sentiments of the other Commissioners concerning Mayor Vandergrift's efforts in bringing UCF to West Orange County. 2) Wished all a Merry Christmas. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Thanked all for their support and extra money. He said he hoped to make UCF a deal they could not turn down. 2) Encouraged people to buy live Christmas trees that could be planted after the holidays. 3) Commended Staff, the Lions Club, particularly Cathy Sills, and Public Works with their dancing Christmas presents, for the Ocoee Christmas parade. 4) Congratulated the Lions Club on their 50th Anniversary. PUBLIC HEARINGS FIRST READING ORDINANCE NO. 99-01 - ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES TO OBTAIN CONCEPTUAL APPROVALS WITHIN SPECIAL OVERLAY AREAS,LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT. 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting a LA �r ; i December 15, 1998 City Attorney Rosenthal read the ordinance by title only and announced that because this was a Land Development Code Amendment there would be 2 public hearings, the second public hearing to be January 5, 1999. Director of Planning Wagner was present to answer any questions. The public hearing was opened. Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., asked if this was set up for developments that are already here that want special exceptions. City Attorney Rosenthal responded that this related to the activity centers which had been approved by the City Commission and would provide a procedure to deal with special requests. The public hearing was closed. OTHER BUSINESS FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES ORDINANCE No.99-02,FRANK VINEBEAZER HOMES ANNEXATION CASE No.AR-98-10-10. ORDINANCE No.99-04,DYE CHRISTIANSEN/ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS ANNEXATION CASE No.AR-98-10-12. ORDINANCE No. 99-06,PARKER/LAWRENCEBROWNINGBEAZER HOMES REZONING CASE No. AR- 98-10-11. ORDINANCE No. 99-03,FRANK VINEBEAZER HOMES REZONING CASE No. AR-98-10-10. ORDINANCE No. 99-05, DYE CHRISTIANSEN/ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS REZONING CASE No.AR-98-10-12. ORDINANCE No.99-07,PROPOSING AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER TO CHANGE THE TERMS OF OFFICE AND CLARIFY CERTAIN PROVISIONS IN THE CHARTER. City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinance Nos. 99-02, 99-04, 99-06, 99-03, 99-05 and 99-07 by title only. Mayor Vandergrift announced that the second readings and public hearings would be January 5, 1999 at 7:15 p.m. ESTABLISH A DATE IN JANUARY FOR WORK SESSION TO REVIEW PROPOSED CHANGES TO PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS. City Manager Shapiro explained a Work Session was needed and asked for a date. Mayor Vandergrift suggested January 28, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. to which all the Commissioners agreed. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT (CACOPD). - The recent resignation of Ms. Karen Drolet left a vacancy on the board, effective November 17, 1998, with 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting L� December 15, 1998 f i u� her term expiring January 2000. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to appoint Robert McKey to the CACOPD board with term expiring January 1, 2000. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORT None. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Howell: None. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Questioned what the other impact fees would be before making a decision on the road impact fees. City Manager Shapiro said it would be several months before the other impact fee studies were finished, but all of them combined would not equal the road impact fees. Commissioner Anderson said he would like them all at once. Mayor Vandergrift suggested using the same notebook to keep all the impact fees on record and asked for a status report on the remaining impact fees. City Manager Shapiro said he would provide the status report. Commissioner Glass: 1) Expressed continued best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mrs. Frances Watts, who was at home, and said she was missed by all. 2) Echoed the Mayor's comments regarding the Christmas Parade and said the new vehicles worked out well. 3) Asked when the traffic light would be installed at Roberson Road/Maguire Road. City Manager Shapiro said it would be a minimum of 60-90 days and said he would distribute a copy of Attorney Doty's memo concerning this issue, to all. 4) Wished his colleagues a safe trip to New York. 5) Thanked all Staff for making this a good year, also Mayor Vandergrift and the Commissioners for their help in getting through this year. 6) Wished all safe and Happy Holidays. Commissioner Parker: 1) Announced the RSVP line 656-2218 for any Citizens' concerns or questions and said Staff would respond quickly. 2) Said the Ocoee Christmas Parade was second only to Macy's Parade and thanked all who helped especially Amber, Austin, Jessica and Tory who helped her toss candy. 3) Wished everyone a Blessed Holiday Season. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Announced the Christmas Light Decoration winners: Best Overall, Roberto and Marissa Vargas, 2510 Alclobe Circle, Silver Bend; Most Unusual, Bryan and Helen Villella, 1735 Rachel's Ridge Loop, Wedgewood Commons; Most Elaborate, Nona Carter, 937 Grovesmere Loop, Windermere Groves. 2) Reminded all of Community Caroling at the Gazebo on Friday, December 18, 1998, 7:00- 9:00 p.m. 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting U u December 15, 1998 3) Reported the lights are out on the City Hall complex sign. 4) Said he appreciated the cooperation of the City Commission and Staff. 5) Wished all a Merry Christmas, happy and safe New Year and Happy Hanukkah. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 6 Agenda 1-05-99 Item III A2 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP HELD DECEMBER 8, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the workshop to order at 6:12 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, and announced that the first part of the meeting concerning Impact Fees would be followed by discussion regarding the increase in members for the Planning and Zoning Commission. The clerk called the roll and all were present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton and consultants Whit Blanton and Kevin Tilburry. ABSENT: None. Mayor Vandergrift turned the meeting over to Mr. Whit Blanton, of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Mr. Blanton gave a presentation and pointed out, with the increasing growth of the City of Ocoee, the necessity to increase the impact fees for future transportation demands. Mr. Kevin Tilbury, also of SAIC, explained how the impact fee worked and talked about the costs that would be incurred for the next 20 years based on the Transportation Master Plan for Ocoee. Mr. Blanton and Mr. Tilbury recommended the Commission adopt an updated fee schedule by land use categories. City Manager Shapiro stated for the record, concerning the bond issue recently passed, the projection was based on the old impact fee rates. Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioners Anderson and Howell had questions concerning how the trip counts were done for certain businesses and the increase in impact fees for single family homes. There was lengthy discussion. Mayor Vandergrift polled the Commissioners for their reactions. Commissioner Parker said she understood the need but was not happy about the increase in the price of houses that would be caused by the new impact fees. Commissioner Glass was not happy with the increased cost of houses and roads but was happy with the analysis. He said better roads would increase property values and make life easier so it would be worth paying the extra fee. Mayor Vandergrift said that increased fees may slow growth and that he saw a possible benefit to balance the community adding more commercial property. He said he is not happy with the increase in fees to single family houses but also could see a benefit with the reduction in certain business impact fees to attract more of these types of businesses to the City. Mayor Vandergrift also questioned if it would be possible to consider a category concerning affordable housing, with a reduction in impact fees. Ocoee City Commission Workshop n r� r December 8, 1998 Commissioner Anderson said he was unhappy and wanted to give less of a reduction to commercial properties and had questions concerning exemptions. City Attorney Rosenthal said this type of study was done in order to get a legally supportable position. After a short discussion the polling continued. Commissioner Howell said he was never happy with raising costs but saw the need for it to be done. Mayor Vandergrift said he counted three "Happys" (marginally so), two "almost Happys" and gave staff direction to draft an ordinance. Commissioner Howell questioned how the City could charge impact fees repeatedly for the same property as in mobile homes. Director of Planning Wagner said the City needed to take a look at the ordinance and how the impact fee is administered. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that an impact fee was generated by the pulling of a building permit or whatever the equivalent is for placing a mobile home on a lot. City Manager Shapiro asked Commissioner Howell to bring the information pertaining to this particular situation and he would check into it. At this time the discussion concerning Impact Fees was ended and the workshop continued with discussion about increasing the number of regular members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Glass said he had suggested increasing the size of the Planning and Zoning Commission, since reviewing minutes from their meetings he noticed repeatedly 4-0 or 4-1 votes on issues and felt that the small number did not adequately represent the citizens. He said he also noticed that the board was made up of citizens living in the older part of the city and would encourage broadening the board geographically, at this time, as well. He commended the present members for doing a tremendous job in bringing the City of Ocoee from its past to the present. Chairman Switzer responded that he had given it thought and agreed that 9 members would be a good number and recommended doing away with the alternate positions. Member Bond said she had asked that they be advised what districts they live in but had not received that information. It was pointed out to Member Bond that this information had been previously provided to all the Board Members. 2 Ocoee City Commission Workshop T' ,\ r December 8, 1998 `i v L L, Mayor Vandergrift suggested extending the terms to 3 years and also continuing to have the alternates for training purposes. Member Landefeld talked about the rules concerning how alternates voted on the board. Mayor Vandergrift stated he would like the board to increase to 9 members with 2 alternates, who would be allowed to vote when seated on the board, and increase their terms to 3 years. He polled the Commission for their opinions. Commissioner Parker said she agreed with the Mayor's proposal. Commissioner Glass agreed, but said that it would be hard to find people who would commit to serve for that length of time. Commissioner Anderson concurred with Commissioner Glass and added that the 3 year term could scare away a potential member. Commissioner Howell also agreed with Commissioner Glass. Mayor Vandergrift said based on what was discussed at this meeting he would direct Staff to draft an ordinance with 9 regular members and 2 alternates for 3 years, to debate the length of the term at the time of voting. He also cautioned the Commissioners to be looking for more board members in their districts. City Attorney Rosenthal asked how the Commission wanted to address the geographical distribution. Mayor Vandergrift asked him to bring back a recommendation. Commissioner Glass suggested drawing lines to divide the City into geographic districts rather than political districts. Alternate Member McKey said he supported Chairman Switzer's position for 9 regular members with no alternate members and said, concerning the geographic areas, he did not think people could be forced to serve on a board. Chairman Switzer restated that he thought the alternates should be skipped and have 9 permanent members. City Attorney Rosenthal advised this would be an amendment to the Land Development Code (LDC) and he would take direction from the Commission, prepare an Ordinance which would then, due to procedure in dealing with amendments to the LDC, be sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission, they in turn would forward the amendment to the Commission with their recommendations. 3 Ocoee City Commission Workshop December 8, 1998 LJ L� ADJOURNMENT The workshop was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 4