HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-10-2006 Minutes Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Held on May 10, 2006
At 150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
AGENDA ITEM I. CALL TO ORDER— Chairman Swickerath
A. Chairman Mary Anne Swickerath called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. in the
Commission Chambers in City Hall. She called on Secretary Jean Grafton to call the roll.
Present were Trustees Mary Anne Swickerath, Russ Wagner, Terry Reed and Jean Grafton and
it was declared that a quorum was present.
Absent was Trustee Tom Hendrix.
Also present were H. Lee Denner, Attorney; Jim Carnicella, Human Resources Director/Plan
Administrator; Mike Sebesta, Money Manager, Trusco Capital Management; Larry Cole,
Monitor, Merrill Lynch; and Dianne Garcia, Relationship Manager, SunTrust.
B. Approval of Minutes from Regular Session dated February 8, 2006, Approval of
Minutes from Workshop Session dated March 22, 2006, and Approval of Minutes from
Joint Meeting of Police & Fire dated March 6, 2006
Chairman Swickerath called for review of the Minutes as stated. There being no additions or
corrections, it was, on motion made by Trustee Reed, seconded by Trustee Wagner,
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Board of Trustees of the
General Employees' Pension Board of February 8, 2006, the Minutes of the
Workshop Session of the Board of Trustees of the General Employees' Pension
Board of March 22, 2006, and the Joint Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
General Employees' Pension Board and of the Board of Trustees of the Police
Officers'/Firefighters' Pension Board of March 6, 2006, be and they are hereby
A. Money Manager's Report—Michael Sebesta, Managing Director, Trusco Capital
Mr. Sebesta went over documents (in the Trusco blue book— investment review for the quarter)
that were handed out to the Board. He reported that the fund had a very good quarter for the
second quarter of the fiscal year. He stated that there were many positives in the Equity side but
negative on the Fixed Income Bond side due to inflationary pressures as the Fed has increased
the interest rate. Trustee Wagner asked about our intent to re-allocate assets or did we just
decide to leave allocations alone and just move the Large Cap to Mutual Fund. Larry Cole said
he would address that issue. Mr. Sebesta continued going over the blue book and discussed the
General Employees Pension Board
Quarterly Meeting,May 10,2006
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economy slowing and said that the Fed may not continue to raise interest rates but the Bond
Fund will probably lag for a while longer.
B. Investment Consultant Report—Larry Cole,Merrill Lynch
Mr. Cole went over the investment consultant reports (green book for 3-31-06) that were handed
out to the Board and advised that the fund started well and is near $13,000,000 now and that
asset allocation become more the responsibility of the investment counselor. He recommended
the Board allow Merrill Lynch to become more responsible to determine the asset allocation,
identifying the different targets like Small Cap, Equity, International and that Trusco would be
held responsible and would be measured against specific indexes and the Board would do the re-
balancing of the asset allocations. He referred to the fact that the allocation for International is
now up to 15% and we are only invested about 8% in Internationals. Mr. Cole said he has
drafted individual assignments. Trustee Grafton asked Attorney Denner if the Trustees should be
more involved in asset allocation. Attorney Dehner said no, that we must rely on Consultants.
Trustee Wagner asked why have we not moved to 15% in Internationals. Mike Sebesta said he
was waiting for direction since the Board moved the Large Cap away from Trusco. Larry Cole
stated that Trusco did not move to 10% International when they could have. Attorney Dehner
affirmed that it would be Merrill Lynch recommending re-balancing and the Board would just
follow the recommendations or they could just leave Trusco with the responsibility of moving
assets from one fund to another (i.e.: from International to Small Cap to Mid Cap, or when to
move up and down into the Bond Fund). Trustee Wagner pointed to page 2 of the asset
allocation pie chart and questioned why there is not more exposure in Small Cap, International,
or Mid Cap. Trustee Wagner also questioned Trusco's decisions vs. their performance and he
wonders why when considering Merrill Lynch's recommendations. Mike Sebesta said with
reviewing their performance over the past 5 years it is not bad vs.just looking at the last 3 years.
Trustee Wagner again said he is confused as to why Trusco did not allocate the assets differently.
Mr. Sebesta said the biggest negative was the Large Cap Fund and yes, they did well in other
assets but if the Large Cap had done well then they would be ok but they just had too much
allocated to the Large Cap, which "by the way" unfortunately did not do well. Mr. Cole asked
Mike Sebesta if he wants it to stay the way it is or separate individual assignments. Mr. Sebesta
stated that he would like to keep it the way it is as that seems more efficient, otherwise we need
to provide Trusco with a letter of direction. Trustee Swickerath stated that review in the
workshop was the Board was going to wait to see what happens in the future before making any
big changes. Trustee Wagner said the Board was talking about changes in Investment Counselor
(Merrill Lynch). Trustee Wagner also said we are talking now about how Trusco has reacted to
market changes and how slow Trusco moves to allocate funds. Trustee Wagner asked is there a
"middle of the road" way to meet what Larry Cole recommended and allowing Trusco to
maintain their autonomy. Mr. Cole countered with creating specific indexes like Russell 5000,
Russell 2000 or 2500, etc. Trusco would then be measured in the future to those indexes. Mr.
Cole stated he is not criticizing Trusco and Mr. Sebesta for not hitting the home run but over the
long haul they have not done well. Mr. Carnicella recommended the Board consider Mr. Cole's
"middle of the road" recommendation. Trustee Grafton asked if Trusco would report on Fund
without 25% Large Cap and Mr. Cole would report on the Mutual Fund. Mr. Cole stated it could
be done and done without confusion. Trustee Grafton and Mr. Cole discussed what Trusco
would be responsible for and how our reports would come to the Board. Mr. Cole reviewed
Trusco's history and stated Trusco Growth had trouble keeping up with peers in the Growth
Groups. Trustee Wagner asked about "marching orders" and Mr. Cole stated he would get it to
General Employees Pension Board
Quarterly Meeting,May 10,2006
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Mr. Carnicella and have it approved. Trustee Wagner asked when this would happen and said
that the Board does not want to wait three months. Chairman Swickerath said the Board needed
to consider the asset reassignment and new bench marks and have it as an agenda item for next
meeting. Mr. Cole reviewed page 4. Trustee Wagner asked about Fixed Income and again
Trusco was in the bottom 2% compared with what other managers have done. Mr. Cole said
Trusco should have done better but he was not as concerned now and referred to the Bond Fund.
Mr. Cole reviewed the Handout of Market Analysis and said it shows those who went with large
companies and more established companies, but they have not earned well. Attorney Dehner
asked about the SEC inquiry and Mr. Cole said Merrill Lynch has heard nothing although it has
been going on for several years now and that no news is good news. Attorney Denner stated that
he wants a fiduciary letter from New Jersey and ten questions trustees should ask of Investment
Consultants and asked for some communication before next meeting.
C. Actuary Report —Ward Foster, Foster& Foster
Trustee Grafton stated Brad Heinrich, Foster& Foster, had called and apologized for not having
the Evaluation Report done.
A. American Funds Application
American Funds application was finally done on April 28, 2006, transferring $3,403,228.75 from
Trusco to American Funds Group.
A. Payment of Invoices
Trustee/Secretary Grafton shared the Plan Administrator Report listing bills and other charges
and fees for the last two quarters. On motion made by Trustee Wagner, seconded by Trustee
Reed, unanimously
RESOLVED that the bills and other charges and fees be and are hereby approved
as presented for payment.
B. Reports and Correspondence—Jean Grafton, Trustee/Secretary
Trustee Grafton placed her report in the record of the forty-three (43) former employees who
have not had their contributions returned to them. Trustee Grafton stated that she has asked the
IRS to try and find the remaining twenty-one (21) former employees. Trustee Grafton brought
up a communication from Riverside Capital requesting an opportunity to assist exiting
employees with their investments. Attorney Denner said we should not be getting in the business
of giving financial advice to our employees and the Board agreed.
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Quarterly Meeting,May 10,2006
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C. Set Dates for Next Year's Meetings
Attorney Dehner suggested his office provide the dates for next year's meetings for the Board
according to past schedules. Mr. Carnicella suggested that it be ready for the next meeting and
Attorney Dehner said that he may be able to have it for the next meeting but would have it for
sure by the November meeting. Attorney Denner said he would take care of it.
Attorney Dehner brought up the 3%multiplier ordinance and stated that he will work on it with
the Plan Administrator, Jim Carnicella. Attorney Dehner reminded the Trustees that they must
fill out a Financial Disclosure and submit it before July 1st.
Jim Carnicella spoke briefly about Daniel Dingman, who is an employee who should have been
in the Police Officers' & Firefighters' Pension Plan rather than the General Employees' Pension
Plan. Attorney Dehner asked Mr. Carnicella for documents, including the labor agreement,job
description and PERC certification. Jim Carnicella also spoke about the liability insurance issue,
which the Board paid for in the past and seems to be the same as the City's general liability
In order for the secretary to make reservations for the FPPTA Conference the Trustees were
polled with Trustee Reed stating yes, Chairman Swickerath - no, Trustee Grafton — yes, Trustee
Wagner—no, Trustee Hendrix—yes.
Not addressed.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by App v by: sA
Debbie Bertling
HR Analyst '` `
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