HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-14-2008 Minutes Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Held on May 14, 2008
At 150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
A. Chairman Russ Wagner called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. in the Commission
Chambers in City Hall.
The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
Present were Trustees Terry Reed, Jean Grafton, Russ Wagner, Tom Hendrix and Wendy West.
Also present were H. Lee Denner, Attorney; Jim Carnicella, Human Resources Director/Plan
Administrator; Mike Welker, Bogdahn Consulting; and Doug Lozen, Foster& Foster.
B. Approval of Minutes from Regular Session dated November 7, 2007 and Minutes from
Special Session dated December 13, 2007
Chairman Russ Wagner called for review of the Minutes as stated. There being no additions or
corrections, it was, on motion made by Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Hendrix,
too RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Board of Trustees of the
General Employees' Pension Board of November 7, 2007 and Minutes of the Special
Session of the Board of Trustees of the General Employees' Pension Board of
December 13, 2007,be and are hereby approved.
A. Investment Consultant Report—Michael Welker, Bogdahn Consulting, LLC
Mike Welker started by speaking briefly about some house keeping issues concerning the
transition. He reported that the Growth Fund of America and the Alger fund have been really
difficult to transition and were still with Merrill Lynch but believes it is close to being solved.
He said the agreements were sent to all the Money Managers, fully executed, along with a copy
of the current Investment Policy Statement. Mr. Welker then began going over the Investment
Performance Review for the First Quarter of 2008.
Mike Welker reported that the stock market, domestically and internationally, was not a good
place to be in the first quarter and went on to explain. He said every sector of the S&P 500 was
down for the quarter so there was nowhere to hide and everything that worked last year didn't
work in the first quarter. Mr. Welker then went over the asset allocation of the portfolio as of
December 31, 2007 and March 31, 2008. He reported the total fund was at $14,950,000.00 net
of fees, which was down 6% for the quarter and the benchmark was down 5.13% so the fund
underperformed the benchmark, which put us in the 70`h percentile. He said the fiscal year to
date was down 6.648% compared to 5.91% and briefly explained. He asked if there were any
questions. There being none, he finished by saying the performance was a little light because the
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Growth Fund did alright but Alger did not and the value product from Trusco underperformed so
that is what drove the performance for this quarter.
Chairman Wagner asked how the fund would have done had the transition been completed.
Mike Welker said ICC Multi Cap was down 5%, Index was down 10% for the quarter and
Rockwood was about even so it probably would have outperformed slightly by about 1.5% to 2%
and went on to explain. He said the next report should have a full quarter with the investment
changes the Board made and should give us a better picture going forward.
Mike Welker then spoke about the Investment Policy Statement. He said since the last Board
Meeting the City Commission approved the Ordinance allowing the Board to basically invest in
whatever they deemed appropriate, taking in consideration all the different asset classes of the
portfolio, which now would allow us to invest in the Voyageur fund and maybe the Baring fund
but are still working on some documents. He went on to say the only thing that changed in the
Policy Statement were two paragraphs, which reflect the change in the authorized investments
and went on to explain. Mr. Welker said the new Investment Policy Statement would need to be
adopted and signed and then he would distribute a copy to the Managers so they have the most
up to date Policy Statement. He asked the Board if there were any further questions regarding
the Policy Statement, to which there were none.
Mr. Welker then explained about the private placement memorandum, which he said basically
gives you no protection. He stated Voyageur wrote a side agreement that would supersede the
memorandum and basically lift everything the Attorney wants to put in the separate account
agreement, which will protect the Board and the fund. He said Barings has not sent in the side
agreement yet and if they don't do so in the next couple of weeks or can't get a resolution soon,
he will bring an alternate to the next meeting so we are not held up any longer. Mike Welker
apologized for how long the transition was taking and reported that Merrill Lynch shut their
doors so they are now out of the consulting business, which has made it very hard to get data
from them. Mike Welker mentioned the letter Trustee Grafton received regarding 12b-1 fees and
said those fees are not being collected at Merrill as the assets have been moved over.
Attorney Dehner asked Mr. Welker if he was recommending the Board adopt the new
Investment Policy Statement provided today and if it was to supersede the previous one in its
entirety, to which Mr. Welker responded yes. On motion made by Trustee Grafton, seconded
by Trustee Hendrix unanimously
RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the General Employees' Pension Board,
pursuant to the recommendation of the Investment Consultant, adopt the
Investment Policy Statement amended May 14, 2008 as presented by Bogdahn
Consulting and supersedes the previous Investment Policy Statement in its entirety.
Attorney Denner said as Mike Welker indicated he would take care of getting the signatures
needed and following through with the required filings regarding the new Investment Policy
Statement. Mr. Welker acknowledged he would.
Mike Welker mentioned there was one other product he wanted to bring to the Board at the next
meeting, which is to potentially invest in an income alternative investment. He said right now
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the income it is paying off the individual securities is about a 13.5% net of fee return and went
on to explain.
B. Discuss Fifth Third Bank's Conversion Guide—Jim Carnicella, Plan Administrator
Plan Administrator Carnicella spoke about the Fifth Third Bank Conversion Guide and asked
Mike Welker to review the document and make recommendations as to how to fill it out. While
Mr. Welker looked over the Guide Jim Carnicella asked if the Board wanted to continue with the
meeting by moving on to the next item, to which the Board agreed.
C. Actuary Report—Doug Lozen,Foster & Foster
Doug Lozen began going over the 2007 Valuation Report, which he said reviews the experience
for the last fiscal year and sets the funding requirements for the City for the fiscal year beginning
October 1, 2008. He explained why the City's percent of payroll changes and spoke about
unfunded liability. He stated the unfunded liability came down more than expected and went on
to explain. Discussion ensued. Chairman Wagner asked Mr. Lozen if the Board authorizes this
report and the City goes ahead and budgets this amount, what happens if it is over or under
estimated. Mr. Lozen said if the assumptions in the plan in the long run are different from reality
they will do another experience study to see if something needs to be trued up but our plan has
typically had a history of gains, which is why the funded ratio is pretty high. Doug Lozen moved
on to the market value of assets, which he stated increased about 2.5 million making it just shy of
16 million and went on to explain. He said the plan was more than 100% funded. Discussion
(hor ensued. Mr. Lozen then went over the actuarial return and explained why they smooth assets
over four years. He said three out of four years have beaten the 8% assumption but it is
unknown at this point what 2008 will bring. He said actuarially, unless you have a double digit
negative or positive return there is not going to be a big fluctuation in funding requirements.
Doug Lozen asked if the Board had any questions. Chairman Wagner thanked Mr. Lozen and
said it was a good presentation. Discussion ensued.
Attorney Dehner stated if the report was acceptable to the Board it would need to be approved by
a motion. On motion made by Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Hendrix unanimously
RESOLVED that the 2007 Actuarial Valuation Report for the General Employees'
Pension Plan as presented by Foster& Foster, be and are hereby approved.
Attorney Denner stated the Board needed to determine the total expected annual rate of return for
the fund for the current year, each of the next several years and the long term thereafter based on
Mr. Welker's recommendation. Mike Welker said he was comfortable with the 8% assumption.
On motion made by Trustee Hendrix, seconded by Trustee Grafton unanimously
RESOLVED that the General Employees' Pension Board has determined, based on
the recommendations of the consultant, the total expected annual rate of return for the
current year, each of the next several years and the long term thereafter will be 8% net of
investment related expenses.
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After a brief discussion concerning the assumption, Mike Welker explained why 8% was a good
assumption. Attorney Dehner spoke about the assumption and the letter that needed to be filed
with Mr. Slavin at the Bureau of Local Retirement Systems.
Plan Administrator Jim Carnicella spoke about prior service credit being provided to employees
that were employed prior to the current plan being instituted and then subsequently came back to
work for the City and now covered under the current plan by counting those years of service as
credit in the present plan. He then turned it over to Doug Lozen to go over the study Foster &
Foster did regarding this issue. Doug Lozen spoke about the analysis dated March 7, 2008.
Discussion ensued. Jim Carnicella asked why there would be any cost to implement prior
service credit. Mr. Lozen briefly explained. Plan Administrator Carnicella said he would
recommend the Board go forward with prior service credit and said he didn't think this would
happen very often. Trustee Grafton advised she thought there was some discussion a few years
ago and it was decided the employee could count those years if it was funded by the employee.
Further discussion ensued. Trustee Grafton asked Attorney Dehner if there was any problem
moving forward with the Board approving prior service credit, to which Attorney Dehner stated
no. Attorney Denner clarified this would pertain to anyone employed by the City and a member
of the prior plan who terminated employment and then became reemployed after the effective
date of the current defined benefit plan would be credited with their prior service. On a motion
made by Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Reed unanimously
RESOLVED to move forward with prior service credit for anyone employed by the
City and a member of the prior plan who subsequently terminated employment and
then became reemployed after the effective date of the current defined benefit plan
would be credited with their years of service served prior to the implementation of
the current plan and to have Plan Administrator Carnicella get with Attorney
Dehner to draw up the Ordinance.
Plan Administrator Carnicella advised the Board that Mike Welker had completed reviewing
Fifth Third Bank's Conversion Guide and would like to address it at this time. Mr. Welker said
these are the standard forms Fifth Third sends to everyone wanting to know who to take direction
from, basically who the authorized signers are associated with the plan. He suggested Plan
Administrator Carnicella be listed as one, along with one Trustee and said the contact
information would be the same. Chairman Wagner asked Attorney Dehner if there was any
Board Member that would be more appropriate to list in addition to the Plan Administrator, to
which Attorney Dehner said it could be any Trustee designated by the Board. After a brief
discussion it was decided Chairman/Trustee Russ Wagner and Secretary/Trustee Jean Grafton
would be listed as the authorized signers.
A. Actuarial Contract—Jim Carnicella, Plan Administrator
Plan Administrator Carnicella stated he would recommend the Board go forward regarding the
Actuarial Services Agreement with Foster & Foster. Chairman Wagner asked if the Attorney
had reviewed the Agreement, to which the Attorney Dehner stated yes. Chairman Wagner asked
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if there were any questions before moving forward with the motion. There being none, on
motion made by Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee West unanimously
RESOLVED that the Actuarial Services Agreement with Foster & Foster for the
General Employees' Pension be and are hereby approved as presented.
A. Payment of Invoices
Invoices were included in the packet for the Board to approve. After a brief discussion, on
motion made by Trustee Hendrix, seconded by Trustee West, unanimously
RESOLVED to approve that the bills and other charges and fees be and are hereby
approved for payment as presented.
Attorney Dehner said he wanted to mention the federal legislation amendment that is pending
which would provide essentially all public employees the same benefit provided to public safety
officers under the Pension Protection Act with respect to the $3,000 in premiums paid for health
insurance and long term care insurance and said he would keep the Board posted on this matter.
Discussion ensued. Attorney Denner reminded the Board to file their financial disclosure by
July 1, 2008. He spoke about the fine for not doing so and suggested the Board keep proof of
their filing. After a brief discussion, Chairman Wagner suggested that any member who still
needed to file their disclosure should stop by the City Clerk's office after this meeting.
A. Liability Insurance
Jim Carnicella spoke about fiduciary liability coverage. Mr. Carnicella said the Board would
either need to get the City Commission to approve being self insured or what he recommends to
the Board is to consider paying for the coverage and to have Attorney Denner review and
approve it. He went on to explain. Discussion ensued. Chairman Wagner asked how common it
was for Boards to have this type of insurance coverage. Attorney Denner said it is typical and
went on to explain there is a potential personal liability for Trustees on the Board. Attorney
Denner said the Trustee protection is afforded by obtaining an endorsement for waiver of
recourse and further explained why they needed to have the endorsement added. Discussion
ensued. Attorney Denner said there is a mutual interest for the City and the Board to have the
coverage but said there weren't very many companies out there that provided this type of
coverage. After further discussion, Trustee Grafton asked who would pay for the coverage. Plan
Administrator Carnicella said he would recommend the City pay for it. Chairman Wagner asked
if the Board wanted to move forward to give Jim the latitude to pick the most competitive
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company providing the endorsement for waiver of recourse and to have Attorney Denner review
it. On a motion made by Trustee Hendrix, seconded by Trustee Grafton unanimously
RESOLVED to approve to have Plan Administrator Carnicella bind the Fiduciary
Liability Insurance coverage with the waiver of recourse endorsement based on his
determination along with the Attorney of what is in the best interest of the Board of
Trustees of the General Employees' Pension.
B. Summary Plan Description
Not addressed at this point(see Comments From Trustees below).
C. CAPPP Certification, Prior Service Issue and Resolution to Authorize Disbursement
Jim Carnicella stated he appreciated the Board allowing him to attend the CAPPP Certification
Program. He reported he had passed and was half way through completing the certification
Chairman Wagner asked if there was a training or conference coming up. Discussion ensued and
it was determined that a conference was coming up in June 2008. Further discussion ensued
regarding what travel expenses would be covered. Jim Carnicella said he would check on the
City's travel policy to see if an overnight stay would be covered because of where the conference
was located and would get back to the Board. Discussion ensued about which Board Members
would be attending. Plan Administrator Carnicella, Trustee West, Trustee Reed and Chairman
Wagner said they would not be attending. Trustee Grafton and Trustee Hendrix said they may
be attending but Trustee Grafton said she would like to review the agenda first. Mr. Carnicella
said he would keep in touch with Trustee Grafton & Trustee Hendrix and let them know what he
found out.
Prior Service Issue and Resolution to Authorize Disbursement were address earlier in this
Trustee Grafton inquired if the Summary Plan Description was approved at the last meeting.
Plan Administrator Carnicella said no, that the Attorney had to edit the document with the
changes recently approved by the City Commission. Trustee Grafton recalled talking about
removing the reference to disability but said there was still some mention of it in the document.
Attorney Denner replied he thought it had been taken out but must have missed some. Trustee
Grafton asked if the Summary Plan Description was waiting on something else. Attorney
Dehner said he was waiting for the last Ordinance to pass and will double check that those
changes were all included in the document. Attorney Dehner said the Board could move forward
to approve the Summary Plan Description striking the reference to disability payments and attach
exhibit B, which Doug Lozen will provide concerning the actuarial and financial data, and then
the Chairman could sign and date it so the document could be distributed to the employees.
Trustee Grafton asked about the Operating Rules and Procedures. Plan Administrator Carnicella
said he would go over the Operating Rules and Procedures and chat with Attorney Dehner and
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then bring it back to the Board to discuss at the next meeting. Chairman Wagner asked Mr.
Carnicella to get a copy of the most recent document to the Board Members so they could review
it before the next meeting.
On motion made by Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee West
RESOLVED to approve the Summary Plan Description striking all reference to
disability payments.
Trustee Grafton stated she had received a letter from the Attorney suggesting the Board obtain
from each firm providing money management consulting, auditing, legal or actuarial services a
current certificate of insurance or a copy of the declaration page from their E&O insurance
policy showing the coverage and that the coverage was still in force, which should be repeated
each year. Discussion ensued. Trustee Grafton asked if Plan Administrator Carnicella would be
taking care of obtaining these documents, to which Jim Carnicella said yes.
Chairman Wagner stated the next meeting was scheduled for August 6, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. and
asked if the Board had any other items to address on the agenda other than what was previously
addressed in this meeting.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:57 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Ap o ed by•
Debbie Bertling
HR Analyst Russell B. Wagner, airman