HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-19-2019 Minutes 401. FIFTY
Ocoee WEST
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
February 19, 2019 MINUTES 5:00 p.m.
I. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
CRA Chair Grogan called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:00 PM in
the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum
Roll Call: Chair Grogan, Vice-Chair Firstner, Member Wilsen, Member Johnson, Member
Duncan and Member June.
Absent: Member Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, and
City Clerk Sibbitt.
II. Public Comments -None
III. Approval of Minutes of the November 20,2018, CRA Regular Meeting
Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Duncan, moved to approve the CRA Regular
Meeting Minutes of November 20, 2018, as presented. Motion carried 6-0 with
Member Oliver absent.
IV. Staff Led Presentation& Discussion
A) Staff, Administrative Assistant
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced a revised
agenda has been placed before the Board in order to include an added item regarding CRA related
legislative proposals that have been recently submitted. She continued by advising that in their
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packet she provided an updated staff directory which correctly identifies the new chair and vice-
chair as well as the new CRA Administrative Assistant, Gilda Shaw.
B) Budget Update
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on the
CRA final numbers for their budget. She shared that as they did not spend as much as they had
estimated they would spend last fiscal year there was an additional $413,144.72 which was added
to their increment, thus bringing the total final CRA revenue to $3,151,592.72. It was further
explained that any additional funds that were in excess to the balance brought forward from the
FY 2017-2018 would be placed into the capital projects account. During their meeting in
November, the Board approved a capital line item of$2,222,348; however, the updated budget
now reflects $2,635,492.72. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator
Corless shared there are three-line items in the budget this fiscal year: On-going Projects, New
Projects, and Acquisition/Incentives; of which they are seeking a motion from the CRA Board to
allow staff to move the additional $413.144.72 in order to reallocate the funds between the On-
going Projects and Acquisition/Incentives.
Member Wilsen, seconded by Vice-Chair Firstner, moved to approve the
distribution of the additional $413,144.72 to reallocate between on-qoinq projects
and acquisition/incentives, as recommended by staff. Motion carried 6-0 with
Member Oliver absent.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on the
expenditures through the 1St Quarter advising that staff has been extremely busy this year as the
total amount of encumbered contractual services and encumbered capital already exceeds what
they spent the entire FY 2017-2018.
C) Annual Report
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on the
Annual Report which will be provided to the board members by the end of the week. The report
provides a continued thematic/"graphic family" approach and includes content that was provided
in the past, some of which is required by State Statute. In addition, the report highlights thirteen
businesses that were added to the CRA,which includes new construction,as well as the UF Cancer
Clinic in Target Area 3. She further indicated that staff has begun developing the existing business
profiles. The West Orange Cinema, and their business profile, is highlighted in this annual report.
Staff will continue to work on getting a quarterly basis recognition and work on their outreach
D) Grant Support Services
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared staff has enlisted
the services of a grant specialist to assist in developing a research document and grant calendar
that will allow them to put packages together based on the different types of grants. Grant types
include transportation, parks and recreation, urban designing, and economic development and
marketing. When the board reconvenes in May, staff will have the grant calendar ready for them
to proceed with those opportunities.
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E) Update on Current Projects
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on the
following current projects:
Wellness Park — The FDOT Quick Claim Deed is on consent agenda for tonight's City
Commission Meeting as they have received all the paperwork back from FDOT. Once approved
by the City Commission, then staff will be able to move forward with the development of the
Wellness Park on City property. A few items the Board should be alerted to: (1) The fence around
the retention pond will cost $35,120. (2) There will also be a cost for the additional survey and
park design program for which they will apply for a grant. The cost of the park design program is
estimated between $1.5 and $1.8 million and the CRA will need to have the additional funds to
assist them in their TIF (Tax Increment Financing) dollars.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless answered Board
questions with regard to placement of fence around the retention pond,and parking for the citizens.
She advised the fencing will be placed on the slope around the wet retention pond. Slope changes
may occur based on the design, and the chain link fence may eventually be replaced with a
decorative fence. On-street parking will be provided for citizens and the City will also be working
with the neighboring businesses to allow shared parking during the weekends.
Phase 2—Old Winter Garden Road—Design has been completed and continues the same design
of the Old Winter Garden median landscape from Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue.This phase
covers the portion from S. Blackwood Avenue to Hempel Avenue. Due to the length of the median
more plant material will be added bringing the cost to $207,851.50. That price includes
incorporating the concrete noses. City staff will be taking this item before the Commission in
March with hopes to begin installation in April.
N. Blackwood Avenue Streetscape — Roadway design is underway including integration of a
possible roundabout at Montgomery Road. Design information will be brought back before the
Board in May.
SR 50 Median Landscape Project— There was a delay in the FDOT review over the holidays;
however, plans are at final the review stage, and bid documents are ready for final approval. City
staff is in hopes to bid this out in March.
S. Bluford Avenue Corridor Study—City staff will be meeting with GAI, Community Solutions
Group to discuss the conceptual streetscape design from Old Winter Garden Road north to Orlando
Avenue. Issues being reviewed will include how the City can improve the pedestrian/bike facilities
and enhance streetscape, including underground utility to be consistent with the Downtown
Streetscape. Another critical issue being reviewed is how to provide a safe route to school from
the City Center. The estimated cost for this corridor improvement is between$2.5-$3 million(not
including sewer).
Member Johnson shared concerns regarding the portion of Orlando Avenue to Delaware Street
not being included in the conceptual streetscape. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
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Administrator Corless answered there will be a streetscape profile provided by staff to
incorporate that section. She further explained the S. Bluford Avenue Corridor Study is being
funded by CRA dollars which puts a limitation on how far she can go with her study but the
streetscape profile can be used for the areas from Orlando Avenue up to Delaware Street.Assistant
City Manager Shadrix explained the intention of staff is that during the City budget process to
budget the portion of Bluford Avenue that is not funded by the CRA. Member Johnson shared he
feels that while there is construction being competed, now is the time to see if something can be
done using the current budget funds. Assistant City Manager Shadrix advised that would have
to be addressed by the City Commission through a budget amendment.
Inspection and Maintenance Programs —Weekly inspections are being conducted by the CRA
Team. They have been working closely with Public Works Department in identifying all the streets
that are within the CRA and creating a list of tasks to be completed from a maintenance standpoint,
as well as meeting with Code Enforcement to help with some issues they have encountered. The
maintenance of SR 50 is still in process under the maintenance contract and staff will add other
medians and right-of-ways within the CRA to that contract amount in the next budget year.
F) Property Assembly & Acquisition
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on the
Acquiring Property—This line item was added this fiscal year as a new budget item so staff could
start focusing on whether there are other properties within the CRA that would fit under the
redevelopment plan as it relates to property assembly. The Community Redevelopment Plan, in
sections 3.2.1 and 3.6.2, addresses the ability of the CRA to acquire property for several different
purposes such as the elimination of blight property or for economic redevelopment revitalization.
Acquiring private property gives CRA control over the type of development to be built by the
private sector through an RFP process.
Funding Methods—When acquiring property, alternative funding methods should be considered.
Acquiring does not necessarily mean purchase, and should be leveraged through Private
Dedications, Public/Private Partnerships, Payment Plans with Owners over periods of time, Loans
—City or Bank, and Bonds.
Possible Opportunities—There are properties that do not fall under the realms of the Target Areas
but are opportunities for the CRA, for example:
• Roper Property — 10 acres (Maguire south of Story Road) purchase price
approximately $3.2 million.
If the Roper Property is acquired by the CRA then staff could control the type of development by
the Master Plan and seek a developer through an RFP Process. Additionally, the CRA has not had
much movement north of SR 50 as it relates to the industrial light/manufacturing mix use
components outside the Target Areas. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
Administrator Corless advised staff is seeking a motion from the CRA Board to have an appraisal
on the Roper Property and develop recommendations regarding the possible acquisition.
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Member Johnson, seconded by Member June, moved to have CRA staff proceed
with an appraisal on the Roper Property and develop recommendation regarding
the possible acquisitions to bring forward to a future meeting. Motion carried 6-0
with Member Oliver absent.
• Target Area 1 — South of SR 50 west of Maguire Road and north of the Turnpike.
CRA staff has specifically identified the extension of Old Winter Garden Road through Target
Area 1 as well as the need to have a master stormwater system for the entire target area.This would
allow the urban development pattern they are seeking for Target Area 1 as this has not been
achieved yet.Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless advised that
staff is seeking consensus to allow them to procced with meeting with property owners with the
intent to seek dedication of right-of-way for Old Winter Garden Road Extension as well as
investigate mechanisms that would allow staff to work with property owners in the developing of
the stormwater system within Target Area 1. Member Wilsen clarified that the extension of Old
Winter Garden Road is the section at the light at Maguire Road and across Maguire Road. Deputy
Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless answered in the affirmative. She
further added the extension is critical to redevelop that section of Old Winter Garden road properly.
Consensus of the CRA Board was to have staff procced with seeking dedicated
Right-of-Way for Old Winter Garden Road; and further investigate mechanisms to
create a master stormwater system with the Target Area 1 property owners.Member
Duncan shared this seems like a great plan but that it would be difficult to implement with all the
property owners. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless
explained they recently had preliminary discussions with one of the larger parcel property owners
in that area and there seems to be an interest for further discussion.
G) Strategic Transportation Funding Program
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless advised when they take a
look at the CRA and Redevelopment Plans they also consider the roads within the CRA. CRA road
improvements also include the extension of Old Winter Garden Road, Bluford Avenue, N.
Blackwood Avenue, Maguire Road, and Marshall Farms Road. The TIF dollars cannot fund the
needed transportation improvements and the infrastructure improvements they have within the
CRA. CRA staff has been working with the City on the Strategic Transportation Funding Program,
and has requested a proposal from S&ME to put together the projects and identify potential funding
that they can seek from a State Federal level to assist with getting the projects implemented. Staff
has proceeded with seeking approval from the City Commission to allow a lump sum of$100,000
for which$60,000 will be funded from CRA and$40,000 from Development Services.Vice Chair
Firstner inquired if the S&ME study is strictly for the roadways mentioned.Deputy Development
Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless advised it would be for the City at large.
H) Outreach Program
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced they are
looking to host an Open House in April/May 2019 to showcase projects. Annual Reports for FY
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17/18 will be distributed to many of the business owners that the CRA staff has had the opportunity
to speak with.
I) Legislative Alert
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced two
legislative proposals were submitted last week that significantly and negatively impact CRAs.
House Bill 9 (Lighthouse Point) and Senate Bill 1054 (Lee—Plant City)places further limitations
on CRAs including limiting the use of TIF dollars. CRA staff will follow both the FRA and the
League of Cities regarding their positions on these bills. Deputy Development Services
Director/CRA Administrator Corless advised staff request authorization for the CRA
Administrator to submit the CRA's position to the legislators that these bills would be
unreasonably detrimental to our CRA. Chair Grogan shared he would like to add to that request
and also have the City Commission support our CRA's position. Consensus of the CRA
Board was to request authorization for CRA Administrator to submit the CRA's
position to the legislators that these bills would be unreasonably detrimental to our
V. Board Comments
Chair Grogan commented that it is pretty exciting to see from conception to where they are now.
Member Duncan shared that he is really excited to work with the CRA on the road improvements
from Old Winter Garden Road to Hempel Drive.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:43p.m.
elanie Sibbitt, Secretary Chair
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