HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of March 19, 2002, Recreation Workshop March 14, 2002 Agenda 4-02-2002 Item III A U MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION WORK SESSION HELD MARCH 14, 2002 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Deputy City Clerk Whitford called the roll. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, Recreation Director Farmer, and Deputy City Clerk Whitford. ABSENT: Commissioner Howell DISCUSSION of RECREATION PROGRAMS Commissioner Parker explained why she had asked for the meeting. She cited many of Ocoee's existing recreation programs and asked for input from the other Commissioners and those present in the audience. Commissioner Anderson said he wanted the City's recreation ratio to be where it is currently, but without including the golf course. Commissioner Johnson stated the main issues that need to be addressed were properties, buildings, and how to finance them as well as the cost of additional (or the expansion) of current programs. Mayor Vandergrift talked about the Recreation Advisory Board and suggested the members of that board go out and ride through all the parks to see how each is utilized. He asked Recreation Director Farmer about the park map which shows where each park is located and indicates what is in each park. Mayor Vandergrift said the important issues are land, buildings and the services coming out of those buildings. He referred to a conceptual drawing map of the Beech Center and spoke about the ball fields and hiking trails shown on the drawing. He mentioned the new George Bailey complex in Windermere that Orange County helped to fund and suggested the County as a possible revenue source for the same type of facility in Ocoee. City Manager Gleason said the City tried to keep an updated inventory of the fields because of the calls and the demand for practice time. He said the biggest demand was for passive areas and stated impact fees would never carry the full cost, but the City has been very successful in recent years obtaining grants. He referred to a letter from Recreation Advisory Board member Veronica Royce, who suggested a nature path and natural gardens connecting to the West Orange Bike Trail. Mr. Gleason said there are multiple definitions of recreation beyond baseball, football, and soccer; but all of them take money to operate. Recreation Advisory Board Chairman Gordon Applegate said he would like to see the City purchase a 15 acre piece of land to be used for practice fields leaving the regular fields for D U;.J U i. City Commission Work Session March 14,2002. actual games. Bulldog Chairman Dan Coleman expressed the same sentiment regarding the need for more practice fields and protecting the regular fields, during the off season. Little League Chairman Gary Hood reiterated the need for more practice fields and said the need would only get worse as Ocoee grows. He spoke against user fees and offered a suggestion that the developers be required to set a side an area in each subdivision for parks that can be used as either practice fields or passive park areas. Tennis Instructor Jack Vinson gave an overview of his tennis program and stated the two courts he uses are in need of repair and he could use a blower to keep the sand off the courts. Commissioner Parker inquired as to what would need to be done to repair the tennis courts. Mr. Vinson stated they could be resurfaced and that their current condition poses a liability due to the cracks and their slipperiness. Mr. Vinson also said there is a need for more courts if the program is to expand and offer league or tournament play. Soccer Board member Carrie Milligan inquired about why the area behind the Beech Center isn't used for practice fields. Mayor Vandergrift responded partly because of money and partly because some of that area is in the flood plain. Mr. Gleason said that part of that area is a wet lands area and can't be developed. He said that piece of land was purchased from the utility fund and Engineering was reluctant to develop it. He explained special assessment fees and impact fees. He talked about where Ocoee is in relationship with Orange County regarding impact fees. Recess 7:35 p.m. - 7:40 p.m. Recreation Director Johnny Farmer gave an overview of where the sources of funds for recreation and for parks. He gave a breakdown of what some of the monies are used for such as staff, mowing, chemicals, and general maintenance. Line Dance Instructor Linda Marshall stated her main need in order to offer more classes would be a regularly available room on Tuesday nights. She said a stability of schedule is necessary. Jazzercise Instructor Patty Keener stated she too needed a regular schedule. Dance Instructor Catt Pisano gave an overview of her dance program and stated her main need as a wood floor. She said that would help reduce liability as the current floor is quite slippery. Karate Instructor Paul Robinson said he believed Karate is as important as baseball and 2 • L ! Jv City Commission Work Session March 14,2002. football type sports. Mr. Robinson said many of his students are "at risk" kids, some have been referred to him by guidance counselors, while others have low self esteem, or just don't see themselves as athletic and fitting into "regular" type sports programs. He said his greatest need is mirrors for the practice room and said the Karate club was willing to help foot some of the expense, but since the room was used for other functions safety was an issue. Mr. Robinson suggested that signs be put up by the buildings which stated what classes or activities are held in that building. All the speakers thanked the Commission and the City of Ocoee for all of their support and concern for the youth in Ocoee. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Parker 1) Explained she had asked for this meeting with the leaders involved in Ocoee's recreation program so that the City Commission could get a clear picture of the status of each segment of the program and explore the needs of each part in relation to the whole. 2) Said they would put all the information into a format and work on possible options. 3) She thanked those present for the spirit of cooperation. 4) Said the City really cares about its kids. Commissioner Johnson said the spokespersons for each program should go back to their members in their programs and let the families know they need to help encourage the County to help build a facility on the north side like they did on the south in Windermere. Commissioner Anderson 1) Said he would like all the different groups to have a say at the Recreation Board meetings and encouraged them to attend as another venue to be heard. 2) Said if the audience liked anything they heard regarding special assessments to talk to their Commissioner or the Mayor. 3) Said from what he heard costs of the programs are being kept down and he applauded everyone for their efforts. 4) Said as the City grows and our web-site evolves the Recreation Department schedule will be posted. Mayor Vandergrift 1) Suggested the MVP grant program be opened up to the recreation programs for participation. 2) Gave an overview of Ms. Royce's letter. 3) Gave a brief history of how he first got involved with recreation. 4) Talked about getting a program breakdown of how many people are in each program as 3 i✓ City Commission Work Session March 14,2002. well as a cost breakdown to see where the dollars are going. 5) Thanked everyone for coming. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. APPROVED Attest: City of Ocoee Sally Whitford, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 4 Agenda 4-02-2002 DRAFT Item III A MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD March 19, 2002 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift call the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Mike Miller led the prayer and Commissioner Anderson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Deputy City Clerk Whitford called the roll and declared a quorum to be present. Present: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Howell, Anderson, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Clerk Grafton, Human Resources Director Diedrich, Recreation Director Farmer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Community Relations/Project Director Shira, Public Works Director Smith, Director of Planning Wagner, Senior Planner McGinnis, and Principal Transportation Planner Foltz. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Non Agenda Item Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to Volunteers for the Boat Races. (Commissioner Anderson) Commissioner Anderson presented Certificates of Appreciation to Sergeant Steve McCosker, Officer Billy Adams, Auxiliary Sergeant Bob Chedwick, Auxiliary Officer Doug Lawless, Auxiliary Officer Tim Harding, and Health Central Director of Paramedics Cindy Bell. Lieutenant Goclon received the award for Sergeant McCosker. Certificate of Appreciation to Sam Woodson. (Mayor Vandergrift) As a result of Mr. Woodson's unavailability this item will be continued to the April 2, 2002, meeting. Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to Public Works Employees for Assistance with the POWR Park. (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira) Ms. Shira presented Rick Jeunette, Steve Edmondson, Keith Hendrix, Jim Banker, Alan Pozar, and Ken Morrow with Certificates of Appreciation and a gift card from Lowes for their assistance in helping build the Powr Park. Presentation of Grant Awards to MVP Neighborhood Grant Program Applicants. (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira) Ms. Shira presented Lake Olympia Club Home Owners Association President Nick Pagano, Bob Reed, and Carl Brennan with a check for $2,500.00. Mr. Pagano explained what Lake Olympia had done so far regarding the landscaping and improvements and what they plan to do in the future. He thanked the City for its help with the project. Mayor Van dergrift briefly explained what the grant program was about and said the City is pleased to help improve neighborhoods as the whole city benefits. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, and D. tr Ocoee City Conunission Regular Meeting March 19, 2002 Commissioner Anderson had some questions about item III B regarding the trees. City Manager Gleason explained that particular issue had been cleared up, but there was another issue with Florida Power. City Attorney Rosenthal recommended that with respect to item III. B, the Cambridge Village Plat, that the approval be made subject to the receipt by the City of documentation confirming approval by the developer and Florida Power Corporation for the installation of a wall and landscaping substantially consistent with the wall and landscaping installed for the adjacent Village of West Oaks. Commissioner Anderson s- and-d b Commissioner Park•r moved to inco .orate the Ci Attorne 's recommendation into the approval of item III. B, the Cambrid'e Villa!e Plat. Motion carried 5-0. Ma or ander. ift second-d , Commissioner Anderson moved to a. 'rove items A B as corrected), C, and D of the consent agenda. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of March 5, 2002. (City Clerk Grafton) B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Proposed Cambridge Village Subdivision Plat. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira) The subdivision is located on the south side of White Road east of Clarke Road. The proposed plat has been reviewed City staff, City Attorney, and City Surveyor and is in compliance with all City requirements. A Letter of Credit has been provided to cover the cost of uncompleted work which includes construction of the brick wall along White Road, landscaping and play area equipment. The Letter of Credit will enable the City to have these items completed if the developer should fail to do so. C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Change Order No. 1 for Wurst Road, AD Mims Road, Area Improvement Projects and Bluford Avenue Drainage Improvements with Perri Builders, Inc. (Assistant City Engineer Wheeler) This change order request was initiated by City Staff to adjust unit quantities on numerous construction items and "final out" the project. There were 60 items of work required under this contract on this project. 14 work items that were over the estimated contract quantity which had a value of$31,678.00 to the contractor and 12 work items that were under the estimated contract quantity, which has a value of$15,362.60 to the City. The net result is an increase in contract amount of$16,316.00, with no adjustment in the contract time. The original construction contract cost was $519,000.00. This change order increased the contract amount by $16,316.00, to a final contract amount of$535,316.00. The overall contingency usage was 3.14% of the original construction cost. This contract increase will be paid for out of the 1998 Transportation Bond Issue, which is the funding source for the entire project. Staff recommends the City Commission approve Change Order No. 1 with Perri Builders, Inc. by increasing the contract amount by $16,316.00 with no extension in contract time. D. Adoption of Resolution No. 2002-03 Authorizing Execution of Agreement with FDOT for the Maintenance of State Road Rights of Way by the City. (Public Works Director Smith) This is a renewal of Contract#AL454 State Job#244298 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), which would allow Ocoee to continue to perform routine roadside maintenance of State Page 2 of 10 * RAFT Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 2002 roads within the City Limits of Ocoee for the State. The $35,100 is adequate compensation for the City to continue to perform the maintenance. Staff recommends renewal of the FDOT Maintenance Contract for the coming year. Current contract expires April 24, 2002. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC None at this time. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker said she enjoyed the boat races and would like to see them become a big Spring event. Commissioner Johnson reminded everyone about the relay for life golf tournament at Forest Lake, Friday, March 22, 2002, lunch at 12:00 p.m. and tee time at 1:00 p.m. Commissioner Anderson thanked Mike Miller, his daughter Libby, and all the volunteers who helped with the boat races. Commissioner Howell thanked Bob Smith and Denver Music for the help they gave during the Glad Tidings Annual Spring Event. Mayor Vandergrift thanked everyone with the City who helped with the boat races and said it was a great success. He said he met a couple who race boats in England and they were impressed to see such support from the local government, as the government in England is not fond of boat races. PUBLIC HEARINGS First Reading of Ordinance No. 2002-11 to Consider Transmittal of Proposed Amendments to the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan Amendment (EAR Amendment). (Director of Planning Wagner) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance. Director of Planning Wagner explained the importance of the Transmittal Public Hearing and that the update is required by State Statute. He gave a brief overview of what the Commission could expect to see in the updated document, such as clarifications, eliminations of discrepancies, inconsistencies, and some significant policy changes. Mr. Wagner said the existing Comprehensive Plan has served Ocoee well and there are very few amendments and very few land use changes. Mr. Wagner explained for the public and viewing audience what a Comprehensive Plan is. He introduced Sr. Planner McGinnis who gave a power point presentation displaying an overview of the changes. Ms. McGinnis stated that data throughout the plan had been updated. She spoke about Ocoee's population and employment projections and significant changes in the City's occupancy statistics based on the 2000 census. She explained some portions of the original Plan included only the City proper and not the Joint Planning Area (JPA). She said those portions had been updated to include the JPA. In covering the Transportation and Housing Elements Ms. McGinnis talked about the changes that had been Page 3 of 10 DRAFT Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 2002 made and gave statistics of the current city limits with and without the JPA included. She showed land use maps that indicated developed and undeveloped land and maps that displayed residential, commercial, industrial, and conservation areas. Ms. McGinnis also gave an overview of the Infrastructure Element and the Conservation Element and showed the amended maps. The Recreation and Open Space Element amendments were discussed briefly, followed by a list of items that had been updated and included in the Intergovernmental Coordination Element. Ms. McGinnis stated a section on concurrency management system was the major change in the Capital Improvements Element. Ms. McGinnis reported on the Development Review Committee and Local Planning Agency meetings and their recommendations. The map amendments were reviewed and discussed. Director of Planning Wagner reiterated that there were a number of land use changes in the amendment and detailed those that were most significant for the Commission. He reviewed new policies and policy changes stating the major policy change was regarding the creation of more flexibility in the 100-year flood plain areas. He explained that the old policy had served Ocoee well in protecting the City's natural water bodies, but it had limited the City's ability to provide for low impact recreational amenities in those areas. Mr. Wagner reported the changes in the policy regarding wetlands and landlocked basins. He explained the changes were done in order to allow some flexibility, particularly in the Ocoee Land Development Code, and yet be restrictive enough to protect the land within the 100-year flood plain. A brief discussion ensued with Mr. Wagner and City Attorney Rosenthal responding to questions. The public hearing was opened. Scott Henderson, Henderson Planning Group, 112 South Lake Avenue, Orlando, addressed the Commission regarding policy 5.9 Uses within the 100-Year Flood Plain. He distributed a handout with his desired criteria for recreational uses and storm water management within the 100-year flood hazard area. Mr. Henderson stated he would like an endorsement from the Commission that the criteria as stated in his handout is the criteria the Commission would like to have him use to design his project. A lengthy discussion ensued with Mr. Wagner responding to questions and City Attorney Rosenthal clarifying some issues. One of the issues addressed by City Attorney Rosenthal was the use of the word "public" in reference to policy 2.3. The Commission summarily expressed to Mr. Henderson that this hearing was not the forum in which to seek to have his project approved. The Commission stated to Mr. Henderson that he needed to present a completed plan to the City for approval. Without objection staff was directed to review the list of criteria on Mr. Henderson's handout and if staff has any ideas to convey them to Mr. Henderson and keep the Commission updated. R.P. Monackey, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., Ocoee, inquired about the word "passive" in relationship to recreational land use. Mr. Wagner stated the word "passive" has been eliminated. City Manager Gleason and the Commission expressed their gratitude to the Planning Department for the hard work they have put forth not only on this project, but in all they do to Page 4 of 10 DRAFT Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 2002 keep Ocoee's developmental requirements at a superior standard. The public hearing was closed. Ma or nder. if seconded I Commissioner Anderson moved to a I I rove the staff recommendation to transmit the proposed amendments of the Ocoee Comprehensive Amendment (EAR Amendment) with all the ERRATA and Addenda sheets distributed and the additional change of deleting the word public in policy 2.3 of the conservation areas. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Anderson announced Mayor Vandergrift's birthday and invited everyone to join in by having a piece of birthday cake. At that point all present sang Happy Birthday. Recess 9:10 p.m. - 9:25 p .m. This item was taken out of order. Award of Bid #B02-05 for Custodial Services and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Agreement if needed. (City Manager Gleason) City Manager Gleason gave a brief account of why the last two cleaning companies were terminated. Mr. Gleason stated that a request for proposals (RFP) was advertised by the City. Mr. Gleason explained that Public Director Smith felt the job could be done in-house for the same amount of money as the City was paying for outside services and submitted a bid. Mr. Gleason assured the Commission that Mr. Smith had been required to follow the same cost parameters as the other bidders and did not have knowledge of the other bids. City Man ager Gleason suggested the Commission strongly consider the bid from Public Works. Mayor Vandergrift asked if any of the bidders were present and wished to speak. None other than Public Works were present. Mr. Smith thanked Denver Music and Kim Campbell for their assistance in putting together the proposal. He told the Commission that by doing the job in- house with City Employees was the only way he could guarantee on a continuous basis the job would be done to the level of quality the City needs. Mr. Smith responded to questions about employees and their supervision from the Commission. Commissioner Anderson expressed some concern about the status of the employees hired to do the custodial work if the Commission decided to return to an outside contractor. City Manager Gleason responded. Commissioner Johnson suggested putting the custodial staff from the Recreation Department and the Public Works custodial staff all under one "umbrella." The rest of the Commission stated they were in agreement. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson moved to reject the bids. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to approve in-house custodial services. Motion carried 5-0. Page 5 of 10 DRAFT Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 2002 Second Readings of Ordinances Ordinance No. 2002-06: Amending Chapter 78, Local Amendments to the Florida Fire Prevention Codes. (Assistant Fire Chief Firstner) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance. Commissioner Anderson stated he had some comments and suggestions for the Commission to consider. He proposed an increase to the cost of Burn Permits, Fireworks Displays/Tents and Fire Hydrant Flow Test. There was a brief discussion as to where the revenues from the fees would be designated in the budget. The public hearing was opened and as no one wished to speak the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt Ordinance Number 2002-06 with the changes increasing the Burn Permit fee from $100.00 to $200.00 and making it a seven day permit, increase changing the Fire Displays/Tent fee to $100.00 and changing the Fire Hydrant Flow Test fee to $50.00. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Anderson seconded b Commissioner Johnson moved to ado.t Ordinance 2002-06 as amended. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 2002-07 Amending Chapter 82, Providing for Permitting Procedure for Neighborhood Garage Sales. (Building/Zoning Official Velie) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance Number 2002-07. Commissioner Anderson suggested that the City allow a free garage/yard sale one week before the spring and fall cleanup throughout the entire City. In that way anything that didn't sell could be left at the curb for the spring/fall cleanup pickup. A discussion followed with some of the pitfalls that might occur if this suggestion was amended into the ordinance. City Manager Gleason suggested that the "free"(no permit needed) garage/yard sale idea not be made part of the ordinance, but be declared as a "free" day in relationship to the fall cleanup. Staff was directed to coordinate with Public Works for pickup dates. The public hearing was opened and as no one wished to speak the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to adopt Ordinance Number 2002-07 as r-commendedb staff. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 2002-08 Amending Chapter 119 Relating to Occupational Licenses. (Building/Zoning Official Velie) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only to Ordinance Number 2002-08. The public hearing was opened and as no one wished to speak the public hearing was closed. Page 6 of 10 ' RAFT Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 2002 Commissioner Anderson inquired about the extra charges listed for employees in some of the classifications. City Attorney Rosenthal responded. Mayor Vandergrift inquired about revenue received back from the County for Occupational Licenses. Building/Zoning Official Velie responded, but was not certain of the exact amount the City had received. City Manager Gleason stated he would get the information for the Mayor from the Finance Department. Mayor Vandererift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson mo ed to adopt Ordinance 2002- 08 as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance 2002-09 Revising City of Ocoee Personnel Rules and Regulations. (Human Resource Director Diedrich) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only to Ordinance 2002-09. The public hearing was opened and as no one wished to speak the public hearing was closed. Human Resources Director Diedrich stated she was requesting some minor changes in the Personnel Rules and Regulations regarding Personal Holidays, the Educational Incentive Program, Moving Traffic Violation, and the Grievance Procedure. Commissioner Anderson s-conded b Commissioner Parker moved to ado•t Ordinance Number2002-09. Motion carried 5-0. McElroy Place Preliminary Subdivision Plan. (Director of Planning Wagner) THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS MATTER HAS BEEN CONTINUED TO THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 16, 2002, AND THIS MATTER WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED AT THE MARCH 19 CITY COMMISSION MEETING. THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS MATTER AT ITS MEETING OF APRIL 9, 2002. OTHER BUSINESS This item was taken out of agenda order. Adoption of Resolution No. 2002-04 Relating to the Drug Free Workplace Policy. (Human Resources Director Diedrich) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only to Resolution 2002-04. Human Resources Director Diedrich said she was requesting that only safety sensitive positions be drug tested before employment. She stated that this was not the law of the land yet, but many municipalities are adopting this policy. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt Resolution Number 2002-04. Motion carried 3-2. Commissioners Howell and Anderson voted no. Page 7 of 10 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 2002 Approval and Authorization to Award Bid #B02-03, Expansion of Existing Boat Trailer Parking Lot, to American Paving Contractors for $44,387. (Continued from the March 5, 2002, meeting)(Public Works Director Smith) Ma ir ander rif seconded b Commissioner Howell mo ed to . . s rove and authorize the aw.rdin' of Bid ;B02-13 to Am-rican Pavin' Contractors in the amount of 44 387.00. Motion carried 5-0. Board Appointments. (City Clerk Grafton) METROPLAN ORLANDO Citizens' Advisory Committee 4 Year Term. Continued to the April 2, 2002 agenda. Planning & Zoning Commission 3 Year Term. Commissioner Parker seconded b Commi sioner Johnson moved to a. ,oint Joel Keller to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Gleason 1. Said due to timing and lack of storage space he was asking the Commission to declare the chairs in the Commission Chambers as surplus so the process can begin to sell them. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to declare the chairs as surplus. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Johnson proposed changing out the carpet in the Chambers while the old chairs are out and before the new ones are installed. Commissioner Anderson inquired about the funding for the carpet. City Manager Gleason said if the Commission decided to replace the carpet the time to do it would be while the old chairs are out and before the new ones are installed. Without objection staff was directed to bring back possible options for replacing the Chambers carpet. 2. Announced the West Orange Chambers Annual Gala and asked the Commission if they wished to participate and at what level. ommi sioner Johnson seconded b Commissioner Anderson moved to surchase a minimum of one corporate table for 8 at a cost of$608.00 not to exceed a maximum of one and a half tables for 12 persons. Motion carried 5-0. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker said the City's relay for life has one ongoing fundraiser. She said it is a drawing and enumerated the prizes. She stated the tickets are $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00 and you don't have to be present to win. Page 8 of 10 ir\t„,„ Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 2002 Commissioner Johnson 1. Said he had some citizens ask about changing the name of Orlando Avenue to White Road since it eventually becomes White Road. City Manager Gleason said he would check into the procedure necessary to make the change. 2. Said he would like to see the customer list Waste Management had prior to the City switching to Superior. He said he did not think Superior was getting all the customers they were supposed to have and it is not only short changing Superior, but the City is also losing revenue. City Manager Gleason said there had been a meeting with Superior and there was a dramatic difference between what Superior had bid on and what they were actually getting. Commissioner Johnson suggested the City sanitation supervisors go to the actual business and verify what company's dumpster is there and if it is not Superior the City should notify the business they are in violation. Mayor Vandergrift suggested a letter be sent out to all the businesses within the City and notify them it is illegal to use someone other than Superior and to notify the City if they are being told something else. City Manager Gleason said he would have a status update for the Commission at the next Commission meeting. 3. Said he would like to get the brick streets are Lakeshore from Oakland to McKey repaired. He suggested calling a company that heats the asphalt so it can be taken up more easily and to inquire about the cost. He said he would like to have that project completed by the next Founder's Day event. Mayor Van dergrift said in June when the City has its spring clean up he would like to have volunteers with flat shovels try to remove the asphalt. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to see the City adopt an attitude that when the brick streets need repair the bricks get replaced, not filled in with asphalt. Commissioner Anderson 1. Said Maine Street needs to be covered over with fill dirt to protect the bricks from being stolen. 2. Called OGTV Manager Karl Prihoda to the front and announced that Karl was leaving the City's employment. He thanked him for the great job he has done with Channel 10 and praised the job that he did on the State of the City Address. Commissioner Anderson wished him well in his new endeavor and said he would be missed. Commissioner Johnson said for the short time that Karl was with the City he had had a great impact with the level of improvements in the sound system and the television programming. Commissioner Howell and Commissioner Parker added their thanks and also stated what a good job he has done. Commissioner Howell No comments at this time. Mayor Vandergrift thanked everyone for his birthday cake and the song. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Page 9 of 10 DRAFT Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 2002 Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Sally Whitford, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 10 of 10