HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-18-2009 Minutes Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Held on February 18, 2009
At 150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
A. Chairman Russ Wagner called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m. in the Commission
Chambers in City Hall.
The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
Present were Trustees Jean Grafton, Russ Wagner, Tom Hendrix and Wendy West. Trustee
David Wheeler arrived at 10:04 a.m.
Also present were H. Lee Denner, Attorney; Jim Carnicella, Human Resources Director/Plan
Administrator; Daniel Johnson and Joseph Bogdahn, Bogdahn Consulting; and Andrew
Holtgrieve, Rockwood Capital.
B. Approval of Minutes from Regular Session dated August 6, 2008, Approval of Minutes
from Special Session dated October 21, 2008 and Approval of Minutes from Regular
Session dated November 5, 2008
Chairman Russ Wagner called for review of the Minutes as stated. Trustee Grafton advised
there was a misspelled word in two places on page 2 (pursing instead of pursuing) in the Minutes
of the November 5, 2008 Regular Meeting. There being no other corrections or additions, it was,
on motion made by Trustee Grafton, seconded by Trustee Hendrix, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Board of Trustees of the
General Employees' Pension Board of August 6, 2008, the Minutes of the Special
Session of the Board of Trustees of the General Employees' Pension Board of
October 21, 2008 and the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Board of Trustees of
the General Employees' Pension Board of November 5, 2008, be and are hereby
approved as amended.
Plan Administrator Carnicella advised the Board that the approved Minutes from prior Board
Meetings were already in the binder book put together for all the Board Members and said he
would later go over where to insert the Minutes the Board just approved.
Chairman Wagner announced that Trustee David Wheeler had arrived.
A. Investment Consultant Report—Dan Johnson and Joe Bogdahn, Bogdahn Consulting
Dan Johnson advised that Andy Holtgrieve from Rockwood Capital was present and would talk
about his piece later in the meeting. Mr. Johnson then introduced himself and told the Board
Mike Welker would not be present at the Meeting today but that Joe Bogdahn was on his way.
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Quarterly Meeting,February 18,2009
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Dan Johnson then began to go over the report for the Fourth Quarter of 2008. He stated this was
a very difficult quarter because there were very sharp declines in October and November and a
lot of volatility in the market which creates a lack of confidence but said December was a little
more positive.
Mr. Johnson spoke about Bonds, which he said Treasury Bonds represented the least riskiest
asset. He went over the year-to-date performance, which he said was a very difficult year. He
then continued going over the report. He said Growth and Value stocks were down about the
same and went on to explain. Mr. Johnson reported that Large Cap funds were down less than
Small Cap. He then spoke about Fixed Income and Treasury Bonds. He explained why there
was no opportunity in Treasury Bonds any longer and why Corporate Bonds were better. Dan
Johnson then went on with the presentation. He stated the fund assets were at 12.9 million and
went over the asset allocations as well as the individual Money Manager's performance. He
explained why Voyager was not funded at this time. Mr. Johnson reported that the total portfolio
for the quarter was down 9.58%but that we did well relatively to the market place. He said over
the one year period the return was down 20.80% versus the benchmark of 25%, which put us in
the top 20th percentile and that the portfolio had done well protecting the assets in the down
market. He then moved on to the International piece. He said the International Index was down
but the total Fixed Income was up 4.12%, reducing the risk and overall volatility.
Dan Johnson then spoke about the exposure to the Lehman Brothers bond under Agincourt and
reminded the Board that is why they diversify the portfolio. He mentioned the letter Agincourt
sent concerning the Lehman bond but said it was less than 1% of their assets. Plan Administrator
Carnicella confirmed Agincourt sent a letter, which he forwarded to Bogdahn, but said they
might want to wait until Joe Bogdahn or Mike Welker speaks directly about it as he thought they
would have some recommendation to the Board about how to watch Agincourt in the near future.
Trustee Wheeler asked for a copy of the letter. After brief discussion, Joe Bogdahn stated they
did talk about this issue at the November Board meeting and went on to explain why he advised
the Board not to sign the letter.
Chairman Wagner said he was pleasantly surprised with the report, given the market. Dan
Johnson stated they hate seeing the negative numbers but wanted to make sure the Board knew
the portfolio had done well in the down market and was in the top 16th percentile for the quarter
and the top 20`h percentile for the year, which was due to a good compliment of Money
Managers. Chairman Wagner asked if there were any questions. Trustee West asked about all
the down numbers on the report. Dan Johnson reported those were the trailing numbers but said
there were positive numbers in the last three fiscal years and went on to explain. He said if they
make any rash change to the asset allocation it would jeopardize the integrity of the portfolio
over the long term and explained why keeping the weighting to the asset classes accordingly was
important. Trustee West asked if there was a fund they could get involved in when the market
was going down. Dan Johnson said the Investment Policy prohibits short selling. He then spoke
about what the idea was of the Hedge Fund, which he said wouldn't be the best way to go over
the long term of the Plan. Discussion ensued. Trustee Wheeler advised that on page 16 of the
report the October 2007 to September 2008 column was not included, to which Mr. Johnson said
it was an oversight and would make sure it was added to the next report. Chairman Wagner said
if there were no further questions they would move on to Rockwood.
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Quarterly Meeting,February 18,2009
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Andy Holtgrieve passed out the Fourth Quarter 2008 review for Rockwood and introduced
himself as well as the company he represents. He thanked the Board for hiring Rockwood as one
of their Equity Managers but said the timing couldn't have been worse. He said Dan Johnson did
a very nice job of summarizing some of the things they have been dealing with. He said it all
started with the Fixed Income side due to real estate. He told the Board he wanted to outline
some of the things they would see in the quarterly reports and went on to explain. He briefly
spoke about Treasury Bonds. Mr. Holtgrieve reported that volatility, economic uncertainty and
investor anxiety was at historical levels, which in their view was brought on a lot by the
haphazard way the government looked to intervene concerning how they were going to bail out
everybody. He said it has given investors and Wall Street in general a lack of confidence. Andy
Holtgrieve said this time has been somewhat different in that unfortunately there was no place to
hide. He then continued going over the report and explained why Rockwood was buying certain
stocks they felt would do well in this environment. Mr. Holtgrieve asked if there were any
questions, there being none, he continued by going over the transactions for the quarter and the
holdings of the portfolio. Andy Holtgrieve finished by saying the crisis is teetering on decisions
being made in Washington concerning how they are going to deal with the depressed assets on
the books of financial firms. Chairman Wagner thanked Mr. Holtgrieve for coming and asked if
there were any questions. There being none, the Board moved on.
Chairman Wagner asked Plan Administrator Carnicella for an update at some point during this
meeting on where they were at with the City Commission regarding the term length Trustees
serve. Mr. Carnicella said he planned to discuss this issue in another part of the meeting but did
want to let the Board know the reason the Actuary was not in attendance. Jim Carnicella
,, reported that Foster&Foster did not have the Plan's Valuation Report done yet but would mail it
out in the next month and then report to the Board at their May meeting. Chairman Wagner
asked about the individual Member Statements. Discussion ensued about the time frame of
getting the data to Foster & Foster and about Foster & Foster getting the Statements produced to
be given out to the employees.
B. Discussion regarding possible RFQ for all services (i.e. Attorneys, Actuary, Investment
Plan Administrator Carnicella explained the issue regarding doing RFQs came up because the
Commission and the City had a discussion concerning when to do one for consultants assisting
the City and said he and Chairman Wagner talked about putting this item on the agenda.
Chairman Wagner concurred and went on to say that when the Board attended a recent school
they were re-exposed to their fiduciary responsibility and he believes it came to mind in some of
the classes that a lot of Boards do have a reoccurring schedule to do RFQ/RFPs, which the City
already does for several services and went on to explain why the Board should address this.
Trustee Wheeler spoke about ones the City does and agreed it would be a good idea for the
Board to do this for their consultants. Discussion ensued and it was agreed that this issue could
be addressed at a Workshop meeting, which a date and time should be set by the end of this
Plan Administrator Carnicella said since they are talking about a Workshop, one of the issues
that came up at the Commission meeting when he presented the last Ordinance change
concerning Board term limits was that the Commission challenged the rule about becoming
certified within a certain period of time and he suggested that the Board also address this issue
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Quarterly Meeting,February 18,2009
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during their Workshop meeting. Discussion ensued about the Board Members becoming
certified and why it was a good idea at this point because of their increased responsibility and
knowledge needed to be on the Board. Chairman Wagner spoke about the binder book Plan
Administrator Carnicella put together for the Board and suggested they may want to have two
books due to the amount of information and documentation it should contain. Chairman Wagner
continued speaking about the book and about the Board attending Commission meetings. He
said the Board needed to take their job seriously and needed to be real careful going forward to
protect the employee's interest and could discuss this subject further at the Workshop. Trustee
Grafton said this was a great idea and looked forward to having the Workshop. Chairman
Wagner suggested in the future the whole Board go in front of the City Commission at least once
a year to update them, which could make them better understand what the Board was doing.
Plan Administrator Carnicella mentioned the consolidated document that Attorney Dehner was
putting together with all of the Ordinance Amendments and said this may be something the
Board could discuss during their Workshop meeting in order to finalize it before going in front of
the Commission.
C. Discussion regarding possible Workshop Meeting to review Operating Rules &
Procedures of the Plan—Jim Carnicella, Plan Administrator
Chairman Wagner said he believes the Board determined they could discuss this issue at the
Workshop meeting.
D. Discussion/Clarification of Summary Plan Description (i.e. Death Before Retirement,
"Buy Back" of Service, Forfeiture of Pension)
Chairman Wagner said he had a couple of questions regarding the Summary Plan Description.
Jim Carnicella suggested the Board look at all three of these items (Operating Rules, Summary
Plan Description and the consolidated document from Attorney Dehner) and then he deferred to
Attorney Dehner regarding when the consolidated document would be ready. Attorney Denner
said they have completed drafting the revisions with respect to the Pension Protection Act
provisions and are now integrating them into the Plan. He said they were shooting for this to be
completed by the end of March.
Discussion ensued about having a Workshop to discuss issues prior to getting the consolidated
document from the Attorney and about setting a date and time for the Workshop meeting.
Chairman Wagner suggested holding the Workshop meeting in the Commission Conference
Room. Trustee Wheeler said the Board should hold the Workshop away from City Hall, to
which Jim Carnicella said they could possibly hold it at the Ison Center. Further discussion
ensued about the date and the Board agreed to hold the Workshop Meeting on Monday, March 9,
2009 at 9:00 a.m. or possibly earlier at the Ison Center if it was available. The Board then
moved on to the next item.
A. Payment of Invoices
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Quarterly Meeting,February 18,2009
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Jim Carnicella said he would like to discuss at the Workshop, the issue of allowing the Plan
Administrator to pay bills that are regular reoccurring things like the Attorney bill, fees the Plan
pays and have Fifth Third write out the check then present the bills to the Board at their next
meeting so they didn't have to chase down Board Members to sign the bills each time. Chairman
Wagner asked about giving the Board information ahead of time with the Agenda so they could
review it before their Meeting. Discussion ensued. The Board then moved on to approving the
invoices that were included in the packet. On motion made by Trustee Wheeler, seconded by
Trustee Hendrix, unanimously
RESOLVED to approve that the bills and other charges and fees be and are hereby
approved for payment as presented.
B. Merrill Lynch lawsuit—Jim Carnicella, Plan Administrator
Plan Administrator Carnicella said at the last Board meeting there was a discussion about how to
go forward regarding Merrill Lynch. He said since that meeting they received information from
Attorney Dehner's office and so he wanted to wait until today's meeting to have a discussion
with the Board about the direction they are going in. Jim Carnicella went on to explain and said
he also wanted to discuss the possibility of filing a class action suit instead of going forward with
the analysis. Attorney Denner said the procedure they discussed previously was to have this
analysis done which was at no expense to the Fund in order for Beggs & Lane to provide a report
and at that point the Board would determine whether to move forward.
Mr. Carnicella said after reading the material Attorney Delmer sent them regarding what the SEC
found about Merrill Lynch and their activities along with consulting with other Plan
Administrators he was hard pressed to figure out how the analysis would help identify the value
of the case and went on to explain why. Attorney Dehner said he has actually scheduled a
meeting to discuss the class action situation and could report back to the Board on it. Discussion
ensued regarding moving forward with the analysis vs.joining a class action suit. Jim Carnicella
suggested Attorney Dehner come back and report to the Board after his meeting, then
recommend what direction the Board should go in. Further discussion ensued. Mr. Carnicella
said if the Board still wanted to go ahead with providing the information to the law firm, Beggs
& Lane, that Attorney Dehner brought to speak at their November meeting, he would do so.
Discussion ensued. Chairman Wagner spoke about the conversation he had with Plan
Administrator Carnicella regarding providing the information and the issue concerning how
much time this would take. Chairman Wagner said the Board should have the Plan
Administrator gather what information he could so that firm can go over it quickly in order to
make a determination and then the Board would decide at that point what to do going forward.
A. Fiduciary Liability Insurance
Plan Administrator Carnicella stated even though he talked to the Board previously about the
City being self insured and covering them for the fiduciary liability, he found out the only way to
get the waiver of recourse was to buy the fiduciary policy and went on to explain. He also said
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Quarterly Meeting,February 18,2009
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the Board and the Fund could not buy the waiver of recourse, which would protect them
personally, but the City could so he would recommend the City pay for it and said the cost was
roughly$25.00 per Board Member. Discussion ensued. On motion made by Trustee Hendrix,
seconded by Trustee West, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Fiduciary Liability Insurance Policy hereby be approved for
payment as presented.
B. Certificates of Insurance
This item was put on the Agenda because at a previous meeting the Board asked if the Plan
Administrator could give them an update on where they were at with obtaining the Certificates of
Insurance from companies they do business with. Plan Administrator Carnicella provided copies
of the Certificates in the book he had given to the Board Members. Mr. Carnicella said the book
was something they could discuss during their Workshop meeting, which they agreed and moved
on to the next item.
Attorney Dehner stated that once the Plan consolidation Ordinance is adopted the Board should
have a discussion about whether they want to file with the IRS for issuance of a Favorable
Determination Letter, which he said is not required for the Plan to be deemed as a qualified plan
by the IRS and went on to explain the potential benefit of filing it. He said since their firm
represents several plans they are exploring whether they could do a group filing, which would
obviously be more cost efficient. Discussion ensued.
Chairman Wagner asked if the consolidated Ordinance included the prior service amendment.
Plan Administrator Carnicella stated that Ordinance had not gone to the City Commission and
went on to explain. Discussion ensued. Attorney Dehner explained why the Ordinance
regarding prior service was different from the one regarding buying back airtime. Attorney
Dehner asked if the two items not passed by the Commission (the term length and prior service)
would need to be included in the consolidated Ordinance, to which Plan Administrator said no.
Attorney Dehner advised that regarding the Pension Protection Act there was a proposal to
extend the benefit to all public employees of up to $3,000 exclusion for payment of health and
long-term care premiums and said he would keep the Board posted. He mentioned Charles
Slavin's proposal regarding amendments to the Administrative Code, which sets the actuarial
standards, practices and guidelines. He said this was the first time he had seen everyone on one
side of the issue oppose the rules as they were in their original form and since then they have had
two workshops regarding making changes to proposed rules. Attorney Dehner said this may take
a while but would keep them posted. He then reminded the Board about filing their financial
disclosures. Chairman Wagner asked if they could file it at any time, to which Attorney said yes
the forms were available and they could file it between now and July 1, 2009.
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Quarterly Meeting,February 18,2009
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Chairman Wagner asked if there were any comments from the Board. Being none, the Board
moved on to the next item.
Chairman Wagner said they have established several items to discuss at the Workshop and asked
if the Attorney needed to be present. Plan Administrator said he didn't believe it was necessary
since they cannot vote at the Workshop meeting.
Chairman Wagner inquired as to whether anyone was planning on attending the Boca
Conference. Plan Administrator Carnicella said he could reach out to the Board and firm up
which Board Members would be attending. Trustee Grafton indicated she would be attending,
Trustee Wheeler said he would like to attend, Chairman Wagner said he was also planning on
attending, Trustee Hendrix said he had planned on going and Trustee West said she was going
and should be getting her certification at the Conference. Jim Carnicella said he would get
working on this as soon as the forms came out. Trustee Grafton asked if they could see the
details of how the calculations are done for their expenses (such as how much per mile, meals
etc.). Plan Administrator said he would get that information for this Conference as well as the
last one.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by App d by:
Debbie Bertling
HR Analyst Russell B. Wagner, Ch rman